Susan Calman's Grand Day Out | show | 2021 | Official Featurette

  • 3 months ago
The comedian explores the British isles in her vintage camper van, Helen, taking in some dramatic scenery, unspoilt coun | dHNfemc5Q0FxVjhUaG8


00:00And today, members of the Prisoner Appreciation Society have travelled from all over the country for one of their meet-ups.
00:07Hi there, Ant.
00:08And Brearley's a veteran fan.
00:10So I take it members of the Prisoner Appreciation Society are passionate about the television show?
00:15Yes, as you can see with...
00:17I just happen to be wearing a hat!
00:19What is it, though, that you love about The Prisoner?
00:23It's generally considered one of the weirdest TV shows around.
00:27I think that's right, it really is.
00:29It was of its time, but it was also miles ahead of its time.
00:34Today, the fan club are re-enacting a classic scene, a game of human chess,
00:39wherein the show Rebellion had dangerous consequences.
00:43On to game four.
00:51I'm playing the White Queen. Yikes!
00:54So what are the rules?
00:55The main thing is, don't move unless I tell you to.
00:58And if you are taken from the board,
01:00we have an undertaker who will escort you from the board if required.
01:04Sounds more serious than I was expecting, I'll be honest with you, Ant.
01:07What have I let myself in for?
01:09White Pawn to Queen's Knight Three.
01:15No-one's reacting to anything that's happening here, it's absolutely terrifying.
01:18Black Queen's Pawn to Queen Three.
01:23White Queen to King's Rook Five.
01:27Help, that's me!
01:29You chose the undertaker life, not me!
01:32White Queen to King's Bishop Seven takes Pawn.
01:36Don't mind if I do.
01:41Did I win?
01:43Oh, thank you very much indeed!
01:46Ha-ha! Ha-ha!
01:48I won at chess, human chess, who knew?
