In Spite Of The Strong Wind (2023) EP.5 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago


00:30中躲不开 我也占领你的心海 充实着你的空白
01:00谁也没有想过再更改 谁也没有想过再想回来
03:57The sky hasn't fallen yet
03:59And you're not dead yet
04:01So why can't you start again?
04:04Let me tell you, Tang Chen
04:06I told you that I would do anything for you
04:09So what else do you want me to do?
04:11If you say, I'll jump into the river
04:15Tell me, what do you say?
04:17I'm going to jump
04:20I'm really going to jump
04:42Thank you so much
04:52Sorry, I haven't seen you for a long time
04:57You've troubled me a lot
05:00You didn't just give me food and shelter
05:06You even asked for help from our classmates
05:11I still have my hands and feet
05:13I can do all this myself
05:15I don't trust anyone
05:17I've been thinking about this for a long time
05:22I trust you
05:27One day, I'll be rewarded for my hard work
05:32And don't think that
05:35If I'm sad, I've lost
05:41Don't worry
05:44When that day comes
05:46I'll be back on my feet
05:48I'll take my revenge
06:10When I look down
06:12My success
06:15Seems to be halted
06:19And when I
06:23Look up at the sky
06:25I feel like screaming
06:29My heart is filled with excitement
06:33And I feel that whatever I've achieved so far
06:36That was just the beginning
06:39The real story is yet to be written
07:25Where did my glasses go?
07:33Oh my god
07:35Oh my god
07:37Oh my god
07:40If I drink again
07:42I might go crazy
07:56Be careful
08:06Who's there?
08:12Will you tell me who's there?
08:20Am I dreaming?
08:24Am I dreaming?
08:25Or is this virtual reality?
08:27You're awake?
08:28I can't believe it
08:30You're awake?
08:31Did you see my glasses?
08:33They're on the table
08:44What are you doing in the kitchen early in the morning?
08:46You make breakfast every morning
08:48So I thought I should make it today
08:50It's almost ready
08:52Taste it and tell me how it is
09:07Eat it quickly
09:09Let's talk about a serious matter
09:11Serious matter?
09:12What's the matter now?
09:15This is the contract we signed last night
09:17Let's confirm it again
09:19If you don't mind
09:20We'll go to the bank this afternoon
09:24What kind of contract?
09:28Investment partner contract
09:30You're party A
09:32And I'm party B
09:34I'll invest 200,000 yuan in the company's starting investment
09:40Look Tang
09:42I was very drunk yesterday
09:44Asha, what are you doing?
09:45We can't do this
09:46What's all this?
09:47We have to plan for the long term
09:49This won't work
09:51I have one more copy of this
09:52Look, I have to go to work
09:56Maybe you signed it yourself
09:58Look at it carefully
09:59And tell me if you want to add anything else
10:05I told you I was very drunk
10:07So all this happened
10:09What are you doing?
10:12I'm going to work now
10:14I'll talk to you in the evening
10:16I have one more copy
10:23Asha, I'm telling you
10:24You signed 16 copies last night
10:28That means you know
10:30You want this to happen
10:32Read it carefully
10:33Don't lose it
10:34I already have 13 more
10:37And if you don't have any other questions related to this
10:40Let's go to the bank this afternoon
10:42And get it done
10:43Come on
10:45This is too much
10:47I was so drunk
10:48I don't even remember
10:50And why are you forcing me to do this?
10:52You really don't remember anything?
10:56Let me help you
11:02Every person has to die one day
11:06And every cloud has a silver lining
11:08Today I'll have a drink with you
11:11And I'll laugh as much as you want
11:14What are you saying?
11:15Leave tomorrow's problems for tomorrow
11:17Yes, you're right
11:18Whoever doesn't drink tonight
11:20Is a donkey
11:30Do you remember?
11:32Ever since I graduated
11:34I've always lived like this
11:37But you
11:39You've always been successful, right?
11:41I can't be so successful even if I want to
11:46When your luck and timing is not with you
11:49Then you can never be successful
11:51The example of this is right in front of you
11:54Okay, leave all this nonsense
11:56I want to ask you a question
11:58You've been doing this job for 20 years, right?
12:00Aren't you tired?
