Peerless Battle Spirit Ep.11 - 20 English Sub

  • 2 months ago
00:00:00Episode 44
00:00:19Six-Blood Seven-Wing Martial Soul?
00:00:21How is this possible?
00:00:23The Fang family has been hiding it for so long.
00:00:24We've fallen into their trap.
00:00:30I'm sorry, everyone.
00:00:32Hiding the Martial Soul is because we're afraid that some people will be scared.
00:00:35They don't dare to take part in the competition.
00:00:39That's impossible.
00:00:41Young Master Wudan is the best in the God of Ice.
00:00:44Senior Xiao, what do you think of this disciple?
00:00:49He has extraordinary talent. He has a bright future.
00:00:52Although he's a little overbearing,
00:00:53he doesn't need to do this.
00:00:57Six-Blood Martial Soul?
00:00:59God wants to destroy the Qin family.
00:01:04Fang Rulong.
00:01:06Don't be so arrogant.
00:01:09Even if you're a sixth-rank disciple,
00:01:11I won't lose to you.
00:01:13Listen carefully.
00:01:14It's just a level competition.
00:01:16But I don't mind letting you, a reptile,
00:01:18lose so easily.
00:01:20Give it a try.
00:02:08You still can't beat him?
00:02:10It's hard to say.
00:02:11The Martial Soul is just a level apart.
00:02:13This is already the level of Yun Ni.
00:02:15Qin Chang Kong.
00:02:16In my eyes, you're nothing.
00:02:29Listen up.
00:02:31The Fang family is the number one family in Linshui City.
00:02:34If you join the Fang family now,
00:02:36you can still survive.
00:02:39Rulong, this is the Qin family.
00:02:41What nonsense are you talking about?
00:02:44Today, my son is defeated in the Mystic Spirit Sect.
00:02:47The Fang family will fly into the sky.
00:02:49If you don't surrender now,
00:02:51I will kill you all.
00:02:56How dare you!
00:02:59What a good show.
00:03:04Have you thought it through?
00:03:07I'm not a member of the Qin family.
00:03:09I'm just an outsider.
00:03:10I surrender.
00:03:12I don't want to die.
00:03:13I surrender too.
00:03:16And me.
00:03:23Master Qin.
00:03:24The situation is better than others.
00:03:26Don't drag us down.
00:03:29You're a bunch of cowards.
00:03:45Forget it.
00:03:46Leave now.
00:03:50You're just a bunch of cowards.
00:03:51Have you forgotten the Qin family's teachings?
00:03:54If you're an outsider,
00:03:55you'll all die.
00:03:57If you're just a bunch of cowards,
00:03:59you'll all die.
00:04:06If you want to stay,
00:04:07as a member of the Qin family,
00:04:09you must follow the rules.
00:04:10Even if you have to die,
00:04:12you must fight for the Qin family.
00:04:16Wang Rulong.
00:04:17You want to harm my people.
00:04:19Let's see if you can defeat me.
00:04:21Fight for the Qin family.
00:04:23Fight for the Qin family.
00:04:26Fight for the Qin family.
00:04:36This Qin family is worth protecting.
00:04:43Third Brother.
00:04:46Why are you also...
00:04:48我怎么会提不起真气 Why can't I pick up the real weapon?
00:04:56想为秦家而战?想为秦家而战? 各位不妨试试,看看你们秦家是否还有反抗之力。 You want to fight for the Qin family? Why don't you give it a try? Let's see if your Qin family still has the strength to resist.
00:05:19老三,你居然背叛了秦家,你忘了我们秦家的家训吗? Third Brother, you betrayed the Qin family. Have you forgotten the teachings of the Qin family?
00:05:28三哥,你为什么? Third Brother, why did you...
00:05:30我不是背叛秦家,只能怪秦天和秦铁霸,你们不知顺应大势。 我这是为了保存秦家,避免秦家断机。 I didn't betray the Qin family. It's all Qin Tian and Qin Tie's fault. You didn't know how to adapt to the situation. I did this to protect the Qin family and avoid the Qin family's downfall.
00:05:49剩下的老顽固,等一会儿,我会让你们都生不如死。 The rest of the stubborn ones, wait a while, I will make you all suffer.
00:05:57秦南,你的账我记着呢。 Qin Nan, I remember your account.
00:06:03两位使者,在下希望能对秦家弟子杀戮一番,以便展现我武魂的能力。 Two messengers, I hope to kill the Qin family's disciples to show my martial soul's ability.
00:06:12方如龙,不必多此一举,徒增杀戮。 Fang Rulong, you don't have to do this, you'll only kill more people.
00:06:17小师姐,方如龙的弃武魂本就主杀伐之道。小师姐,方如龙的弃武魂本就主杀伐之道。 Senior Xiao, Fang Rulong's martial soul is only good at killing.
00:06:21况且,杀几个士族之人也不算什么。 Besides, killing a few nobles is not a big deal.
00:06:25白恒,你在教我做事。 Bai Heng, what are you teaching me?
00:06:27不敢,不敢。 I dare not, I dare not.
00:06:29两位使者,我有话要问。 Two messengers, I have something to ask.
00:06:31我想问问白恒使者,是否只要成为玄灵宗弟子,就可以随便残害世俗之人? I want to ask Envoy Bai Heng, is it possible to kill the nobles as long as you become a disciple of the Mystic Spirit Sect?
00:06:44那是自然,凡人只是蝼蚁罢了。 Of course, mortals are just ants.
00:06:57我还有一个问题。 I have another question.
00:06:59比试还未结束,为何就已经确定方如龙为玄灵宗弟子呢? The competition is not over yet, why is it confirmed that Fang Rulong is the disciple of the Mystic Spirit Sect?
00:07:06你觉得这场比试还有继续的必要吗? Do you think there is a need to continue this competition?
00:07:10比试还没有结束,一切尚未可知。 The competition is not over yet, everything is not known yet.
00:07:15秦南说得对,看来他很想展示他的废物武魂啊。 Qin Nan is right, it seems that he really wants to show off his useless martial soul.
00:07:29如此也好。 That's good.
