Coronation Street 17th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Coronation Street 17th July 2024


00:39Okay, so that's booked.
00:40You'll send me a confirmation email.
00:43Thank you.
00:44Have a nice day.
00:48Friday the 27th.
00:50Friday the 27th, yeah.
00:52Shame we couldn't get a Saturday.
00:54Oh, yeah, but people can turn it into a long weekend, can't they?
00:58Good thought.
01:00But still, Friday the 27th of September
01:02sounds like a good day to get married.
01:05Hey, your divorce will have gone through by then.
01:08Are you sure?
01:09I'm so sure.
01:10I'm going to transfer the five grand deposit right now.
01:14You'll split the costs, yeah?
01:16I don't want your dad to feel bad.
01:17All he wants is for me to be happy.
01:20Well, all I want is for you to be happy.
01:24Hey, we'd better get started on our vows then.
01:28I'm happy with traditional love and cherish stuff, aren't you?
01:32Well, yeah, but it's our one chance to express our feelings
01:35in front of our friends and family, in front of God.
01:38I thought you'd want the traditional things.
01:40In sickness and in health, till death do us part.
01:42You can't get much bigger than that.
01:44I do want traditional.
01:45I just, I want it to be personal too.
01:48You know, I want it to be special.
01:51It will be, I promise.
01:55Right, we'd better get a wriggle on.
01:56I told Bethany I'd meet her in a cafe later.
01:58You know, I'm not sure about encouraging
02:00her amateur detective thing, Joel.
02:02I want the police to find Lauren too, but I don't know.
02:06Plus, we have got a whole list of jobs to start.
02:08I mean, it's not just the vows.
02:10There are guest lists, menus.
02:11You've got to try on some top hats.
02:13Right, well, first, I represented Nathan,
02:15the man who raped her, so I feel like I owe her.
02:17And second, me in a top hat.
02:21You're just doing your job.
02:23I love that you care about people.
02:26And if we find her, that absolutely nails Roy's innocence.
02:29You're a good man.
02:31I try.
02:32And that is exactly why I am marrying you
02:35on Friday the 27th of September.
02:38Why don't you put that in your vows?
02:40Yeah, I'm going to the hospital in a bit to pick him up.
02:44Well, I can give you a lift if you like.
02:46Oh, thanks, but I'm just going to take the buddy.
02:48Oh, are you?
02:49Well, park the far side of the car park,
02:51because nobody likes parking near the scapes of Sting, woman.
02:54Thanks for the tip.
02:55You know, I just still can't get my head around
02:57how she could put Roy through this.
02:59I mean, how can she be so selfish?
03:01Don't get me started.
03:03Morning, boss.
03:05Oh, you're early today.
03:07Oh, Mum just dropped me off.
03:09Her idea, not mine.
03:10She likes an early start.
03:11So much to do.
03:12Missing girls.
03:13Assaulted local boys.
03:15There you go.
03:17Do you mind if I have some brekkie in here
03:19before I come in to work?
03:21Yeah, go on then.
03:22Except I have no money.
03:29Nina, tell Roy I'll see him later.
03:32There you go.
03:33So, has she said anything to you?
03:36No, she seems to be coping all right, doesn't she?
03:39Although I'm not sure if she needs to be in today.
03:41Well, maybe she just wants to keep busy.
03:45Oh, my ears are burning.
03:46Yeah, because we're talking about you.
03:48No, I just got my head too close to that eye-level grill
03:51and they're really warm.
03:52Well, at least she's not lost her sense of humour.
03:55Look, are you sure you want to be in today?
03:57We can manage without you.
03:58What I want is for you both to stop treating me with kid gloves, OK?
04:01I'm fine.
04:02And working helps take my mind off the other stuff.
04:05OK, well, whatever you want to do, then that's what we'll do.
04:09Well, I'll get back to the kitchen
04:10and you can carry on talking about me behind my back.
04:14At least she seems in good spirits.
04:16Fingers crossed.
04:18I'm going to make some phone call.
04:22Hi, how are things?
04:23Yeah, OK.
04:24I was just wondering if you'd spoken to Amy.
04:26I sent her some info on the business retreat
04:28but she's not gotten back to me.
04:30Oh, I think Amy might be cooling.
04:34Yeah, I...
04:35Well, it's my fault.
04:36I showed her Oliver's AI and I think it might have spooked her.
04:39You made it clear
04:40that's only one of our many techniques and opportunities we can offer.
04:43Well, I didn't really get the chance.
04:45She... She shut me down.
04:48I've always admired your tenacity.
04:50I'm surprised you gave up so easily.
04:52No, I've not given up.
04:53I will speak to her.
04:54It's just I'm just gearing myself up for a final push.