12:02No, I'm not
12:03I'm very tired of this job
12:05Don't you want to change these circumstances?
12:07I want to change everything
12:10Then sign this contract right now
12:12And start a new company with me
12:18Finally you're here
12:21We didn't drink this liquor to waste it
12:24But why do you want me to sign this contract?
12:27Because I don't have money
12:28I have
12:29How much do you want?
12:302 lakhs
12:31Give it to me
12:32You're so cunning
12:34How do you know that I have 2 lakhs?
12:37I really have 2 lakhs
12:41But don't tell anyone
12:42Will you become a partner or not?
12:43I will
12:44Then it's done
12:46Okay, but
12:47Your stable job
12:49I'm leaving
12:50Don't you want to think about it?
12:51I don't want to think about it
12:52Listen buddy
12:53I trust you so much
12:55Whether you go to the mountains or in the depths of the sea
12:58I will be with you
13:00From now on you are my elder brother
13:02And I am your younger brother
13:03Come on, let's sign this
13:04Give me the pen
13:06Give me the pen
13:11Take the fingerprint if you want
13:12This will be right
13:26Do you remember anything now?
13:30Look, there is a red ink too
13:32It's still here
13:35I remember a little
13:37This leg
13:40Tell me
13:42When do you have to go to the bank?
13:45Look buddy
13:47For this
13:49I apologize to you
13:52Do you know?
13:53This 2 lakhs is for my son's tuition
13:55When he goes to the primary school
13:57I can't use it
14:04You keep this
14:06Now I have to go to work
14:07I have to go to work
14:31Internet financing only tells the financial reports of the company
14:34But we have to be vigilant
14:36This can be a risk
14:37But we don't know
14:38And along with this
14:39We have to try to understand our customers
14:41You continue
14:42I have to take a call
14:43Which we don't do
14:44If we pay attention to this
14:45Then maybe we
14:47Hello Chen Yan
14:48It's me
14:49Tang Chan
14:50Do you need anything?
14:51I am in a meeting
14:52Actually I just wanted to tell you
14:55Whatever happened
14:57Shah has nothing to do with it
14:59It was all my fault
15:01It was mine
15:02Actually I bought it for showbiz
15:07I knew you both were doing something
15:11Believe me
15:12I am telling the truth
15:13I promise
15:16Shah and I got divorced long back
15:18Do you think I will care about Lingri?
15:23But he cares
15:25Alright I have to go
15:27You are not working
15:28But we have to support our family
15:30So don't call me for small things
15:32Wait wait
15:33Chen Yan
15:37I want to talk to you about something serious
15:40I am just asking
15:41When will you be free?
15:44After all this
15:46What do you want?
15:50I will tell you when I meet
15:54Good morning Mr. Shah
15:55Good morning
15:58Hey good morning
15:59Good morning
16:00Hi boss
16:01I am late
16:02Hey Shah
16:03No you are not late
16:04As long as I am taking attendance
16:05You are not late
16:06My watch is super accurate
16:08I match it with CCTV news
16:10Still 30 seconds are left
16:12Still you are asking me
16:14I have to follow your watch
16:27Shah I have had your tea
16:29No problem
16:30Let's go
17:04Let's go
17:35You both are something
17:37You are totally unreliable
17:39I am fine
17:40You think you are fine
17:43You don't have any job
17:44And you haven't saved any savings
17:46If your credit is useless
17:47Why will anyone give you loan?
17:52I just wanted to try
18:04Ok ok ok
18:06You are not that bad
18:07You can try a list
18:09If Shah Johar had your motivation
18:11He wouldn't be here today
18:14Shah is not that bad
18:16Everyone has their own wishes
18:19What aspiration does he have?
18:21When I married him
18:27He had only good words
18:29And empty dreams
18:31Nothing else
18:32And what was the result?
18:33He ate all his dreams with his rice
18:35And his hunger increased
18:36But his aspirations didn't increase
18:38When we started dating
18:40He was very motivated
18:42But now he is earning some money
18:43By writing the same news report
18:45Then even after so many years
18:47Why are you waiting for him?
18:48Who is waiting?
