10 Star Wars Power Moves We've Only Seen Once

  • 3 months ago
Rare Force abilities, epic manoeuvres, and those other one-off Star Wars moments of POWER!


00:00In terms of the animated and live-action drama seen going down on screens across the galaxy
00:05far, far away, each of these unquestionably cool moves and abilities all memorably popped
00:10up once before never being seen ever again.
00:14Gareth here from WhatCulture Star Wars and here are 10 Star Wars Power Moves We've Only
00:19Seen Once.
00:21Force Projection Episode 8 – The Last Jedi
00:25The Last Jedi debuted a first on-screen look at the brilliant Force power known as Force
00:29Projection later on.
00:31With Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and his First Order targeting what was left of the Resistance
00:36on Crait, Luke Skywalker suddenly arrives to save the day.
00:39However, as the one-time Master and Apprentice engage in a duel on the sandy terrain, the
00:44one-time Ben Solo soon realises he's not clashing with a present Skywalker at all.
00:49Instead, Luke used extreme focus and concentration to project himself halfway across the galaxy
00:55through the Force in his bid to buy Leia and her pals some time to escape the planet.
01:00But using this awesome power came at a cost.
01:02In the wake of spending several minutes putting his all into distracting Ren as a younger-looking
01:06version of himself, Skywalker actually ended up dying and becoming one with the Force.
01:11And no one has ever been shown trying to replicate the Son of the Chosen One's immense projection
01:16feat ever since.
01:19Pyrokinesis – Star Wars Rebels The most formidable force of evil in the galaxy
01:23didn't half have a few tricks up his droopy sleeves, and one of the many one-time showcases
01:29of his unlimited power actually went down in the middle of Ezra Bridger's trip into
01:33the World Between Worlds.
01:35With Kanan Jarrus' Padawan and Ahsoka Tano trying to navigate this mystical plane during
01:39Rebels Season 4's A World Between Worlds episode, the two are soon joined by Darth
01:44Sidious himself.
01:46That portal arrival was made possible through Sith sorcery, but Palps was not done there.
01:51Just using a Sith ritual altar, the Emperor was actually able to manipulate and conjure
01:55up fire energy, with said ability looking rather similar to the pyrokinesis seen in
02:00Star Wars Legends stories.
02:02This blue fire wasn't simply a hot way to dispose of one's enemies either.
02:06As seen during the episode, Palpatine was actually able to seize hold of Bridger via
02:10this energy, and that connection then allowed the Dark Lord of the Sith to enter the Virgin
02:15Tano was ultimately able to briefly block the flames and sever said connection with
02:19her lightsabers in the end, but for a minute there, this one-off ability looked like it
02:23could spell real trouble for our Force-sensitive heroes.
02:28The prototype B-6 Starfighter's cruiser-killing laser beam, Star Wars Rebels
02:33Sticking with the animated source of joy that is Star Wars Rebels, Season 2's Wings of
02:38the Master episode also brought with it one hell of a rare power move.
02:42Rather than being a case of a Jedi or Sith tapping into the Force to produce a staggering
02:46display of power though, on this occasion it was a Starfighter showing off its ability
02:50to unleash insane power.
02:52With Harrison Dooler eventually convincing the Mon Calamari known as Quarry to let her
02:56pilot his prototype B-6 Starfighter, aka the Blade Wing, the Rebel Legends early tests
03:02of the ship's firepower on Shantipo showcased how this heavy assault machine could deal
03:07out some serious damage.
03:09So when the Twi'lek finally arrived to assist her pals late in the episode, the sight of
03:13an entire command cruiser being blown out of the sky thanks to just one blast of the
03:17B-6 Starfighter's hyperdrive-powered composite beam laser didn't come as too much of a
03:21surprise to fans, though it certainly caught the Imperial blockade above Ibar off-guard.
03:25But rather than use this cruiser-killing piece of weaponry again in the wake of helping get
03:30supplies to the people of Ibar, the B-6's composite beam laser was never actually seen
03:34at any other point in the series.
03:37What a waste.
03:39Force Drain, Episode 9 – The Rise of Skywalker
03:42A back-from-the-dead Darth Sidious was once again completely outgunning his adversaries
03:46during the closing stages of The Rise of Skywalker.
