The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

  • 3 months ago
This classic political thriller tells the story of a Korean War veteran who is brainwashed by communists into becoming an unwitting assassin in a sinister plot to overthrow the U.S. government. As he struggles to uncover the truth, he faces a web of deception, betrayal, and mind control. The film explores themes of political corruption, manipulation, and the fragility of the human mind.
00:00:00Copyright Australian Broadcasting Corporation
00:00:30Copyright Australian Broadcasting Corporation
00:01:00Copyright Australian Broadcasting Corporation
00:01:30Dirty Raiders!
00:01:48No, no.
00:01:49It's just our Raymond, our lovable Sergeant Shaw.
00:01:51All right, let's go you men, come on.
00:01:53Let's go.
00:01:56Come on, Sarge.
00:01:58Gertrude buy you beer.
00:02:01What's the matter with him?
00:02:03I'm afraid our St. Raymond, he don't approve.
00:02:08Well, maybe he's got a girl back home or something.
00:02:11Him? Our Raymond? Are you kidding?
00:02:14Come on, Freeman, get up, let's go.
00:02:16Hey, Silver, how about the road?
00:02:17What do you mean, my road?
00:02:18Get out of there.
00:02:20We got to go, we got to go.
00:02:48It's bad here.
00:02:50How do you know?
00:02:51Changjin born two miles from here, Captain.
00:02:53So far, every place we've been in Korea,
00:02:55this joker was born two miles from it.
00:02:57What's so bad about it?
00:02:58Tricky. Swamp water around.
00:03:0030 yards up, maybe quicksand.
00:03:02Nobody said anything about quicksand.
00:03:06Can't we go round it?
00:03:08No, Sergeant.
00:03:09What's your personal advice?
00:03:11All walk in single line, next 200 yards.
00:03:14Rejected. Not tactical to travel forward in a single line.
00:03:18Can't we go round it?
00:03:20No, Sergeant.
00:03:21Never mind.
00:03:22Okay, pass the word.
00:03:48Quickly, quickly.
00:03:52Yes, yeah.
00:04:07Yes, yes.
00:04:26Yes, yes.
00:04:46Yes, yes.
00:05:14Yes, yes.
00:05:42Yes, yes.
00:06:10Yes, yes.
00:06:36This nation jealously guards its highest award for valor,
00:06:40the Congressional Medal of Honor.
00:06:42In the Korean War, with 5,720,000 personnel engaged,
00:06:47only 77 men were so honored.
00:06:51One of these 77 men was Staff Sergeant Raymond Shaw.
00:06:56Raymond Shaw was returned from combat
00:06:58and flown directly to Washington
00:07:00to be decorated personally by the President of the United States.
00:07:04That's why his presence,
00:07:05or the presence of any Medal of Honor winner,
00:07:07is sufficient to bring generals to their feet saluting.
00:07:21Congratulations, son.
00:07:22How do you feel?
00:07:23Like Captain Idiot in Astounding Science Comics.
00:07:27Hold it, General!
00:07:30Hold it, General, please!
00:07:32Come on, Jack.
00:07:33You've got to get in there.
00:07:34Quickly, quickly.
00:07:35Out of the spot, Jack.
00:07:39Mother, what is this?
00:07:40What are you doing here?
00:07:48Senator, how about a statement?
00:07:49Thank you, General.
00:07:50How does it feel to be the father of the Medal of Honor winner?
00:07:52He is not my father.
00:07:53The senator is Raymond's stepfather.
00:07:55However, Raymond's...
00:07:56I can only say that as one who has devoted his life
00:07:59to the service of his country...
00:08:00You did this, Mother.
00:08:02You organized this disgusting free range service.
00:08:04Darling, you're a Medal of Honor winner.
00:08:06Incidentally, congratulations.
00:08:07I was going to write you,
00:08:08but we've been in the most fateful mess the last few months.
00:08:11I can't tell you.
00:08:12All right, all right.
00:08:13Let him through.
00:08:14That's enough now.
00:08:15That's enough, I say.
00:08:16Let him through.
00:08:20Say cheese.
00:08:23All right, that's enough now.
00:08:24That's enough.
00:08:25Let the poor boy through now.
00:08:26Please, let him through.
00:08:30What is the matter with you, Raymond?
00:08:31We've gone through a good year of trouble, too.
00:08:33Arranged a parade for you.
00:08:34A parade?
00:08:35So far, a parade.
00:08:36Get that, get that out of the way.
00:08:38You publicity sick flag, simple boo.
00:08:40Raymond, just because your parents
00:08:41and the entire country for that matter...
00:08:43Who's kidding who, Mother?
00:08:44Johnny's up for re-election in November.
00:08:47You've got it all figured out, haven't you?
00:08:49Johnny Island's boy, Medal of Honor winner.
00:08:51That should get you another 50,000 votes.
00:08:53Raymond, I'm your mother.
00:08:54How can you talk to me this way?
00:08:56You know I want nothing for myself.
00:08:57You know that my entire life is devoted
00:08:59to helping you and to helping Johnny.
00:09:01Mother, stop it.
00:09:02My boys, my two little boys.
00:09:04That is all I want.
00:09:05On the afternoon of his arrival in Washington,
00:09:07Raymond Shaw was decorated at the White House
00:09:10by the President of the United States.
00:09:12His citation attested to by his commanding officer,
00:09:15Captain Bennett Marco,
00:09:17and the nine surviving members of his patrol, read in part.
00:09:21Displaying valor above and beyond the call of duty,
00:09:24did single-handedly save the lives
00:09:26of nine members of his patrol,
00:09:28capturing an enemy machine-gun nest
00:09:30and taking out in the process
00:09:32a full company of enemy infantry.
00:09:34He then proceeded to lead his patrol,
00:09:36which had been listed as missing in action for three days,
00:09:39back through the enemy lines to safety.
00:09:47A gift from the Citizens for Iceland Committee
00:09:49for his last birthday.
00:09:50It absolutely saved our lives during the campaign.
00:09:52You see, this opens up into a double bed.
00:09:59This is the press room.
00:10:02And this, this is my private office.
00:10:06Anything to take the pain out of campaigning, eh?
00:10:09That's what I always say.
00:10:13May I take this thing off now, Mother?
00:10:15Oh, Raymond, what is the matter with you?
00:10:17You look as if your head were going to come to a point
00:10:19in the next 13 seconds.
00:10:20Johnny, fix him a drink or something.
00:10:22Will you sit down, Raymond? Relax.
00:10:24We'll be home in less than two and a half hours.
00:10:26I'm not going home with you, Mother.
00:10:27I'm going to New York.
00:10:30I've got a job on a newspaper.
00:10:32Research assistant to Mr. Hoban Gaines.
00:10:35Hoban Gaines? That communist?
00:10:38He's not a communist, Mother.
00:10:39As a matter of fact, he's a Republican.
00:10:41But the terrible things he's written about Johnny.
00:10:45He came to interview me at the White House this morning.
00:10:48Afterwards, I asked him for a job.
00:10:50He gave it to me.
00:10:52We discovered that we had a great deal in common.
00:10:55What could you possibly have in common
00:10:58with that dreadful old man?
00:11:00Well, for one thing, we discovered
00:11:02that we both loathe and despise you and Johnny.
00:11:07And that's the beginning.
00:11:14The war in Korea was over.
00:11:17Captain, now Major Bennett Marco,
00:11:19had been reassigned to Army Intelligence in Washington.
00:11:25It was, by and large, a pleasant assignment,
00:11:27except for one thing.
00:11:29Night after night, the Major was plagued
00:11:31by the same reoccurring nightmare.
00:12:01Another modern discovery, which we owe to the hydrangea,
00:12:05concerns the influence of air drainage upon plant climate.
00:12:10Many years ago, when I was traveling about the country,
00:12:13I noticed magnificent hydrangeas on the hills,
00:12:17where the air drainage was perfect,
00:12:21and very poor specimens, or perhaps none at all,
00:12:25in the valleys.
00:12:27Formerly, we used to consider sheltered valleys
00:12:30more favorable to plants than hilltops.
00:12:33But the avoidance of late spring and early autumn frost
00:12:37enjoyed by sites with good air drainage,
00:12:39where the cold air can drain safely away to lower levels,
00:12:43gives the hills a decided advantage.
00:12:47Thus it was the hydrangeas that gave the first pointer
00:12:50in another modern discovery of horticultural importance.
00:12:55From this, it might appear that the hydrangea
00:12:58is a fairly simple plant.
00:13:00But there are more complications.
00:13:03The cultivation of hydrangeas was evolved
00:13:05from a number of varieties originally found in Japan,
00:13:09not all of which, of course, have the same characteristics.
