Late Night Lockup S02E05 A 1000 Drinks

  • 2 months ago
A suspected drunk driver refuses to get out of her car. Another brazen and cocky DUI suspect attempts to bribe his way out of jail, and in one neighbourhood, New Year's Eve celebrations shatter when a stolen car drives off a cliff.
00:00You're going to lose your pants.
00:02Your pants aren't in there.
00:04When the sun goes down,
00:05Get the f*** away from me.
00:07Get away from me!
00:08the strangest stories pass through police stations.
00:11What do you think you're doing, you stupid ass?
00:13Get out of the truck now!
00:15Come on girl, come on.
00:16Give it to me, come on.
00:18I cannot wait, let's go to jail.
00:20Late at night, officers encounter human behavior at its weirdest
00:25Did you poop your pants?
00:26F***ing life, literally.
00:28and wildest.
00:31Do it, do it.
00:33Tonight, we're in Florida,
00:35New Jersey,
00:39and Illinois.
00:41I'm not going in this f***ing car.
00:44To witness what happens
00:46I'll give you a thousand dollars.
00:47No, but thank you for the ride.
00:52in Late Night Lockup.
00:58Marathon, Florida.
01:01It's 11.30 p.m.
01:05A cop on a routine late night patrol
01:07has pulled over a disorderly driver.
01:12Sheriff's office.
01:15What are you, covered in pizza or is that blood?
01:17No, that's chips.
01:22Where are you coming from?
01:23I was coming from Gloucester Marathon.
01:27Okay, where are you headed to?
01:30Okay, so you're coming to Marathon, from Marathon, back to Marathon.
01:36Do me a favor.
01:37Car's off.
01:38Can you step out of the vehicle for me?
01:41Fortunately for this disheveled driver,
01:43there's no law in Florida about messy eaters.
01:48But there is a law about driving under the influence.
01:51How much have you had to drink tonight, sir?
01:56You've had nothing to drink?
01:57Okay, that's interesting.
02:02You spill your food all over yourself?
02:04It's just...
02:06I'm a good guy.
02:07I wouldn't do anything bad.
02:10The suspect agrees to submit to the officer's sobriety tests.
02:15Are you sick or injured?
02:16Disability, yes.
02:19I have a brain injury.
02:20A brain injury?
02:21Yeah, it's proven.
02:23I can't taste the smoke.
02:24I can't taste the smoke.
02:25I have every **** court document to say this.
02:28This has nothing to do with taste of smoke.
02:30The suspect's claimed symptoms could explain his appreciation of chips and dips.
02:36But they won't interfere with police procedure.
02:39We're going to do the one-leg stand, okay?
02:42No, I'm not going to do the one-leg stand.
02:44You're not going to do it?
02:45Because you know why?
02:47I have clinical disability, and then you're going to...
02:49So you're refusing to do the exercises?
02:51Well, but this...
02:53Yes, you're refusing?
02:55That's easy enough.
02:56Do me a favor.
02:57Just put your hands behind your back.
02:58All right?
03:01Place you under arrest for DUI.
03:04The officer is left with no choice but to put him in cuffs...
03:08All right.
03:09Have a seat.
03:10Watch your head.
03:11...and take him to lockup.
03:13The cops have questions, but the suspect has some of his own.
03:501,400 miles away in North Caldwell, New Jersey,
03:55it's half past midnight on New Year's Day.
03:59The parties are over, and the suburbs are asleep.
04:03I've been tracking a stolen vehicle,
04:062023 Acura stationary at North Caldwell.
04:11Just be advised, I'm responding from Fairfield.
04:14Officers are dispatched to investigate reports of a stolen car.
04:18As soon as they arrive, the driver makes a getaway.
04:28Holy s***.
04:34He doesn't get far.
04:35All right, the vehicle just crashed.
04:38Hey, everybody, get back! It's a stolen car!
04:40Get inside! Get inside! Get inside!
04:42Hey, he's right here!
04:44Don't move! Don't move!
04:46Get on the ground! Get on the ground!
04:48The driver flees on foot, and officers give chase.
04:52Got one, male, black, black jeans, black short-sleeved T-shirt.
04:57Get on the ground! Get on the ground!
05:02The fleeing suspect finds cover.
05:04In the woods. He's in the woods.
05:06And disappears.
05:11In his wake is destruction and devastation.
05:14Hey, was anybody else in the car?
05:16And the officers on the ground soon make a shocking discovery.
05:21We got one in the vehicle, one running towards Elm.