04:57I was so right to put my faith in you.
05:01Well done.
05:04Yeah, please.
05:08Well, I thought your business study degree
05:10would have covered bookkeeping and accountancy.
05:13It does, but it's obviously not prepared me
05:15for my mother's unique attitude towards numbers.
05:17Oh, well, I would offer to help
05:19but I've never been very good with numbers.
05:21You know, I prefer the more creative side of life.
05:25Numbers are so cold, soulless.
05:28You know, I prefer the soft, the tender, the warm.
05:32How about you take your soft soul over to the shop
05:35whilst I try and make sense of these books?
05:37Good idea.
05:38Let's play to our strengths.
05:41I'm looking for patterns but I can't see anything.
05:45Leicester's a big place when you're looking for one person.
05:48She was using your credit card details.
05:50She must have known one day
05:52someone would try and trace her movements.
05:54Well, yeah, but the card's been stopped.
05:56So how has she been living?
05:57How has she bought food?
06:08Of course, she might not be in Leicester.
06:11After risking going to see Roy at the hospital,
06:13she might have wanted to get as far away as she could.
06:16Or maybe she's feeling braver.
06:18Maybe she's closer than we think.
06:20Any joy?
06:21Not yet.
06:23Yeah, we'll keep going.
06:24Craig was in earlier.
06:25I pestered him to put a rocket under the police search.
06:28I mean, the more people looking for her,
06:30the sooner we'll find her.
06:31And that way, we'll know exactly
06:33why she put Roy through this nightmare.
06:39All right, thanks anyway.
06:45How can he be gone already?
06:47Because it was big enough for a family.
06:49For once, we could afford the rent.
06:51We're not the only people looking for accommodation.
06:53Yeah, but how many other people are about to get kicked out of their own home?
06:56Hey, something will come up.
06:58Will it?
07:00Yeah, I spoke to Billy.
07:01He said that the council will put us on a waiting list
07:03and we'll be entitled to emergency housing in the meantime.
07:06So we're not going to go homeless, Jess.
07:08I know.
07:09But we've got the kids and the school.
07:13We don't need this.
07:16I feel like I've let you down.
07:17Can't even put a roof over our heads.
07:19Hey, no, you and me, we're a team, yeah?
07:22Even if we end up living in a cardboard box outside
07:25and rather be doing it with you.
07:31Have you checked the photo?
07:34No, she's probably using a false name.
07:36Why did you...?
07:39Yes, yeah.
07:41Well, thank you for not doing anything.
07:43I hope you're this helpful when the police contact you.
07:47Flippin' heck.
07:49Take it the search ain't going well.
07:51Oh, I didn't hear you come in.
07:53Yeah, it's one of my many hidden talents.
07:55Kind of stealthy like a ninja when I want to be.
07:58You OK?
08:01I'm just frustrated.
08:04Well, let's hope the police are having more luck, eh?
08:08Anyway, how many people have you told?
08:11Told what?
08:13That we've set a date.
08:14That we've got a venue for the wedding.
08:17Oh, I've not had time.
08:19Well, chop, chop, babe. Clock is ticking.
08:22Is that news?
08:25I have to go.
08:27Are you sure you're happy?
08:30About setting a date, getting married?
08:34Of course.
08:35I'm sorry.
08:36There's just so much to do, and work, and Lauren.
08:40Look, you worry too much.
08:42Can you let the police do the job?
08:45You never know, they might have found her already.
08:47I'm sure they will.
08:49I'm sure they will.
08:51You never know, they might have found her already.
08:56Once everything's sorted,
08:59then we can enjoy planning our wedding.
09:03I have to go.
09:04See you later.
09:21These are very neat, you know.
09:23Well, it's all she's done all morning.
09:25And she's swinging the lead.
09:27And she doesn't take a blind bit of notice of what I have to say.
09:30Where is she now?
09:31I sent her down to pack her things.
09:34But she's still trying to get her head around what's expected of her, you know, in a workplace.
09:40I thought maybe you could choose a different worker for her to shadow.
09:43But she's learning so much from you, Beth.
09:46Sorry, what?
09:47She's learning so much from you, Beth.
09:50Sorry to interrupt, but Betsy has a request.
09:52What request?
09:53I need to leave early for lunch.
09:54We have dinner at one.
09:56That's what I said, but it's an emergency.
09:58What's the emergency?
09:59I spilt some water on my phone and it keeps running out of charge.
10:02I need a new one.
10:03Your phone is not an emergency.
10:05What if I need to phone my mum?
10:07What if I have something really important to talk to her about?
10:11OK, well, you can go half an hour early and come back half an hour early.
10:16Need a toilet break.
10:21Does that mean I can go for my dinner as well?
10:23No, it doesn't.
