بين الأبرار والفجّار

  • 2 months ago
00:00Shemr Ibn Dhul-Jawsh was welcomed in Nafar by about ten men from the people of Kufa
00:08before Al-Husayn's house, where he and his children were buried.
00:14He walked towards it, and they stood between him and his chariot.
00:19Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, said,
00:22Woe to you, if you have no religion, and you were not afraid on the Day of the Covenant,
00:29then be free in the affair of your life.
00:33If I had accounts, prevent my wife and my family from your transgression and your ignorance.
00:42So Ibn Dhul-Jawsh sent a man to him,
00:46and Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, grabbed him and pulled him, and they disappeared from him.
00:53Abdullah Ibn Ammar Al-Bariqi said,
00:57A man pulled him from his right and left,
01:02and he carried a mark on his right until he was cut off,
01:06and a mark on his left until he was cut off.
01:09By God, I have never seen a broken man.
01:14His son, his family, and his companions were killed.
01:18He did not go to the army, nor did he go to the garden, nor did he walk a step from it.
01:25By God, I have never seen a man like him before or after him,
01:29if the man did not disappear from his right and from his left.
01:34The bear disappeared when the wolf grazed it.
01:37Omar Ibn Sa'd from Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, said,
01:41When Zaynab, the daughter of Fatimah, his mother, came out, she said,
01:46O Omar Ibn Sa'd, is Abu Abdullah being killed while you are looking at me?
01:55He turned his face away from her, and it was as if I was looking at Omar's tears,
02:00which flowed on his cheeks and beard.
02:03And he, peace be upon him, pulled the horse and said,
02:08Do you want to kill me?
02:11By God, do not kill after I am a servant of God,
02:15who is more angry with you to kill him than I am.
02:19And O God, I hope that God will honor me with your desires,
02:24then take revenge on me from you, from where you do not feel.
02:29By God, if you kill me,
02:33God has thrown your battle among yourselves and shed your blood.
02:38Then he will not be pleased with you until the painful punishment is doubled for you.
02:44Then Al-Shimr Ibn Dhil-Tawshan, peace be upon him,
02:49and among them Sinan Ibn Anas Al-Nakha'i,
02:54and Khuwalli Ibn Yazid Al-Asbahi,
02:58and Saleh Ibn Wahab Al-Yazni,
03:01and Aam Ibn Amr Al-Ju'afi,
03:04and Abdur-Rahman Al-Ju'afi.
03:07Al-Shimr Ibn Dhil-Tawshan incited them,
03:10and they surrounded Al-Husayn, peace be upon him.
03:14And a boy from his family came to Al-Husayn, peace be upon him.
03:20Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, said to his sister Zainab,
03:25the daughter of Ali, peace be upon him,
03:29so his sister Zainab took him, the daughter of Ali, to imprison him.
03:34So the boy refused, and he came to Al-Husayn, peace be upon him.
03:41And Bahr Ibn Ka'b incited Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, with a sword.
03:46So the boy said,
03:48O son of the wicked, do you kill my uncle?
03:54So he struck him with the sword.
03:56The boy took the sword in his hand and threw it to his skin.
04:00When his hand was tied, the boy cried out,
04:06O Ummah!
04:10So Al-Husayn, peace be upon him, took the sword,
04:13and he stabbed him in the chest.
04:16And he said, peace be upon him,
04:18O son of my brother, be patient with what has come down to you,
04:23and take good care of that,
04:26for Allah will join you with your righteous fathers,
04:29with the Messenger of Allah,
04:31and Ali Ibn Abi Talib,
04:33and Hamza,
04:35and Al-Husayn Ibn Ali,
04:37peace be upon them all.
04:40O Allah, protect them from the rain of the sky,
04:45and protect them from the blessings of the earth.
04:48O Allah, if you have given them time,
04:52then divide them into groups,
04:54and make them into separate groups,
04:57and do not remove the leaders from them at all,
05:00for they have called us to help them,
05:03but they turned against us and killed us.
