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00:00Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Sco
00:39Scooby-Cooby-Doo Scooby-Doo!
00:42So come on, it's Mr Time.
00:47You can't help but fall by Clyde Scooby, baby, Scooby, Scooby, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo
00:54Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Sco
01:24Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo
01:54Mrs. Colosso!
02:24Is it so difficult to find a good secretary in this time?
02:27Wow, look at this!
02:31Baron Schleibordel has the Koolsville Comet in his dreaded chair grip!
02:45Oh no, that's a cow ghost!
02:48Got you!
02:51Ich bin der Geist der Kapuzenkuh und werde euch auf die Bretter schicken!
03:10Der CBF gehört mir!
03:14Was sollen wir jetzt tun, Mr. Siebenstor?
03:17Ich weiß!
03:19Hervorragende Idee, Scoob! Unser Commander-Cool-Kuh-Verscheucher!
03:29Alles in Ordnung bei euch?
03:31Könnte nicht besser gehen!
03:33Das riecht nach Barbecue-Soße!
03:35Gibt's was Besseres, um ne Kuh zu verscheuchen?
03:37Nicht, dass ich wüsste!
03:39Ist diese schreckliche Kapuzenkuh weg?
03:41Was weißt du über diese Kuh, Freundchen?
03:45Was ich weiß, Freundchen? Das kann ich dir sagen!
03:48Macht euch auf eine schrecklich gruselige Geschichte gefasst!
03:51Warum muss es denn immer eine Schauer-Geschichte sein?
03:53Woher soll ich das wissen?
03:55Die Kapuzenkuh war der gemeinste und hinterhältigste Ringe des CBF.
03:59Er schreckte vor nichts, zurück in meinen Kampf zu gehen.
04:08Er ging sogar aufs Publikum los.
04:12Schließlich wurde er vom CBF ausgeschlossen.
04:15Aber er schwor, wiederzukommen, um sich zu rächen.
04:18Eine Kuh, die in einer Wrestling-Arena spukt? Das ist doch Blödsinn!
04:22Also, ich glaube ihm aufs Wort.
04:24Ja, ich glaube ihm auch.
04:25Ich bin reif für einen langen Urlaub und komme erst wieder, wenn man diese Kuh auf die Weide getrieben hat.
04:30Ich glaube, Sie haben da Ihre Fernbedienung verloren.
04:33Oh, danke! Ich sehe mir eine Menge Kämpfe im Fernsehen an, während ich weg bin.
04:38Wow, das wäre auch meine Art von Ferien.
04:41Meine auch.
04:43Ich könnte wirklich eure Hilfe gebrauchen, Kinder.
04:45Aber natürlich gerne, Mrs. Kolosso.
04:47Aber Scoop und ich sind irgendwie allergisch gegen Geister.
04:49Eine sogenannte Angstallergie.
04:52Ich habe immer gedacht, ihr beiden wärt so eine Art Superhelden.
04:55Wie wär' wir?
05:00Ich sehe überhaupt keine Superhelden.
05:02Ich habe mein ganzes Geld ausgegeben, als ich den CBF gekauft habe.
05:06Wenn dieser Verein Pleite macht, ist es auch gleichzeitig das Ende für die Commander-Cool-Spielwaren.
05:10Was? Wie, keine Commander-Cools mehr?
05:13Das ist schrecklicher als alle Geister zusammen.
05:15Wen sagst du das?
05:19Und jetzt kommt, Mr. Siebenschlau, gehen wir auf Spurensuche.
05:21Gehen Sie voran, Commander-Cool.
05:28Zumindest gibt's in diesem Umkleiderraum viel zu schnüffeln.
05:30Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich schaff das schon.
05:37Komisch, du hast eine Spur gefunden.
05:39Ach, das war doch nur eine Kleinigkeit für Mr. Siebenschlau.
05:43Das ist ein ungültiger Scheck.
05:45Der ist von jemandem namens Herbert Blum unterschrieben.
05:48Mann, wer kann das sein?
05:53Also dann, mein Bester, wer bist du und was hast du hier zu suchen?
05:56Oh, entschuldigen Sie, Miss...
05:58Freddy, sie ist ein Eher.
06:00Oh, Entschuldigen Sie, Miss...
06:02Freddy, sie ist ein Eher.
06:04Freddy, sie ist ein Eher.
06:06Ich bin der kleine Bo Peter.
06:08Ihr müsst wissen, ich bin der größte Ringer-Fan der Welt.
06:11Oh, Mann, wieso denn das?
06:13Weil ich mehr Ringer-Souvenirs habe als irgendjemand anders.
06:16Wollt ihr mein offizielles Cool-Zwillinger- und Freistil-Ringer-Furzkissen sehen?