18:52I am doing all this
18:53For my child
18:56Then it's fine
18:57You both are more stubborn than others
19:01I can understand
19:02That you are bored of your daily life
19:05Come on
19:06He is worth it
19:10If I tell you the truth
19:13I am jealous of you both
19:17No matter how much you fight
19:20But you are never apart
19:29And if I
19:31Convince Shah to do business with me
19:35Will you forgive him?
19:43Even if you don't trust him
19:44But I do
19:47Can he do it?
19:48Let's not talk about money
19:50I am afraid
19:51That he will give up
19:54He is not strong like you
19:57Chen Yang
19:58If I tell you the truth
20:00My condition
20:02Doesn't satisfy my requirements
20:06But still I will try
20:08Because I know
20:10That in my and Shah's age
20:12We won't get another chance
20:13Even if we invest everything once more
20:18We won't have anything left to lose
20:29Actually it's not that
20:31He doesn't have potential
20:33He is just lazy
20:35If you don't force him
20:37He won't know how talented he is
20:41You are right
20:44He is talented
20:46But he needs someone to force him
20:50Tell me
20:51What should I do?
20:52Teach me
20:53What should I do?
20:54Teach me
21:04Yes, tell me
21:07You are winning some money in Mahjong again
21:11Can't you do something big?
21:13Look, I am not doing anything like that
21:17You are not playing Mahjong
21:18What do you do in office
21:19Other than having tea and eating?
21:24Look, I am not playing Mahjong
21:26You just have some misunderstanding
21:28And I
21:29Let's talk something serious
21:32I am working overtime today
21:34And can't go out
21:35Will you pick Zing?
21:38But I
21:40What about you?
21:41Don't you want to?
21:42Look, it's not that I don't want to
21:44I want to help
21:46But usually I can't meet Zing before the weekend
21:50And you have given me a surprise
21:51For which I wasn't prepared
21:52I have to be prepared
21:54Stop joking
21:55And it will be good if you reach by 5
22:00Don't worry
22:46Let's go
22:57Goodbye Miss
22:58Hey Zing
23:01Look, I have brought toy gun for you
23:06Look, here is your toy gun
23:08Why didn't his mom come today?
23:10His mom is busy today
23:11So I came to pick her
23:12Your son is behaving very well today
23:14Thank you
23:15Say bye to ma'am
23:18Goodbye Miss
23:20Goodbye Miss
23:21Take care
23:24Dad, where is my helmet?
23:27And where is your electric bike?
23:29Today we are not going by bike
23:32Come, let's go home by taxi
23:36Dad, don't call taxi
23:37I know how difficult it is to earn money for you
23:40I don't want to waste your money
23:42We stay near the school
23:45And my teacher also says
23:47We should always travel in green
23:51I also like it
23:53That you drive your electric bike
23:55And go home like this
24:01Let's go
24:02Let's zoom
24:04And go home
24:06Let's go
24:14Let's go
24:30Your mom said she will come back soon
24:33But why didn't she come?
24:35What do you say Zing?
24:37Don't play for so long
24:39Your eyes will get spoilt
24:40Let me play for some more time
25:02Chen Yang
25:03Bye bye
25:04Bye bye
25:15Who was that man in the car?
25:16Why do you care?
25:17Why won't I care?
25:19I have to be responsible for my son
25:20Zing, let's go home
25:21Wait, wait, wait
25:26Put on your headphones
25:28And keep playing
25:29Until I clarify
25:31You shouldn't listen to all this
25:33What do you want to clarify?
25:34Who was in the car?
25:36Let me tell you again
25:37You shouldn't care about all this
25:39If you don't want anything
25:40Then stop following me
25:42Zing, let's go home
25:43What do you mean?
25:45I have picked her
25:46And you are talking to me like this?
25:48What do you want to do?
25:49Until I save money for her studies
25:52It will be better if I keep her with me
26:00How is this ring?
26:03Have you found your next partner?
26:06Trees can't move
26:07But humans can
26:08And I don't want to get involved with you
26:12Whatever it is
26:13He is my son
26:14And I am responsible for him
26:15And no one can steal him
26:17If his biological father is not successful
26:19Then it must be someone else
26:21How am I not successful?
26:22I have saved 2 lakh animals for my son
26:25Look around and tell me
26:26What can you do?