10:24So it's one rule for her and another for the rest of us.
10:27Get over yourself, Beth.
10:29She's work experience.
10:31Cut her some slack.
10:32Get on with your work.
10:37You just caught me.
10:38I'm actually heading out.
10:39Oh, yeah.
10:40Joel mentioned you've not had much luck tracking down Lauren.
10:43No, but I'm going to head over to Leicester.
10:45I've got a list of soup kitchens and hostels that I want to check out.
10:49I mean, it'll probably be nothing, but I feel like I've got to do something.
10:52Well, that might be where I may be able to help.
10:56I was having a little look at the statements and I just...
10:58I think she might have moved on from Leicester.
11:01Really? How come?
11:02Well, come and have a look.
11:05She made most of her purchases on online shops,
11:09but she also bought some rail tickets from a train app.
11:12And I've checked with the train company.
11:14Most of them are a weird day of returns around the Midlands area.
11:17Yeah, I saw those,
11:18but I just assumed that that's where she was picking up the stuff she bought.
11:21Oh, yeah, but look at this.
11:24The last ticket she bought before the card was stopped cost £55.10.
11:29Now, that was an any time single to Warrington.
11:32No return.
11:34I think she might have moved there.
11:36Unless she got the bus back.
11:38There's no sign of a bus ticket.
11:40I mean, why would she do that when she was travelling for free on your card?
11:44I think we should start there.
11:48Well, I'm free all day, if you want some help.
11:51Yeah, let's do it.
12:05Thinking about Lauren.
12:07Any news?
12:08Not heard anything, but everyone seems to be looking for her.
12:12Yeah, well, Bethany and Joel were in the cafe earlier,
12:15and apparently Bethany thinks that Lauren's been using a credit card and living in Leicester.
12:21What do the police know about this?
12:23Well, I've chibbed Craig into making sure the police do everything they can to try and find her.
12:28Sounds quite promising.
12:30Yeah, well, she can't hide away forever.
12:33She may have good reason for hiding.
12:35Has the doctor come to see you yet?
12:38No, he's already been.
12:40What did he say?
12:41Oh, well, the usual checks.
12:44Blood pressure, heart rate, temperature.
12:47All within acceptable limits.
12:51All right, so is he going to discharge you then?
12:53Oh, he also made it clear that I have to continue with the cardiac rehab programme.
12:59He gave me the leaflet.
13:01Yeah, it's all there.
13:02He gave me the leaflet.
13:04Yeah, it's all the relevant information.
13:07They like to hand out leaflets.
13:09He just as easily downloads that information.
13:12Oh, and there's some medication.
13:16So can you come home then?
13:17And that, that's the letter.
13:19Discharge summary.
13:21Sends it to the GP.
13:23So can you come home?
13:25I believe so, yes.
13:26Right, well, do you want me to help you get dressed then?
13:29I don't think so.
13:31I don't think so.
13:32Right, well, I'll pull the curtain back and I'll let you get yourself sorted out.
13:39Erm, gentle word of warning.
13:43You do not swing around here calling the shots to me.
13:46Word is, Travis is making a good recovery.
13:48But his mum's still fuming, pestering the police to find the vicious thug who assaulted us.
13:52I feel terrible about what happened.
13:54But it didn't just happen.
13:55You whacked him with a car door.
13:56Oh, now you're exaggerating.
13:58I'm saving your skin.
14:00Buy me a new phone?
14:02You can only push me so far, you know.
14:05No problem, I've got someone else who'll buy me things.
14:07Really? Another blackmail victim?
14:09Wouldn't you like to know?
14:11Anyway, love to chat, but I'm off for lunch.
14:13I said half an hour.
14:14What's another 20 minutes between friends?
14:16Is she going to dinner?
14:17Oh, Bess, stop it.
14:19I'm sorry, but if she can just swan off whenever she feels like it,
14:22why can't the rest of us?
14:24Because I said so.
14:26She's playing you for a fool.
14:28You seriously think I'd let a teenager walk all over me, hmm?
14:32Get back to work, Bess.
14:37Girls have a responsibility.
14:38They'll put you on a waiting list for temporary accommodation.
14:40And if that doesn't come through in time,
14:42you're entitled to emergency housing.
14:44Yeah, that's what Billy said, isn't it?
14:46Yes, it's true.
14:48I mean, I've been looking at flats and houses every chance I get,
14:51but there's nothing out there we can afford.
14:53It's ridiculous.
14:54Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't help overhearing.
14:57Oh, you mean you was here, Wiggin?
14:59Actually, I might be able to help you.
15:01One of my regular customers came in today to cancel her newspaper order.
15:07How does that help us?
15:08Because her and her family are having to move out of their rented accommodation
15:12on Balaclava Terrace.
