La Historia de Juana - Capitulo 33

  • 2 months ago


00:00Do you want to see me look like a fool, girl?
00:03Or did Ramón ask you to tell us that so we'd feel sorry for him?
00:07How do you believe that?
00:08No, I do believe it, because he's capable of that and more.
00:11Look, my dad, with everything and how bad he's felt these days,
00:16with everything and the few days he has left,
00:19the only thing I love about him is that he's forgiven.
00:23Because that's what we came for, for him to be forgiven.
00:27So he wouldn't leave with that guilt.
00:34Ramón and his way of living life.
00:39First he disappears, and now he comes back dying.
00:45It's driving me crazy.
00:48Look, Mrs. Josefina, I know they say there are wounds that never heal,
00:53but my dad came to admit his mistakes.
00:57To tell them that he washed his face.
01:01And what am I supposed to do with that?
01:04Pretend like nothing happened?
01:06I don't know.
01:09But I'm telling you, if my dad had had other intentions,
01:13he wouldn't have given us all the money Jenny had left for her birthday.
01:17But we don't have any money left, not even to pay for the room we're renting.
01:23You're asking for money.
01:27I'm telling you that I'm scared.
01:29That I don't know anyone in this city.
01:32That my mom died and that the only person who's worried about me
01:36is leaving little by little.
01:40That I'm going to be alone and that the only thing I want
01:43is for him to be fine, in peace with him and with you.
01:48You know what, honey?
01:52I have all my feelings as revenge, you know?
01:55Because that man has given me the greatest joys and sorrows in this world.
02:03But now that he's leaving,
02:06how are we going to stay?
02:09With the good or with the bad?
02:25Are you serious, honey?
02:28You know what?
02:30The other night I got up to go to the bathroom.
02:33It was early in the morning, the floor was very cold. Is that it?
02:37I remember perfectly how you always did that.
02:40Looking for your flip-flops and touching the cold floor.
02:42How do you remember that?
02:43Because I have a good memory, look.
02:46Hey, you know what?
02:47I'm going to make you a broth with the secret recipe.
02:50Like the one I used to make you?
02:54How delicious.
02:55Hey, Margarita.
02:57You should have gone to buy ham or something to make some pancakes.
03:00Well, I'm going to make you this vegetable broth
03:03and you'll see that all your pains will go away.
03:06It's very clear to me.
03:10Oh, hey.
03:14What happened to Juana?
03:16Did she stay? Did she leave?
03:17No, no, no. She stayed, thank God.
03:19Oh, so she did listen to me.
03:21That's good, honey.
03:22I told her that you shouldn't turn your back on problems,
03:25you have to face them, you have to take the bull by the horns.
03:27That's how I learned it, but in a bad way, right?
03:31Dad, can I confess something to you?
03:34That Mr. Rubio scares me a lot.
03:36He's not going to stay calm until he gets what he wants.
03:41Oh, my love.
03:43My baby.
03:46I hope you forgive me.
03:52Because I'm going to have to keep my eyes wide open,
03:57my heart wide open, in the pure, pure anguish of everything that happens to us.
04:02And even if your dad has deceived me, even if he has lied to me,
04:06I can't deny that at least he loves you.
04:17Gabriel, I know that everything you're going through is something very strong.
04:19Yes, but...
04:20Now more than ever, the Cerro Serena needs your leadership.
04:25It's the company's actions in the stock market.
04:27They're still falling.
04:29The campaign is still standing, and...
04:31I don't know.
04:32The campaign is still standing, and...
04:34I don't know what to do.
04:36Look, this is a laboratory report.
04:40Verify that we can distribute without any problem.
04:42I say it because of the batch that didn't go on sale.
04:44Finally, good news.
04:47However, I don't know if it's going to be enough to get the brewery going.
04:51What are we going to do?
04:52Look, I never told you,
04:53but before the contamination of our product happened,
04:57I talked to the Spanish printers.
04:59They told me that they wanted to merge their company with the Rubio brewery.
05:03With very favorable conditions for us.
05:05Well, given the situation,
05:08I think it's an excellent option.
05:09Yes, of course.
05:10But despite everything I'm going through,
05:12I haven't stopped working.
05:14In fact, they gave me a deadline to be able to answer them,
05:17and I didn't do it.
05:18I was going to do it from home, but I got distracted.
05:22I think we can still call them.