00:13:14Two of them do not share the quality
00:13:16of producing blue flowers in mineral-rich soils.
00:13:27Allow me to introduce our American visitors.
00:13:31I must ask you to forgive their somewhat lackadaisical manners,
00:13:35but I have conditioned them, or brainwashed them,
00:13:38which I understand is the new American word,
00:13:41to believe that they are waiting out a storm
00:13:43in the lobby of a small hotel in New Jersey
00:13:46where a meeting of the Ladies' Garden Club is in progress.
00:13:50You will notice that I have told them they may smoke.
00:13:55I've allowed my people to have a little fun
00:13:58in the selection of bizarre tobacco substitutes.
00:14:03Are you enjoying your cigarette, Ed?
00:14:07Yes, ma'am.
00:14:09Yak dung.
00:14:11Oh, tastes good, like a cigarette should.
00:14:17Now then, comrades.
00:14:18May I present the famous Raymond Shaw.
00:14:21Young man, you've flown 8,000 miles
00:14:23to this dreary spot in Manchuria to see.
00:14:27Raymond, pull your chair over here by me, please.
00:14:33I am sure you've all heard the old wives' tale
00:14:36that no hypnotized subject may be forced to do
00:14:39that which is repellent to his moral nature,
00:14:42whatever that may be.
00:14:44Nonsense, of course.
00:14:46Oh, you note-takers might set down a reminder
00:14:49to consult Brenman's paper,
00:14:51Experiments in the Hypnotic Production
00:14:53of Antisocial and Self-Injurious Behavior,
00:14:56or Wells' 1941 paper, which was titled, I believe,
00:15:00Experiments in the Hypnotic Production of Crime.
00:15:04Or, of course, Andrew Salter's remarkable book,
00:15:07Conditioned Reflex Therapy, to name only three.
00:15:12Or, if it offends you that only the West is working
00:15:15to manufacture more crime and better criminals...
00:15:18Against the modern shortages,
00:15:21I suggest Krasnogorski's primary violence motivation,
00:15:25or Surov's unilateral suggestion to self-destruction.
00:15:29My dear Jan, as you grow older,
00:15:33you grow more along with it.
00:15:35And to get to the point,
00:15:37has the man ever killed anyone, or has he not?
00:15:41I apologize, my dear Dimitri.
00:15:44I keep forgetting that you're a young country
00:15:46and your attention span is limited.
00:15:51Tell me, Raymond, have you ever killed anyone?
00:15:54No, ma'am.
00:15:55Not even in combat?
00:15:58In combat?
00:16:01Yes, ma'am, I think so.
00:16:03Of course you have, Raymond.
00:16:05Raymond has been a crack shot since childhood.
00:16:08Marvellous outlet for his aggressions.
00:16:11May I have the bayonet, please?
00:16:13Not with the knife, with the hands.
00:16:16With the hands?
00:16:18Here, have him use this.
00:16:20Ah, da, da.
00:16:28Raymond, whom do you dislike the least
00:16:31in your group here today?
00:16:33The least?
00:16:34That's right.
00:16:37Well, I guess Captain Markham, ma'am.
00:16:39You notice how he is always drawn to authority?
00:16:43That won't do, Raymond.
00:16:45We need the captain to get you your medal.
00:16:47Whom else?
00:16:49Well, I guess Ed Mavoli, ma'am.
00:16:51Ah, that's better.
00:16:53Now then, Raymond, take this scarf
00:16:58and strangle Ed Mavoli to death.
00:17:03Yes, ma'am.
00:17:08Excuse me, ma'am.
00:17:14All right.
00:17:22Hey, Sarge, cut it out.
00:17:24Quiet, Ed, please.
00:17:26Now you just sit there quietly and cooperate.
00:17:30Yes, ma'am.
00:17:40Ah! Ah!
00:17:43Major, to your knowledge,
00:17:45have any other ex-members of your patrol had similar dreams?
00:17:50No, sir, not to my knowledge.
00:17:54It doesn't strike anyone as curious
00:17:57that Mavoli was one of the two men lost in the action.
00:18:03Yet every night in my dream, he's the...
00:18:07He's the one that Raymond...
00:18:11I'm sorry, gentlemen.
00:18:13Now, look, Major Markham,
00:18:15since you first brought this recurring dream of yours to our attention,
00:18:19Raymond Shaw, his life, his background, his habits,
00:18:22his friends and associates have been under scrupulous examination.
00:18:25Now, the facts speak for themselves.
00:18:27His stepfather is a United States senator.
00:18:30His mother is head of 15 different patriotic organizations.
00:18:33Raymond Shaw himself has employed as confidential assistant to Holborn,
00:18:37gains the most respected political journalist in America.
00:18:40Now, it's inconceivable, Major, that anything...
00:18:42Major, as the consulting psychiatrist present,
00:18:44I'd be most interested in hearing your personal feelings about Shaw.
00:18:49Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest,
00:18:52most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
00:18:55I see.
00:18:57And this opinion, Major, was it generally held?
00:19:00His fellow soldiers, did they feel the same way toward him?
00:19:03The men loved him, sir.
00:19:05Why shouldn't they? He saved their lives.
00:19:08But it would seem obvious to me.
00:19:11Major Markham was suffering a delayed reaction
00:19:14to 18 months of continuous combat in Korea.
00:19:17I would strongly recommend that the matter of Raymond Shaw be dropped here and now,
00:19:21that Major Markham be temporarily reassigned
00:19:24to less strenuous and, if I may say so, less sensitive duties.
00:19:28I think a few months of detached service
00:19:31to, well, perhaps the Public Relations Corps
00:19:35should put the Major right back in the pink.
00:19:38Mr. Secretary! Mr. Secretary!
00:19:41Can you explain the proposed cut in budget?
00:19:44Since, sir, you've asked a simple-minded question,
00:19:47I will give you an equally simple-minded answer.
00:19:50Since no great naval power menaces the free world today,
00:19:53the Navy's overwhelming preponderance of surface ships
00:19:56seems to be superfluous.
00:19:58Hence the cut in budget.
00:20:02My time is important.
00:20:04How long are we going to go on with this nonsense?
00:20:06Yes, sir. If there are no further questions for the Secretary,
00:20:09I think that'll about wrap things up.
00:20:11Mr. Secretary.
00:20:13I have a question, sir.
00:20:15Who are you, sir?
00:20:17I am United States Senator John Yerkes Island.
00:20:21And I have a question so serious
00:20:24that the safety of our nation may well depend on your answer.
00:20:31No evasions, Mr. Secretary, no.
00:20:34Evasions, if you please, sir.
00:20:36Evasion? What the hell are you talking about?
00:20:38What kind of foolishness is this?
00:20:40Mr. Secretary, I'm kind of new at this job,
00:20:42but I don't think it's good public relations
00:20:44to talk that way to a United States Senator,
00:20:46even if he is an idiot.
00:20:48I am United States Senator John Yerkes Island,
00:20:51and I have here a list of the names of 207 persons
00:20:55who are known by the Secretary of Defense
00:20:58as being members of the Communist Party.
00:21:02Who are still, nevertheless,
00:21:04working in and shaping the policy of the Defense Department.
00:21:09I demand an answer, Mr. Secretary.
00:21:13There will be no covering up, sir.
00:21:18No covering up.
00:21:20You are not going to get your hands on this.
00:21:22How did you get in here in the first place?
00:21:24Major, throw that lunatic out of here.
00:21:26Having to say in front of these ladies and gentlemen
00:21:29and the television and radio audience
00:21:31of my great country
00:21:33that you no longer have my confidence, sir.
00:21:36Why, you're an idiot, if you know what I mean.
00:21:39That is no longer a matter for investigation
00:21:42by the Defense Department.
00:21:44I am afraid you have lost your chance, sir.
00:21:47This matter is now the responsibility
00:21:50of the United States Senate.
00:21:52Throw that man out of this room.
00:21:54I will not have him in here, do you hear me?
00:21:57Not ever.
00:21:59If I ever catch you in this room again,
00:22:02I'll throw you out bodily.
00:22:04What do you want? Get out of here.
00:22:06Don't you take my picture anymore.
00:22:08Clear this room.
00:22:10Come on, get out of here.
00:22:12Senator Heisman, I'd like to verify that number, sir.
00:22:15How many communists did you say?
00:22:17Major, I said there were exactly...
00:22:20I've absolutely proved there are 104 card-carrying communists
00:22:24in the Defense Department at this time.
00:22:26How many, sir?
00:22:28275, and that's absolutely all I have to say on the subject.
00:22:31Come back.
00:22:33Major, how many did he say?
