Shiddat Muneeb Butt - Anmol Baloch - 16th July 2024 Episodes Highlight - Har Pal Geo

  • 2 months ago
00:00I want to request the Faisal court to call Asra Sultan to the witness box because I have
00:24to ask her some questions.
00:28Your honor, my client has already filed for divorce.
00:33So, it would be better if she is addressed as Asra Ahmed.
00:41But she is not divorced yet.
00:43I have sent your objection.
00:52Your brother is with you.
00:57Asra Sultan, can you tell us if you were married to your choice?
01:28So, Asra Sultan, what did you like so much about him?
01:39His capability, his intelligence.
01:57Oh, I see.
01:58So, this is the matter.
02:01Then why does she want to be separated?
02:05I mean, Mrs. Sultan is intelligent and capable even today.
02:10Then why this divorce?
02:19His behavior.
02:22What behavior?
02:26I am not able to live up to his standards.
02:36But he still wants to live with you.
02:50Your honor, note this down.
02:53Asra Sultan herself is admitting in the court that she was not able to live up to her husband's standards.
02:59Oh, no.
03:02I didn't mean that.
03:06Actually, I…
03:09What do you mean?
03:16I didn't make mistakes before.
03:19Now, I make mistakes, so I don't want to live with him.
03:23Now, I make mistakes, so I don't want to live with him.
03:31Your honor, my client is already confused due to stress.
03:39Mr. Junaid, you are troubling her further.
03:42That's why she is not able to answer properly.
03:44Oh, she is not able to answer properly.
03:46She is confused.
03:47This means that her mind has been made up and presented to the court.
03:52Because a person who wants to be separate, he is not confused.
03:56He speaks two-faced.
04:04Okay, you are getting confused.
04:07I will change my question for you.
04:10Why do a man and a woman want to be separate?
04:14Due to their behavior?
04:15Financial weakness?
04:17Or due to some unfaithfulness?
04:31Yes, her behavior.
04:38Okay, that's what I want to ask.
04:41What change did you see in Mr. Sultan's behavior?
04:55Did he ever abuse you?
05:02Abuse means did he ever pull your hair, abuse you or beat you?
05:08No, never.
05:10Did he ever stop you from meeting your family?
05:22Did he ever stop you from meeting anyone in your family?
05:31Did my client ever try to take any financial benefit from your brother?
05:46No, he never did that.
05:53Then what kind of torture is this?
05:56What kind of arguments are you presenting?
05:59Are you from this generation that you are comparing mental torture with old arguments?
06:04Judge Sahiba, just like the world has progressed, so has the negative mind.
06:10A new term has been invented.
06:12Mental abuse.
06:14It means to torture someone without touching them.
06:18To make someone crazy.
06:20All these are stories.
06:22If you have any proof, present it in the court.
06:34Judge Sahiba, you are able to see in these pictures.
06:37My client's smile is so complete in this.
06:40Look at her confidence, look at her comments.
06:43Look at the way she talks.
06:47And look at this girl standing in the court today.
06:50Something bad has happened to her that she is not even able to talk about her rights today.
06:55Mr. Sultan, would you like to say something about this position?
07:08Judge Sahiba, I am a lawyer.
07:12I am a lawyer.
07:14I am a lawyer.
07:16I am a lawyer.
07:18I am a lawyer.
07:20I am a lawyer.
07:22Judge Sahiba, I do not deny this fact.
07:26That Aswa's mental condition is bad.
07:37But this accusation is wrong on me.
07:40That I am responsible for her condition.
07:42I am responsible for her condition.
07:50She started having psychological issues before marriage.
07:56But her family hid this fact from me.
08:03She wanted to marry me.
08:13Everything was fine in the beginning.
08:15But slowly I observed that Aswa is absolutely mad.
08:30Her mental condition is very bad.
08:33And when I told this to her family,
08:36Judge Sahiba, instead of treating her, she accused me.