15:14Her husband's got a job in Newcastle.
15:16She's reluctant to move because the rent's so low
15:18and the landlord is apparently a sweetheart.
15:22How many bedrooms?
15:23Three and a box room and a small garden.
15:25That could be perfect.
15:26I could call and find out the name of the landlord, if you like.
15:28Yeah, can you?
15:29Oh, please.
15:30After lunch?
15:31I'll do it now and I'll buy you a pint to go with that.
15:35Always happy to help.
15:40I'm just a bit gutted it's not closer.
15:42I don't like being away from my pa.
15:45It just don't work out.
15:46Something else will turn up.
15:50Did you see her face when you showed her the picture of Warren?
15:53Yeah, then she said she's not free now.
15:56She could be trying to protect us.
15:58We need to be careful not to frighten her off, you know.
16:01I do think we're close.
16:02Yeah, me too.
16:03And I think you're right.
16:04I think she's around here somewhere.
16:06Excuse me.
16:08Did I hear you mention a woman called Lauren?
16:10Uh, yeah.
16:12Yeah, we're her friends.
16:13But we know she's scared but we just want to find her and help her.
16:16I've seen her ear.
16:20I promise you can trust us.
16:21Maybe you can speak to her and tell her that Didi and Bethany just want to help her.
16:24Yeah, or if you know where she's living.
16:26I'm not sure I should say anything.
16:28Look, if she doesn't want to meet face to face, that's fine.
16:31But maybe you could get her to call us.
16:33We can give you our numbers.
16:34Please, we just want to help.
16:38There's a pub, King's Arms, about a mile from here.
16:41It's closed down and I know a few people are squatting there.
16:44She might be there.
16:46Thank you so much.
16:47You are her friends?
16:48Yeah, yeah we are.
16:50I hope you are.
16:51Can't be too careful.
16:52Not with a pregnant kid, alone on the streets.
16:55Best of luck.
17:09Is it a bad time?
17:11No, just going around in circles with these accounts.
17:14I'd blame my mother if she was here but she's not.
17:16And also Mary's not exactly good with numbers.
17:18Or reality.
17:19Well, I could always take a look if you want.
17:22I don't know.
17:24Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday.
17:28I shouldn't have shown you all of his AI.
17:30He was your brother as well as my son.
17:33And to be honest with you, you're not the only one who thinks it's a bit weird.
17:36You should have seen the looks Toyo and Nick gave me.
17:39I didn't mean to suggest that you were weird.
17:43Well anyway, I just wanted to say, don't let it put you off the Institute.
17:49They really can help you in so many ways.
17:51All tailored to our own individual needs.
17:54Like some better accountancy skills.
17:56Yeah, exactly.
17:58And I'd be happy to help.
18:02How much would it cost me?
18:04Well, make us a brew and we'll call it quits.
18:07Okay, thanks.
18:09But please, do have a think.
18:12Long term, the Institute really can help you in loads of ways.
18:16I will.
18:17I promise.
18:21Hey, there we go.
18:24Er, yeah, is that for table six?
18:28I thought they ordered the whites on sale.
18:30No, it's red.
18:31You sure?
18:32Yes, of course I'm sure.
18:34Because no, no, it was the white.
18:36Hey, it's okay.
18:37Look, don't worry.
18:38It's easily changed and er...
18:40There, no one will know.
18:43Sure you're okay?
18:48I worry about you.
18:49Well, don't, okay?
18:51Not until we know for sure that there is something to worry about.
18:55Right, look, do you want me to take it over?
18:56It's good.
18:57I've got this.
19:01Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
19:02It's all right.
19:03It's okay.
19:04I've got you.
19:09Er, Roy?
19:12What are you doing?
19:13Oh, just making one or two adjustments to the staff router.
19:18And remember what the doctor said to you again?
19:21Well, there is nothing stressful with a little light admin.
19:26And, you know, I'm happy to take my time to recuperate
19:29and ease myself into the more arduous aspects of cafe hospitality.
19:34Yeah, I should think so.
19:36You've only been back five minutes.
19:39Right, well, the router can wait.
19:43Yeah, well, anyways, it's just good to have you back home.
19:49Do you think it'd be all right to contact Deedee
19:52and see if there's been any progress in finding Lauren?
19:56Right, well, one text, no more than two sentences,
19:59and, yes, you may use punctuation, but no emojis.
20:02Thank you very much.
20:12Oh, hi.
20:13Is everything all right?
20:15Erm, I don't know, have you got a minute to talk?
20:21I just need some more money. I mean, you can afford it.
20:23What's the big deal?
20:28You think money grows on trees?
20:31Some of us have to work to earn money.
20:34Why is this such a problem for you?
20:36Look at your car, your suit, you buy a million phones.