03:50On the back of somehow returning early on in Episode 9, Palpatine can eventually be
03:54found unleashing the first-ever on-screen look at the ability to completely drain a
03:58Force user of their power.
04:00Not long after uniting to take down the sinister Big Bad, Sidious grips both Rey and Ben Solo
04:05before realising that the life force of the pair's bond was capable of restoring him
04:09to full power.
04:11But sure enough, the despicable Sith Lord proceeds to drain both his granddaughter and
04:15Darth Vader's grandson of their Force energy until he once again looks like a slightly
04:20less wrinkled zombie pensioner.
04:22But even a fully-recharged Sidious was no match for a Rey channelling the power of all
04:26the Jedi, with this one-off draining manoeuvre still not being able to keep Palps from being
04:30horrifically obliterated by his own Force lightning in the end.
04:34And speaking of which…
04:36Force Storm, Episode 9 – The Rise of Skywalker
04:39Fresh off of absorbing the Force energy present in the Force Dyad known as Ben Solo and Rey,
04:44Darth Sidious decided to flex his recently-restored muscles in The Rise of Skywalker.
04:49So after batting away Solo like an annoying Force-sensitive fly, Palpatine takes a seat
04:54on his rather excessive throne and proceeds to fire his trusty Force lightning from his
05:00Only this time, rather than just a few flickers of painful electricity shooting out of his
05:04An entire lightning storm erupts from his hands, with this ridiculous show of power
05:09taking out numerous ships fighting in the Exegol sky.
05:12And while this Force Storm had been used by the likes of Darth Bane and Revan in Legends
05:17Continuity, Sidious' Episode 9 Tempest, one which disabled 14,000 resistant ships
05:22with apparent ease, still sits as the only ever big-screen example of such a terrific
05:27display of lightning carnage.
05:29There's going out with a bang, and then there's Darth Sidious' ridiculously explosive
05:33last hurrah, an end boasting not one but two one-time-only showcases of typically outrageous
05:41Dropping the Electroproton Bomb – The Clone Wars
05:44Another example of staggering power only ever seen during a single episode of animated Star
05:49Wars goodness, the Republic's decision to proceed with deploying their power move by
05:53the name of the Electroproton Bomb, in their attempts to acquire the fuel found on Malastare
05:58during the Clone Wars, had some rather disastrous consequences, as the likes of Mace Windu and
06:03Anakin Skywalker watched their clone forces and the Duggs struggle to overcome the Separatist
06:07forces on Malastare, the decision was made to drop said powerful weapon on their enemy.
06:12The Electroproton Bomb wouldn't harm any living beings, only emitting an electromagnetic
06:17field that would take down droids in its vicinity, and that's exactly what went down when it
06:22was finally dropped in the Zylo Beast Season 2 episode.
06:25But as that title suggests, it also just so happened to disturb the planet's ecosystem
06:29and wake up a destructive beast that the Duggs had believed was extinct – the Zylo
06:35So while the Electroproton Bomb certainly achieved what it was designed to do, the fact
06:39it also took out the Republic's electrical equipment and woke up a near-indestructible
06:43creature are probably just a few of the reasons this particular power move wasn't used again
06:48going forward.
06:50The Starkiller Base Blast – Episode 7 – The Force Awakens
06:54Time and time again, the Empire showcased the ability to completely wipe out cities
06:58or even entire planets with their trusty Death Star kyber crystal-powered superlaser.
07:04But the First Order took things to a whole new level during the events of The Force Awakens.
07:08After building a pretty impressive base on the ice planet of Ilum, it was eventually
07:12revealed that said world came equipped with the mother of all superweapons.
07:16This particular superlaser was charged up by the base consuming an entire sun, and in
07:21the first and only ever test of its firepower, General Armitage Hooks ordered the weapon
07:26to be fired on the entire Hosnian system.
07:29What came next is up there as one of the most devastating attacks in Star Wars history,
07:33as the laser shot across the galaxy and completely destroyed a large chunk of the New Republic.
07:39Thankfully, the megaweapon and the base itself were blown to pieces before it could fire
07:43on the Resistance base planet of Dakar, but its one and only shot still made its mark
07:48on the galaxy far, far away.
07:51Force users have regularly been seen displaying some rather impressive feats of athleticism
07:59throughout the Skywalker saga and various Star Wars TV offerings over the years.
