Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas celebrate as one of Bollywood's most beloved couples. Their affectionate bond often shines through their social media posts, especially on special occasions like today, Priyanka's 42nd birthday. Nick Jonas took the opportunity to shower his wife with a heartfelt birthday tribute, sharing intimate and unseen romantic photos. As Priyanka Chopra receives a flood of warm wishes today, Nick's touching gesture adds to the joy of her special day, capturing the essence of their enduring love.
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00:00Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are among the popular couples of Bollywood.
00:05The two are often seen documenting their mushy posts on social media.
00:09Now, today, when the actress is celebrating her 42nd birthday, the doting husband didn't
00:14miss the opportunity to wish his lady love in the most amazing post.
00:18While the birthday girl Priyanka Chopra is already swarmed with heartfelt wishes, today
00:23on July 18, a while back, her husband Nick Jonas dropped a multi-picture post to wish
00:29A series of pictures shared on his social media screamed couple goals.
00:34The first picture featured the actress in a yellow monokini sitting in the corner of
00:38the pool, drenched in water, the actress posed with a stunning click.
00:43The following picture was a rather romantic one in which the duo shared a passionate kiss
00:47at the beach.
00:49The third picture was a stunning sun-kissed picture of the actress, followed by another
00:53romantic picture of the couple holding each other's hands at the beach during golden
00:58The backdrop of the picture, with setting sun and beautiful sky, added another layer
01:02to its aesthetic beauty.
01:04Keeping it short yet significant, Nick expressed his love in the birthday wish, expressing,
01:09''The woman that you are, how lucky am I.
01:12Happy birthday, my love!''
01:14Minutes later, fans thronged Nick's comment section, going gaga over the couple.
01:18A user wrote, ''She's so flawless.
01:20I love you guys so much!''
01:22Another fan commented, ''Happy birthday, queen.
01:24You are the luckiest guy.
01:26Jiju, she is the best!''
01:27While the third fan remarked, ''Gorgeous woman.
01:30Hope you get to see her again soon!''
01:32Another user exclaimed, ''You guys are the cutest.
01:35National Jiju, for a reason,'' wrote another user.
01:38Meanwhile, on the work front, Priyanka Chopra is keeping it busy following the shoot of
01:42her upcoming film, The Bluff.
01:44The actress, who is often accompanied by her daughter, Malti Mary, keeps sharing pictures
01:48and videos from the sets to keep fans updated about her work and life.