26:28You want your son to be like you
26:30You want him to support others
26:31To be successful in life
26:33I won't make him like you
26:35How can you say this?
26:36How can you say this?
26:37What did I stop you from doing?
26:38Did I stop you from eating?
26:39Or did I let you sleep on the road?
26:40I didn't sleep on the road
26:42But don't you know
26:43What I wear and what I eat?
26:45I don't want you to become rich or popular
26:46But I want you to have a bright future
26:48Look at yourself
26:50You eat 3 times a day
26:51And sleep 2 times
26:52You have made your life like an animal
26:57Let's go son
26:58Let's go, take out this airphone
27:03Take this, did you buy this for him?
27:06Come on, let's go home
27:07Let's go
27:09How can you call me an animal?
27:12Can an animal earn 9000 rupees a month?
27:26Okay Zing
27:28You go inside the house first
27:29Take this toy
27:31And go upstairs and play
27:32Be careful while going
27:34I will be back soon
27:50I was a little harsh
27:51I scolded him a lot
27:53I don't know what all I said in anger
27:56I compared him with animals
27:59Don't worry
28:00He can only hate himself
28:01I will take care of the rest
28:03You don't worry
28:05I will hang up now
28:13What did I do?
28:14I feel bad
28:23He got scared seeing the ring
28:36You are back
28:40What happened?
28:41Why are you in a bad mood?
28:42Did something happen?
28:44We don't have any vegetables
28:45So I made this sausage
28:47Here, eat and enjoy
28:50I don't eat sausage
28:58Why are you so angry?
29:02It's good
29:07Let's taste
29:09You eat it
29:10If it's so good
29:11Don't ask me
29:33I don't know who made it
29:34You must have made it
29:59Mr. Shah
30:01I have a new proposal for you
30:03As they say
30:04You can't leave the past
30:07I can't even drink your tea
30:10But this proposal
30:12What is this?
30:14I want to try this
30:15It's very good
30:18Shah Shah
30:19Yes boss
30:20Come here
30:26Listen Shah
30:28I want you to go to a place for dinner
30:32Don't you want to come?
30:34It's not like that
30:35All the big shots are coming there
30:39What's wrong with you?
30:41Come on, cheer up
31:01You can't move a tree
31:02But humans can
31:04And I don't want to hang around you
31:06If his biological father is not successful
31:08Then it must be someone else
31:10Look around
31:11And tell me what you can do
31:13I don't want you to become rich or popular
31:15But I want you to have a bright future
31:17You have made your life like an animal
31:19You want your son to be like you
31:21No animal is born every month
31:23But I want him to have a bright future
31:25I don't want him to have a bad future
31:27But I want him to have a bright future
31:28I don't want him to be like you
31:30Can an animal earn 9000 rupees a month?
31:39Do you want to change your situation?
31:41Yes, I want to change
31:43Then start a company with me
31:45Stop it, you've had enough
31:50What do you do in the office
31:52Other than playing mahjong, drinking tea and eating?
31:54Shah, I've had your tea
31:56All the big shots are coming
31:58What's wrong with you?
32:29I quit!
32:43You know
32:45Since I left my job 20 years ago
32:50I don't feel anything
32:53But I'm very happy
32:58Take this
33:05My income was steady
33:07But now
33:09My future
33:11Has become uncertain
33:13Because of me
33:15So tell me
33:17Why did you quit this job?
33:20I'll tell you
33:23Whenever I go to school to pick up Zing
33:25Other parents bring their car
33:27And that car doesn't fit in the lane
33:29But in my electric bike
33:31Zing feels hot in summer
33:33And cold in winter
33:35If I had money
33:37I would have bought her the best things
33:39No matter what
33:41But in such a situation
33:43It's difficult to raise a child
33:45Isn't it?
33:51A man's potential
33:52Is not just in his looks
33:56In his actions
33:58In his work
34:00In his habits
34:02He comes in all places
34:04Like you
34:06You're absolutely right
34:08They say
34:10To reach the other side
34:12You have to leave the first
34:14From now on
34:16We'll move forward together
34:18And fight together for everything
34:20Tell me
34:22If we do business together
34:24What will be
34:26Our success percentage?