05:25They gave me a deadline and it's already arrived, so...
05:31Can you please contact me in Spain?
05:33With Inigo Goicoechea?
05:37I'm going to ask them to send me an official draft and we'll review it.
05:43Let's go.
05:48Take a minute longer if you can't find me.
05:50I have other goods to attend to.
05:51Stop complaining.
05:53Hey, Rogelio Formayor asked me where I know you from.
05:57What did you tell him?
05:58I had no choice but to tell him that we grew up together in the same neighborhood.
06:03What else did you tell him?
06:04Calm down.
06:05I'm not stupid.
06:06It's not convenient for me to know what kind of girl you are.
06:08I didn't tell him anything else about your past.
06:10You can relax.
06:12That's a lot.
06:15I have to tell you that this is not to buy my silence.
06:17It's for your boss, who needs it.
06:18I'm glad you've been like a mother to her.
06:20What you do with that money doesn't belong to me.
06:23Wait, wait.
06:24You have to be very careful.
06:25This El Guardo de Jamacho has been watching us all this time.
06:28He is a very dangerous man.
06:30He is the most trustworthy man, Rogelio Formayor.
06:32So be careful.
06:52I thought there was something special between you and me.
06:54Felipe, understand me.
06:55I couldn't betray Gabriel.
06:57Of course.
06:58For me, it was easier to betray me, right?
07:06And my mom?
07:07She went out to buy some things.
07:08I think for her sweets.
07:11And now what do you have?
07:13This is taking me to hell, girl.
07:15For Juana?
07:16No, not Juana, not Juana.
07:18That's Enriqueta.
07:20She knew that Gabriel was Juana's son's father and she didn't tell me anything.
07:24I know I did wrong by keeping quiet, but I couldn't betray Gabriel.
07:28And now I don't know if Felipe is going to talk to me again.
07:30Well, I don't think he would have told you anything if he had been in Enriqueta's place.
07:33It doesn't belong to him, bro.
07:36No way, girl.
07:38I mean, don't just stand there on his side to tell me the opposite.
07:42I mean, let's see, what is the most important thing that you have to have a relationship when you start?
07:46Trust, right? Trust.
07:48Well, one can't start a relationship if it's not clear, girl.
07:51And how can you tell me such important things?
07:54How could you have done the same?
07:57I don't know.
07:59Damn, I'm so sorry, girl.
08:01You know what, Inés? I don't have a head for any of this anymore.
08:04I'm going to go to the Bravo's house, I'm going to confront Felipe and I'm going to clear up all this misunderstanding.
08:08Oh, no, Enriqueta.
08:09I don't think it's a good idea for you to disappear.
08:12The waters are very turbulent.
08:14Maybe they need you.
08:16But if right now the priority is the launch of the campaign.
08:19Let's see, marketing has everything ready before everything about the contaminated lot happens.
08:23It's just that the engineer just called an urgent meeting with the shareholders.
08:28Well, I'll be back on time.
08:29Besides, I'm going to do what you always tell me.
08:31I'm going to put my needs before the company.
08:41Why didn't you tell me you were dying?
08:46Because we're all going to die, right?
08:49Yes, but you have the days counted, really.
08:53Margarita, you promised me you weren't going to tell anyone.
08:57Your daughter did the right thing.
09:00I'm the only one who knows.
09:06Did you come to see how life punishes me for doing what I did to you?
09:14I came to see how I can help you.
09:18I don't want to hurt you.
09:21I don't want you to have compassion for me.
09:24Compassion is dignified.
09:27And you're going to let me have it.
09:30And you're going to put up with it.
09:33I don't want to feel humiliated.
09:35I don't want to be useless.
09:40Don't be stubborn. Look at me.
09:44Don't be stubborn.
09:46Compassion is something else.
09:48My granddaughter teaches me every time she helps me.
09:55It's feeling the suffering, the fear, and the need for the other.
10:14I'm afraid.
10:19Me too.
10:21I don't even know what it's like to live without her.
10:28If you want to go back home, you can do it.
10:33Both of you.
10:36Think about it, because it's the last time I'm going to say it.
10:42Go back home.
10:44Get your kids together.
10:46Be with your family.
10:51Forgive me, precious.
10:53I forgive you.
11:20David, how are you?
11:21Good, and you? Can I?
11:22Man, please.
11:23Thank you very much.
11:24I needed more.
