Trump Ex-Secret Service Agent Believes Large Individuals Are Necessary For The Job

  • 3 months ago
Now, on the issue of the agents themselves -- something else that's come under a microscope -- Mike does say he feels some of the agents might've not been the best options to protect a guy as big as Trump. The much-smaller female agent comes to mind here.


00:00But I think protection needs to match the protectee is the answer I would give you.
00:09Trump's not a small guy, period.
00:13And if your job is to be a meat shield, as cold and callous as that may sound, it's kind
00:20of tough to do if you're five feet tall and you've got a protectee that's over 6'2".
00:26I mean, there's just, you're missing a foot and two inches, 14 inches of it.
00:30So I think that honestly, the level of protection needs to match what the protectee is and who
00:39they are and where they go, meaning it doesn't have to be men.
00:44Have women that are, I mean, there's women that fit the bill.
00:47I've worked with them.
00:48They're stellar.
00:49They are phenomenal at protection.
00:52But I do think there needs to be a little bit more of a standard of, you know, you match
00:59the protectee on attire, suit, tie.
01:02If they're going to go somewhere that requires a polo shirt, then that's what we do.
01:05We try to blend a little, but you match the protectee.
01:08And I don't know why that doesn't apply to appearance as far as height and the ability.
01:15But again, it's back to, there's not a one size fits all within the Secret Service, just
01:20like there's not a one size fits all across the board on anything.
01:24But having the repetition and the reps on doing site design, site build out, executing
01:30against that, doing the details, doing all of that stuff, it builds memory, it builds
01:38muscle memory.
01:39It builds confidence in what you're doing and the ability to think on your feet.
01:44Even if you saw, you know, a half hour, an hour before Trump arrived that day, a vulnerability,
01:51it doesn't mean you ignore it and you don't get to deal with it.
01:54It means Trump's coming.
01:56That's got to be fixed.
01:57Fix it.
01:58I don't know.
01:59I can't solve it.
02:00It's not the answer.
02:01And I don't care if you're a female, a male, you're a white guy, a black guy, an Asian
02:06I don't care if you're green.
02:07It literally makes no difference to me.
02:09I've worked with the best and I've worked with the worst.
02:12And honestly, I think the Secret Service, it belongs on a pedestal.
02:19And I think it's lost some of that.
02:21You could call it DEI.
02:22You could call it laziness.
02:23You could call it government.
02:24I don't care what the reason is.
02:27But honestly, Brendan, they should take a hard look at how do I keep people there that
02:35understand the job.