20:40And I need a new one.
20:42You know what it's like, people can't live without a phone.
20:47I need to take this.
20:49Keep quiet, yeah?
20:56Hey, I just got your messages, I was about to call you.
20:59I think we might have found her.
21:02Really? That's great.
21:05Apparently you know the guesswork.
21:07Apparently she's pregnant.
21:12Where are you?
21:14Warrington. We're on our way to this run-down pub, The King's Arms.
21:18Apparently she's living in a squat there.
21:21I could be there in half an hour.
21:23Why don't you wait and we'll check it out together?
21:25I'm not alone, don't worry, Bethany's here.
21:28I still think it'd be safer if you wait till I get there,
21:30it could be dangerous.
21:32Maybe you could get a coffee, I won't be long.
21:34Well, I don't want to risk her getting wind and moving on.
21:36All right, speak to you soon, bye.
21:43Can I speak now?
21:45Out. Now.
21:49Get out of the car.
21:52You don't need to be like that, it's only a few quid to you.
21:55Just get out and close the door.
21:57You can't leave me, I don't know where I am.
21:59You drove, how am I going to get home?
22:01Get out!
22:04Get out!
22:25Is this about Betsy?
22:29Thing is, it's not really working, her working at the factory.
22:33Right, what's she done now?
22:35Look, whatever it is, I'm sure we can sort it out.
22:38No, see, I've already cut her loads of slack
22:42and I've given her chance after chance,
22:44despite her not having any real experience.
22:47Yeah, I know, and I'm very grateful.
22:49Yeah, well, her way of thanking me is to take liberties
22:53and to threaten me.
22:55You see, she's not even there now, she's not even working.
22:58This is what I came to tell you, see, she's...
23:00She's actually... Sorry, just two secs.
23:04This is her now.
23:08What are you...?
23:11Where are you?
23:13Say that again.
23:16Stay where you are.
23:18What is it?
23:20I think she said Gable Street.
23:22What's she doing there? That's dangerous, full of scum.
23:25I'm going to have to drive over and find her.
23:27OK, do you want me to help?
23:29Erm, one?
23:31Yeah, thank you.
23:35It was disgusting.
23:37Thank you, sir.
23:38And I'm not paying for it.
23:40If there was something wrong, you should have said before you ate it.
23:43You wolfed it down.
23:44I was hungry, and the portion was stingy.
23:46I wouldn't even give it a one-star review.
23:49A zero, if I could.
23:51Is there a problem, Nina?
23:53No, I can manage, as long as this man pays for his food.
23:57You go upstairs and rest.
23:59It was rank.
24:01I recall you.
24:04You come to Ogle at me again.
24:07Whisper about what a weirdo I am.
24:10Eh? Is he one of them web-sleuths from before?
24:13You look just as weird as him.
24:16A pair of weirdos.
24:19I bet you're in it together.
24:22Protecting his dirty secrets.
24:24Ah, no, no.
24:25By all means, direct your vitriol at me.
24:28Leave my niece out of this.
24:30Oh, but by the way,
24:32Lauren has been confirmed alive.
24:36Something I'm sure you'll find out.
24:39And I also hope that you find the self-awareness that you currently lack
24:45and realise the negative effects of your actions.
24:51go away.
24:55This place sounds whelming.
24:59The garden, although small, has been described as a mini-kew,
25:03which is the Royal Botanic Gardens.
25:05No need to mansplain, Brian. I know what the kew is.
25:08I've heard Granny Linda banging on about it.
25:11A woman with fine taste?
25:13Well, if this comes off, you can come round,
25:16you can tan yourself in the webby kew whenever you want.
25:19Why, thank you, Gemma.
25:21It's tragic that good people like you can't find a decent place to live,
25:24so I'm happy to help.
25:26Not all heroes wear keeps, eh?
25:28You know, I've always felt I'd look great in a cowl.
25:32Oh, is he here?
25:36Oh, no joy.
25:38I didn't even get a chance to see it.
25:40I turned up and there was a massive kew round the corner.
25:42No way.
25:43I stood there for a bit and the kew died down,
25:46but the estate agent came out and just said the idea was brilliant.
25:49The estate agent came out and just said the house had gone.
25:52So quick.
25:54Thanks for the tip-off, though, Brian.
25:56I'm just sorry I didn't bear fruit.
25:58I'll keep a lookout if I hear of any other places.
26:01Don't panic. We'll find somewhere else.
26:03What if we don't? We're gonna get evicted in a month.
26:08Oh, hi, Nina.
26:10How's Roy doing?
26:11He's OK. It's on the men.
26:13I'm still worried about him.
26:15Not sure how much rest he's gonna get in here.
26:17Well, maybe he needs to go away for a bit.