11:25I want to see if you can help me with a topic.
11:28With great pleasure, but I only have a couple of minutes.
11:30Because I'm waiting for Gabriel to attend to me.
11:32I have an urgent appointment with him.
11:34He's like crazy trying to get us out of the mess we're in.
11:38Well, in fact, he already asked me to launch the campaign we had there.
11:41Do you remember?
11:42That's good.
11:43Yes, yes, yes.
11:44Well, if you want, we can talk later with more time and more calm.
11:46It's something fast.
11:47I promise I won't take up much of your time.
11:49Look, it's a problem that doesn't seem to have a solution.
11:53But you're a very smart lawyer.
11:55I think you'll be able to help us find a way out.
11:59Well, tell me what I'm good for.
12:00With great pleasure, I'll help you.
12:01Look, it's not a topic of mine.
12:02It's a topic of a very dear friend.
12:06And her future depends on this.
12:12Yes, perfect, Inigo.
12:16Of course.
12:17We'll keep in touch.
12:18I appreciate it.
12:20See you later.
12:21See you later.
12:26They're still interested.
12:28I convinced them that the new campaign will help us.
12:31And the moment will come when the merger of the two companies will be public, uncle.
12:35Now we just have to convince the shareholders.
12:38I'm very afraid, Rogelio.
12:41He has too many friends among the shareholders.
12:43And he's going to do everything he can to prevent this merger from happening.
12:46He wants this company.
12:48He's going to give up.
12:49You trust him too much.
12:51Besides, I'm afraid of Camila.
12:52She has her husband's shares.
12:54And that could be a tool for Rogelio to do things for his own benefit.
12:58I don't believe it.
13:01Well, let's see, wait.
13:03Inés, please organize an urgent meeting for today with all the shareholders.
13:09Thank you.
13:20Do you know what the emergency meeting with the partners is about?
13:24No, dad, I have no idea.
13:26What I do know is that Gabriel gave the order to launch the promotion that I already had ready.
13:29Marketing for the new IPA.
13:31Which is the same one that he stopped because of the contaminated milk and that Juana was the one who designed it.
13:35She's lovey-dovey.
13:37She's everywhere.
13:40Every time she shows up, she gets us in trouble.
13:46Prado, I don't know what the shareholders' meeting is about.
13:51Come here, I need to talk to you before it starts.
13:54Why are you so angry, dad?
13:56Have you seen Camila?
13:58I need to talk to her.
14:00I haven't seen her.
14:05I never thought Josefina would talk to me like that again.
14:10In my life.
14:12Oh, look, dad, if the wounds are open and open and open, they never heal.
14:18How exciting.
14:20Tell me if we're going to go live at your house with your family.
14:22I don't know.
14:24I don't know because I don't want them to feel forced to receive me either.
14:28No, no, no, no, no, they don't feel forced.
14:31Didn't you see that they said they were going to help us?
14:32And I do need that help because I can't do it alone.
14:36And besides, we don't have money.
14:39And you don't deserve to be here in this room if you have your house.
14:43But Josefina doesn't deserve to have me as a burden either.
14:47After so much abandonment.
14:49Son, what a fool you are.
14:56Didn't you hear her?
15:09Damn, David.
15:11Let's see, all that you tell me about your friend, I don't know if it has a precedent,
15:15or legal context, or anything.
15:18Look, this girl, being inseminated by mistake without her legal consent,
15:24now she is in a very big problem.
15:27Yes, yes, we know.
15:29Let's see, the child she is carrying in her womb is her child, but also the donor's.
15:35Even if he wasn't present at the time of conception, we agree, right?
15:41So, because he is the father, he has rights over that creature.
15:45There has to be some legal figure to defend her, to help her.
15:50She doesn't want to have anything to do with him.
15:53Son, I don't know.
15:55I don't know, well, I can only think of something
15:58that may hinder a little in the face of a legal measure against her.
16:04That's the only thing.
16:06I knew you were going to help us.
16:08Tell me, what is it about?
16:10It's not easy.
16:25Look, the address that Jalipe threw from Francisco's account photos is in Spain.
16:36Then there are two questions left.
16:39Did Francisco really post it by force?
16:42If it wasn't him who has access to his passwords, did he?
16:48We have the entire cybernetic department on that.
16:51As soon as we get there, we'll know.
16:59Inés, do you know where Enriqueta is?