06:21Nein, aber wir würden gerne Ihre offizielle CBF-Barbecue-Soße sehen.
06:24Ja, wir sind nämlich hungrig.
06:26Ich kann diese Barbecue-Soßen einfach nicht ausstehen.
06:30Sag mal, wenn du ein Fan bist, warum bist du dann wie ein Ringer angezogen?
06:33Ja, wie kommt das?
06:35Ich wollte ein richtiger berufsmäßiger Ringer werden.
06:38Aber Carola Colosso hat über mein Kostüm gelacht.
06:41Ist mir absolut unverständlich.
06:43Der wird ich zeigen. Ich gehe einfach zur Ringer-Vereinigung der Schwindelmeier-Brüder.
06:48Schwindelmeier-Brüder? Wer ist denn das?
06:50Ach, die sind wirklich nett.
06:53Sie hassen diese Carola Colosso fast noch mehr als ich.
06:56Jetzt entschuldigt mich, ich muss das intensive Training mit meinen Partnern wieder aufnehmen.
07:01Ach, ich wusste gar nicht, dass Sie Partner haben.
07:03Ich auch nicht. Sogar viele.
07:05Komm, Freunde, Bewegung.
07:12Ich denke, wir werden den Schwindelmeier-Brüdern mal einen Besuch abstatten.
07:16Mann, das sieht ja echt unheimlich aus.
07:18Wir bringen Scooby nie dazu, da reinzugehen.
07:21Keine Sorge, Freddy, Scooby wird alles für Mr. Siebenschloss Maggies tun.
07:25So ist es.
07:27Oh, you fat dog, the box is empty. What are we going to do with it now, Scooby?
07:31Can you imagine what that means?
07:33No, what?
07:34Now there's nothing left that we can use to get in there.
07:37Absolutely nothing.
07:38Neither is gold enough.
07:39Would you do it for a Scooby-Smecky?
07:51I'm ready.
07:52If you can't get goose bumps here, you're missing something.
07:58I'm definitely not missing anything.
08:00We have to split up, people.
08:02But we split up five minutes ago.
08:05Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.
08:08The capuchin cow can be anywhere.
08:10In the souvenir shop, at the checkout, in the snack bar.
08:13Boing! I just said snack bar.
08:15Did you? Did you?
08:16Then let's get something to eat here.
08:19At your command, Commander.
08:25The sandwich of a real superhero has to be a little bigger.
08:29A hero who can suppress that.
08:31Would you please give me the mustard?
08:33Thank you, Scoob.
08:34Thank you? For what?
08:36Did you just give me the mustard, Scooby?
08:40And then? You don't have a hoof, do you?
08:42No, I don't think so.
08:44Thank you.
08:45I have to eat first.
08:47We'll get to that later, Commander.
08:50Oh, no!
08:51Oh, no!
08:54Something like that has to be here somewhere.
08:56Commander Cool thunderbolt cannon.
08:58Commander Cool oven glove.
08:59Commander Cool stool.
09:00Ah, ah!
09:01Here is the official Commander Cool rocket engine helmet.
09:04Come on, get on with it, Mr. 7-Claw.
09:06I'm on it.
09:12Come in, come in and get your official ring souvenirs.
09:16Here is the official wrestling cap.
09:19And your official ringer service.
09:23Your sponge, bowling ball
09:25and your official CWF motorcycle.
09:29My God, how nice!
09:31We would like to stay here and continue,
09:33but unfortunately we have to close now.
09:35Yes, ciao!
09:46Come in!
09:49Calm down, Daphne.
09:50They're not ghosts.
09:51I know, but look at these tasteless, cheap suits.
09:57Well, I have to tell you one thing, gentlemen.
09:59What is it, my boy?
10:00Did you know that each of you has two heads?
10:03But that's me and Scooby.
10:05Oh, yes, I knew it.
10:07In case you're interested, I'm Marty.
10:10And I'm Marty.
10:11The sole owner of the honorable
10:13New York Swindle Mayer Hanger Association.
10:15But we're not in New York.
10:17This is Coolsville.
10:18Now we finally know why business is so bad.
10:21No, it went downhill because Carola Colosso
10:23took our rings from us because of her stupid promises.
10:26What kind of promises?
10:28For example, to pay her with real money.
10:30She really has nerves.
10:33Hey, little dog, have you eaten barbecue sauce?
10:36We can't stand the stuff.
10:38What a pity.
10:39I'm just glad we still have our last ringer, Neville.
10:43Neville? Who is that?
10:45Neville, move your big fat hand in here.
10:49Yes, Mr. Swindle Mayer, at your position.
10:51That's supposed to be the ringer?