00:07:42秦南,你又何必不自量力呢?别施济虚。 Qin Nan, why are you overestimating yourself? Let the competition continue.
00:07:58秦南,还愣着干什么?赶紧释放你的武魂吧。 Qin Nan, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and release your martial soul.
00:08:14这还需要释放吗?谁不知道他的武魂是把破刀啊? Who doesn't know that his martial soul is a broken knife?
00:08:18一瓶武魂还非要自取其辱,废物竟然还这么狂。 A bottle of martial soul is still trying to humiliate himself. He is so arrogant.
00:08:23南儿,算了吧。 Nan, forget it.
00:08:24少爷。 Master.
00:08:54竟然是六瓶武魂。难怪少主能这么快达到合一锦大赏。 It's a six-bottle martial soul. No wonder the young master was able to achieve the He Yi Jing so quickly.
00:09:13太好了,真是天不灭我秦家。 That's great. God won't destroy my family.
00:09:17不可能,我那天看得清清楚楚。你明明…… Impossible. I saw it clearly that day. You were...
00:09:24明明觉醒的是一瓶废物魂,一定是障眼法。 You were awakened by a bottle of useless martial soul. It must be a spell.
00:09:46不可能,不可能。 Impossible, impossible.
00:10:08不可能。 Impossible.
00:10:22白恒师弟,你现在觉得谁更有资格入我宗门呢? Junior Bai Heng, who do you think is more qualified to join my clan?
00:10:29当然,当然是齐拿了。 Of course, it's Qi Na.
00:10:32我不怕,我和他同为六瓶,我也有资格进入全灵族。 I'm not afraid, I'm a six-bottle with him. I'm also qualified to join the whole clan.
00:10:38让你心服口服。 Let me convince you.
00:10:45七瓶?不对。 Seven bottles? No.
00:10:56八瓶无魂,八瓶无魂。 Eight-bottle martial soul, eight-bottle martial soul.
00:11:02这是怎么回事? What's going on?
00:11:09齐拿,你藏得可真深呢。 Qi Na, you've hidden it so well.
00:11:14五魂之士有意隐瞒,只是提防宵小,引蛇出洞。 还望二位使者见谅。 Martial soul knowledge is intended to be concealed, but it's just to be on the safe side and lure the snake out of the cave. Please forgive me.
00:11:22无妨,我宣布,即日起,齐拿正式成为我玄灵宗弟子。 It doesn't matter. I hereby announce, from today onward, Qi Na has officially become a disciple of my Mystic Spirit Sect.
00:11:31好,齐拿好样的。 Good, Qi Na, well done.
00:11:33白恒使者,我之前就问过你,是否成为了玄灵宗弟子,就能掌握世俗之人的生死。 Envoy Bai Heng, I asked you before if becoming a disciple of the Mystic Spirit Sect would allow you to master the life and death of the secular people.
00:11:46这小子如此天赋,未来成就一定比我高。 This kid is so talented, his future achievements will definitely be higher than mine.
00:11:50对对对,秦师弟,如果要对付世俗的敌人,师兄可以帮你解决。 That's right, Junior Qin, if you want to deal with the enemies of the secular world, I can help you.
00:11:55白恒使者,你— Envoy Bai Heng, you—
00:11:57闭嘴! Shut up!
00:11:58那就多谢白恒使者了。方家借玄灵宗选拔弟子之事,妄想灭我秦家。现在该你们给秦家一个交代了。 Thank you, Envoy Bai Heng. The Fang family used the Mystic Spirit Sect's decision to eliminate my family. Now it's time for you to give the Qin family an explanation.
00:12:11齐南少主,我只是一时糊涂,才胆敢冒犯秦家。还请您高抬贵手啊。 Young Master Qi Nan, I was just confused for a moment, so I dared to offend the Qin family. Please forgive me.
00:12:18百年来,方家每年逼迫各家族商购翠蹄丹,也是一时糊涂吧? Over the past hundred years, the Fang family has been forcing the families to sell their products every year. Are you also confused for a moment?
00:12:25仅去年,方家就从各家族霸占两座林矿、十三间商铺。这笔账该怎么算? Last year alone, the Fang family took over two mines and 13 shops from each family. How should this account be calculated?
00:12:33陵水城苦方家久矣,城中百姓都是敢怒不敢言啊。 The Fang family has been suffering for a long time in Lingshui City, and the people in the city are all furious.
00:12:39方家蛮横跋扈,要遭报应啊。 The Fang family is ruthless, and they will be punished.
00:12:42凡是方家强取的东西,一律退还。凡被方家所伤的,方家也一定登门道歉赔偿。 Anyone who is taken by the Fang family will be repaid in full. Anyone who is hurt by the Fang family, the Fang family will definitely come to apologize and compensate.
00:12:53秦天,秦家现在丧失战力,难免让他人渔翁得利。 Qin Tian, the Qin family is now losing its strength, and it is inevitable that others will benefit from it.
00:12:59只要你敢放过我方家,我立即奉上解药。 As long as you dare to let go of the Fang family, I will immediately give you the antidote.
00:13:05那就不劳方家家主担忧了。 Then you don't have to worry about the Fang family.
00:13:09秦天,你怎么会没事? Qin Tian, how are you okay?
00:13:11我儿早就发现,秦家有人与你暗通款曲,只是我没想到,叛徒竟会是你。 My son has long discovered that someone from the Qin family is colluding with you. But I didn't expect that the traitor would be you.
00:13:21既已有了提防,你们觉得我还会不做一点防备吗? Now that I've been on guard, do you think I won't take some precautions?
00:13:25方家必须滚出去! 飞虎,滚出去! 方家人滚出凌水城! The Fang family must get out of here! Flying Tiger, get out of here! The Fang family must get out of Lingshui City!
00:13:30方家作恶多端,罄竹难书,你觉得你们还能在凌水城立足吗? The Fang family is evil, and it's hard to win. Do you think you can still stand in Lingshui City?
00:13:46我冯莉,以五道誓言发誓,方家鬼魂客家族一切产业,即刻离开凌水城,永不再与秦家为敌。 I, Feng Li, swear by the Five Prowesses, that I will leave Lingshui City immediately and will never be an enemy of the Qin family.