00:22:35Boys, please.
00:22:37Major, how many did he say?
00:23:21Very good, Raymond.
00:23:24Thank you, ma'am.
00:23:26Captain Markle?
00:23:28Yes, ma'am.
00:23:30On your feet, Captain, please.
00:23:32Sorry, ma'am.
00:23:34Captain, when you are retained with your patrol to Korea
00:23:37and you make your way to command headquarters,
00:23:40what will be the first duty you will undertake?
00:23:44I will make my report on the patrol, ma'am.
00:23:47What will you report?
00:23:49I will recommend urgently that Raymond Shaw
00:23:52be posted for the Medal of Honor.
00:23:54He saved our lives
00:23:56and took out a complete company of Chinese infantry.
00:23:59A complete company? What the hell is this?
00:24:01We can spare an imaginary company of infantry
00:24:04for his particular plan, Mikhail Mikhailovich.
00:24:08All right.
00:24:10If we are out to humiliate our brave Chinese ally
00:24:13in the newspapers of the world,
00:24:15we might as well make it a full battalion.
00:24:18We don't object, comrade.
00:24:20I assure you of that.
00:24:22However, comrade, we thank you
00:24:24for thinking of the matter in that light.
00:24:27If we may proceed with the demonstration.
00:24:36Who is that little fellow sitting next to the captain?
00:24:42That's Bobby Lembeck.
00:24:44Our mascot, I guess you'd call him.
00:24:46Doesn't look old enough to be in your army.
00:24:49I guess he isn't, but there he is, ma'am.
00:24:52Captain Marko,
00:24:54will you be good enough to lend Raymond your pistol, please?
00:24:57Yes, ma'am.
00:25:03Thanks, Ben.
00:25:05Sure, kid.
00:25:08Shoot Bobby, Raymond.
00:25:11Through the forehead.
00:25:13Yes, ma'am.
00:25:26Wake up, wake up, wake up.
00:25:28Wake up, it's all right.
00:25:30It's all right. It's all right.
00:25:32It's all right. It's all right.
00:25:34It's all right. It's all right.
00:25:36It's that same dream again.
00:25:40It's all right.
00:25:42What makes it so awful
00:25:44is to keep dreaming a thing like that about Sergeant Shaw.
00:25:48It's been going on for weeks now.
00:25:51I must be going crazy.
00:25:53What you ought to do is to write to Sergeant Shaw.
00:25:56No, I told you nothing's wrong with me.
00:25:58You ought to write to him and see if anyone else is having dreams like yours.
00:26:01Yeah? Yes.
00:26:03Maybe I will.
00:26:05Yeah. Maybe I'll do that.
00:26:08If anybody can help me, he can.
00:26:11You like him a lot, don't you?
00:26:14Raymond Shaw is the bravest, kindest, warmest,
00:26:17most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
00:26:47I love you.
00:27:17I love you.
00:27:48There, Sarge.
00:27:50I had to say this or write this to someone
00:27:53because I think I'm going nuts.
00:27:55And since you were my best friend in the Army, here goes.
00:27:59Sarge, I'm in trouble.
00:28:01I'm afraid to go to sleep because I have terrible dreams.
00:28:04I dream about all the guys on the patrol where you won the medal.
00:28:08And the dream has a lot of Chinese people in it
00:28:11and a lot of big brass from the Russian Army.
00:28:14Well, it's pretty rough.
00:28:16You'll have to take my word for that.
00:28:25Raymond Shaw, please.
00:28:27This is he.
00:28:29Raymond, why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?
00:29:39Yes, sir.
00:29:41Can you see the Red Queen?
00:29:43Yes, sir.
00:29:47One week from next Saturday,
00:29:49you will be called for at 11.10 a.m.
00:29:53and taken to the Timothy Swordon Sanitarium, 84 East 61st Street.
00:29:58We want you there for a check-up.
00:30:00Is that clear?
00:30:03Yes, sir.
00:30:05You may put the cards away now.
00:30:07Goodbye, Raymond.
00:30:14Mr. Gaines, it's Mr. Shaw.
00:30:17He was run down in the street by a hit-and-run driver.
00:30:20It just came over the A.P.
00:30:22Good heavens.
00:30:24Find out what hospital he's in, call him,
00:30:26and see if there's anything we can do to help.
00:30:32You're welcome. Goodbye.
00:30:38Mr. Gaines.
00:30:40You're welcome. Goodbye.
00:30:44That was Mr. Gaines from his newspaper.
00:30:47He said to tell him to take it easy
00:30:49and not to worry about a thing.
00:30:51Which, of course, you will not tell him
00:30:53on the chance there is some sort of prearranged cold.
00:31:05Comrade Zilkov?
00:31:08Well, Pavlov Institute.
00:31:15An honor and a pleasure.
00:31:19You may go.
00:31:34When did you arrive?
00:31:36I was flown in last night under embassy quota,
00:31:38revolting journey.
00:31:40Ah, Raymond, it's nice to see you again.
00:31:43It's nice to see you again, sir.
00:31:47We're going through this elaborate procedure
00:31:50simply out of precaution,
00:31:53in case there are any visitors.
00:31:55Although I cannot imagine who will visit Raymond.
00:32:01Attractive plant you have here.
00:32:03Thank you, Doctor.
00:32:05It's actually a rest home for wealthy alcoholics.
00:32:08We were able to purchase it three years ago.
00:32:11Except for this floor and the floor above it,
00:32:14which we have sealed off for security purposes,
00:32:16the rest functions quite normally.
00:32:18In fact, it's one of the few Soviet operations in America
00:32:21that actually showed a profit at the end of the last fiscal year.
00:32:24Profit? Fiscal year?
00:32:26Beware, my dear Zilkov,
00:32:28virus of capitalism is highly infectious.
00:32:31Soon you'll be letting money out at interest.
00:32:35You must try, comrade Zilkov, to cultivate a sense of humor.
00:32:39There's nothing like a good laugh now and then
00:32:42to lighten the burdens of the day.
00:32:44Tell me, Raymond,
00:32:46do you remember murdering Mavoli and Lembeck?
00:32:49I beg your pardon, sir?
00:32:51Mavoli and Lembeck,
00:32:53the men who were lost on the patrol.
00:32:56Can you recall what happened to them?
00:32:59Yes, sir.
00:33:01It was a very clear action for a night action.
00:33:04Captain Marko sent up some low flares,
00:33:07so it was easy to see what was happening.
00:33:10Bobby Lembeck got separated to the left.
00:33:13Mavoli went after him.
00:33:15By the time he reached him,
00:33:17the enemy had a fix on the position.
00:33:20They were killed instantly by a high-mortar shell.
00:33:23I don't think they ever knew what hit them.
00:33:26Do you realize, comrade,
00:33:28the implications of the weapon that has been placed at your disposal?
00:33:32You may remove your head bandage, Raymond.
00:33:35A normally conditioned American
00:33:37who's been trained to kill
00:33:39and then to have no memory of having killed.
00:33:42Without memory of his deed,
00:33:44he cannot possibly feel guilt,
00:33:46nor will he, of course, have any reason to fear being caught.
00:33:50And having been relieved of those uniquely American symptoms,
00:33:54guilt and fear,
00:33:56he cannot possibly give himself away.
00:33:59Raymond will remain an outwardly normal,
00:34:02productive, sober and respected member of the community.
00:34:06And I should say, if properly used,
00:34:09entirely police-proof.
00:34:11His brain has not only been washed, as they say,
00:34:15it has been dry-cleaned.
00:34:17Ha, ha, ha!
00:34:21Thank you, Raymond. You may replace your head bandage.
00:34:24Sealed flaws or no, you will, of course,
00:34:26permit him to have visitors, to avoid suspicion.
00:34:29Of course.
00:34:30A team of my specialists is being flown in tonight.
00:34:33It will take about a week, working between visiting hours,
00:34:36to check the mechanism out completely.
00:34:38It's been, after all,
00:34:40two years since the conditioning took place.
00:34:43And you want to be sure the linkages are still functioning correctly
00:34:47before he's turned over to his American operator.
00:34:50Ay, yuck!
00:34:52Now, comrade, if you will excuse me,
00:34:54Where are you going?
00:34:56Since there's nothing more I can do until my specialists arrive,
00:34:59I thought to spend the afternoon at Macy's.
00:35:02Madam Yan has given me the most appalling list.
00:35:06Ha, ha, ha!
00:35:10No, no.
00:35:11I personally guarantee it,
00:35:13he's ready to be turned over to his American operator.
00:35:16And I, being personally responsible for Soviet security
00:35:19in the entire eastern seaworld of the United States,
00:35:22refuse to turn him over to his operator
00:35:24until at least one practical test has been run.