08:03Yet while incredible force jumps and mesmerising reflexes have been showcased on countless occasions,
08:09the ability to suddenly get out of dodge at a frightening pace has only ever happened
08:13on screen on one occasion in canon.
08:16As Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi look to have been cornered by a set of droidekas on
08:20a Trade Federation ship early on in The Phantom Menace, the two decide to abandon the standoff
08:25via force dash.
08:26It's remarkably effective, even if it did drain the force wielder of their energy when
08:31That's what makes the fact it doesn't show up again at any point in the movie so damn
08:36The closest thing fans got to this sort of force dash reappearing in the prequels came
08:40when Darth Sidious fired himself at the Jedi Masters trying to arrest him in Revenge of
08:44the Sith.
08:45And outside of Mace Windu also famously using this power move during the original Star Wars
08:50Clone Wars animation, that eventually wasn't classed as part of the new canon, this awesome
08:54force skill was never really seen being used by a Jedi on screen again after The Phantom
09:00As the final two entries on this list will demonstrate, suddenly blasting off into hyperspace
09:09is quite the power move indeed.
09:11Perhaps the most high-profile of these high-speed collisions came during The Last Jedi, with
09:16Vice Admiral Amalyn Holdo pulling off a resistance-saving feat whilst aboard the Raddus.
09:22In an attempt to keep the First Order fleet from attacking the Resistance members trying
09:26to fleet a crate, Holdo decided to face down the Supremacy mega-class star Dreadnought,
09:31which is also the coolest sounding ship of all time.
09:33And after firing up the Raddus' hyperdrive and lining up her target, Holdo managed to
09:37execute a move that saw the cruiser split straight through the Supremacy just before
09:42it would have moved from real space to hyperspace.
09:44An eternally gorgeous visual of First Order destruction.
09:48On top of the Supremacy being ripped in two before the bad guys could react to the masterful
09:52attack, a further 20 star destroyers close by were also shredded by the manoeuvre.
09:57It is worth noting that another star destroyer was seemingly destroyed via this sort of move
10:01above Endor in The Rise of Skywalker.
10:04But The Last Jedi still possesses the only official occasion fans have actually witnessed
10:08the beautifully explosive moment of Holdo's manoeuvre impact.
10:12Pergol blasting a star destroyer off a planet – Star Wars Rebels
10:17If you didn't catch the four-season chunk of joy that was Star Wars Rebels, you've
10:21likely found yourself wondering what the hell happened to the Grand Admiral Thrawn everyone
10:25has been banging on about in The Mandalorian.
10:27Throughout that aforementioned animated series, the mighty Chiss Imperial Officer routinely
10:32got the better of the likes of Ezra Bridger and his pals, and seemed to be a near-unstoppable
10:37But his ruthlessness eventually saw him bombard Lothal in the final episode of the series,
10:42a move that left Ezra Bridger with no choice but to surrender to the Blue Menace.
10:46But this lad had a plan just in case things looked somewhat bleak.
10:50With the Jedi being shown to possess the ability to communicate with creatures during the series,
10:54Bridger had his Rebel pals send out a signal on Frequency Zero, which would bring the space
10:59whale beast known as the Pergol into the fight.
11:02And when the massive living beings, along with a few Pergol Ultras, eventually showed
11:06up to take out Thrawn's blockade, Bridger's bold final move took a hold of his long-time
11:12Using the Force to harness the Pergol's ability to naturally blast themselves off
11:16into hyperspace, the Freedom Fighter managed to save his homeworld and his friends from
11:21Thrawn, his Chimera Star Destroyer and the rest of his forces.
11:24Though he was also dragged into hyperspace during this heroic act.
11:28But it looks like Ezra's awesome one-off power move only managed to temporarily save
11:32the galaxy from this formidable leader.
11:35With both Bridger and Thrawn's returns finally set to go down in the upcoming Ahsoka series.
11:39And that's our list!
11:41Know of any other Star Wars power moves we've only seen once?
11:44Well, let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and don't forget
11:47to like, share and click on that subscribe button while you're down there.
11:50Also, if you're into this sort of stuff, then please head on over to WhatCulture.com
11:53and find some more fantastic articles just like the one this video is based on.
11:57I've been Gareth from WhatCulture Star Wars, cheers for stopping on by today.
12:01Be sure to do it again sometime, but more importantly, have yourself the best of days.
12:06See you later!