00:14:00大伙到了! 秦家景色酒水甜甜,欢宴三天! Everyone is here! The wine and food of the Qin family are sweet and delicious! Let's enjoy the feast for three days!
00:14:05哎,我说,没想到秦澹少主啊,不但击败了方如龙,更是拥有八品武魂的绝世天才!哎,我就说传言不可信吧! Hey, I didn't expect that the young master Qin Tan not only defeated Fang Rulong, but also had an eight-level Martial Soul. Isn't it unbelievable?
00:14:17那方家多行不义,如今自私恶果,当真是大快人心啊! The Fang family has committed many evil deeds, and now they are selfish and evil, which is really a great pleasure!
00:14:24以后啊,林水城由秦家做主,大家一定会越来越好!来,干杯! In the future, the Qin family will be in charge of Lingshui City, and everyone will be better and better! Come on, cheers!
00:14:36你走吧,方家已经搬离林水城了,现在出城,兴许还能赶得上! You go, the Fang family has moved out of Lingshui City, and you may make it out of the city now!
00:14:53啊啊啊,想不到我秦家竟出了个绝世天才! Ah, I never thought that the Qin family would have such a genius!
00:15:18Thank God, it was thanks to the young master
00:15:20Otherwise, the Qin family would have been destroyed
00:15:24I did it for just 500 Cui Tietan
00:15:28Hey, Tieba
00:15:30I am always a very strong man
00:15:33I ignored the elders' opinions
00:15:35I am at fault too
00:15:38Everyone does it for the Qin family
00:15:40Now you're going to the Xuanling Sect
00:15:42I will also go to the mainland
00:15:44and find your own destiny
00:15:46We'll meet again
00:15:48Okay, it's a deal
00:15:55Qin Nan, can you tell us now
00:15:58what's going on with your Martial Soul?
00:16:07Qin Nan, can you tell us now
00:16:10what's going on with your Martial Soul?
00:16:15The two emissaries are here
00:16:18Nan, why don't you explain it to us?
00:16:26To be honest, I was struck by lightning two years ago
00:16:30After that, I had a secret skill
00:16:32that can cover the level of Martial Soul
00:16:36Struck by lightning?
00:16:38That means you rely on your own cultivation
00:16:43I just didn't want to alert you
00:16:45so I didn't tell you
00:16:47I hope you can forgive me
00:16:49It's okay
00:16:51If I knew you have such a talent
00:16:53we wouldn't have to hold the competition
00:16:59You should deal with your family affairs as soon as possible
00:17:01and go back to Xuanling Sect with us
00:17:03We don't have much time left
00:17:05In that case, Nan
00:17:07you can set off tomorrow
00:17:10Before the banquet, you can take the two emissaries to visit the Qin family
00:17:15I can take Sister Xiao with me
00:17:17to see what kind of talent
00:17:19can bring up a genius like Brother Qin
00:17:24I remember
00:17:26I have a skill to discuss with Master Qin
00:17:35Master Qin, is there any other program for the banquet?
00:17:46This spring water is as clear as the dry fields
00:17:48That's why the ancestors of the Qin family
00:17:50chose to settle here
00:18:00Qin Nan
00:18:02Since you have a secret skill that can cover the level of Martial Soul
00:18:05does that mean your Martial Soul
00:18:07is not only level 8?
00:18:12If I have a stronger Martial Soul
00:18:14I can definitely get more training resources in Xuanling Sect
00:18:16Why should I continue to cover my eyes?
00:18:20That's right
00:18:22That was close
00:18:24How can a woman's intuition be so terrible?
00:18:27Let's go
00:18:39Before we set off
00:18:40I still have two words to tell you
00:18:42Xuanling Sect's genius is like a cloud
00:18:44Even if you have level 8 Martial Soul
00:18:46it's just a yellow mark
00:18:48Looking at the whole continent
00:18:50there is also a black mark, a yellow mark
00:18:52and even the legendary heavenly mark
00:18:54Don't look down on yourself
00:18:56Thank you for reminding me
00:18:58I will remember
00:19:06Senior, do you have something on your mind?
00:19:11Everyone has worries
00:19:13Just like this flowing water
00:19:15I can't stop it
00:19:18Senior, you are kind to me
00:19:20If I can help you
00:19:22I will tell you everything
00:19:28If he has a higher level of talent
00:19:30maybe he can really help me
00:19:52Nan'er, this trip to Xuanling Sect is a long journey
00:19:54You have to take good care of yourself
00:19:56Father, I will
00:20:02Young Master
00:20:04Xiao Qing
00:20:06Young Master, I am doing this to protect Lin Shui City
00:20:08I will often come back to visit everyone
00:20:14Junior Lin, let's go
00:20:20Junior Lin, let's go
00:20:38Father, this...
00:20:40These people of Lin Shui City
00:20:42were not brought by me
00:20:44Thank you for sending me off
00:21:20You guys are walking too fast
00:21:22Xuanling Sect is thousands of miles away from Lin Shui City
00:21:24With your speed
00:21:26we have to walk for 9 days and 9 nights
00:21:309 days and 9 nights
00:21:32You haven't practiced your martial arts yet
00:21:34This Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:21:36is the ultimate martial arts
00:21:38It can improve your speed
00:21:42This is too expensive
00:21:44I gave it to you
00:21:46You can use it to practice
00:21:48If you can walk fast
00:21:50we can go back to the Immortal Sects
00:21:52It's less than a breath
00:21:54and I have already entered the state of
00:21:56everything is like a pool of water
00:21:58and the mind is in harmony
00:22:00Am I born to be a pool of water?
00:22:04Qin Nan's ability is really good
00:22:06But if you want to learn the ultimate martial arts on the road
00:22:08it will be a dream
00:22:10Why don't we make a bet?
00:22:12How about it?
00:22:16Bet that he will understand it
00:22:18before he goes to the Xuanling Sect
00:22:22It's boring to just talk about it
00:22:24How about
00:22:26One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:22:28Then I will thank you in advance
00:22:34It took at least a month
00:22:36for us to understand this martial art
00:22:38Just a few days
00:22:42I won this round
00:23:08It's faster than I expected
00:23:22It's faster than I expected
00:23:26learned the ultimate martial art
00:23:28in just three hours
00:23:30Is he a demon?