00:35:27You say the man has been built as an assassin.
00:35:30Very well, then.
00:35:32Let him assassinate someone.
00:35:34I'm shocked.
00:35:36That a security officer, with the responsibility you hold,
00:35:40would risk a mechanism as valuable as Raymond
00:35:43out of sheer nervousness?
00:35:46You yourself admit the man has been built as an assassin.
00:35:50You yourself admit the man has not killed for over two years.
00:35:55I assure you, doctor,
00:35:57conditions offering minimum risk can be arranged.
00:36:00All right, if you insist on this foolishness,
00:36:02have him kill one of your own people here on a sealed floor.
00:36:05I would, I would, gladly.
00:36:07But our terrible organization happens to be
00:36:09under acceptable strength as it is.
00:36:11Why can't we be reasonable about this?
00:36:13Why can't he kill some nonproductive person on the outside?
00:36:17Very well, then.
00:36:19But for his own protection, he must be instructed
00:36:22that if he is ever, at any time,
00:36:24discovered at the scene of an assignment,
00:36:27this other person or persons must also be killed.
00:36:31All right, all right, doctor.
00:36:33Whom do you think he should kill?
00:36:45With humor, my dear Zilka.
00:36:48Always with a little humor.
00:36:51If kill we must for a better New York,
00:36:54why should it not be his superior at the newspaper,
00:36:58Mr. Holborn Gaines?
00:37:02With Mr. Gaines out of the way,
00:37:04might he not then be given that very influential job himself?
00:37:10Who's that?
00:37:12It's me, Mr. Gaines.
00:37:19I'm sorry to disturb you, sir.
00:37:22Don't get any silly ideas
00:37:24about this ridiculous-looking bed jacket.
00:37:26It was my wife's.
00:37:28It's the warmest thing I have.
00:37:30Perfect for reading in bed at night.
00:37:32I didn't know you were married, sir.
00:37:34Well, she died nearly six years ago.
00:37:37What the devil are you doing here at 4 o'clock in the morning?
00:37:40Anyway, I thought you were in the hospital.
00:37:43Oh, now, don't tell me
00:37:45that you've come here at this ridiculous hour
00:37:47to talk something over.
00:37:49You're not gonna pour out your heart
00:37:51with the details of some sordid love affair
00:37:53or anything like that, are you?
00:37:55No, sir.
00:37:57As a matter of fact, they told me you'd be asleep.
00:38:00Who told you I'd be asleep?
00:38:02They did.
00:38:08Who's this mysterious they?
00:38:14Answer me, my boy.
00:38:31Colonel. Ben.
00:38:33Can I come in for a minute?
00:38:35Oh, please do. Of course. Come on in.
00:38:39Um, may I ask Colonel A,
00:38:41is this an official visit,
00:38:43and, B, may I, uh, mix your drink?
00:38:45A, yes, it is, and, B, you certainly may.
00:38:47Scotch, all right? Fine.
00:38:53My God, where do you get all the books?
00:38:56Well, I, uh, I got a guy who picks them out for me
00:38:59at random.
00:39:01The water all right? Fine.
00:39:04He's in, uh, San Francisco.
00:39:07A little bookstore up there, and, uh,
00:39:09he ships them to me, wherever I happen to be stationed.
00:39:12You read them all?
00:39:16They'd also make great insulation against an enemy attack.
00:39:19But the, uh, truth of the matter is that I'm just interested, you know,
00:39:22in, uh, principles of modern banking
00:39:25and history of piracy,
00:39:29paintings of Orozco,
00:39:32modern French theater,
00:39:35the jurisprudential factor of Mafia administration,
00:39:39diseases of horses and novels of Joyce Carey
00:39:42and ethnic choices of the Arabs,
00:39:46things like that.
00:39:55Ben. Sir.
00:39:58The Army's got a lot of things wrong with it,
00:40:00but it does take care of its own people,
00:40:03which is why I'm here.
00:40:05As a public relations officer, you're a disaster.
00:40:08I never wanted to...
00:40:10Apparently, among other things, you permitted the secretary
00:40:12to make a number of unfortunate remarks to that idiot Eislen,
00:40:15which started him off in a rampage.
00:40:17Mickey, listen to me, please.
00:40:19For the last six months, I've been driven nearly out of my mind
00:40:21by this same recurring dream.
00:40:23The medical officer in charge...
00:40:25What the hell does a medical corps know about intelligence work, Milt?
00:40:28I tell you there's something phony going on.
00:40:30There's something phony about me, about Raymond Shaw,
00:40:33about the whole Medal of Honor business.
00:40:35For instance, when the psychiatrist asked me
00:40:37how I felt about Raymond Shaw,
00:40:39how I personally felt about him,
00:40:41and how the whole patrol felt about him, did you hear what I said?
00:40:43Did you really hear what I said?
00:40:45I said Raymond Shaw is the kindest, warmest, bravest,
00:40:48most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.
00:40:51And even now I feel that way, this minute.
00:40:53And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind,
00:40:55something tells me it's not true.
00:40:57It's just not true.
00:41:00It isn't as if Raymond's hard to like.
00:41:03He's impossible to like!
00:41:07In fact, he's probably one of the most repulsive human beings
00:41:10I've ever known in my whole... all of my life.
00:41:13Ben, what I came to tell you is,
00:41:15public relations has bounced you back to me.
00:41:17And in your present state, there's no possible way I can use you.
00:41:22As of this moment, I'm placing you on indefinite sick leave.
00:41:25Go away, Ben. Find yourself a girl. Lie in the sun.
00:41:30I absolutely refuse.
00:41:36You don't seem to understand.
00:41:41What I've just told you is not a suggestion, Major.
00:41:44It is an order.
00:41:52Yes, sir.
00:41:59Good night, Ben.
00:42:29Good night, Ben.
00:43:00Do you mind if I smoke?
00:43:02Not at all. Tasty.
00:43:29Good night.
00:43:56Maryland's a beautiful state.
00:43:59I was one of the original Chinese workmen
00:44:01who laid the track on this stretch.
00:44:04But nonetheless, Maryland is a beautiful state.
00:44:07So is Ohio, for that matter.
00:44:11I guess so.
00:44:13Columbus is a tremendous football town.
00:44:18You in the railroad business?
00:44:20Not anymore.
00:44:22However, if you will permit me to point out,
00:44:25when you ask that question, you really should say,
00:44:27are you in the railroad line?
00:44:32Where's your home?
00:44:35I'm in the Army. I'm a major.
00:44:39I've been in the Army most of my life.
00:44:42We move a good deal.
00:44:47I was born in New Hampshire.
00:44:49I went to a girls' camp once on Lake Francis.
00:44:54It's pretty far north.
00:45:00What's your name?
00:45:07No kidding. I really mean it.
00:45:09Crazy French pronunciation and all.
00:45:12It's pretty.
00:45:13Well, thank you.
00:45:16I guess your friends call you Jenny.
00:45:18Not yet, they haven't, for which I am deeply grateful.
00:45:21But you may call me Jenny.
00:45:24What do your friends call you?
00:45:32My full name is Eugenie Rose.
00:45:37Of the two names, I've always favored Rosie,
00:45:40because it smells of brown soap and beer.
00:45:46Eugenie is somehow more fragile.
00:45:53Still, when I asked you what your name was,
00:45:55you said it was Eugenie.
00:45:59Quite possible I was feeling more or less fragile at that instant.
00:46:05I could never figure out what that phrase meant,
00:46:08more or less.
00:46:13Are you Arabic?
00:46:20My name is Ben.
00:46:23Really, Bennett.
00:46:25Named after Arnold Bennett.
00:46:27The writer?
00:46:28No, Lieutenant Colonel.
00:46:30He was my father's commanding officer at the time.
00:46:35What's your last name?
00:46:39Major Marco.
00:46:42Are you Arabic?
00:46:47Let me put it another way.
00:46:49Are you married?
00:47:02What's your last name?
00:47:05I'm production assistant for a man named Justin,
00:47:08who had two hits last season.
00:47:10I live on 54th Street,
00:47:12a few doors from the Modern Museum of Art,
00:47:15of which I'm a tea privileges member.
00:47:17No cream.
00:47:19I live at 53 West 54th Street,
00:47:22Apartment 3B.
00:47:24Can you remember that?
00:47:31Eldorado 59970.
00:47:35Can you remember that?
00:47:43Are you stationed in New York?
00:47:46I stationed the right word.
00:47:54I'm not exactly stationed in New York.
00:47:56I was stationed in Washington, but...
00:47:59I got sick, and now I'm on leave,
00:48:02and I'm spending in New York.