05:25Headquarters, get heavy rescue as well. The car's flipped over.
05:28Can you hear me?
05:30What hurts?
05:31I'm fine.
05:32What hurts?
05:33I'm fine.
05:34Try to come out, all right?
05:39Just stay here, okay?
05:41Sit down.
05:43We're going to get you some help, though.
05:44Just relax, all right? Just relax.
05:46Is there anyone else in the car?
05:49Get her out of here.
05:51Away from the crash site, a team of officers hunt for the runaway driver.
05:56There's nowhere else he can go.
05:58He's down in here somewhere.
06:00I hear him.
06:01I hear him.
06:04Don't move!
06:06The cops think they've located him, but the suspect is quickly on the run again.
06:11I guess we're going over.
06:13So he ran down here. He either jumped off the wall or he's in here somewhere.
06:19While the officers spread out to pen in the suspect, the crash site is teeming with law enforcement.
06:25You guys just put her in your car for now.
06:28Is your car open?
06:29Go put her in the car.
06:31The police call for medical support and arrest the passenger.
06:34Do you have anything else? Any weapons on you?
06:36Anything that's going to poke and stick me?
06:38Nothing? Are you sure?
06:39All right, get in the car.
06:41I'm going to stay with her.
06:42Yeah, appreciate it.
06:47The police have one in custody.
06:50The second suspect is still on the run.
06:57Get over here!
06:59Get on the ground! Get on the ground! On the ground!
07:04It's taken multiple cops from three different PDs, but the car thief who drove off a cliff is finally in custody.
07:12What are you crying about?
07:13I'm not crying. I'm sweating.
07:17Sit up, bro. Get your breath for a second. It's over.
07:20The cops need to move the suspect to lockup, quickly and safely.
07:26Come on, man. Come on, bro.
07:30We've got to go through the hole.
07:32It's to that way.
07:33All right.
07:34We've got to go that way.
07:35You want to walk out like a grown man and do something stupid?
07:37Or no? He wants to carry you out.
07:41I just want to lift your hand.
07:42Oh, so now you're drunk driving, right?
07:44No, no, no.
07:46His DUI confession is caught on camera.
07:49But right now, that's the least of his worries.
07:53Deep breaths, bro. Deep breaths.
07:59When a person in custody could be injured, the police can't take any chances.
08:05He needs to be medically assessed as quickly as possible.
08:08He's complaining of difficulty breathing and running.
08:10Just ask an ambulance over here.
08:22Crystal Lake, Illinois.
08:25It's midnight. Police are dispatched to check out a noise complaint.
08:32Hello, ma'am.
08:34Someone called in. They were complaining about your music being kind of loud from your car.
08:39Really? I was just here for like 30 seconds.
08:42You were just here for like 30 seconds?
08:43Yeah. No, not 30 seconds. Like 15 minutes or so.
08:49The officer immediately senses something's off.
08:52How much have you had to drink tonight?
08:54Um, a lot.
08:56Can you give me an estimate? How much you've had?
08:59Um, I don't know. A thousand drinks.
09:04A thousand drinks. Okay.
09:06It's a huge admission.
09:08In Illinois, a first DUI offense can be punished with up to a year in jail.
09:13So can you do me a favor and step out of the car? I'm just going to run you through some law.
09:15No, I don't want to step out.
09:16Okay, well, at this point, I'm going to need you to step out of the car, okay?
09:20No, I don't want to.
09:22Okay. If you don't do it, we're going to have to take you out ourselves, and I don't want to have to do that.
09:28Can you just step out of the car for me, please?
09:30No, I don't want to step out.
09:31Hannah, I need you to step out, okay?
09:32I know. So then what?
09:34So then I'm going to run you through some tests to make sure that you're good to drive, okay?
09:37I know. I'm not going to run through the tests.
09:39You're not going to run through any tests?
09:41Drivers don't have to take a sobriety test.
09:43But refusal can lead to a suspended driving license.
09:47How much have you had to drink tonight?
09:49Not enough.
09:50Not enough?
09:51No, not enough.
09:54Last chance, or we're going to pull you out.
09:56You're not going to step out? Okay.
09:58Oh, stop.
09:59No, you're done.
10:00Stop. No, I'm not going to.
10:01You are under arrest, right now. Get out of the car.
10:02Hannah, get out of the car.
10:05Oh, I am so stumped.
10:08Oh, stop.
10:10The cops quickly realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew.
10:15Get out of the car.
10:16I'm out of the car.
10:17Yes, you are. Get out of the car now.
