
  • 2 months ago
00:00Where did I keep you, you didn't come to me
00:07When I was in your heart, you didn't come to me
00:15Now you can have a million, you can have a billion
00:22I won't come back
00:26When I was in your heart, you didn't come to me
00:34Now you can have a million, you didn't come to me
00:56When I was in your heart, you didn't come to me
01:10Now you can have a million, you didn't come to me
01:18Now you can have a million, you didn't come to me
01:25You can ask someone else, you can test them
01:33I won't leave you
01:37I'll give you a hundred, no one will steal your heart
01:44I'll give you a hundred, no one will steal your heart
01:53I'm here as the truth, no one is jealous of anyone
02:00I don't talk about anything far away, no one is jealous of anyone
02:10I'll steal my own, I'll break your heart
02:18I'll steal my own, I'll break your heart
02:23I'll steal my own, I'll break your heart
02:30I'll steal my own, I'll break your heart
02:49I was in love with you, now I'll forget you
03:02I was in love with you, now I'll forget you
03:10I was in love with you, now I'll forget you
03:17I was in love with you, now I'll forget you
03:25I'll never forget you
03:29I'll give you a hundred, no one will steal your heart