08:43She said that I am responsible for her condition.
08:51Judge Sahiba, I love her.
08:54She is my life partner.
08:56Will I make her mad?
09:06Today, in front of this court,
09:09I want to say this to brother Sabar.
09:16If you get happiness by accusing me, then do it.
09:20Do it with passion.
09:23I will not mind.
09:25But please, for God's sake,
09:28don't separate my wife from me.
09:44Judge Sahiba,
09:47I request you,
09:51cancel this divorce request
09:54and give me my wife's custody.
10:01I will get her treated.
10:03I will bear all the expenses.
10:06Please don't separate my wife from me.
10:09Thank you.
10:13do you want a divorce from your husband?
10:31Would you like to say something in response to your husband's statement?
10:42He is lying.
10:45I am fine. I am not mad.
10:48Judge Sahiba,
10:52Asra Sultan, do you find her normal from any angle?
10:56Whatever she is,
10:58she doesn't want to live with your client.
11:03Judge Sahiba,
11:05I request you
11:07to get my client released from Mr. Sultan as soon as possible.
11:12Asra, please sit.
11:25Breaking off a relationship is not a difficult task.
11:29I can issue an order right now.
11:36But I believe that before breaking off a relationship,
11:40we should give them another chance to form a relationship.
11:46This is why the court orders that you should meet a few times.
11:59Try to resolve the divorce issues.
12:04Some of you should be sensible, some of you should be obedient.
12:09Maybe there is a middle way with good intentions.
12:11Maybe there is a middle way with good intentions.
12:17Whatever can be decided from these meetings,
12:20should be told to the court on the first date of two months.
12:31Court is dismissed.
12:37Here you go.
12:39Now you have to show your charm.
12:46Just like people are proud of what they say,
12:51similarly your wife will have to build her wall.
12:57The thing is,
12:59when the issue is in your favour,
13:02you win.
13:09By the way,
13:11I think
13:13she is very scared of you.
13:18Whether she is scared or dead,
13:21she will come back to life as soon as she hears my voice.
13:29You will see Mr. Lawyer,
13:33she will come running towards me like a kite.
13:38Her door is in my hands.
13:44If this happens,
13:46then what will you do?
13:49Good question.
13:56I will make her my slave.
14:00She is the biggest trophy of my life.
14:03After all,
14:05she is my life's biggest achievement.
14:09One question.
14:31Here you go.
14:33Message her.
14:34Sultan, where are you?
14:37I called you so many times, messaged you so many times,
14:41you didn't even reply to me once.
14:53When I had approved the presentation,
14:55then why did you ask the boss?
14:57Who has the authority, me or him?
14:59When I had approved the presentation,
15:01then why did you ask the boss?
15:03Who has the authority, me or him?
15:06The thing on which I…
15:08The thing on which I approve,
15:10after that there is no need to ask the boss.
15:17He won't reply, Mr. Rafiq.
15:23Call him.
15:29Call him.
15:35Upgrade and send it to me.
15:38I am waiting.
15:46Call him again.
16:04Sultan, this is Zubia.
16:09I know.
16:10Your number is saved.
16:11Tell me.
16:13If the number is saved, then why didn't you call?
16:18You know how much I missed you.
16:30Thousands of girls miss me,
16:33so should I call back everyone?
16:36I am not like everyone, Sultan.
16:39I am Zubia,
16:42whom you wanted to meet.
16:48Yes, I wanted to meet,
16:50but you missed that opportunity.
16:52So, this program can be rescheduled, right?
17:04Now your cousin and grandfather won't have any problem?
17:07Grandfather and cousin?
17:09Grandfather and cousin have gone to America for two weeks.
17:15This is the ideal time to meet, Sultan.
17:18Now we can meet if we want.
17:20I will see.
17:22If I get time, I will tell you.
17:41Won't you bless me for staying at home today, aunty?
17:45Blessings are blessings,
17:47but blessings are only accepted when the intentions are clear.