00:48:05Eldorado 59970.
00:48:15I'm going to look up an old friend of mine who's a newspaper man.
00:48:20We were in Korea together.
00:48:25Mr. Short, there's a gentleman outside to see you.
00:48:29A gentleman?
00:48:30An oriental gentleman, sir.
00:48:32He said he was in the army with you.
00:48:36There were no oriental gentlemen in the army with me.
00:48:39He's very insistent, sir.
00:48:43All right, I won't show him in.
00:49:02I am Chong Jin, Mr. Short, sir.
00:49:05I was interpreter.
00:49:07I took it to a charity company, 52nd Legiment.
00:49:11Yes, I remember you.
00:49:13You were the guide and interpreter to the patrol.
00:49:16Yes, sir, Mr. Short.
00:49:20What can I do for you?
00:49:22I mean to say, what are you doing here?
00:49:24Your father did not say to you?
00:49:27My father?
00:49:29Yes, Senator Iceland.
00:49:31Senator Iceland is not my father.
00:49:34Repeat, he is not my father.
00:49:37If you learn nothing else on your visit to this country,
00:49:40memorize that fact.
00:49:42I write to Senator Iceland.
00:49:44I tell him how I interpret your outfit.
00:49:47I tell him I want to come to America.
00:49:50He get me visa.
00:49:52Now I need job.
00:49:56Yes, sir, Mr. Short.
00:49:58But, my dear fellow, we don't need interpreters here.
00:50:01We all speak the same language.
00:50:03I am Taylor and Mender. I am cook.
00:50:06I drive car.
00:50:08I'm Kinder and Scruber. I fix anything.
00:50:11I take message.
00:50:13I sleep at house of my cousin.
00:50:17I ask for job with you
00:50:20because you're a great man who saved my life.
00:50:28I could use a ballot, I think.
00:50:31And I would like having a cook.
00:50:33A good cook, I mean.
00:50:36Very well.
00:50:38You can live with your cousins.
00:50:40I will pay you $60 a week.
00:50:42You will have every Thursday and every other Sunday off.
00:50:45Thank you, Mr. Short.
00:50:49I'm leaving for Washington in a few minutes.
00:50:51I'll be back here this evening by 8.30.
00:50:53I would like to have dinner waiting.
00:50:56Yes, sir.
00:50:58Yes, sir, Mr. Short.
00:51:00Just like United States Army.
00:51:03Oh, God, I hope not.
00:51:08You're gonna be perfectly marvelous in there this afternoon, hon.
00:51:11I just know you are.
00:51:22There's just one thing, babe.
00:51:25I'd be a lot happier
00:51:27if we could just settle on the number of communists
00:51:29I know there are in the Defense Department.
00:51:33I mean, the way you keep changing the figures on me all the time,
00:51:37it makes me look like some kind of a nut, like an idiot.
00:51:41The boys were even starting to kid me about it.
00:51:44Well, just yesterday in the cloakroom, I said,
00:51:46Hey, Johnny...
00:51:48Well, you're going to look like an even bigger idiot
00:51:50if you don't get in there and do exactly what you're told.
00:51:55Who were they writing about all over this country
00:51:57and what are they saying?
00:51:59Are they saying, are there any communists in the Defense Department?
00:52:01Of course not.
00:52:03They're saying, how many communists are there in the Defense Department?
00:52:06So just stop talking like an expert all of a sudden
00:52:09and get out there and say what you're supposed to say.
00:52:13Come on, babe, I...
00:52:15I'm sorry, hon.
00:52:17Would it really make it easier for you
00:52:19if we settled on just one number?
00:52:25Just one real simple number
00:52:28that'd be easy for me to remember.
00:52:42There are exactly 57 card-carrying members
00:52:46of the Communist Party
00:52:48in the Department of Defense at this time.
00:52:52A point of order, Mr. Speaker.
00:52:54A point of order...
00:53:22Oh, man.
00:53:26What was Raymond doing with his hands?
00:53:33How did the old lady turn into Russian?
00:54:19What was Raymond doing with his hands?
00:54:32How did the old lady turn into Russian?
00:54:34What was Raymond doing with his hands?
00:54:37What were you doing there?
00:54:39What was Raymond doing with his hands?
00:54:42What were you doing there?
00:54:44What were you...
00:54:46What were you doing there?
00:55:07Well, I must say, it was original of you
00:55:09to have the police department call us so shyly
00:55:11and ask for our first date.
00:55:14Well, they asked me who would...
00:55:17who I'd be willing to...
00:55:19I know.
00:55:21And thank you.
00:55:23Thank you very much.
00:55:53I've got to find Raymond.
00:55:55Maybe he's home by now.
00:55:57All right, darling, whatever you want.
00:55:59But first, I have something to tell you.
00:56:02You know what I was doing when you so cleverly
00:56:04had the police call me?
00:56:06Don't bother trying to guess. You're too tired.
00:56:08I'll tell you what I was doing.
00:56:10After I dropped you off,
00:56:12I went straight home,
00:56:14and when I got upstairs...
00:56:16Apartment 3B.
00:56:18That's right. Very good.
00:56:20Before I even took my coat off,
00:56:22I telephoned my fiancé.
00:56:26I told you I wasn't married.
00:56:28I never said I wasn't engaged.
00:56:30Well, I called up my fiancé,
00:56:33and he came over as soon as he could,
00:56:35which was instantly,
00:56:37and I told him I had just met you,
00:56:39and I gave him his ring back.
00:56:41I tried to convey my regrets
00:56:44for whatever pain I might be causing him,
00:56:46and then, just then,
00:56:48you had the police call to invite me
00:56:50to meet you at the 24th Precinct.
00:56:52So I grabbed my coat,
00:56:54kissed my fiancé in the cheek
00:56:56for the last time in our lives we would ever kiss,
00:56:58and I ran.
00:57:00At the police station, they told me
00:57:02you had just beaten up a very large Chinese gentleman.
00:57:04Not Chinese. Korean.
00:57:06At least I think he was Korean.
00:57:08A very large Korean gentleman,
00:57:10but you were a pretty solid type yourself,
00:57:12according to Washington, with whom they had apparently checked.
00:57:15So I figured if they were willing to go to all the trouble
00:57:17to get a comment on you out of George Washington,
00:57:19why, you must be somebody very important indeed.
00:57:22And I must say it was rather sweet of the general,
00:57:24with you only a major.
00:57:26I didn't even know you knew him.
00:57:30If they were the tiniest bit puzzled about you,
00:57:32they could have asked me.
00:57:35Oh, yes, indeed, my darling Ben.
00:57:37They could have asked me.
00:57:40And I would have told them.
00:57:51Hi, kid.
00:57:52What in the hell's going on?
00:57:54They called me in Washington to tell me
00:57:56that you'd broken into my apartment and beaten up my househorse.
00:58:03Yeah, well, uh...
00:58:05You see, Chen Zhenwen, I...
00:58:07My God, you look terrible.
00:58:09I've never seen you look so awful.
00:58:29Raymond, uh...
00:58:32I've got to tell you that I've been...
00:58:34I've been a terrible nightmare.
00:58:40I've been in the army 19 years.
00:58:44First time I've ever seen one of these.
00:58:53I've been having this nightmare.
00:58:56A real swinger of a nightmare, too.
00:59:00It has to do with, uh...
00:59:02I don't know.
00:59:04I don't know what to do.
00:59:07It has to do with, uh...
00:59:09all kinds of strange people.
00:59:11Is it about a Russian general and some Chinese
00:59:14and me and the men who were on the patrol?
00:59:17How did you know that?
00:59:19How do you know?
00:59:21Take your hands off me.
00:59:25Please, Raymond.
00:59:28Tell me, how did you know?
00:59:31Well, I don't really know anything about it at all.
00:59:34But you just started to tell us that...
00:59:36You remember Al Melvin, the corporal on the patrol?
00:59:39Yes, of course.
00:59:40Well, I had a letter from him a couple of weeks ago.
00:59:43Needless to say, I was very surprised to hear from him.
00:59:46You know how much the guys in the outfit hated me.
00:59:49Well, not as much as I hated them, of course.
00:59:51Well, anyway, the funny thing was,
00:59:53he said in his letter that
00:59:55I was the best friend he had in the army.
00:59:58I was the best friend he had in the army.
01:00:01Why, the poor, simple boob.
01:00:03Well, anyway, that's what he wanted to tell me about his nightmare.
01:00:06He said it was going out of his mind.
01:00:08Raymond, tell me what he said about the nightmare.