00:23:34The ultimate martial art is really amazing
00:23:36No wonder it took three hours
00:23:38for him to master it
00:23:42Senior Bai Heng
00:23:44What's wrong with you two?
00:23:46Bai Heng and I used One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:23:48to see how long you can understand
00:23:50One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:23:52It seems that I won
00:23:56Senior Xiao is so smart
00:23:58Bai Heng is convinced
00:24:00If I use this One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:24:02Let's see
00:24:04how long the soul of the God of War
00:24:06can withstand
00:24:08Damn it
00:24:10This weirdo caused me a great loss
00:24:12Junior Qin
00:24:14Since you have understood One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:24:16Why don't you show it to us?
00:24:20We will wait for you in the pavilion
00:25:14Maybe I am talented
00:25:16I am the ultimate martial art
00:25:18I can master it in three days
00:25:20Ha ha ha
00:25:22Junior Qin is still young
00:25:24Every step of the Five Elements
00:25:26is as difficult as climbing the sky
00:25:28Since you are so elegant
00:25:30Then I will
00:25:32give you another One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:25:36Senior Bai is so smart
00:25:42Stop fooling around
00:25:44Senior, don't worry
00:25:46I just want to give myself some motivation
00:25:50I don't have One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:25:52Why don't you test me today?
00:25:54If I lose, I will give it back to you later
00:25:56Of course
00:26:00You two can go back to the clan and wait for me
00:26:02Before the sun sets in three days
00:26:04Remember to pick me up
00:26:12Where did she get her confidence from?
00:26:18Qin Ran
00:26:20I hope you can give me more surprises
00:27:04Why did you trust him?
00:27:06Do you really think
00:27:08you can wait for him today?
00:27:10Since I am on your boat
00:27:12as a witness
00:27:14Whether Qin Ran will lose or win
00:27:16We should come and see
00:27:18Hmph, you are right
00:27:20I don't want him to play tricks
00:27:22It's just that the poor guy has lost his mind
00:27:24I need you to give me back
00:27:26the One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:27:30I understand
00:27:34The One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:27:36is to integrate hundreds of steps into eight directions
00:27:38to form eight steps
00:27:40Each direction
00:27:42requires only one step
00:27:58I won
00:28:02I'll go back and get some sleep
00:28:14What's going on?
00:28:22I did it
00:28:30I won
00:28:32No way
00:28:34Don't tell me
00:28:36your Martial Soul can help you
00:28:38master the Five Realms
00:28:42That's right
00:28:44After I released my Martial Soul
00:28:46I was able to solve
00:28:48many problems
00:28:50Your Martial Soul is no small matter
00:28:52In the future
00:28:54you need to spend more time on the Five Realms
00:28:58Senior Bai Heng
00:29:00I have something to hide about the Martial Soul
00:29:02I took advantage of you
00:29:06give me fifty of the One Hundred-Spin Eight Steps
00:29:08No way
00:29:10I have to give you one hundred
00:29:12No no no
00:29:14I have to give you two hundred
00:29:16That's not good
00:29:18Senior is being too polite
00:29:20Qi Nan's cultivation is too scary
00:29:22I can't disturb her
00:29:24I have to hold her leg tight
00:29:26Maybe I can reach the sky
00:29:28Junior Qin
00:29:30I'm sure you'll get a good ranking
00:29:32Wan Xiang Big Cake?
00:29:34What's that?
00:29:42Every time I welcome new disciples
00:29:44I will hold a big cake
00:29:46on Wan Xiang Island
00:29:48to test the new disciple's confidence
00:29:50Jiang Yi Ji
00:29:52If the new disciple
00:29:54can get a good ranking
00:29:56we will be proud
00:30:00Senior Xiao
00:30:02Senior Bai
00:30:04I won't let you down
00:30:06It's getting late
00:30:08Bai Heng, take Qin Nan to the Immortal Sects
00:30:10I'll arrange her room
00:30:14Senior Qin
00:30:18Senior Qin
00:30:20I'm the head of the four Immortal Sects
00:30:22in Luo He State
00:30:24The disciples in the sect
00:30:26can be divided into
00:30:28Right Sect
00:30:30Left Sect
00:30:32and Inner Sect
00:30:34Senior Xiao and I
00:30:36are the Inner Sect disciples
00:30:40With my current ability
00:30:42I can take over the sect
00:30:46This is the spiritual land everyone wants
00:30:52The two sects
00:30:54are all outside disciples
00:30:56The Inner Sect
00:30:58are outside the sect
00:31:00The top of the sect
00:31:02are the six main halls
00:31:04Yi Bao Hall
00:31:06Gong Fa Hall
00:31:08Gong Lao Hall
00:31:10and Zhang Jiao Hall
00:31:14These five main halls
00:31:16are easy to recognize just by their names
00:31:18But the Life and Death Hall is different
00:31:20What's the difference?
00:31:22The sects are not allowed to fight
00:31:24But the Life and Death Hall is different
00:31:26Once the two sides decide to fight
00:31:28no one can interfere
00:31:32I heard that the owner of the hall is an old monster
00:31:34Junior Qin
00:31:36Don't act on impulse
00:31:38Let's go
00:32:08These must be the new disciples that have been selected from all over the place.
00:32:12Each of them has a high level of cultivation.
00:32:16There are a lot of talents in the sect.
00:32:18You have to remember what I told you at Qin's house.
00:32:33Who is this guy?
00:32:34There is such a beauty around?
00:32:39Then what is he doing here?
00:32:41I can't even see his cultivation.
00:32:44You are ignorant.
00:32:46This is the first beauty in our sect,
00:32:48Senior Sister Xiao Qingxue.
00:32:50How can a blind man like you see through her cultivation?
00:32:54Senior Sister?
00:32:56This kid is only five years old,
00:32:58but he is still willing to be with Senior Sister Xiao.
00:33:09Who am I messing with?
00:33:12Why? Are you scared?
00:33:14How is that possible?