26:19When I went on the retreat with the Institute,
26:21it did me the world of good.
26:22Anyway, give him your best, won't you?
26:24Yeah. Yeah, I will.
26:26I got you a coffee. You deserve a much bigger reward.
26:29Oh, skinny milk?
26:30Of course. I just wanted to touch base.
26:33So, has Amy signed up for the retreat?
26:35She most certainly has.
26:36Oh, good. I think she'll get a lot from it.
26:39There's something else I want to talk to you about.
26:41We're thinking of setting up another resource centre in the near future.
26:44The others have done so well financially.
26:47Oh, well, bring it on.
26:49There might be a job for you, if you're interested.
26:53Oh, I can't. I've already got a full-time job.
26:56You could easily fit it around your Bistro commitments.
27:00There is another option.
27:02Oh, yeah?
27:03You could be an investor. Help get it off the ground.
27:07What? You mean, like, invest my own money?
27:10Yeah, you'd soon get it back with a hefty profit.
27:13You should see the figures for the others.
27:15It would put you on a completely different level.
27:19Someone with your talent deserves a share of the profits.
27:22Oh, I'm really flattered, but I'd have to talk to Nick.
27:26But how much money are we talking?
27:39Someone's asking for you.
27:41Who is it?
27:42Who is it?
27:43I don't know. I don't care. Go and see for yourself.
28:07Hi, Dave.
28:13Look, let's not scare her off by knocking again.
28:16They said he's gone to get her.
28:18I know, but what is taking them so long?
28:20I don't know.
28:21It's pretty rough, isn't it?
28:24So let's tread carefully. She is here.
28:31Hi, Jo.
28:32Yeah, I think we found her at this pub.
28:35I'm almost there.
28:36OK, see you when you get there. Bye.
28:38Bethany! Bethany, wait!
28:48Is Lauren here?
28:50Her. You've just missed her.
28:53Looks like she's done another runner.
28:56I will scream if you come anywhere near me.
28:59I'm trying to help you. You don't have to hide from me.
29:01Stay away from me.
29:02Let's get in the car.
29:03Can we? Get off me.
29:05I'm just trying to help you. You need me.
29:07No. No.
29:10I'm trying to help you.
29:14I'm trying to help you.
29:17I'm trying to help you.
29:19I'm trying to help you.
29:22I'm trying to help you.
29:24No, no.
29:28You're going to have to talk to me at some point about what happened.
29:31You've been giving me the run around all day,
29:33now you're doing it to your mum, it's not OK.
29:35Both of you going on and me back off. That is enough.
29:38What the hell were you doing there in the first place?
29:40It's not an area you should be hanging out in.
29:43But what was so important to you that you had to drop everything?
29:53It's Wayne.
29:57Are you kidding?
30:00Right, no, I'm on my way.
30:03This will have to wait till later. I need to get back to work.
30:06Thanks again, Carla. No problem.
30:12I'm sure it was something important.
30:14Am I really sad?
30:20Come on, let's talk.
30:24Leave me alone.
30:26How many times do I need to tell you I care about you and the baby?
30:30Keep quiet about everything and I promise I'll make it worth your while.
30:33Hey, you found her!
30:35She hadn't gotten far. She was hanging around here, then she fainted.
30:39Are you all right?
30:41Felt rubbish all day. Dizzy.
30:44But then my legs went from underneath me.
30:47I hope the baby's OK.
30:49So do I.
30:51I wish you would just stop running away like this.
30:56I thought you hated me.
30:59Look, Lauren, we just...
31:01We want to understand what's happened that's made you run away all this time.
31:10I'm scared.
31:17Right, I think we need to get you to a hospital. Come on.
31:22Let's get her in the car.
31:36Patsy, you! Blackmailing me. It's got to stop.
31:40Can I plug this in?
31:42Oh, yeah, what's this, a free bit of lecky?
31:44When you've got me over a barrel, anyway.
31:46You might need to think carefully before getting rid of me.
31:50You know what?
31:52No, you can't borrow this.
31:54Take your charger and your phone and shove it!
32:00I'm going to go and tell the police.
32:02And I don't care how much trouble I get in.
32:04I'm not being blackmailed by a kid like you.
32:06I was winding you up. I'm not a grass.
32:09Daddy, it deserved what you did to him.
32:12I saw what you did to your friend Roy.
32:14You were just playing games with me.
32:16No, I admit it. I went too far with the blackmailing.
32:18Oh, finally, some accountability.
32:21Betsy, what you did was stupid.
32:23I know it was. I do stupid things when I'm back into a corner.
32:26Life's been rubbish for me lately,
32:28and this job is the first thing I've had in ages to look forward to.
32:32Let me guess, you've got other priorities.