34:32What? 10%?
34:34It's not necessary
34:36If it's not 10%
34:38Are you in or not?
34:40I'm in
34:44What are you drawing?
34:46You're ruining my notebook
34:48Sit and listen to me
34:52According to PTO's global personality test
34:55A company needs 5 roles
34:58Which are
35:00Tiger, Koala, Owl, Peacock and Chameleon
35:03This is a Koala
35:05It looks like a monkey sitting on a tree
35:09Please continue
35:13Now listen to me
35:15Tiger will be the commander
35:17And if these
35:195 animals come to Noah's Ark
35:20Then Koala will be the executioner
35:22Owl will be the supervisor
35:24And Peacock will be the social butterfly
35:26And Chameleon will be the jack of all trades
35:30Now guess and tell me
35:32Which animal will I be?
35:34You're a very big tiger
35:36That roars
35:38And is always angry
35:40You can never be a cute animal
35:45It's true that my personality
35:47Is like a commander
35:50Leave all this and tell me yours
35:52I don't want to be a Koala
35:54Who looks like a monkey
35:56You'll be a Koala
35:58Who you call a monkey
36:00But why are you saying this?
36:02I don't want to be like this animal
36:04Actually I haven't drawn it properly
36:06Look Shah
36:08Koala is actually
36:10A thinker
36:12He is very good at
36:14Analyzing and thinking
36:16Isn't it?
36:18And he is the most complicated
36:20In the entire team
36:24If that's the case
36:26Then he is just like me
36:30That's what I was saying Shah
36:32Now listen
36:34We two are here
36:36But we need one more
36:38A person who works for the third person
36:40Is there anyone in your knowledge
36:42Who has good relations
36:44Who knows how to talk to people
36:46We'll have to find
36:48A social butterfly
36:52Who can see everything together
36:54You are right
36:56Do you know anyone?
36:58No but I can find
37:00I'll keep looking and thinking
37:02Let's think about this
37:04In summary our current situation is
37:06You'll invest 2 lakhs
37:08And we'll split the stock
37:10When the other three join us
37:12Listen to me
37:14If I
37:16I'll invest 2 lakhs
37:18How will we split it?
37:20I have also invested my intelligence
37:22Isn't it?
37:24Doesn't it require hard work?
37:26Look it's simple
37:28You couldn't have done it without me
37:30If you could have done it
37:32Then you would have done it by now
37:34What nonsense are you talking?
37:36Okay I'll tell you
37:38This 2 lakhs
37:40This 2 lakhs is my son's
37:42Education fund
37:44If we lose it
37:46Then I'll hang you alive
37:48I'll try my best
37:51If we succeed in one year
37:54Then it's fine
37:56Otherwise we'll split
37:58But I'll lose the money
38:00I'm telling you I'll take the responsibility
38:02You have already left your job
38:04Do you want to come with me or not?
38:06If yes then say yes
38:08If no then say no
38:10Okay fine
38:12If we take a risk
38:14Then we can ride a bike
38:18Will it change into a car?
38:43Life is like a dream
38:46And no one can see through it
38:49I only know about my life
38:54I slept in a string all night
38:59Outside the sun was slowly moving
39:06It's been a long time since I lived my life
39:10Oh my god it's 9.30
39:13Who is this?
39:14Who is this?
39:18I have big news
39:20Do you want it?
39:24Listen buddy
39:26I have already left my job
39:28What will be the bigger news than this?
39:34What? This is not a peacock?
39:45Hey buddy
39:47I have a business deal
39:50Are you interested?
39:59Let's talk about the details personally
40:14Let's go
40:44Let's go
41:01Take this
41:05Let's go
41:13Which service do you want to take today?
41:16I want to transfer
41:18Are you both together?
41:26Okay please wait
41:31Please look at the camera
41:33Look we are already transferring
41:34Yes so?
41:36Please move your hand away from the camera
41:40I said look at the camera
41:48She is asking you to look at the camera
41:58Sir please behave properly
42:05Listen to what I am saying
42:10Let's go
42:16Sir read this carefully
42:18And sign on the bottom
42:20What is this?
42:30Look we are not really
42:33We are not fraud