01:00:13Well, he keeps dreaming that the patrol is all sitting together
01:00:16in this hotel lobby and there are a lot of
01:00:18Chinese brass and Russian generals and I don't know.
01:00:21Anyway, what's so much of a nightmare about that?
01:00:23The letter. Have you got the letter?
01:00:26No, I don't. I never keep letters.
01:00:29You mean that's all he wrote? That was the end of it?
01:00:32Why, is it the same thing that you've been dreaming?
01:00:35Raymond, do something for me, will you?
01:00:37Call Eldorado 59970.
01:00:40If the young lady answers, then she will.
01:00:42Tell her I've gone to Washington, the town, not the general.
01:00:45Tell her I'll be in touch with her as quickly as I can.
01:00:47You'll do that, won't you? Eldorado 59970.
01:00:58Take some of the mystery out of it, Major.
01:01:00The photographs you're looking at are shots of male models,
01:01:04Mexican circus performers, Czech research chemists,
01:01:08Japanese criminals, French head waiters,
01:01:12Turkish wrestlers, pastoral psychiatrists,
01:01:16and, of course, various officials of the USSR,
01:01:19the People's Republic of China, and the Soviet army.
01:01:26Hold the one on the right, please.
01:01:31Hold this one, too, please.
01:01:37Exactly one hour ago,
01:01:39your friend, Mr. Alan Melvin, in Wainwright, Alaska,
01:01:42made the same two photographs.
01:01:47This one here wore sunglasses and a hat.
01:01:50This one here wore a hat.
01:01:52This one here wore sunglasses and a hat.
01:01:55This one here wore sunglasses and a hat.
01:01:58This one here wore sunglasses and smelled like a goat.
01:02:04His mustache was a little thinner then.
01:02:06A loud voice, and it grated.
01:02:08He was about 5'11", on the heavy side.
01:02:11Uniformed as a lieutenant general.
01:02:15His staff were dressed in civilian clothes.
01:02:17They looked a little like FBI men.
01:02:19His name, incidentally, is Berezovo.
01:02:21He's a member of the Central Committee.
01:02:24This one was dressed in civilian clothes,
01:02:26but his staff was uniformed,
01:02:28varying from a full colonel to a first lieutenant.
01:02:31They wore political markings.
01:02:41All right, Ben.
01:02:43I'm going to recommend setting up a joint intelligence,
01:02:46CIA-FBI unit, based out of New York.
01:02:50You'll work with them, representing the army.
01:02:52Your assignment is Raymond Shaw.
01:02:54Very good, Colonel.
01:02:56Should be a very pleasant assignment, Major.
01:02:58Considering that Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest,
01:03:03warmest, most wonderful human being you've ever met in your life.
01:03:10My mother, Ben, is a terrible woman.
01:03:14A terrible, terrible woman.
01:03:22Chunjin! Chunjin!
01:03:25We would like some more wine.
01:03:31Oh, I forgot.
01:03:33After you called, I gave Chunjin the night off.
01:03:37But because it was Christmas Eve, I told him.
01:03:40He was very reluctant to go.
01:03:43That's probably because he's a Buddhist
01:03:46and he doesn't celebrate Christmas.
01:03:49I don't think that Chunjin is a Buddhist.
01:03:52But he smiles all the time.
01:03:55Oh, what a shame.
01:03:57I thought he was a Buddhist.
01:03:59I would have sent him a Christmas card.
01:04:02But I figured...
01:04:06that if I sent him a card at this time of the year...
01:04:12that he would have to send me a card on the Buddha's birthday
01:04:15to save face, right?
01:04:17Oh, right.
01:04:18And that would have started a whole big mcgillic.
01:04:22You did exactly the right thing.
01:04:2912 days of Christmas.
01:04:34One day of Christmas is loathsome enough.
01:04:39What were we saying? Oh, yes, my mother.
01:04:42But you don't want to sit there listening to me talking about my mother.
01:04:45Of course I do. I'm interested.
01:04:48It's rather like listening to Orestes gripe about Cleiton Nestor.
01:04:53Who? Greeks.
01:04:55A couple of Greeks in a play.
01:04:57Oh. Well, you know, Ben...
01:04:59it's a terrible thing to hate your mother.
01:05:02But I didn't always hate her.
01:05:05When I was a child, I only kind of disliked her.
01:05:10But after what she did to Josie and me...
01:05:13that's when I began to hate her.
01:05:18Josie Jordan.
01:05:21Senator Jordan's daughter.
01:05:25That's pretty funny, isn't it?
01:05:30Thomas Jordan's daughter...
01:05:34and Johnny Eisen's stepson.
01:05:37Eisen's stepson.
01:05:44That's her.
01:05:51She's lovely.
01:05:53I always keep her picture.
01:06:01Years later, I realized, Ben, that I'm not very lovable.
01:06:06No, no, don't contradict me.
01:06:08I am not lovable.
01:06:10Some people are lovable, and other people are not lovable.
01:06:14I am not lovable.
01:06:19Oh, but I was very lovable with Josie.
01:06:23Ben, you cannot believe how lovable I was.
01:06:27In a way.
01:06:30And, of course, my mother fixed all that.
01:06:34Ben, you don't blame me for hating my mother, do you?
01:06:38I'm not making excuses.
01:06:41But I have been even less lovable than I was since.
01:06:51It was the summer just before I went into the army...
01:06:55and I was bitten by this snake.
01:06:58Are you following me?
01:07:00I am.
01:07:01Well, while I was lying there, absolutely helpless...
01:07:06afraid to move, because you're not supposed to move...
01:07:09it makes the poison circulate...
01:07:15when, unexpectedly, there she was with a razor blade in her hand.
01:07:23There she was with a razor blade in her hand.
01:07:27My daddy's going to be so pleased about this.
01:07:30I mean, he's just absolutely scared diddly about snakes in this part of the country.
01:07:34I know that sounds terribly fraudulent and everything, but in this case, I don't think it is.
01:07:38I mean, I think he's just simply and uncomplicatedly afraid of snakes, period...
01:07:43which is why I happen to be riding around with a razor blade...
01:07:46and a bottle of potassium permanganate solution.
01:07:49You don't happen to have a handkerchief, do you?
01:07:52Oh, no, of course you don't.
01:07:54Well, I don't either. I do have a Kleenex, but...
01:07:59Oh, well, seriously, daddy is going to be just thrilled about this.
01:08:07All summer long, he's been raving about snakes...
01:08:09and nobody's even seen one in all this.
01:08:13I promise you one thing. It may be a little uncomfortable for you...
01:08:16but it's going to absolutely make his summer.
01:08:18Now, you just lie very still. Don't move.
01:08:21That's very important. I'll be right back with the car in a minute.
01:08:35You're lucky, young man, very lucky.
01:08:37If I were to tell you the statistics on death by snake bite every year...
01:08:43but in this case, I think there's no swelling above or below.
01:08:58Well, I must say, there's a good chance you're going to live.
01:09:04You are not by any chance a mute, are you?
01:09:10No, sir.
01:09:14I want to thank you very much, Miss... Miss...
01:09:17Miss Jocelyn Jordan.
01:09:20How do you do? Hi.
01:09:24And now, according to the quaint local custom...
01:09:27it's your turn to tell us what your name is.
01:09:30My name is Raymond Shaw, sir.
01:09:32How do you do, Raymond? Is your place near here, Raymond?
01:09:35Yes, it's that red house just across the lake.
01:09:38The Eisenhouse? My house.
01:09:41It was my father's. My father's dead. He left it to me.
01:09:44We were told that that was the summer camp of Senator Iceland.
01:09:48Johnny stays there sometimes, sir...
01:09:51when he gets too drunk for my mother to allow him to be seen in Washington.
01:09:57My dear, although we've done everything that modern science recommends...
01:10:01there is still the traditional folk remedy against snake bite...
01:10:04which we haven't applied.
01:10:06So, to be on the safe side...
01:10:10Mrs. Iceland is your mother?
01:10:13Yes, sir.
01:10:17I once found it necessary to sue your mother...
01:10:20for defamation of character and slander.
01:10:23My name is Thomas Jordan, Senator Thomas Jordan.
01:10:28The communist?
01:10:33one of your mother's more endearing traits...
01:10:36is her tendency to refer to anyone who disagrees with her about anything...
01:10:40as a communist.
01:10:42The last time she so referred to me on a network radio program...
01:10:46it cost her $65,000 in court costs.
01:10:51What hurt her more than the money, I think...
01:10:54was the fact that I donated all of it to an organization...
01:10:57called the American Civil Liberties Union.
01:11:01Senator Jordan.
01:11:03Yes, Raymond.
01:11:06I would very much like to ask your permission, sir, to marry Jocelyn.
