Former US Army sniper on Trump assassination attempt- 'One of the easiest shots'

  • 2 months ago
Former US Army sniper on Trump assassination attempt- 'One of the easiest shots'
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Trump shooter
00:00Let's bring in Florida Congressman and former U.S. Army sniper, Corey Mills.
00:07What kind of shot was this, Corey, from 130 yards?
00:10Look, at the end of the day, this is a shot that your basic training boot camp soldier
00:15is requested to make within their nine-week period.
00:18This is one of the easiest shots, and they train all the way out until 300 or 500.
00:23And when I was doing the counter sniper, it wasn't with the United States Army.
00:26It was actually when I was with the State Department and was doing this exact thing,
00:29which is trying to look at going out with an advanced team, establishing what the perimeter
00:34And then as a sniper, when you would set up, you'd put together your range sketch or your
00:38range fan cards.
00:39And that would tell you where you're 100, you're 200, you're 300, and you'd identify
00:42the areas of threat that you would be able to mitigate.
00:45And if there's multiple targets, you understand that your elevation and windage knob wouldn't
00:49have to be messed with, especially at 160 yards.
00:52You could literally just look quickly, glance, and know from the reference point whether
00:55it be a building, whether it be a lone tree, whether it be a parking lot.
00:58Maybe it's a road.
00:59Bottom line is that this is massive negligence to the point of me speculating on what was
01:05intentional and what wasn't.
01:08When you're doing a site survey and you're seeing this rooftop not that far away, why
01:14did it look like the counter sniper team was a little surprised?
01:17You know, I can only speculate, and we'll have to wait until the investigation comes
01:20out that they thought local law enforcement was potentially climbing up onto the roof
01:23when they saw a dark object on a light roof.
01:25But here's the issue.
01:26Wait, wait, wait.
01:27You're saying maybe they misconstrued crooks for a friendly, for local law enforcement?
01:32It's very possible.
01:33I don't want to speculate until the investigation is over.
01:35But the bottom line is that if you saw someone climbing onto a roof that you hadn't authorized
01:39any clearance on, it's got a clear line of sight.
01:42It's exactly adjacent to the shooting where the president was sitting.
01:46And you're talking about a pop shot, and you've got people yelling, and there should have
01:49been comms.
01:50The minute that that local law enforcement, who apparently had a rifle pointed on, there
01:54should have been an emergency frequent comms channel that they could have said, we have
01:56a shooter on the roof, shooter on the roof, secret service should have rushed the stage
01:59and immediately took the president and took him off, and then responded with a counter
02:03The shot should not have gone off.
02:05That is the failure in itself.
02:06You're supposed to be able to try, you know, the best security is when you go in and you're
02:10actually able to prevent an incident, not react to an incident.
02:13Even if you would have left a law enforcement officer's patrol car in that parking lot with
02:18the lights on, that could have been a deterrent.
02:20But when you have nothing that is actually showing force protection, you're encouraging
02:24Look, I'm not sure about who the individuals are on the individual detail secret service,
02:29but I can tell you under this Biden administration, the one thing I've seen is massive DEI hires.
02:33And I can tell you, when you primarily go after DEI, you end up with DIE.
02:39So when you have these counter snipers waiting until eight rounds are fired, what accounts
02:45for that?
02:46To be honest with you.
02:47After the first shot, you get a return fire immediately?
02:50The minute that a shot rang out, they should have already been on scope.
02:53Your spotter should have already have called the distance if you hadn't looked at your
02:55range card and you should have immediately engaged.
02:57There should have been no reason to have waited a single second.
03:00Now I talked to Eric Trump after the incident.
03:02Eric and I are both gun enthusiasts.
03:03We both shoot long distance.
03:05That right there is a pop shot, but he did say, I've gone out with the CS teams and they
03:09are one of the best.
03:10He knows the actual service detail that's with them.
03:12They are loyal individuals who actually do care about the president.
03:15I can say that was relayed to me.
03:18But the bottom line is, this is a massive security breach.
03:21This is a huge failure at negligence is at best, but we have to figure out why something
03:26within 200 yards.
03:29Think about this, Jesse, 200 yards.
03:32That means that an average rifle that holds one minute of angle would hold a two inch
03:36grouping if you just shot it straight off the deck, meaning on a platform.
03:40So now you're talking about 160, which is 1.6 inches is what its grouping capabilities
03:46The average head is what?
03:47Six by eight, shoulder to shoulder is 20 inches.
03:50Head to waist is 40 inches and president Trump's a very large man.
03:53This is a shot that within five minutes I could teach you to make nine out of 10 times.
03:57So this is divine intervention.
03:59This is the God having his protective hand and wearing a fusion six, the armor of God
04:03over the president, because this is right here, a millisecond or a millimeter and change.
04:08And this isn't an attempt assassination.
04:10This is an assassination of a president.
04:11The devil was in Butler, Pennsylvania, but so was God.
04:15Well, and I can say one more thing, if I may, which is that, let us also remember that King
04:19Henry the second went in and said, can no one rid me of this turbulent priest?
04:23And his king, his knights went out and killed the Archbishop of Canterbury because they
04:27thought that was a direct order.
04:29What do you say when president Biden says we should, it's time to put a target on Trump.
04:33That in my opinion is the insightful rhetoric.
04:36That's the stuff that they would have went after for the J six stuff.
04:38So why don't we have our own J 13 investigation?
04:40There needs to be a full investigation on this.
04:43And it needs to not be crooked like some of these other former investigations were.
04:47That's right.
04:49Mills, you're the best.
04:50Thank you.
04:51Thank you.
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