10:53Yes, and most of all, he's also a bookkeeper.
10:55No one can take our balances so lightly like him.
10:58Wouldn't you costume clowns like to ring with our big style?
11:02Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Swindle Mayer,
11:04but we're in an official superhero business here.
11:07Yes, official superhero business.
11:09No problem, little one.
11:11Yes, we understand.
11:13Neville, get her out of here, now!
11:16Right away, Mr. Swindle Mayer, at your command.
11:20If he's got his balances just as gently in his grip,
11:23then you can imagine what his books look like.
11:25Like confetti.
11:26We won't find any clues here.
11:28Moe, when I'm done with you, it's show time.
11:34I'm fed up with your mix-ups.
11:37I'll turn you into hamburgers.
11:41Ha, ha, ha, ha.
11:45Ha, ha, ha, ha.
11:48Scooby, do something, come on.
11:50Hmm, I've got it!
11:54Great idea, Mr. Swindle Mayer.
11:56Our Commander Cool is going to fight a bullfight!
11:59Oh, no!
12:04Oh, no.
12:11All right, dance the tango!
12:19Excellent! You showed the cattle what a hark is!
12:21A harp?
12:22A hark!
12:23Of course!
12:26Excuse me, but let us professional superheroes take care of that!
12:34Wow, that's the hoof of a cow on this letter!
12:37And it comes from Baron Mudbag!
12:39Come on, you smart-ass, let's go to the CWF and have a word with Baron Mudbag!
12:44Right away!
12:45After you!
12:48Oh, man! Let's go!
12:54Oh, no!
12:55Baron Mudbag is going to finish the mats!
12:58Of course! There's never a superhero when you need one!
13:02I think you two are the superheroes!
13:04Oh, yes! I forgot!
13:06By the way, it's just a doll!
13:09Well, in that case...
13:11Run, Mr. Seven-Smart!
13:12At your command, Commander Cool!
13:16You were lucky it was just a doll!
13:18Mr. Seven-Smart and I were just about to get serious!
13:21Dead serious!
13:22You are Baron Mudbag,
13:24the dirtiest and meanest cheater in the entire Coolsvilla Virga and Freistielringer Association!
13:29Yes, that's me, you dwarf!
13:31May I ask you for your autograph?
13:33How come you don't like Carola Colosso?
13:35Because I can't cheat when I fight for your association!
13:41You kids have no idea how hard it is to be an honest Baron Mudbag!
13:46There is only one thing in the world that I despise even more!
13:51Barbecue sauce?
13:53Yes, that's right! Just take it away!
13:56What exactly do you know about this incident, Baron Mudbag?
13:59How terrible! This letter is an apology to my mother!
14:03Did you forget her birthday?
14:05No, I beat her in our last fight!
14:08She is Amigator!
14:09Madness! The most evil and toughest old ringleader in the CWF!
14:14But if she didn't get my apology now...
14:17Baron Mudbag, there you are!
14:20W-w-w-w-wait, Mommy, I can explain everything!
14:23I didn't like this idiot, young man!
14:26Wait until your father...
14:28Wow, Mommy, that wasn't so mean!
14:32Wow, the dreaded earplug!
14:35Let's ask Carola Colosso what she knows about Baron Mudbag!
14:38Good idea, Daphne! Come with me, friends!
14:41Hmm, I think I have to have a file on Baron Mudbag. Where could it be?
14:47Here is the file, Mrs. Colosso!
14:49Thank you, Barbara!
14:53Eww, what else can you expect from a Mudbag?
14:57The CWF handbook will tell us how to deal with such a disgusting creature!
15:02Take two eggs, beat them lightly, a cup...blah, blah, and this is the CWF recipe book!
15:07Ha ha!
15:10It says here, catch the criminal! Catch the criminal! Catch the criminal!
15:14Sounds pretty complicated, doesn't it, Scooby? What do you think we should do?
15:17Hmm, catch the criminal?
15:19Sounds like a good plan!
15:21We should first pay a visit to Mudbag's wardrobe.
15:25Look, there's Baron Mudbag!
15:28We'll do that right away, according to the traditional way of dealing with superheroes, Freddy!
15:33We have to talk to you, buddy!
15:35Yes, buddy!
15:37What do you want?
15:46High time for the official Commander Cool Band!
15:49Right away, Chucky!
15:52Jungs, ihr könnt loslegen!
15:59Haunted at the ghostly ghoul!
16:01He's a grad of scary school!
16:04A thousand pounds of haunted flesh!
16:06Could be a...
16:11And all the rest!
16:12Julia, the wrestling guest!
16:15Who went from Transylvania!
16:18Got a nasty attitude!
16:21He's so spooky!
16:23Really rude!