01:11:31We were together every minute after that.
01:11:39You just cannot believe, Ben, how...
01:11:42lovable the whole damn thing was.
01:11:47All summer long, we were together.
01:11:52I was lovable.
01:11:55Jocelyn was lovable.
01:11:58The senator was lovable.
01:12:00The days were lovable. The nights were lovable.
01:12:06And everybody was lovable.
01:12:11Except, of course...
01:12:13my mother.
01:12:21What is it, Mother?
01:12:23What sort of a greeting is that at 3.30 in the morning?
01:12:26It's a quarter to three, and what do you want?
01:12:28I want to talk to you, Raymond.
01:12:30About what?
01:12:32I want to talk to you about that communist tart.
01:12:34Shut up with that mother! Shut up!
01:12:36Do you know what Jordan is? Are you out to crucify me?
01:12:39I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't want to know.
01:12:42I'm going to bed.
01:12:44Raymond, sit down.
01:12:57How would you see her? They live in New York.
01:13:00I'm getting a job in New York.
01:13:02You'll have your army service.
01:13:04Next spring. I might be dead by next spring.
01:13:08Raymond, if we were at war...
01:13:11and you were suddenly to become infatuated with the daughter of a Russian agent...
01:13:15wouldn't you expect me to come to you and object...
01:13:18and beg you to stop the entire thing before it was too late?
01:13:21Well, we are at war.
01:13:23It's a cold war.
01:13:25But it will get worse and worse...
01:13:27until every man, woman, and child in this country...
01:13:30will have to stand up and be counted...
01:13:32to say whether they are on the side of right and freedom...
01:13:35or on the side of the Thomas Jordans of this country.
01:13:38I will go with you to Washington.
01:13:40Tomorrow, if you like, and I will show you documented proof...
01:13:43that this man stands for evil, that he is evil...
01:13:46and that his whole life is devoted to undermining everything...
01:13:49that you and I and Johnny and every freedom-minded American...
01:13:53She won, of course.
01:13:56She always does.
01:13:59I could never beat her.
01:14:03I still can't.
01:14:09I wrote a letter.
01:14:12Or she wrote it and I signed it. I can't even remember which.
01:14:17It was a terrible, vile, disgusting letter.
01:14:29The next day, I enlisted in the army.
01:14:35I never saw her again.
01:14:39God knows, Ben, I...
01:14:43I'm not lovable.
01:14:47But I loved her.
01:14:50I did love her.
01:14:52I do love her.
01:15:02Come on, kid.
01:15:04It's time for you to call it a night.
01:15:06Come on.
01:15:11So this lousy brother-in-law of mine, I say to him...
01:15:14You think you're a poker player?
01:15:16Well, I got a pledge for you. You ain't no poker player.
01:15:21So I says to him...
01:15:24My advice to you, from the bottom of the heart...
01:15:28Don't play poker.
01:15:31If I was you, I'd get myself another line of action.
01:15:36Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?
01:15:40So he says to me...
01:15:42Arts, please.
01:15:52When I get married to my old lady,
01:15:54I got no idea that this guy comes in the same package,
01:15:58that it's a package deal,
01:16:00and for 11 long years,
01:16:02I got this grump tied around my neck.
01:16:05And believe me, it's no bargain.
01:16:08You got no idea what kind of a problem I got with this guy.
01:16:11Sorry I'm late, kid. Got held up in traffic, you know.
01:16:15So I says to him, please, do me a favor, will you?
01:16:18Why don't you go and take yourself a cab
01:16:21and go up to Central Park and go jump in the lake?
01:16:28Hey! Raymond! Hey!
01:18:12Get out of there!
01:18:15What are you doing?
01:18:19Hi, Ben.
01:18:21What the hell are you doing? What's the matter with you?
01:18:24I don't know.
01:18:26I was standing next to you at the bar
01:18:28and you were playing a game of solitaire. Do you remember that?
01:18:34And you bowled it out of the bar, jumped in a cab,
01:18:36drove up here to the park and jumped into the water.
01:18:39I don't remember, Ben. I just don't remember.
01:18:43Wait a minute. I do.
01:18:45I remember.
01:18:47In the dream.
01:18:49I remember what you were doing with your hands.
01:18:53You were...
01:18:55Of course.
01:18:59Obviously, the solitaire game serves as some kind of trigger mechanism.
01:19:03Black 7 on the red 8.
01:19:07I suggest we discard the various number systems
01:19:10and concentrate on the face cards.
01:19:12Red 6 on the black 7.
01:19:14Thanks a lot.
01:19:16Because of their symbolic identification with human beings.
01:19:19Based on Raymond's psychiatric pattern,
01:19:21I think we can safely eliminate jacks and kings.
01:19:24Black 6 on the red 7.
01:19:26Why don't you try it for a while?
01:19:31Human fish swimming at the bottom of the great ocean of atmosphere
01:19:34develop psychic injuries as they collide with one another.
01:19:38Most mortal of all are those gotten from the parent fish.
01:19:44Queen of diamonds on the black king.
01:19:49Hey, what are you doing?
01:19:51To cheat at solitaire is a form of regression...
01:19:53I don't remember.
01:19:55I remember.
01:19:57I remember.
01:20:00I can see that Chinese cat standing there smiling like Fu Manchu
01:20:05and saying,
01:20:07the queen of diamonds is reminiscent in many ways
01:20:11of Raymond's dearly loved and hated mother
01:20:16and is the second key to clear the mechanism
01:20:20for any other assignment.
01:20:26I want great republic, repeat republic,
01:20:29until the peril of international communism
01:20:32is driven from every dark corner of this great nation.
01:20:37Give me a little chucky on the chin, you know anyway.
01:20:39You know, hon, I can't tell you how worried I am about Raymond.
01:20:42Raymond? What Raymond?
01:20:44Raymond Shaw, my son, your stepson.
01:20:47I've been thinking about him a great deal lately
01:20:49and you know what I've decided?
01:20:51I've decided it's time he got married.
01:20:54Ask what you find so amusing.
01:20:57How could you possibly find who would marry Raymond?
01:21:01I have devoted considerable thought to the problem
01:21:04and it has occurred to me that Tom Jordan's daughter Jocelyn,
01:21:08do you remember her, hon, that mousy little girl
01:21:11Raymond was so attracted to that summer at the lake?
01:21:14Oh, yeah, that little communist tart?
01:21:16All right.
01:21:18So I might have been a little bit hasty.
01:21:20Anyway, times change.
01:21:22I now think she would make Raymond an excellent wife.
01:21:25She's been living in Paris for the past two years.
01:21:28I have word she'll be coming home soon
01:21:30and when she does, I think we should give a little party.
01:21:34But, babe, I thought that you and Senator John...
01:21:37I keep telling you not to think.
01:21:40You're very, very good at a great many things
01:21:43but thinking, hon, just simply isn't one of them.
01:21:46You just keep shouting point of order, point of order
01:21:50and I will handle the rest.
01:21:53I think her June wedding would be nice.
01:21:56Right before the convention.
01:22:00Raymond, I don't know why yours is the only apartment in New York City
01:22:04without an air conditioner.
01:22:06You know, sometimes I think you came to us for another century.
01:22:09Choo-chin-chow, or whatever your name is,
01:22:11the steaks are to be broiled for exactly 11 minutes,
01:22:14no more, no less, on each side in a preheated grill at 400 degrees.
01:22:18Yes, ma'am.
01:22:19Raymond. Mother.
01:22:21May I ask a question?
01:22:23Of course.
01:22:25What are you doing here?
01:22:27I mean, why are we having our annual meeting?
01:22:29I don't know what you're talking about.
01:22:31When I got your message announcing that you were coming to lunch,
01:22:34I naturally assumed it was because you wanted something.
01:22:36Not at all. This is a purely social event.
01:22:39However... Ah!
01:22:41The however.
01:22:43As you may or may not have heard,
01:22:45I am giving an enormous party,
01:22:47a costume ball, actually, at the Summer House on Long Island.
01:22:51I wondered if you'd like to attend.
01:22:55Have you gone out of your mind?
01:22:58The reason I ask is because we're giving it in honour of an old friend of yours
01:23:02and her father.
01:23:04What old friend?
01:23:06Do you remember a darling girl we met the summer before you went into the army,
01:23:10Jocelyn Jordan, Senator Jordan's daughter?
01:23:12Well, she's been living abroad for the last several years.
01:23:15She arrived back in New York a week or so ago.
01:23:18And I thought,
01:23:20considering the rather shabby way you treated her,
01:23:23it might be a rather gracious gesture if I gave her a coming-home party.
01:23:29Josie and her father?