00:33:17Who do you think I am?
00:33:19So it's Beauty Xiao.
00:33:21Beauty Xiao didn't go with Mr. Ouyang today.
00:33:24Why did she come here with a little white face?
00:33:30Mo Li, stop talking nonsense.
00:33:32I have nothing to do with Ouyang Jun.
00:33:35Our bet has just begun.
00:33:37Is there a need for a bet?
00:33:39This little white face is only five years old.
00:33:42She still wants to win the first place in Wanxiang Contest.
00:33:45Senior Sister, don't be like a dog.
00:33:50How dare you!
00:33:52How dare you say that!
00:33:57I brought Qin Nan into the Mystic Spirit Sect.
00:33:59If you dare to do it,
00:34:01I will never agree.
00:34:04Just in time.
00:34:06I also recruited a new member for Mr. Ouyang.
00:34:09When Wanxiang Contest is over,
00:34:11I will let him take good care of you.
00:34:15Just wait and see.
00:34:23Senior Sister, what about the bet?
00:34:26The bet is my business.
00:34:28Just focus on your practice.
00:34:30Do your best in Wanxiang Contest.
00:34:33No wonder Senior Sister has a lot on her mind.
00:34:35It must be that Ouyang Jun.
00:34:41This is...
00:34:42Clouds are like clothes, flowers are like flowers.
00:34:46Spring wind is like a sword, dew is like a flower.
00:34:50If it weren't for the mountains,
00:34:53I would have gone to the balcony to meet the moon.
00:34:58Looking at me,
00:34:59it should be the new disciple that Senior Brother Mo Li just mentioned.
00:35:02I think his name is Lin Zi Xiao.
00:35:06Furong is not as beautiful as a beauty.
00:35:08The water is cool and fragrant.
00:35:12I thought these were just poems.
00:35:14But I didn't expect that there were really such women in the world.
00:35:18No wonder Senior Brother Ouyang is crazy about you.
00:35:25I heard that there is a useless person by Senior Sister Xiao's side.
00:35:29He wants to compete with me for the first place in Wanxiang Contest.
00:35:36It seems that there are still people who don't understand the principle of never giving up.
00:35:43Another Huangji Jiuping.
00:35:56what I hate the most is the look of you being elegant.
00:36:01What I hate the most is the look of you being elegant.
00:36:07If you are not convinced,
00:36:09fight with me again.
00:36:17Huang Long,
00:36:18you are not the strongest now.
00:36:20This Qin Nan doesn't even care about Senior Brother Mo Li.
00:36:26Is there anyone who is not afraid of Mo Li?
00:36:31Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:36:42although you are just a martial artist,
00:36:44you are not inferior to the people of the inner sect.
00:36:46You are brave enough.
00:36:47I admire you very much.
00:36:49Big brother,
00:36:50you exposed this hypocrite in public.
00:36:52I admire you too.
00:36:58You are interesting.
00:36:59Let's drink together tonight.
00:37:01It's a deal.
00:37:08our Wanxiang Contest
00:37:10hopes that you will not kneel down and beg for mercy.
00:37:13I will accompany you to the end.
00:37:17Senior Brother Qin,
00:37:18you are still not his opponent now.
00:37:21Forget it.
00:37:22If Lin Zixiao dares to trouble you in the future,
00:37:24just tell me.
00:37:25Senior Sister,
00:37:26don't worry.
00:37:27Lin Zixiao is not afraid.
00:37:30If he dares to trouble me,
00:37:31he will regret it.
00:37:32Where did this guy come from?
00:37:35How dare he say that Lin Zixiao will regret it?
00:37:38Look up there.
00:37:49What a strong power.
00:37:51Is this the Elder of Xuanling Sect?
00:37:53It's the Vice Hall Leader of Xingfa Hall, Zhao Sifu.
00:37:55I didn't expect that he would be in charge of the contest this time.
00:37:59The Wanxiang Contest will be held in three days.
00:38:02All disciples can choose a martial art from the Palace Hall.
00:38:06But there is only one level.
00:38:08Before the Wanxiang Contest,
00:38:09the contest will be strictly prohibited.
00:38:11Anyone who disobeys will be expelled from the sect.
00:38:26there are eight levels in the Palace Hall.
00:38:28On each level,
00:38:29there are martial arts and cultivation notes
00:38:31left by the strong people of the Xuanling Sect.
00:38:34You can choose the martial arts you are good at.
00:38:39Although the martial arts are good,
00:38:40you can't spend too much time in the Palace Hall.
00:38:43Use your talent
00:38:45to familiarize yourself with the martial arts.
00:38:48I understand.
00:38:49I will try my best.
00:38:50I will try my best.
00:38:51I will try my best.
00:38:52I will try my best.
00:38:53I will try my best.
00:38:54I will try my best.
00:38:57I will wait for you outside the Palace Hall tomorrow afternoon.
00:39:00I understand, Senior.
00:39:21Old man,
00:39:22is this the Palace Hall?
00:39:25It's right ahead.
00:39:33This old man's cultivation
00:39:35is actually higher than that of the Palace Hall's Vice Hall Master.
00:39:39I, Qin Nan, greet you, Elder.
00:39:46You can just call me Elder Shan.
00:39:49Qin Nan, right?
00:39:51Hurry and go in.
00:39:53Thank you, Elder Shan.
00:39:54Thank you, Elder Shan.
00:39:58A young man who is good at martial arts
00:40:00can actually visit me.
00:40:03It's not easy.
00:40:08There are so many weapons on the first floor.
00:40:10How dense are the weapons on the upper floors?
00:40:14Forget it.
00:40:15I don't want to think about it.
00:40:16Hurry and see if there is anything suitable.
00:40:25Look at who this is.
00:40:27It's really a familiar face.
00:40:29I just left the Baiyu Daocheng
00:40:31and I ran into you here again.
00:40:35Why don't you even have a suitable knife?
00:40:38You're in such a hurry to leave.
00:40:40Could it be that without Senior Xiao,
00:40:42you're afraid of me?
00:40:45Oh, I understand.
00:40:47You're just a scapegoat.
00:40:50You're just a scapegoat.