16:24When the bell sounds, you will know!
16:26It's time for his ghastly show!
16:28On the ropes or in the ring!
16:31He will haunt most anything!
16:33Well, sign me sleep or hope to go to sleep!
16:36He's a hooded haunted cow!
16:48That was pretty close!
16:49Oh no!
16:50There's the ghost of the hooded cow's brother, the hooded cow!
16:54It's me, Chucky!
16:58Velma has a plan!
17:00I'm sorry, Velma, but we have to proceed according to Commander Cool's manual!
17:04That's right!
17:05It says here, always listen to Velma's plan!
17:09Sounds really good!
17:10And how!
17:12Thank you!
17:15Neither there nor here!
17:16Where is the hooded animal?
17:18I can't find it anywhere!
17:20The cow must have been scared and ran away!
17:23Your end is near!
17:24Be on the lookout!
17:27Oh, horror!
17:28Oh no!
17:29Should it be the hooded cow?
17:32How cruel!
17:33She says cow!
17:34That's a case for our acting master!
17:37Mr. Seven-Tailed!
17:39That's me!
17:40I will lure you into the other world!
17:44Now you're mine!
17:52Excellent, Mr. Seven-Tailed!
17:53You used Commander Cool's impenetrable wall!
17:56Thank you very much!
18:01Oh man!
18:02The impenetrable walls are no longer what they once were!
18:04Sad, sad!
18:10With this Commander Cool cow trap we will lure the cow in!
18:17Now we have lured Scooby in!
18:19What are we going to do now?
18:20Quick, Mr. Seven-Tailed!
18:21Take the inverted backward cow grip from bottom to top!
18:26Mr. Seven-Tailed!
18:27Come to help!
18:30I'm a cowboy!
18:48Good job, Mr. Seven-Tailed!
18:50It was a tough ride!
18:51I think you have proven that you are cool guys after all!
18:55Do you understand?
18:57Cool guys?
19:01I don't understand!
19:03Thank you for catching the cow!
19:05But who is it?
19:06It was little Bo-Peter!
19:08He would have done anything to become a professional.
19:10By the way, no sane person would dress like that!
19:13Now I forgot how crazy he looked!
19:16Well, his costume was...
19:18It was...
19:21Yes, Miss Blake?
19:22Do your little Bo-Peter imitation!
19:24Very well, Miss Blake!
19:28Oh yes, now I see what you mean!
19:30What would everything be, Jenkins?
19:32Thank you, Miss Blake!
19:34I'm sure it's the Schwindelmeyer brothers!
19:36We have always been rivals!
19:38What were their names again?
19:40Ah, Matthew and Morty, madam!
19:43Well, I think it was Baron Slimebag!
19:45He really hates everyone!
19:46Yes, that's right!
19:47A pretty mean guy!
19:48Hey, Freddy!
19:49If you beat me in the ring, I'll say it was me!
19:57I guess... wasn't!
20:01Such a mega washcloth!
20:03In reality, the washcloth cow is none other than...
20:06...Herbert Blum!
20:09You know him better than...
20:10...the Koolsville Comet!
20:14The first time I suspected the Comet,
20:16was when he dropped his remote.
20:19He used it to ignite the explosion.
20:23Then I saw the signature on his invalid check.
20:26The comparison with the signature on the envelope,
20:28which Scooby found,
20:30was not that of Baron Slimebag.
20:32And when Scooby showed up with the lightsabers,
20:34I knew they belonged to the Koolsville Comet.
20:38I understand.
20:39He was just angry because Carola Colosso
20:41bought the ring club away from him.
20:43Yes, and he wanted to chase them all away
20:45and hoped to get to the club cheaply.
20:48Exactly, and I would have done that too,
20:50if it weren't for your children
20:51and these two funny characters of superheroes.
20:54Obviously, we're not just funny!
21:00How can I help you again?
21:03That was absolutely unnecessary.
21:04We dedicate our work to the truth, justice
21:06and our beloved Commander Kool.
21:08That's right!
21:09But if you insist...
21:11...then I'll give you something.
21:16Wow, thanks to Shaggy and Scooby
21:18we have the best seats.
21:20Well, we were lucky.
21:22On him, make the bone cradle!
21:24That's it!
21:25Dad, please take something together.
21:27Weird, that's really uncomfortable for me.
21:29The stars of the evening are
21:30Commander Kool and Mr. Seven-Slug.
21:32The official Commander Kool league dance
21:34seems to be coming, right, Kool?
21:36Oh, yes!
21:37To save the CBF was a trifle
21:38when you have a great partner
21:40like my good old buddy, Scooby-Dooby-Doo!
21:56My buddy, Scooby-Doo!