17:54My intentions were never bad.
17:58There were just some misunderstandings that came in between.
18:06I had heard that
18:08by giving gifts to each other, the days are short.
18:16I have brought some gifts for you
18:19with the hope that the distance between us will end soon.
18:28Everyone in this house knows your reality.
18:33If there were no court orders,
18:36I wouldn't have let your shadow fall on my sister.
18:58I am sorry.
19:16You are Asra's elder brother.
19:22And you are my elder brother too in this relationship.
19:24Whatever you want to say about me, good or bad, say it.
19:28I won't mind.
19:38But I have one request.
19:41Don't separate Asra from me.
19:54Asra is my love.
19:56She is my life.
20:02Please, don't exploit Anu.
20:04Lies are spoken once, not again and again.
20:08Shayan, you are accusing me.
20:14My love for Asra is true.
20:16It's true.
20:23I really love her. She is my life.
20:31My family needs her. I need her.
20:34Please don't do this.
20:46Let's go, Asra.
21:16Thank you.
21:42Thank you.
21:46Thank you.
21:52What will you eat, Asra?
21:56I don't want to eat anything. Order whatever you want.
22:04If you don't eat anything,
22:07then I won't eat anything either.
22:09Believe me,
22:12ever since you have gone to your house being upset with me,
22:23I don't know what has happened to me.
22:26I don't like anything.
22:28I don't feel hungry.
22:38I don't want to eat anything.
22:40I don't want to eat anything.
22:42I don't want to eat anything.
22:44I don't want to eat anything.
22:47I don't want to eat anything.
22:49I don't want to eat anything.
22:51I don't want to eat anything.
22:53I don't want to eat anything.
22:55I don't want to eat anything.
22:57I don't want to eat anything.
22:59I don't want to eat anything.
23:01I don't want to eat anything.
23:03I don't want to eat anything.
23:05I don't want to eat anything.
23:06I don't want to eat anything.
23:10Who is calling?
23:13It's Shayan.
23:15He is worried about me.
23:29Tell him,
23:31there is no need to worry.
23:37You are sitting with your husband,
23:39not with a murderer.
23:45people think that a murderer only kills.
23:48But the one who kills with his heart,
23:51is called a man.
24:00Why are you looking at me like this?
24:07Why are you looking at me like this?
24:10It's a common thing,
24:12when a relationship is with a person,
24:16it's value is not there.
24:18It's value is not there.
24:27But when that relationship has gone away from him,
24:30or is going away,
24:32then you realize his true value.
24:37When I have that.
24:46Please order something.
24:49Excuse me.
24:55Take the order.
24:56Yes, ma'am.
24:58I want to have a sandwich.
25:00For you, sir.
25:02I also want a sandwich.
25:03For you, sir.
25:05I also want a sandwich.
25:06Same. Okay, sir.
25:09From today, I will eat what you eat.
25:15I will give you whatever you want.
25:23I have changed a lot.
25:27Maybe all this was my dream.
25:29I wanted to hear all this from Sultan.
25:31But now,
25:32what is the use of these words now?
26:01What are you thinking?
26:19I know,
26:23you always wanted me to be like this.
26:32Take care of your likes and dislikes.
26:35Live your life according to your will.
26:43And today when I am becoming like this,
26:46you are surprised.
26:50I told you,
26:51there is no use of these words now.
26:55But why, Basra?
26:58There are differences between us.
27:00I agree.
27:04But there is no hatred, Neha.
27:07Which cannot be removed.
27:09There are not just differences between us, Sultan.
27:13There is a wall of separation between us.
27:18The wall of separation can be demolished.
27:25A window can be made in it.
27:27If you want.
27:29Why should I make a window?
27:33You have left no reason.
27:39You were proving me mad in the entire court.
27:58But you didn't see that
28:00when you came to the same court,
28:03breaking the rules of the court,
28:06I was standing in your love and respect.