10:19Despite the gravity of the situation, the suspect revels in the attention.
10:24You guys are on me right now.
10:27Calm the f*** down.
10:29You don't tell us what to do.
10:31After a short struggle, the officers get to grips with the uncooperative driver.
10:36You are under arrest.
10:39The suspect was facing a fine for violating noise statutes.
10:44Now, she's under arrest for DUI and resisting.
10:48Next stop for her, lockup.
10:52I'm not going in there.
10:55If you kick, you fight. You're getting more charges.
10:57Oh, I'm so... I'm ready.
11:00I will fight to the end.
11:03I will fight to the end.
11:05And I am so... I'm in charge here.
11:08This one suspect has already required the attention of five officers.
11:13Now, a sergeant has arrived to take control of the chaos.
11:17Oh, it's a big boy.
11:18What's going on?
11:19I want to have my phone.
11:22That's not going to happen right now.
11:23Okay. Well, then I will fight to the death.
11:26You understand that will end up putting you in a wrap?
11:31Will you cooperate if we make this phone call?
11:33I know, you're a big boy. I like to fight, yeah.
11:35No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
11:36I know you are. I know you're kidding. I know you're kidding.
11:39So, can we do that then? Will you cooperate then with us?
11:42Okay. All right, bring the phone.
11:45The sergeant strikes a deal.
11:52Please state your name after the tone.
11:55I don't know what to say.
11:57Just see me from the police station.
12:01I don't have the phone. God, you're a jerk.
12:04Are you ready to go to the seat?
12:05Nope, not going in there.
12:07But you said we had a deal.
12:08I know I'm not taking the deal.
12:10Put her inside the car.
12:17I'm not going in this f***ing car.
12:20You can't make me.
12:22I might be fat as f***, but I work out as hard as f***.
12:25She's going.
12:26Try me.
12:28The suspect uses her body as a weapon against the officers
12:32and refuses to cooperate.
12:35The cops are left with no option.
12:37What's that?
12:38It's a wrap.
12:39It's very uncomfortable. You're not going to like it.
12:41Yeah. My tits are bigger than this thing.
12:45Police deploy a safety harness, which restrains the suspect.
12:49Once she's locked in, she won't be able to lash out.
12:53This little wrap?
12:55It's going to go around my stomach.
12:59Are you guys supposed to lift me up?
13:03There's no way. There's no way.
13:07It's a physical and logistical challenge.
13:10F*** you.
13:15All right, so you just follow me to the PD.
13:17We'll assess where we're at when we get there. Thanks.
13:20Eventually, the suspect is safely transferred to lockup.
13:27Have fun getting me out of here now.
13:29Oh, so you're not going to let us?
13:30No, you're going to carry me out, f***.
13:33I'm going to be dead as dirt.
13:35Okay, she's insisted she's not cooperating, going straight to county.
13:38Because all this is going to be is one big giant fight.
13:42And this is just the safest way to go.
13:46The cops take to the road once more.
13:48I'll be transporting the J5 up to county.
13:50Can you let county know if she's uncooperative in the wrap?
13:54It took six officers to restrain her.
13:57Now, she gets to cool off in jail.
14:07Fifteen hundred miles away in Florida,
14:09a suspected drunk driver is attempting to buy his way out of trouble.
14:14Oh, s***.
14:16How much?
14:24He's made a blatant attempt to bribe a law enforcement officer.
14:29That could land him in prison for up to 15 years.
14:32This is the Democrat Party. Hit me right now.
14:35Nobody's going to touch you, sir.
14:37This is the reason why,
14:41in the state of Florida, that they want to put nobody in their face.
14:45The suspect may not have provided police with a sample or a breath test.
14:50Still talking to me?
14:52But he's giving them plenty of video evidence.
14:55How much?
14:56I'll give you a thousand dollars.
14:57I'll give you a thousand dollars for my partner.
14:59I'll give you a thousand dollars for myself.
15:02A thousand dollars, what does that do?
15:04Whatever you want to do.
15:06And I actually will give you an extra 500 apiece.
15:10Okay. For what?
15:13So you let me just go home in peace, like a person that's honest.
15:19Is that cool?
15:20No, but thank you for the bribe.
15:31He's being frustrated in his attempts to bribe law enforcement officers.
15:36Do you have a girlfriend or anything?
15:38Can you back up?
15:39Do you have a girlfriend?
15:40Back the seat up.
15:41And I don't have anything.
15:42You don't have a girlfriend or nothing?
15:45I have nothing but this job, sir.
15:47Oh yeah, man. I feel sorry for you.