00:40:54I've seen Brother Ling's style.
00:40:56When Huang Long asked you to fight,
00:40:58you didn't say a word.
00:41:00It's really powerful.
00:41:02Qin Nan,
00:41:03if you have the guts, say it again.
00:41:05Brother Ling's dog lung ability
00:41:07is not bad.
00:41:08Are you looking for death?
00:41:11In Gonghua Hall,
00:41:13no more noise.
00:41:16All the contradictions in Gonghua Hall
00:41:18will be solved by martial arts.
00:41:20If you dare to make noise again,
00:41:22I'll expel you from Gonghua Hall.
00:41:23Come up.
00:41:24May I ask what is martial arts?
00:41:26The so-called martial arts
00:41:28is to use the Blue Sea Moon Cliff Stone
00:41:30to compete for the high level of martial arts talent.
00:41:33Qin Nan,
00:41:34why don't we have a fight?
00:41:36Of course,
00:41:37I won't force you.
00:41:41My Yu Xiao Martial Soul can not only fight,
00:41:43but also enhance martial arts talent.
00:41:45Isn't it easy to defeat you?
00:41:49Whoever loses
00:41:50will never step into Gonghua Hall.
00:42:06Is he crazy?
00:42:08How can he be so confident?
00:42:12Don't you dare?
00:42:15Since you don't want to enter Gonghua Hall,
00:42:17I'll help you.
00:42:21If so,
00:42:22let me be the witness.
00:42:26This kid is unlucky.
00:42:28He wants to enter Gonghua Hall in his life.
00:42:31He deserves it.
00:42:41This is the Blue Sea Moon Cliff Stone.
00:42:45Put your hands on the Moon Cliff Stone.
00:42:49It will show seven kinds of light
00:42:51according to the testers' martial arts talent.
00:42:55The lowest color
00:42:57and the strongest color.
00:42:59Who will go first?
00:43:01I'll go first.
00:43:03Qin Nan,
00:43:04look carefully.
00:43:06How big is the gap between us?
00:43:23Seven kinds of light?
00:43:26Qin Nan is defeated.
00:43:27He is really unpredictable.
00:43:29Among the new disciples,
00:43:31I'm afraid the one who can trigger the blue light
00:43:33with his martial arts talent
00:43:35will be the winner.
00:43:36Qin Nan
00:43:37will probably lose.
00:43:39Qin Nan,
00:43:40as long as you learn the Three-Sound Dog Beating,
00:43:42I won't save you.
00:43:44What do you think?
00:43:46There is a sky outside the sky.
00:43:47There is a person outside the person.
00:43:48Open your eyes and look carefully.
00:44:06It's out.
00:44:08Look at this.
00:44:12You said it so confidently.
00:44:13The result is the lowest color.
00:44:16With this level,
00:44:17how dare you compete with Senior Ling?
00:44:21I thought you were capable.
00:44:23You want me to look at this?
00:44:34How can this be?
00:44:36What's going on?
00:44:38It's still there.
00:44:39No, it turns blue.
00:44:50It's been so many years.
00:44:51Have you finally waited for it?
00:44:59I lost to a useless person
00:45:00who has five bugs in his body.
00:45:04Qin Nan will win this battle.
00:45:07According to the agreement,
00:45:08the loser is not allowed to enter the Palace.
00:45:17Qin Nan,
00:45:18I will definitely make you suffer
00:45:20in the afterlife.
00:45:26Qin Nan's martial arts talent
00:45:27is so terrible.
00:45:29The one who can trigger the purple light
00:45:30is not many people in the Xuanling Sect.
00:45:32Qin Nan,
00:45:33are you interested in coming with me?
00:45:36As you wish.
00:45:46There is such an elegant building in the sect?
00:45:48Qin Nan,
00:45:50if you can trigger
00:45:51the purple light of Lanhai Moon Cliff,
00:45:53I will give you a token.
00:45:56This token
00:45:57can be used all over the Palace.
00:46:00You can choose your own martial arts
00:46:02without any time limit.
00:46:06The new disciples can only choose one martial art
00:46:08at the bottom.
00:46:09There is a time limit.
00:46:10This token is too aggressive.
00:46:15you said the token is too expensive.
00:46:16I can't afford it.
00:46:20I've been here for a hundred years.
00:46:22Even if it's a true disciple,
00:46:24no one has triggered the purple light.
00:46:27If you can trigger the purple light,
00:46:29I can give you a token.
00:46:32A hundred years?
00:46:34Since you're here,
00:46:35I'll give it a try.
00:46:51What martial soul is this?
00:46:53Can it really trigger the purple light?
00:46:57It's broken.
00:47:07It's broken?
00:47:11Will you compensate me?
00:47:21Good boy.
00:47:22Don't worry.
00:47:23You don't have to compensate me.
00:47:25I'm a man of my word.
00:47:27The Purple Dragon Teeth Token
00:47:29is yours now.
00:47:34Thank you, Master.
00:47:35I'll never forget
00:47:36your kindness.
00:47:39Go ahead.
00:47:57I've found the person
00:47:59you're looking for.
00:48:01When will you come back?
00:48:20Who are you?
00:48:21How dare you come to the top?
00:48:23Leave now.
00:48:25can I have this token?
00:48:27What token?
00:48:28Give it to me now.
00:48:31The Purple Dragon Teeth Token?
00:48:34can I go in now?
00:48:38of course.
00:48:42What's wrong with him?
00:48:44He's so weak,
00:48:45but he has the Elder's token.
00:48:55The Purple Dragon Teeth Token
00:49:08He really came in.
00:49:15The Sword Chasing Technique.
00:49:17The top level is the top level.
00:49:19Once you take it,
00:49:20you'll be a strong martial artist.
00:49:25A new disciple?
00:49:31He's so young,
00:49:33but he's a top martial artist.
00:49:36He's just a weak martial artist.
00:49:38The top level is the top level.
00:49:40Even the top ten disciples
00:49:41of the Inner Sect can't get in.
00:49:43How did he...
00:49:45The Elder's token?
00:49:48I'm Gong Yang, a disciple of the Inner Sect.
