Lorry driver smashes into car after loosing control of vehicle

  • 3 months ago
A driver who was almost double the drug drive limit when he lost of control of his lorry and swerved into the path of another vehicle has been jailed.
00:00One vehicle, heavy fronting damage, two vehicles, I've got a lorry off the road into an electric
00:17pole, wires potentially unsafe, I've got a vehicle in the carriageway, one person trapped
00:24front seat, he's going to need cutting out by fire, can you make sure fire are on route
00:29as well please? Hello mate, you alright? Stay with us bud, we've got everything coming alright?
00:40OK, we'll look after you. The air ambulance has just arrived in, and we're 11 minutes
00:52out, so we've got the lorry off the road there, gone through the telegraph pole, so I don't
00:58know if these wires are still live or not, but it's just this chap here who's got his
01:04arm out the window, quite a big intrusion, it's all on the front. Do you want any kit
01:17carrying? One passenger, front seat, well trapped, dashboard up to his knees and everything,
01:24so quite a heavy impact. Anthony, so we've done a preliminary drug wipe with you, that
01:39screens for two drugs, screens for cannabis and cocaine, and you'll see there the cocaine
01:44one is clear, however in the cannabis line there is a positive indication for the presence
01:52of cannabis. So, at this time, it is 15.05 hours, I'm arresting you on suspicion of
02:03driving with excess specified drugs, on suspicion of causing serious injury by dangerous driving,
02:11and causing serious injury by driving without due care and attention. You do not have to
02:17say anything, but it may harm your defence, and it may cause you to question someone later
02:20on in court. Anything you can do is give me evidence.