15:50Hey, I gotta use the restroom.
15:53The officers grant the suspect a comfort break.
15:56One or two?
16:00The cameras are redacted for his privacy.
16:05The suspect takes the opportunity to make an astonishing claim.
16:15Do you want to file a report?
16:16I'll get a lawyer.
16:18Do you want to do a sworn written statement?
16:20Sworn written statement.
16:22Can I just get my lawyer?
16:24Yeah, you can do that.
16:26It's an Oscar-worthy performance.
16:28You know what you did, right?
16:30You know it.
16:32Despite his protestations, he files no charges and makes no statement.
16:38Have a seat. In the corner.
16:40I'm bracing my hands.
16:42Sit. Like a dog.
16:45His attempt to bribe the officers has failed.
16:48His attempt to claim battery has also failed.
16:51Insults are all he has left.
16:54I live on computers.
16:56You ain't smarter on a computer than me.
16:58You can't even type. You're a one-finger typer.
17:01What's up?
17:03This guy can't type English, so let's go to jail.
17:07Sit down, bro.
17:09You're a one-finger typer. Oh, let's just go to jail.
17:13He's tested the patience of the officers.
17:15You know what? We'll do this in the car.
17:19And despite facing the night in jail...
17:22Come here.
17:24...he's got one performance left.
17:26There you go.
17:27You know who I am? The son of a Hall of Fame pitcher.
17:31So we'll play that game.
17:34What with this? You know what New Yorkers like?
17:36Hall of Famers.
17:38Jesus Christ.
17:40I'm cold. I'm done.
17:43Back in New Jersey, police hunting the occupants
17:46of a stolen vehicle that drove off a cliff
17:49have apprehended two suspects.
17:52At the site of the crash, the scene descends into chaos.
17:56Get back! Get back!
17:59This is completely out of control right now.
18:01We need help from Manpower.
18:02Honestly, this scene is a little hostile.
18:05Please let me see my mother.
18:07She's our only hope.
18:10Please let me see my mother.
18:12She's right over here. You can talk to her.
18:16Lexus, look.
18:18I'm cold.
18:20We have an ambulance on the way.
18:21They're going to take care of her, okay?
18:22But how?
18:23Why is she being detained?
18:24Because she was in the car and was stolen.
18:27I swear to God.
18:28I know. I understand.
18:29We literally was here together.
18:30I don't know this situation.
18:32I don't know.
18:33Somebody picked up the car.
18:34She's supposed to know that.
18:35It's a big scene. Let's do our thing.
18:37We have an ambulance here, okay?
18:38We're going to make sure she's okay.
18:42Away from the crash site…
18:43Yeah, we need the reaves, the stretcher, and the oxygen bottle.
18:47He's in the woods still.
18:48They've got to bring the ambulance down here.
18:49He's stuck in there.
18:50He might have a punctured lung.
18:51Police have arranged medics to attend to the man in custody.
18:56I'm cold.
18:57I know you're cold.
18:58I can't feel anything.
19:00You're not going to feel anything.
19:02One, two, three, lift.
19:04All right.
19:05We're going to go up and then we're going to walk to the right
19:07and then we're going to be able to get him over the railing.
19:11Back in the street, medics arrive to treat the passenger.
19:15What's up, man?
19:17Car flipped over into that building.
19:19The only one that we have right here is in the car.
19:21She's complaining of head injury.
19:22Nick, open the door.
19:23Let him check her out.
19:25Despite her ordeal, she's gotten off very lightly.
19:29Okay, come with me, sweetheart.
19:31I'm with the ambulance. I got enough proof.
19:34The car thief and his companion are transported to the hospital,
19:38a small price to pay for a late-night joyride.
19:42Happy New Year.
19:48After lock-up, the car thief who drove off a cliff
19:52was charged with theft, fleeing law enforcement, and resisting arrest.
19:57He was sentenced to a year in prison.
20:00His passenger was not charged with any crime.
20:04The DUI driver who attempted to bribe police
20:07spent 11 months on probation for drug offenses.
20:11He is not related to a Baseball Hall of Famer.
20:15And the woman who took on an entire police force
20:18was found guilty of driving under the influence.
20:21She was given a conditional discharge and fined over $2,000.
20:25God, you're a jerk.
20:31Next time on Late Night Lock-Up.
20:34Two running onto the highway! Stop running!
20:37We don't know!
20:38Hey, I need a description.
20:39He was riding flat 40.
20:40Could you recite the alphabet starting with the letter E and finishing with the letter P?