28:14That love,
28:16that respect,
28:18it has no value in your eyes.
28:27What has happened to you, Basra?
28:30My Isra was never like this.
28:38I still remember,
28:40you used to cry yourself when you saw someone being treated unfairly.
28:50What has happened to you today?
28:52Look at me.
28:57You don't see my pain,
28:59my pain anywhere.
29:06The pain I am going through after separating from you,
29:10you have no idea about it.
29:11If you can see it,
29:15I just want to discuss your mental health issues.
29:18Health issue?
29:20You know very well that I don't have any health issue.
29:23The way you used to behave with me,
29:26after that I forgot myself, this is also a big thing.
29:29I used to get confused because of your behavior.
29:32And I kept getting confused.
29:34I used to get confused because of your behavior.
29:37I used to get confused because of your behavior.
29:39And I kept getting confused.
29:44What is respect?
29:47What is humiliation?
29:49What is reality? What is a story?
29:51What is a joke? What is a scolding?
29:53I didn't know anything.
30:01You took me to your house and considered me your slave.
30:04A slave who has no happiness, no respect,
30:07no self-respect.
30:09A slave whom you were training according to yourself,
30:13whom you had to obey your master's orders.
30:29I can't believe it.
30:33Asha, is it really you?
30:40You have never spoken to me in this language.
30:45It's very new for me.
30:54This is not your language.
30:57I know you.
30:59It can be your brother's language.
31:05It can be your sister-in-law's, your mother's, but
31:09I have never felt this way.
31:17You used to love me.
31:23Unconditional love.
31:26You used to die for me.
31:28She was my mistake.
31:30I can't pay the price of your love.
31:36Accept that it was all a lie.
31:40And leave me.
31:46We can't live together.
31:48Because we are not made for each other.
31:56I don't understand why you are saying this.
32:09You know,
32:12even today there is a whole world that dies for me.
32:20She wants to talk to me. She yearns for a glimpse of me.
32:27And my own wife,
32:30is degrading me so much.
32:32It's very disappointing for me.
32:34I know,
32:36the world dies for you.
32:40So choose someone from that world for yourself.
32:43Leave me.
32:45I don't want to live with you.
32:47Asra, I…
32:49You said it so easily to leave me.
32:52It's impossible.
32:59You tell me,
33:01what should I do to make you happy?
33:04Leave me.
33:06I will be happy.
33:08I will be happy.
33:23You can't leave me.
33:29we have come out of this misunderstanding.
33:32You know,
33:34that life has changed.
33:37You know,
33:42my family,
33:44brother Sarwar,
33:46will never send me back to you.
33:49I know,
33:51this is the real issue.
33:53Your brother is a rich businessman.
33:56He must have always dreamt of my sister getting married to a rich businessman.
34:07So what?
34:09What did I do
34:11that the matter reached the court?
34:19It was a family matter, family issues.
34:22There could have been a settlement.
34:25Why did you have to go to the court?
34:33there are issues after marriage, it's stressful.
34:38You were sensitive.
34:40You were innocent.
34:42You were not able to bear all the stress.
34:49What would have happened
34:51if your family had kept you in their house for a few days?
34:55They would have cured you.
34:56Cured me?
34:58You are the disease
35:00and you are the reason for my fear.
35:02I have not changed.
35:04Your disease…
35:08whatever your problems are,
35:10I will never ask you to go to the doctor.
35:14You can never change.
35:18Isra, please.
35:20I don't want to waste this moment.
35:28you say something, anything,
35:30that will end this separation between us.
35:35This is not possible.
35:38Understand this,
35:41this is not possible.
35:45if you don't want to talk, then don't.
35:57sit in front of me for a while.
36:04I can see
36:06what I want to see.
36:09You get happiness by seeing.
36:15This is what I wanted.
36:17This was my dream.
36:26I wished for this love.
36:29I came to Sultan with this wish.
36:33But instead of love,
36:36he made me crazy.