00:49:50What's your name?
00:49:52Senior Gong Yang,
00:49:53I'm Qin Nan.
00:49:55Junior Qin Nan,
00:49:56you can't show your token to anyone.
00:50:01Thank you for reminding me.
00:50:02It's your first time here, right?
00:50:04What kind of martial art do you want to learn?
00:50:08To be honest,
00:50:09I'm looking for a sword technique.
00:50:11Sword technique?
00:50:20This sword technique
00:50:21was created by the former chief,
00:50:22Tang Qingshan when he was young.
00:50:24It's said that the sword technique has changed a lot.
00:50:26Since he disappeared,
00:50:28no one in the sect
00:50:29has been able to understand this sword technique.
00:50:31But even if you only get a good score,
00:50:32you won't get anything in return.
00:50:34Thank you, Senior.
00:50:51Tiansheng Fire Pool?
00:50:53Junior Qin Nan has such a talent.
00:50:55It's so fast.
00:50:58You've entered the sect so quickly.
00:51:02Master Ma.
00:51:04I've already closed the top level of the Palace Hall.
00:51:07You two
00:51:08can practice here at ease.
00:51:18He's obviously a very domineering thief,
00:51:20but he's able to reveal all kinds of tricks.
00:51:23This good person shouldn't be able to smile.
00:51:26Why is that?
00:51:29God of War's soul?
00:51:38I understand now.
00:51:39There's no form when the sword doesn't have a form.
00:51:41Although the sword moves,
00:51:43it's just a material.
00:51:46It's like a stone in your hand.
00:51:48It's like a blade in your hand.
00:51:49But it's extremely fierce.
00:51:51This is what a real human sword is like.
00:51:59In just half a day,
00:52:00he has reached the perfect level of a human sword.
00:52:03Even if he's born shameless,
00:52:05he can't be this fast.
00:52:14Senior Gu Yang.
00:52:15Why are you looking at me like that?
00:52:16What's wrong?
00:52:19Junior is very fast.
00:52:20I've never seen such a sword before.
00:52:22If you don't mind,
00:52:23you can call me Brother Yang from now on.
00:52:27Brother Yang.
00:52:28Senior Xiao is waiting for me outside the hall.
00:52:30I have to go now.
00:52:36Senior Xiao?
00:52:37Could it be Xiao Qingxue?
00:52:39They are also friends?
00:52:47Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:52:53Qin Nan.
00:52:54You finally dare to come out.
00:52:57We should settle our score.
00:53:00If you cross me,
00:53:02I'll forget about saving you.
00:53:05Mo Li.
00:53:06How dare you?
00:53:10Gong Yang?
00:53:11Who are you?
00:53:13How dare you meddle in Senior Mo's business?
00:53:15Ling Zixiao.
00:53:16Shut up.
00:53:17How can you talk to Senior Gu Yang?
00:53:22Ling Zixiao just joined the Xuanling Tribe.
00:53:24He didn't mean to offend you.
00:53:25Please forgive him.
00:53:27Your attitude towards my junior
00:53:29is much more arrogant than now.
00:53:32We offended you.
00:53:34We'll leave now.
00:53:39Qin Nan has no background.
00:53:41It's okay to get Xiao Qingxue's respect.
00:53:43Forget it.
00:53:44Why is Gong Yang also protecting her?
00:53:47Thank you for your help.
00:53:49We are friends.
00:53:50You're welcome.
00:53:51Senior Gu Yang.
00:53:54Junior Qingxue?
00:53:56Since Junior Qingxue is here,
00:53:57I have something to do.
00:53:58I have to go now.
00:54:03Gu Yang is the top three genius in the sect.
00:54:05I didn't expect that he would help you.
00:54:07No wonder Gong Yang doesn't like Mo Li.
00:54:10He is so strong.
00:54:11Let's not talk about this.
00:54:12There are still five days before the competition.
00:54:14You have to improve your cultivation as much as possible.
00:54:30If I don't cut Qin Nan into pieces,
00:54:32can you hold your breath?
00:54:38Don't worry.
00:54:39In the competition,
00:54:41there are many ways to deal with Qin Nan.
00:54:45Please enlighten me, Senior.
00:54:48You are the top genius in the sect.
00:54:50Who dares to offend you for Qin Nan?
00:54:56When the time comes,
00:54:57you can unite with some new disciples
00:54:59to deal with Qin Nan.
00:55:03Don't forget
00:55:04that I'm behind you.
00:55:10Chinese TV Series Exclusive YouTube
00:55:21Bai Heng lost to my two hundred celestial pellets.
00:55:23I don't know what level
00:55:25the soul of God of War can be raised to.
00:55:39Bai Heng lost to my two hundred celestial pellets.
00:55:44How come there is no reaction at all?
00:55:47This is equivalent to two thousand crystal pellets.
00:56:04Junior Qin.
00:56:11You should wear this Dun Di Pearl.
00:56:14If you break it at a critical moment,
00:56:16it can take you to the outside world.
00:56:18You have given me enough help.
00:56:20I can't take it.
00:56:22You can take what I give you.
00:56:24Unless you don't take me as a friend.
00:56:38This is my brother Xiao Leng.
00:56:40He is the top ten among the new disciples.
00:56:42I specially brought him here to meet you.
00:56:45He can also take care of you in Dabi.
00:56:48Nice to meet you.
00:56:49I'm Qin Nan.
00:56:50Nice to meet you, Brother Xiao Leng.
00:56:51I thought he was such a master.
00:56:53He can only break five crystal pellets.
00:56:56Can you still count on him to help me in Dabi?
00:57:00Xiao Leng,
00:57:01what are you talking about?
00:57:02I don't need his help.
00:57:05But don't worry.
00:57:06The new disciples have learned a lot.
00:57:08They will definitely let you win the bet.
00:57:12Junior Qin.
00:57:13Don't be like my brother.
00:57:15He has been in a bad mood since childhood.
00:57:17He is spoiled.
00:57:21what kind of bet is it?
00:57:24This bet has nothing to do with you.
00:57:26You can only fight for a good rank on Wan Xiang Island.
00:57:29Get the reward that belongs to you.