17:03She just left.
17:05What? With everything that's going on now?
17:08She left very quickly.
17:10I understand it was an emergency.
17:13Emergency is what we have here in the brewery.
17:16As soon as you communicate with her, please pass it to me.
17:22Rogelio, now I can't talk to you.
17:25In the shareholders' meeting, you vote just like me, okay?
17:29That's why I put you in that position.
17:31You don't have to remind me.
17:33I know very well what I owe you.
17:39Well, don't even ask me what the meeting is about, because even if I don't believe it, I don't know.
17:44But Gabriel will tell us.
17:46So please come in.
17:47Jaime, Samuel, go first to sign the approval of the monthly budget.
17:52The rest have already done it.
18:02And? Did something happen to your dad?
18:08It's just that I already told Josefina the truth.
18:11And now she knows that my dad is very bad.
18:13Oh yeah? And how did she take it?
18:16Well, bad. But she was super generous and invited us to live at her house.
18:21It's just that my dad obviously doesn't want to.
18:26That's not the point.
18:29I have to buy my dad's medicines and I can't afford it anymore.
18:35And the little savings we had is no longer there.
18:40It's not there anymore.
18:42Well, no. Now I don't know what to do.
18:45And that's it.
18:47Let's see.
18:50How much do you need to buy the medicine?
18:54How much?
18:56Did you finish what you were cooking?
18:58Yes, I made a chicken broth for my dad.
19:01Then I'll give you back what I took, right?
19:03I have a death flu.
19:05Yes, it doesn't look good.
19:07Did you see it?
19:09No, but since it came back, it doesn't look good, right?
19:12No, it's just a flu.
19:15Or do you think it's something else, mom?
19:17Do you remember, my love, when you went to the street with your dad and he put a flower here on your hair?
19:25Yes, and he told me,
19:27your hair is like a garden that is located in a place in the world called...
19:40I want to apologize to you, my love.
19:43I should never have let you see your dad or bring him home.
19:50Mom, what's wrong?
19:52Why are you so sad?
19:54Is it because of Juana?
19:56Oh, my love, look, it's because of Juana.
19:58Because of you, because of you.
20:00Because of the three of us.
20:01Because of the three of us.
20:03And it's just that suddenly, no,
20:06she complains about every nonsense, my love, and life is so short that
20:12sometimes I would like to be like a plant, right?
20:16That has a deep root, like pain,
20:19and that a flower comes out.
20:22That way we could live in peace for the rest of our lives, right?
20:26Oh, mom.
20:28I love you.
20:29Me too.
20:31Me too.
21:01I love you.
21:02I love you.
21:03I love you.
21:04I love you.
21:05I love you.
21:06I love you.
21:07I love you.
21:08I love you.
21:09I love you.
21:10I love you.
21:11I love you.
21:12I love you.
21:13I love you.
21:14I love you.
21:15I love you.
21:16I love you.
21:17I love you.
21:18I love you.
21:19I love you.
21:20I love you.
21:21I love you.
21:22I love you.
21:23I love you.
21:24I love you.
21:25I love you.
21:26I love you.
21:27I love you.
21:28I love you.
21:29I love you.
21:30I love you.
21:31I love you.
21:32I love you.
21:33I love you.
21:34I love you.
21:35I love you.
21:36I love you.
21:37I love you.
21:38I love you.
21:39I love you.
21:40I love you.
21:41I love you.
21:42I love you.
21:43I love you.
21:44I love you.
21:45I love you.
21:46I love you.
21:47I love you.
21:48I love you.
21:49I love you.
21:50I love you.
21:51I love you.
21:52I love you.
21:53I love you.
21:54I love you.
21:55I love you.
21:56I love you.
21:57I love you.
21:58I love you.
21:59I love you.
22:00I love you.
22:01I love you.
22:02I love you.
22:03I love you.
22:04I love you.
22:05I love you.
22:06I love you.
22:07I love you.
22:08I love you.
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22:13I love you.
22:14I love you.
22:15I love you.
22:16I love you.
22:17I love you.
22:18I love you.
22:19I love you.
22:20I love you.
22:21I love you.
22:22I love you.
22:23I love you.
22:24I love you.
22:25I love you.
22:26I love you.
22:27I love you.
22:28I love you.
22:29I love you.
22:30I love you.
22:31I love you.
22:32I love you.
22:33I love you.
