The Real Ghostbusters Staffel 1 Folge 9 HD Deutsch

  • 2 months ago
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00:30Get ready
00:44We're not afraid of ghosts
00:46I have no fear of ghosts.
01:00Hurry up, people! The train is leaving in a few minutes!
01:09Hurry up!
01:13Stop! That's just for adults!
01:18The train is leaving! We're late!
01:21Not yet! Stop the train! There's a donkey lying on the tracks!
01:27It works every time!
01:31Hey, Ray! Not so fast!
01:34Wait! We have forgotten a few things.
01:37Various newspaper clippings.
01:39A few photo albums.
01:41And a movie with our super Peter in action.
01:44Now you can really make an impression at home.
01:46It's actually nothing special, just a little celebration, guys.
01:50You're too modest, Ray. After all, they don't call everyone the ceremony master of the winged puma parade.
01:56In addition, it only takes place every ten years as a reminder that the monster has disappeared.
02:01That means you can finally let our Ray talk.
02:04Yes, I have to admit, the invitation was a real surprise.
02:07When I left Morrisville, no one thought that something would come of me.
02:10Yes, but if they see you now, they will be enthusiastic.
02:17Oh, Slimer never learns that either.
02:25Thank you, Slimer, that's exactly what I need.
02:28My doll, that's terribly embarrassing.
02:30Oh, how cute.
02:33Everyone, get in!
02:36Well, take care, guys.
02:40But don't, Slimer. Morrisville is only 30 miles from here and I'll be back in two days.
02:47See you soon, Ray.
02:53See you soon, take care.
02:57Ray, Mama.
03:02Slimer, go back to the others.
03:11See you soon, Ray.
03:15Dear fellow citizens, today's party...
03:18I said today's party. Please be quiet.
03:22Today's party and tomorrow's parade are dedicated to one man and we will never forget his name.
03:29Royce Tanz.
03:33My name is Ray. Ray, how was that?
03:36Ray, Ray, over here.
03:41My God, how exciting, Ray. I followed all your heroic deeds in the news.
03:45Elaine, Elaine Furman.
03:48That was your great love of youth, wasn't it?
03:51Hello, Ray, old boy.
03:55Do you remember? Alan Favish.
03:59Everyone thought you'd never make it, unlike me.
04:02Now I have a little shoe store and you're a big hero.
04:05A shoe store isn't bad, is it?
04:07Yes, ripping sales.
04:12Hey, do you remember the old Powell House that we used to find so creepy as kids?
04:16Elaine inherited that thing.
04:18I can neither sell it nor rent it. People think it stinks there.
04:21You just gave me my keyword.
04:23I think it's time for a little demonstration.
04:26So let's get started.
04:45I'm sure it's not dangerous.
04:48Type 2 mini-exhaust, a common scarecrow.
04:51Go on in, there's no need to worry.
05:05What do we have here under negative energy?
05:12I'll count to three and then you'll get out of there.
06:49I would say our parade has a new chairman.
06:54I can imagine how you must be encouraged.
06:57Beautiful hero.
07:07What are you doing, big hero?
07:09Already back?
07:11Yes, I think I'm going to bed.
07:13Something's wrong with Ray.
07:15We've known that since school.
07:20Please, the pub comrade has been successful.
07:24Your P.K.E. measurements are completely normal, Ray.
07:27My proton beam works perfectly.
07:29I do not understand.
07:31Do not worry about it, Ray.
07:33Each of us has a bad day.
07:37Well, you've just made yourself a total fool in your hometown.
07:40What's up?
07:41Thank you, Peter.
07:42You can build people.
07:44No, Peter's right.
07:45I should forget about it.
07:47I mean, it would be really stupid to go back,
07:49just because I want to prove something to myself.
07:51I bet five that it does.
07:53The bet is valid.
07:57That's total nonsense.
07:59Calm down, calm down.
08:01There is no reason to be afraid.
08:03Who's there?
08:08Oh, Ray Stantz, as I see it.
08:10Can I do something for you?
08:12Oh yes, I need a ladder.
08:17Get up.
08:18I think we have a problem.
08:20Wake me up when you're sure.
08:24Ray has gone back.
08:26He wants to put an end to the spook.
08:28Winston, you owe me five mice.
08:36You, Winston, I have to get to me first.
08:39This time you'll make it, Ray.
08:45Is anyone home?
08:48We've had bad luck.
08:49I'd say we're going again.
08:52It should be a joke.
09:10Now I've had enough.
09:12I'm not used to losing.
09:19But I would accept a draw.
09:22This stupid radiator doesn't work.
09:24I have no idea how I'm supposed to know.
09:39Is anyone there?
09:49He's in the house, quick!
09:54One, two, three, who's got the ball?
10:03You could say Ray is in the picture.
10:09Hell's Bay, Eton Bay.
10:16Wait, Ray, here comes your defense.
10:19Ray, is everything all right?
10:22It's holding up.
10:24Be careful, guys, they're huge.
10:26Don't worry, we'll get rid of them.
10:28But they're so small, what's the point?
10:40It doesn't make sense.
10:42You won't get them with the proton beams.
10:44We'll see about that.
11:04There you go.
11:05And now the house is ready to move in.
11:07After I've cleaned it thoroughly.
11:10So, Egan, two we'll never see again.
11:13Actually, three.
11:14What are you talking about?
11:16The equipment isn't defective.
11:18It's me.
11:19What do you mean?
11:20Can our friend admit his mistake?
11:22I don't want to put you in unnecessary danger.
11:25That's why...
11:26That's why I quit.
