• last year
00:00Leave me alone.
00:07Ah, what is it, Moby?
00:11Dear Tim and Moby,
00:17How come my older brother is always so grumpy?
00:20What's going on? Signed, Sam.
00:23Well, he's probably just going through adolescence.
00:27That's the part of our lives when we transform from kids into adults.
00:33It all begins with puberty, a series of physical changes.
00:38Puberty can begin as early as 8, and as late as 14.
00:42Your body begins releasing chemicals called hormones, which trigger changes throughout the body.
00:47In boys, a hormone called testosterone leads to a deepened voice, bigger muscles, and facial hair.
00:54Girls produce estrogen, which makes their periods start, and leads to the growth of breasts and hips.
01:01Both boys and girls start growing hair on their legs, underarms, and, um, downstairs.
01:08Puberty makes both boys and girls grow bigger and taller.
01:12But that's not all. During adolescence, your brain changes, too.
01:17You develop more control over your impulses because you use better judgment and reasoning.
01:22But the hormones flooding your body also intensify your emotions.
01:26So, it's normal for adolescents to have mood swings.
01:30You might feel happy one minute, and sad the next, for no apparent reason.
01:35And then...
01:37Would you let me finish talking for once?!
01:41Sorry, I'm just kind of grumpy today.
01:46Anyway, teenagers' moods aren't just caused by hormone shifts.
01:51For one thing, seeing your body change so quickly can make you really self-conscious.
01:57It's not uncommon to develop some acne, better known as pimples.
02:02That's your hormones telling your skin to produce too much oil, and in most cases, washing your face more will take care of it.
02:08On the other end of the spectrum, you might be self-conscious about how little you're changing compared to other kids.
02:16Right, it's not all about physical changes.
02:20It can be frustrating when you feel like an adult, but still get treated like a kid.
02:25Teens place more value on their independence and freedom than younger kids.
02:30They may feel restricted by their parents, and want to spend more time with their friends.
02:34And that often leads to peer pressure.
02:37Sometimes, that's a good thing.
02:39Your friends might encourage you to keep up with your schoolwork, or join a club or a team.
02:44But it can also involve pressure to try unhealthy behaviors like smoking, drinking, and other stuff.
02:50Even if no one actively pressures you, you might be influenced by your peers' behavior.
02:55Most adolescents want to fit in, and not seem weird or uncool.
03:01Yep, the pressures of adolescence can overwhelm some kids.
03:05They can get really stressed out, or depressed, and even consider hurting themselves.
03:10If you're feeling like that, you need to talk to an adult you trust.
03:13And if a friend seems to feel that way, tell an adult immediately.
03:18Sorry for getting so serious, but it's a real problem.
03:22Yeah, adolescence can be a really awkward and difficult time.
03:26But it's also a time of self-discovery, when you start to figure out who you are, and who you want to become.
03:32To help make those kinds of choices, you might look up to role models, like athletes, musicians, and famous actors.
03:40It's also common to experiment and try new things.
03:45Well, you become curious about ideas, different kinds of people, and new experiences.
03:50You might also become more interested in having a boyfriend or girlfriend.
03:55It can feel like a long ordeal, but as you reach the end of adolescence, you're more independent, smarter, and more confident.
04:02In other words, more like an adult.
04:05Do you like this band?
04:06Maybe I'll join a band.
04:10What? It'd be cool to be in a band.