22:34I love you.
22:35I love you.
22:36I love you.
22:37I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:39I love you.
22:40I love you.
22:41I love you.
22:42I love you.
22:43I love you.
22:44I love you.
22:45I love you.
22:46I love you.
22:47I love you.
22:48I love you.
22:49I love you.
22:50I love you.
22:51I love you.
22:52I love you.
22:53I love you.
22:54I love you.
22:55I love you.
22:56I love you.
22:57Gabriel, I already apologized for that.
22:59No, it's fine, it's fine.
23:00You thought it was the right thing to do.
23:02That's exactly what I want you to do.
23:06I'm sorry, I don't understand.
23:09Very well, then, along with the shareholders,
23:11I will have to make a move
23:13to save the company from bankruptcy.
23:16Everyone will have to cast their vote.
23:19So you're going to have to cast
23:20Francisco's vote for your husband.
23:23I can vote?
23:25So when they ask you for your opinion,
23:27I ask you to think about it.
23:30And think about what Francisco would have done.
23:34And do it.
23:45Since Gabriel hasn't said what the board is going to do,
23:47we have to be careful.
23:49They probably have something up their sleeves.
23:53I surveyed the other shareholders secretly
23:55and they are on your side.
23:57I'm sure they'll vote for you.
23:59Ms. Evangelina, no.
24:01Well, she usually votes
24:03in favor of what Gabriel says.
24:06Yes, I've known that woman since she was a child.
24:09And she was a friend of my grandfather.
24:12But anyway,
24:14the three of us vote against what Gabriel says.
24:17And I'm sure Ruth and Rodarte
24:19will also vote for us.
24:22Well, and what's going to happen with Francisco's vote?
24:25I mean, he had 20% of the shares.
24:30If Gabriel has an ace up his sleeve,
24:35I also have mine.
24:43Excuse me, Mr. Rogelio.
24:45Engineer Rubio wants to talk to you before the meeting.
24:52Felipe, help me with the broth pot.
24:54It's too heavy to take it to the pension.
24:56I told you not to ask me for favors for that man.
25:02Son, they're looking for you.
25:06How are you?
25:17Mrs. Josefina, I'm glad you're all here.
25:19I came because I wanted to explain to you that...
25:23Well, explain to you...
25:24No, no, no, you don't have to explain anything.
25:27I know it's not necessary, but...
25:29What are you going to do?
25:32Look, Felipe.
25:34I just found out that Gabriel
25:36is the biological father of the child Juana is expecting.
25:39And believe me, when I asked you if you knew,
25:42I wanted you to know.
25:44No, well, I...
25:45I remember perfectly well that I told you I didn't know.
25:50But I hope you understand that...
25:52Well, Gabriel, besides being my boss, he's my friend.
25:55Yes, and you can't betray him, it's very clear to me.
25:58What friends do you have, honey?
26:01Well, the truth is...
26:02I know, but he told me as a secret and...
26:05I didn't think I was the most appropriate person to talk about it.
26:09No, but that topic turns out to be my family's.
26:12Of my niece.
26:14I know.
26:15That's why I'm here, to apologize to you.
26:23The fact that he kept quiet doesn't mean he doesn't love you.
26:32Sometimes in...
26:34In work relationships, it's complicated...
26:37Well, to combine personal problems.
26:41I love Juana very much and...
26:44And I really admire her.
26:45In fact, her campaign will be out tomorrow.
26:48So you can be very proud of her.
26:51We're all in the brewery.
26:59I'm leaving.
27:12See you later.
27:19Good morning.
27:20Detective Castillo.
27:21I need to see Mrs. Camila, please.
27:23One moment.
27:28Detective Castillo is here for Mrs. Camila.
27:36Come in, Rogelio.
27:38Thank you for coming.
27:40Please sit down.
27:41I wanted to tell you that...
27:43I wanted to tell you something.
27:46I hope that the next time you do a shareholders' meeting...
27:50You have the education to let me know so I can be prepared.
27:54Because I'm very busy.
27:55If you don't know...
27:57I have a sick daughter to take care of...
28:00Because her husband doesn't have her.
28:03It's the best for the company.
28:05And if I called you to tell you that Camila has the right to vote in the shareholders' meeting...
28:10Given that Francisco is not there and left him a notary power.
28:13The best for the company is not to take care of my daughter?