11:32That can't be true.
11:37Ray, you can't quit.
11:39You'll lose your pension.
11:41And we won't be able to copy the Beatles anymore.
11:44We've never done that before.
11:46But we could try.
11:50What did I just hear, Ray?
11:52If you really mean it, you can have a job in my shop.
11:59You just can't work for a guy like that.
12:03You just can't work for a guy like that.
12:10Forget who you were when you came into the shop.
12:12From this moment on, you're Hoppel, the shoe-rabbit.
12:15Wouldn't the ears have been enough?
12:18Well, pink isn't your color, Ray.
12:21Don't forget to lock up, Stance.
12:23I'm watching the parade.
12:26He must have swallowed a shoelace.
12:28Can we do something for you, Ray?
12:30How about a carrot?
12:33Here, take this.
12:38Not a chance. It's staying here.
12:42After all, the rabbit costume still has a real ghost hunter in it.
12:45We're wasting time. Come on.
12:50See you soon.
12:52That was very tactful of you again, Egan.
12:55You didn't even try to talk to Ray about it.
12:57Talking doesn't help much at the moment.
12:59I've come up with a plan.
13:01But not like the storm, Egan.
13:03I've got another plan.
13:07Hoppel recommends this comfortable pair.
13:09You look pretty stupid in that suit, you know that?
13:31Hey, rabbit foot, can you talk or what?
13:34Yeah, we don't have anything for your flat feet.
13:47What's up?
13:48Don't you have a good idea?
13:50Heads up, boys!
13:51Hoppel, the ghost hunter is close to salvation.
13:55Now it's your turn, you lazy mattress.
14:34Really good, Slimer.
14:38You're grounded, Slimer!
14:40So get out of here!
14:45Original opening, you have to let him do that.
14:47The attempt was really nice, boys, but it doesn't make sense.
14:50Shoes are my future.
14:54The plan was good, but what we need is something like the winged puma.
14:57The man knows what he wants, but we'll talk him out of it.
15:04These shoes are too high.
15:08How about flat ones?
15:11Hello, little shoe.
15:15What are you doing here? You'll spoil the parade.
15:18Without you, the parade is uninteresting.
15:22Whatever happened, Frey, I know it wasn't your fault.
15:26You tried, and that makes you a real hero.
15:29If you allow me, I'd like to try a few more shoes.
15:33Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way.
15:36You won't like the next pair either, you'll see.
15:47What was that?
15:52Look, a book with magic spells.
15:54How to conjure shoes?
15:56No, how to surround ghosts with negative energy.
16:00No wonder my proton beam failed, it only reacts to positive energy.
16:04Pervert, this behind-the-scenes shoe-wearer.
16:07He has no idea what he's doing, something bad could happen.
16:10Something worse than your bunny suit?
16:12You can't even imagine it, come on.
16:22At least Frey's balloon is still there.
16:25I'm only the closing light of the parade.
16:27Yes, here is the new hero of the city.
16:30The king of the absences.
16:34Hmm, he looks bad.
16:36I beg you, he can't do anything to make him look like that.
16:39That's not a joke, Venkman, there's a massive build-up of negative energy.
16:43Something is building up underground.
16:45Are you sure, Evil?
17:09That's the wing-puma.
17:15I hope it's Slimer, or it looks worse.
17:19Give it back!
17:27Now I'll show you how to make a short process with ghosts.
17:34That's definitely not Slimer.
17:52No, don't! Help!
17:57If he's angry, because he doesn't have his size light, he's pretty angry.
18:06Hey, Elaine, you stay here.
18:08It doesn't work, he's surrounded by negative energy.
18:12Thanks for the early warning.
18:22Uh-oh, dead end.
18:27I always wanted to know what it's like to be driven into a corner.
18:32Hey, you promenade mix, here's a present for you.
18:42A little hot air doesn't scare off a real ghost hunter.
18:56I'll pay for it later, Mr. Johnson.
18:58Of course, Ray.
19:04The boy always had those strange snoring animals.
19:08It should be possible to exchange the pole.
19:13It worked.
19:15I hope so.
19:24One to zero for Stamps.
19:26I'll give you an extra large pizza for that.
19:28Remember, the battle is not won yet.
19:31We have to follow him.
19:32I can't hear so well.
19:34Ray is right, this puma will destroy everything that comes his way.
19:37Yes, we agree.
19:43I would say the shoe-rabbit job was less dangerous than this.
19:46Have you ever thought about working as an Easter Bunny, Ray?
19:49Have you exchanged the pole at the proton beams?
19:52Already done, Eagle.
19:58Big cat on the left.
20:01Do your thing right, guys.
20:05Or we'll eat you like cat food.
20:15I didn't expect my end like this either.
20:18To fight a flying cat from a shoe.
20:20He's following us.
20:22Just as planned.
20:24You planned this?
20:57Good plan, Ray.
20:58You keep the puma, Ray.
21:00And if you ever think about stopping, we'll feed you to him.
21:08The insurance company will never believe me.
21:11Fabish was so jealous of you that he even used magic words, Ray.
21:16He just wanted to make you look bad in front of the others.
21:18Ray! Ray! Ray, my boy!
21:22I think I have to apologize to you.
21:25The parade is of course repeated.
21:27You are the right ceremony master.
21:31You look good, Ray.
21:33I apologize.
21:35Tell me where to go.
21:37The carousel is right behind you, Ray.
21:39Step back, I'll do it.
21:50Oh no!
21:53A little hasty, Ray.
21:55From now on I'll call you my dear flying puma.
21:58As you wish.