32:34Not everything revolves around you, you know.
32:38Actually, I do have to deal with something.
32:41But, look, Betsy...
32:44..I will think about keeping you on.
32:46Yeah, if...'d smooth things over with your mum.
32:50Just talk to her.
32:52She was out of her mind with Rory just then.
32:57Go on.
32:59Thanks, Carla.
33:07I really hope we get to the bottom of all this.
33:09We will. Unless she does another runner.
33:13Yeah, she looked to be in a very good way, did she?
33:19Happy to report that Lauren and the baby are fine.
33:23Her fainting isn't uncommon in pregnancy,
33:25especially for standing, for any length of time.
33:28Right. She was also living in the squat,
33:30so, I mean, she probably hasn't been eating properly.
33:33OK, we'll keep her in overnight and do some scans and observations.
33:36Is she allowed to see visitors?
33:38She's just had an ultrasound, but I'll let you know when you can go in.
33:42I think I might wait till we can see her.
33:45Yeah, well, does anyone fancy a coffee?
33:47Yeah, please.
33:48I'd better get off, but I'll let Max and Bobby know that she's OK.
33:51I'll see you later. See you later.
33:53I'm going to give Rory an update and I'll...
33:55Yeah, and I'll get that coffee.
34:01Do you think she should take the day off work?
34:03I've told you, I'm fine, OK? I want to work.
34:06Yeah, but you're not fit to work.
34:08Hi. I've got some really exciting news.
34:13Everything OK?
34:14Oh, he's trying to make me have the day off work.
34:17Your sister almost collapsed at work.
34:19Really? It's no big deal, OK? He's being overcautious.
34:22Anyway, you said you had some exciting news?
34:25Oh, he can wait.
34:27No, I'm OK. Honestly, what's the news?
34:30Rory wants me to invest in a new resource centre.
34:33Oh. What, invest as in coffered money?
34:37It's a really exciting opportunity.
34:39And the centres don't lose money. I'd get a share of the profits.
34:42So I've already rang the bank manager and asked him about remortgaging...
34:45Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Over my dead body.
34:47You're not doing that without my permission.
34:49No, that's what I want to talk to you about.
34:51No, no, there's other things to worry about.
34:53Your sister almost collapsed at work.
34:55Come on, we should be focusing on her.
34:58Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm being really selfish. I'm sorry.
35:02Is there anything I can get you, Taya?
35:04Well, I'd feel a lot better if you weren't banging on about the institute all the time.
35:08Yeah. You know, we shouldn't be thinking about new business, all right?
35:12Yeah, OK. Well, I'll tell Rowan, then.
35:17What kind of man leaves a vulnerable girl in the middle of nowhere,
35:20in a dodgy area, a creep? That's who.
35:31Hey, I need to speak to you about something.
35:34Roy, where are you going?
35:36Warrington Hospital. Dee Dee tells me that Lorna's there.
35:39Morning, me. Morning, Carla.
35:42I don't think you've heard about Lorna. I have, yeah.
35:44Yeah, that's where he's going now. What?
35:46No, you've got to stay away from her.
35:48Yeah, she's right. You need to take things slowly.
35:51Anyway, I've spoken to Kathy, and she's invited you to stay in Scarborough.
35:55And, you know, I think it'll be good, a change of scenery.
35:58Gives you a chance to rest.
36:01We'll have some happy times here, won't we?
36:03I don't want to leave.
36:05We'll have happy times wherever we live.
36:08We can't have the kids living somewhere that's not safe.
36:11Our houses get damp and mouldy.
36:13It's like living in Victorian times.
36:17Anyway, I spoke to Linda,
36:18and she said that Joseph can live with her for a bit,
36:20in her new place in Manchester.
36:22If need be, he can still go to Orkney.
36:26Gemma, it isn't me picking him over the others.
36:29It just might speed things up if we're looking for a place with one less person.
36:32But he's the only one of the kids that she's interested in.
36:37I don't want to split the family up, even if it's just for a few weeks.
36:40Well, neither do I.
36:42But we might have no other option.
36:44We're a family! We stay together.
37:00What are you doing?
37:01Oh, just slaving away, as per.
37:04Oh, you don't strike me as the diligent type.
37:06Oh, it's over time, babes.
37:10Why'd you try and hide it when I came in?
37:12Well, like a T-shirt, not knickers.
37:14You want to get your eyesight checked.
37:16You're seeing things.
37:18Are you making counterfeit gear?
37:24I'm not making counterfeit gear.
37:29Your deaf are up to something.
37:37Most people complain about the food in here.
37:40Good to see someone's enjoying it.
37:42I'm starving.
37:44Are you eating properly?
37:46Pregnant women need to look after their blood sugar.
37:49What, even skin pregnant women?