28:17I hope you didn't intend to influence Camila's vote in your favor.
28:22I'm not used to manipulating people.
28:25Thank you.
28:26Thank you.
28:45Sit down, sit down.
28:46Why so many messages?
28:49Hey, I talked to Vilorio.
28:52The lawyer from the legal department.
28:56We talked about Juana's case.
28:57No, well, what I was missing.
28:58The legal department is also talking about Juana.
29:00No, no, calm down.
29:01I didn't say the name, I said a friend and that's it.
29:05Well, did he tell you something to defend Juana?
29:11There is a way to make Gabriel not be able to take his son from Juana.
29:16What's more...
29:18There is a way that Juana can make Gabriel legally leave his life forever.
29:27Well, look, my son.
29:28The truth is that Cesar is what Cesar is.
29:31And Enriqueta just earned my respect.
29:33No, mom.
29:34I know.
29:35So if she came to apologize, it doesn't change that she had to have told me from the beginning.
29:39What's wrong with you, bro?
29:41Is it true?
29:42No, it's true that you think that of me.
29:44And you too, mom.
29:46I mean, what I'm doing is defending them.
29:48Even from this woman, who is...
29:50She's the woman I love and...
29:52I lose my mind when I see her eyes.
29:54Oh, stop, I'm leaving.
29:56What do I do?
30:00Come on, son.
30:01Cheering and applauding.
30:03He has this...
30:04He has this peace, huh?
30:05What a barbarian.
30:28Why did you go crazy, Felipe?
30:29Stop chasing me!
30:31Enriqueta, please.
30:32Don't you see that if I don't run, I'll kill you?
30:34You killed me when I met you.
30:36Oh, Felipe, I'm not for your little phrases.
30:38I already told you what I had to tell you.
30:40Now leave me alone.
30:41Let's see, Enriqueta.
30:42Well, me and you.
30:43We have to talk like this.
30:44You have to run over me.
30:45It's okay.
30:46Look, I don't lack desire, huh?
30:48Leave me alone.
30:50Enriqueta, I'm sorry.
30:52I'm sorry for reacting that way.
30:53But understand me, Arlanda.
30:55I still haven't done more than defend my family.
30:57Especially Juana.
30:59That girl had a good future, but...
31:01Well, this Gabriel came to ruin her fate.
31:06And for you to know, Arlanda, she did hurt me.
31:09Felipe, it also hurt me not to be able to tell you.
31:12I couldn't.
31:16Well, thank you very much for coming here to apologize.
31:22I really appreciate that.
31:37I want serious things.
31:41Is it true that you said you love me?
31:45And if so, why?
32:07Given the economic situation in which the blonde brewery is going through,
32:11I think the best thing we can do is merge with the Spanish company.
32:15In fact, they have the presentation with you.
32:17If you didn't insist on keeping your shares,
32:21the problem could be solved.
32:24And we wouldn't need any merger.
32:27I myself offered to pay the debts in exchange for some more shares.
32:32And as Carlos told me, you refused.
32:34Because this goes far beyond an economic problem.
32:38I ordered the launch of the campaign we had saved for the launch of the new IPA.
32:43I think that will strengthen our image a lot.
32:46And obviously it will make the shares go up.
32:49I convinced the Spaniards that this would happen,
32:51so they are happy to merge with us.
32:53We don't need any merger, Gabriel.
32:55This goes far beyond.
32:57It's about making our company known in Europe, all over the world.
33:01This would give us the prestige we have never had.
33:05Very well.
33:07If so, I vote against.
33:14Me too.
33:19And me.
33:22I'm sorry, Gabriel.
33:26Me too.
33:43In favor.
33:47Well, Evangelina's vote was to be expected.
33:50So with her 5% and the 45% of votes you have,
33:55you add the 50%.
33:57But we have 5%.
34:01Rodarte, 5%.
34:04Urrutia, 5%.
34:06Cano, 5%.
34:08And me, 10% add up to 30%.
34:14Now, we all depend on Camila's 20% of votes from the Armas family.
34:24If she votes in our favor, we would have a tie.
34:28And according to the statutes, if there is a tie, there are no changes.
34:37You decide, Camila.
34:51In favor.
34:59Are you sure of what you just did, Camila?
35:02I'm sure, Eugenio.
35:06I vote for Gabriel's proposal.
35:08It's what Francisco would like to do.