00:57:31If you can help Xiao Leng,
00:57:32I will be very grateful.
00:57:36Senior still refuses to tell me.
00:57:39I have to win Wan Xiang Island.
00:58:03let me see your strength.
00:58:19There are more than 60 people
00:58:21who can break more than seven crystal pellets.
00:58:33In this Dabi,
00:58:34the five of us will work together
00:58:37to send you to Wan Xiang Island at random.
00:58:40There are a total of 20 Azure Dragon Orders on Wan Xiang Island.
00:58:44All the disciples will fight based on their abilities.
00:58:48In three days,
00:58:49how many ranks do you hold on the token?
00:58:52The top ten disciples
00:58:55will be rewarded
00:58:56with 500 celestial pellets.
00:58:59The second place
00:59:01will get three golden pellets.
00:59:04The first place
00:59:07will get nine golden pellets.
00:59:17Just as Senior said,
00:59:19the reward is so generous.
00:59:21Qi Nan.
00:59:25This time, Dabi is no less than Wu Dao.
00:59:29Qi Nan is my mortal enemy.
00:59:31If you can kill him,
00:59:33I will definitely do what I promised before.
00:59:40It's a piece of cake.
00:59:43One move is enough for me.
00:59:45As long as I meet him,
00:59:47I will definitely make him suffer.
00:59:49I will leave it to Lin Xiong.
00:59:54Thank you all.
00:59:57Wang Meng and Li Chang Yun are both strong.
00:59:59Ji Shen is a top-level master.
01:00:01Qi Nan is in trouble.
01:00:10Lin Zi Xiao.
01:00:11Why do you join the disciples to fight against one person?
01:00:15Master Zhao Fu.
01:00:17A few days ago,
01:00:18Qi Nan used his martial arts talent to plot against me.
01:00:21He instigated me to never step into the Palace.
01:00:24How dare Qi Nan
01:00:25plot against his fellow disciples?
01:00:27If that's the case,
01:00:28I will not interfere in this matter anymore.
01:00:32You dare to go against Senior Lin?
01:00:34You have a long life.
01:00:36How can you talk to him?
01:00:38If I meet you on Wan Xiang Island,
01:00:40you will be a slave.
01:00:47At this point,
01:00:49how can you still laugh?
01:00:51I laugh because you have no ambition.
01:00:53You have no ambition.
01:00:55Just because you lost the fight,
01:00:57you are so agitated.
01:01:01I laugh because you don't know what is right or wrong.
01:01:03You are just talking nonsense.
01:01:05Since you want to fight against me,
01:01:07I will send you to the end.
01:01:23I will send you to the end.
01:01:29Start the transmission formation.
01:01:37I want to see what you are capable of.
01:01:41I want to see what you are capable of.
01:01:53The current disciples are really ungrateful.
01:01:56They even dare to be so arrogant.
01:02:12You have a good luck.
01:02:14You have a good luck.
01:02:24You are lucky to meet a witch.
01:02:27You are lucky to meet a witch.
01:02:35This is what you deserve.
01:02:42Let's use the pain of the God of War to investigate him first.
01:02:47Qu Ling Grass.
01:02:50Gu Lei Mu.
01:02:51There are so many good things in the world.
01:02:54This scent...
01:02:56Could it be purple fireworks?
01:03:11God is really kind to me.
01:03:15Not only did I meet you for the first time,
01:03:17but he also gave me a bunch of purple fireworks.
01:03:21Just because of you?
01:03:23So what?
01:03:25You want to die?
01:03:26I'll kill you and you'll regret it!
01:03:45Bao Lian Long Fist!
01:03:56He can actually break the blade.
01:04:01This is bad.
01:04:02Let's go around first.
01:04:09You want to leave?
01:04:51Wait for me!
01:05:02I don't know if this purple fireworks
01:05:04can help me break through the barrier.
01:05:06Even if your cultivation has improved,
01:05:08but facing so many masters,
01:05:12it's still a dead end.
01:05:15Thank you for the reminder.
01:05:19You forgot something.
01:05:21Where's Li Chang Yun?
01:05:24Before the Big Picture,
01:05:25the ten new disciples
01:05:27each got a fish map.
01:05:29Although it only records
01:05:30the location of ten Azure Dragon Scales,
01:05:32there is a rumor that
01:05:33if you combine the ten fish maps together,
01:05:36you'll get the hidden 20 scales.
01:05:41Why are you telling me this?
01:05:43Why don't you go find Azure Dragon Scales yourself?
01:05:47I don't want to take advantage of you.
01:05:50You came here
01:05:51just to tell me this?
01:05:54You used a knife to kill Li Chang Yun.
01:05:57You have some strength.
01:05:59I want to cooperate with you.
01:06:00Episode 08
01:06:05Don't think that Wang Meng
01:06:06ranks eighth among the ten masters.
01:06:08He took my fish map
01:06:09because he has more people.
01:06:11Maybe he used some kind of trick
01:06:13to get the fish map.
01:06:18Then what's your rank?
01:06:25It's obvious that you can't beat me.
01:06:26You said that Wang Meng has more people.
01:06:29The sword in Wang Meng's hand
01:06:30can break other people's weapons.
01:06:31I have my own way to deal with him.
01:06:33You just need to stop the helper behind him.
01:06:52Congratulations, Senior.
01:06:53You got another Azure Dragon Scale.
01:06:56Thanks to Xiao Leng, that idiot.
01:06:58He can never understand
01:07:00what it means to have more people and more power.
01:07:02Wang Meng.
01:07:03Do you dare to fight again?
01:07:06Who do you think I am?
01:07:07It turns out that you are the loser.
01:07:11Three against one.
01:07:12Since you want to fight,
01:07:14give me a chance.
01:07:16Qin Nan.
01:07:19How dare you come to me?
01:07:22What are you doing?
01:07:23What are you doing?
01:07:24Why don't you follow the plan?
01:07:27Don't worry.
01:07:28I don't think I will lose.
01:07:31You are really arrogant.
01:07:35If you want to die,
01:07:36I will give you a quick death.
01:07:38Qin Nan.
01:07:39An Qianchi.