37:56Life's not great at the minute.
37:58I keep having to move.
38:03From the minute I found out I was pregnant,
38:06I knew I had to give this baby a life I never had.
38:11Protect him.
38:13Is he having a boy?
38:15I just hope it's a boy.
38:18It'll be easier for him.
38:20I can see how much you love him already.
38:23So, please, don't be too hard on yourself.
38:28Messed up.
38:30Do you want to talk about it?
38:39I can assure you, whatever led you here can be sorted.
38:54Please don't press that.
38:57What the hell are you doing here?
39:01No Beth?
39:02I did text her.
39:03She says she's volunteering in a soup kitchen.
39:06That's not like Beth.
39:07Oh, yeah.
39:08She cares deeply about people who are less fortunate than her.
39:11She says she might climb out Kilimanjaro next year.
39:14Do you mind if I join you?
39:16Course. Red wine, is it?
39:18No, no, I think I might push the boat out
39:21and have a dirty martini, if they've got any olives.
39:24I think Daisy gets them in.
39:26I think I might have a clean pint of lager.
39:31Welcome to the Institute.
39:33Thank you.
39:34This is why you're having a celebration drink.
39:36You are going to get so much out of this.
39:37It was my mum wanting me to run the shop that really clinched it.
39:40I wanted to do great.
39:41This gives me loads of contacts.
39:43Well, Leanne is going to give you the course details.
39:46I need to run.
39:48Thanks, Rowan.
39:49I just need to have a quick word with him before he goes.
39:51Er, Rowan...
39:54I just thought you should know
39:55we won't be able to invest in the new centre.
39:57Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
39:59I'm guessing Nick was opposed.
40:02Yeah, yeah, he was, but I agree with him.
40:05Investing that amount of money, it's got to be a joint decision.
40:08Don't just give up.
40:10Amy took some persuading to get on board.
40:13I don't think he'll change his mind.
40:16Why don't I have a word with him?
40:18I might be able to make him see that it's not just about money.
40:21It's about your happiness.
40:23Well, it's how I feel, genuinely.
40:28Do you think it's possible you've outgrown him?
40:30He obviously feels threatened by your success with us.
40:35I'm sorry. I've overstepped the mark. I apologise.
40:38No, no, he's just protective, that's all, and I quite like that.
40:42I mean, it can be a bit stifling sometimes.
40:44Someone ought to tug his lead.
40:46Make him see what he has to lose.
40:54Yeah. I've just arrived at the hospital now.
40:58No, I'm going to find a doctor.
41:00See if I can interview her.
41:03I know you're still angry with me.
41:05I can see that I will carry the shame of this.
41:09You're trying to wiggle your way out of it.
41:12But I don't believe you.
41:14No way.
41:15I can't go to prison.
41:20What good would that do for you or our baby?
41:28I know the police are on their way.
41:31When you talk to them...
41:34..I want you to lie.
41:37What, I'm getting some more trouble?
41:39I want you to say it was Nathan Curtis who attacked you.
41:45It was Nathan Curtis?
41:46He's already in prison for breaching his HPSO.
41:48They think he's responsible for your disappearance.
41:51Yeah, but he had nothing to do with it, did he?
41:53Well, neither did Roy Cropper.
41:55But the police still charged him.
41:59So you tell the police you made a huge mistake
42:03and you've regretted it ever since,
42:05and, crucially, you do not want to take things any further.
42:10You might be able to lie through your teeth.
42:12Lauren, it gives me no pleasure saying this,
42:14but you have got no-one in this world looking out for you,
42:17otherwise you wouldn't be living in a squat,
42:19not knowing when your next meal is.
42:24This isn't good for you or the baby.
42:28I want to help you.
42:33But on your terms, you will be the one calling the shots.
42:42All you need to do is tell the police you started chatting on Ovid.
42:47He was one of your subscribers.
42:49You started meeting up and then things got messy.
42:55Lauren, you can still hate me,
42:58but why not do it from a nice flat, paid for by me?
43:05Somewhere you and the baby will be safe.
43:12Oh, hi. I'm looking for Lauren Bolton.
43:21OK, right. My name's Detective Sergeant Lisa Swain.
43:24I'm from Weatherfield Police Station.
43:27Am I OK to come in?
43:28Yeah, it's fine.
43:30Great, thank you.
43:42Hi, Lauren.
43:46I'm Detective Sergeant Lisa Swain.
43:54I'm hoping to finally get some answers about what happened to you.
44:04The practice interview gets underway,
44:06but Douglas seems to be out of his depth
44:08and a confrontation with his daughter unnerves more home troops.
44:11Douglas is cancelled, continues tomorrow here at nine.
44:14Next, it's who wants to be a millionaire celebrity special.