35:12That the Rubio brewery has an impact in Europe and that Gabriel continues to manage it.
35:28In favor.
35:36Am I still waiting or is she coming?
35:38One moment. One moment more.
35:51Come in, my love.
35:53Am I interrupting?
35:55No, of course not.
35:58What happens is that it seems that the people of this house don't get wet.
36:04As soon as a storm comes, another one comes.
36:07I was in El Changarro and I saw her going to Ramón's pension.
36:13Did you know that Ramón is sick and that he is going to die?
36:18Yes, I talked to Ramón a couple of times.
36:22It's just that...
36:25I mean, one knows that he is going to die.
36:30One knows that he has the days counted, but if they tell you that you have a few days left, then things change.
36:38He has another one left.
36:40What does he have left to do?
36:43I'm afraid to think that tomorrow he won't be in Ramón.
36:46And I can't help it, I could never imagine it, something like that.
37:02Oh, God.
37:17Daddy, you won't believe it, but what do you think?
37:22I just found one of your medicines that we needed, new.
37:27Here, saved, I had saved it.
37:29And that's good, because it wasn't going to reach us, but here it is, brand new.
37:35Oh, daughter, it gives me a lot of pleasure.
37:39It gives me a lot of pleasure.
37:41I know that the money from the medicines was the money I gave to Jenny for her birthday,
37:48but believe me, believe me, it was very worth it.
37:50Yes, but look, little God.
37:52Oh, little God, it's good that you found her.
37:57That's Jenny, wait a minute.
38:13Hello, Margarita.
38:14I already brought the broth so that it gets like new, my daddy.
38:17Oh, by the way, my mom already told me the secret recipe for the broth.
38:21Ginger and I don't know how many more things, so that it's spicy for you.
38:24Is that why it's spicy?
38:25Of course.
38:26Hey, my mom is very weird.
38:29Yes, I swear she's kind of like that.
38:31Hey, help me, help me keep all these things to put them right.
38:35Come on, I'm going to put this here.
38:42I hated him so much for abandoning him, and now seeing him like this, so fragile, makes me feel guilty.
38:52Let's see, Josefina, guilty of what?
38:54You are not guilty of anything.
38:56When two people who loved each other so much hate each other, the fight is between the two of them.
39:01My beautiful Josefina, it's not like that.
39:04Oh, don't spoil me, we're not in the moment.
39:07Oh, but wait a minute, if I see you and I have a beautiful woman in front of me who is my beautiful Josefina, what's the problem?
39:16You've always been such a good friend and you've always been by my side all these years.
39:24And what?
39:26Nothing, nothing.
39:28You know I'll always be your friend.
39:36I told Ramon to come back home.
39:43Thank you.
39:48Thank you.
39:50Thank you very much.
39:54Thank you.
39:57That bitch is ungrateful.
40:01She dared to play hard to get after everything I did for her.
40:05I can't believe it, Dad.
40:07Everything we've worked on, it turns out that it's Gabriel who has her eating out of his hand.
40:12Not you.
40:14Does Camila also like Gabriel?
40:17I heard something about a photographer who was in love.
40:20But Camila must also be giving him hers.
40:24Poor Francisco.
40:26What a brother-in-law you have, Manuel.
40:29I can't believe he dared to play me, Chueco.
40:32I told you not to trust her.
40:34This is not going to stay that way.
40:37Camila is going to pay me.
40:46Thank you.
40:48The truth is, I didn't think I'd count on your support.
40:52You have no idea what I'm capable of doing for you, Gabriel.
40:55But I do want to tell you that because I helped you today,
40:58I'll probably need your help very soon.
41:06You asked me to help you and I found a way to make sure Gabriel doesn't get close to you or your baby.
41:11David, what are you talking about?
41:13It's a pretty strong proposal, Juana, but I want you to know that I'm willing to help you.
41:18Well, tell me what it's about.
41:21Let's see.
41:23If a man recognizes your baby as his own before it is born,
41:28of course, with your consent, obviously, Gabriel could do nothing to him.
41:32It would be two people recognizing that child as theirs and that's it. Period.
41:38And deny what happened at the clinic?
41:40They themselves denied it, Juana.
41:43Your files no longer exist. They erased all the evidence.
41:46It would be their word against ours.
41:50Sorry, ours?
41:52Of course.
41:54I would be willing to do it with you.
41:57Say that baby is ours and recognize it.