01:23:33Coming to a party of yours?
01:23:35Of course.
01:23:37Once I explain to her, you will be there.
01:23:48All right, it's Polish cabbage.
01:23:51Johnny, come over here, hon.
01:23:55I want to get a picture of you. Quick.
01:24:00You stand in the middle.
01:24:05Thank you. I'll see you later.
01:24:12Where is she? Have they come?
01:24:13They'll be here any minute.
01:24:15Are you sure they're coming, Mother? Are you absolutely sure?
01:24:18Oh, Raymond, don't be such a jerk.
01:24:20Go and get yourself a drink or a tranquilizer or something.
01:24:23Raymond can certainly be a royal pain.
01:24:25She's just kidding.
01:24:27Ray, you look great. Look just great.
01:24:30Wonder what he's supposed to be, one of those Dutch skaters?
01:24:35Raymond, darling.
01:24:38Raymond, dear, why do you always have to look as if your head's just about to come to a point?
01:24:42Now, just be patient.
01:24:44She'll be here, I guarantee it.
01:24:49Raymond, why don't we just sneak away for a few minutes,
01:24:53sit down somewhere quietly and have a drink?
01:24:57Are you absolutely sure she's coming, Mother?
01:24:59I told you, she telephoned me 20 minutes ago from the hotel.
01:25:05Mother, how did she sound?
01:25:07Like a girl.
01:25:13Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?
01:25:22Oh, Tom, boy.
01:25:24That was so great you could come.
01:25:27I am here at this fascist rally
01:25:30because my daughter has assured me that it was important to her happiness that I come.
01:25:36There is no other reason.
01:25:39Good old Tom.
01:25:48The time has come for us to have a serious discussion.
01:25:52We feel...
01:25:54What is it?
01:25:55It's me, Brad, Johnny. Tom Jordan's here. I need you.
01:25:58I'll be right out.
01:26:00Who's in there with you anyway?
01:26:03Well, hurry it up, will you? We've got work to do out here.
01:26:10I'll take this one with me, dear.
01:26:12It might bring mischief if I leave it.
01:26:20I'll be back as soon as I can.
01:26:29I've been watching you through the window.
01:26:32When I saw you, my heart almost shot out of my body.
01:26:36I sent Daddy around the front way.
01:26:39I had to see you alone.
01:26:49I'm sorry.
01:26:51I'm sorry.
01:26:53I'm sorry.
01:26:55I'm sorry.
01:27:01Oh, Josie.
01:27:26Thank you.
01:27:39Thank you.
01:27:41Come on, lover.
01:27:44Why don't you just take that somewhere very quietly and drink it?
01:27:48But, babe, I...
01:27:50All right, dear. Run along. The grown-ups have to talk.
01:27:57How good of you to come, Tom.
01:28:00I have explained to your husband why I am here.
01:28:03Tom, I know you have very strong personal feelings about Johnny and about me.
01:28:09But what I would like to find out is how strong they really are.
01:28:12To put it as simply as possible.
01:28:14If Johnny's name were put forward at the convention next week,
01:28:17would you attempt to block him?
01:28:19You're joking, of course.
01:28:21Would you attempt to block him?
01:28:23You're joking, of course.
01:28:25Mr. Stevenson makes jokes. I do not.
01:28:28You're seriously trying for the nomination for Johnny?
01:28:31No. We couldn't make it.
01:28:33But I think he has a good chance for the second spot.
01:28:36I've answered your question, but you haven't answered mine.
01:28:39What question?
01:28:41Will you block us?
01:28:44Will I block you?
01:28:47I would spend every cent I own and all I could borrow to block you.
01:28:55There are people who think of Johnny as a clown and a buffoon.
01:28:59But I do not.
01:29:01I despise John Iceland and everything that Icelandism has come to stand for.
01:29:07I think if John Iceland were a paid Soviet agent,
01:29:11he could not do more to harm this country than he's doing now.
01:29:14You asked me a question. Very well.
01:29:17I'll answer you.
01:29:19If you attempt to deal with the delegates
01:29:22or cause Johnny's name to be brought forward on the ticket,
01:29:26or if in my canvas of the delegates tomorrow morning by telephone
01:29:29I find that you are so acting,
01:29:32I will bring impeachment proceedings against your husband
01:29:35on the floor of the United States Senate.
01:29:38And I will hit him, I promise you,
01:29:40and I will hit him, I promise you,
01:29:43with everything in my well-documented book.
01:29:46With everything in my well-documented book.
01:30:10For one million bucks, pick a card.
01:30:12Oh, Benny, card tricks, I know that.
01:30:15Pick a card.
01:30:20Queen of diamonds.
01:30:23That's pretty good. How did you do that?
01:30:27This is what is known, my dear girl, as a forced deck.
01:30:32This deck of cards is often employed by a professional magician
01:30:36to simplify his problem of guessing the card picked
01:30:38by the little old lady in the third row.
01:30:40Also employed by army intelligence officers who...
01:30:44Rosie, let's get married.
01:30:48We certainly are in good spirits tonight, aren't we?
01:30:50Yes, we are.
01:30:52Tomorrow is the big day.
01:30:54Lunch with Raymond.
01:30:55Have a nice little game of solitaire
01:30:57and a nice long chat about the good old days in Korea.
01:31:01And some old Chinese and Russian friends of ours.
01:31:05Then a suggestion or two that will rip out all of the wiring.
01:31:09And then, dear girl, it's over. All over.
01:31:12What's the matter? Don't you want to?
01:31:13Want to what?
01:31:14Get married.
01:31:15Why don't you pay attention to me when I speak to you?
01:31:18Don't worry, Benny.
01:31:19I'm going to marry you more than I want to go on eating Italian food.
01:31:23Which will give you some idea.
01:31:27Well, then, why don't we get with it, kiddo?
01:31:29You know, arranging for the papers, for the blood test,
01:31:31posting the bands, figure out what we're going to name the kids,
01:31:35renting the rice, buy the ring, call the folks.
01:31:40You neither?
01:31:43I used to be convinced that as a baby
01:31:44I was the sole survivor of a spaceship that overshot Mars.
01:31:47Very sexy stuff.
01:31:49Very, very sexy.
01:32:06Hello, Raymond.
01:32:08Ben, I want...
01:32:10I want you to meet Josie.
01:32:11Remember I told you about her?
01:32:13This is my friend, Major Ben Marco.
01:32:15Miss Jordan.
01:32:16How do you do, Major?
01:32:17Only it's not Miss Jordan anymore.
01:32:18It's Mrs. Shaw.
01:32:19Mrs. Raymond Shaw.
01:32:21We flew to Maryland last night.
01:32:22We got married.
01:32:23We just got back.
01:32:25Well, aren't you going to pop champagne or dance in the streets
01:32:28or, well, at least kiss the bride?
01:32:29Congratulations, Mrs. Shaw.
01:32:31My God, isn't she beautiful, though?
01:32:33Isn't she?
01:32:34And am I not the luckiest guy in the world?
01:32:35I mean, the whole world?
01:32:37You don't have to answer that, Major.
01:32:39Anyway, I'm the one who's lucky.
01:32:40Raymond, listen, darling.
01:32:42There must be some beer or champagne or penicillin eye drops
01:32:45or some anchovies in the icebox.
01:32:47Crack open whatever it is.
01:32:48The three of us, we've absolutely got to have a drink.
01:32:50Come on, bustle.
01:32:52Make like a housewife.
01:32:53I'll get out of this idiot suit.
01:32:56Ben, you should have seen the judge's face.
01:32:57There we were.
01:32:58The Queen of Diamonds and me looking like,
01:33:00I don't know, like Gaucho Marx.
01:33:05Gaucho Marx.
01:33:08Ben, I just made a joke.
01:33:10Not a very good joke, I admit, but a joke.
01:33:13Ben, in all the years that you've known me,
01:33:14have you ever heard me make a joke?
01:33:16Well, I just made one.
01:33:17Gaucho Marx.
01:33:20Big day.
01:33:21Mark that down in your book.
01:33:22Raymond Shaw got married and he made a joke.
01:33:26Gaucho Marx.
01:33:27Gaucho Marx.
01:33:34Queen of Diamonds?
01:33:36What did he mean, the Queen of Diamonds?
01:33:38My costume.
01:33:39I came to this costume party as the Queen of Diamonds.
01:33:41I couldn't think what to wear,
01:33:42and then I saw this big playing card in a shop window...
01:33:44Mrs. Shaw.
01:33:46Oh, please, Major.
01:33:48You call me Josie, I'll call you Ben.
01:33:50Mrs. Shaw.
01:33:53The reason I came here this morning
01:33:54is to ask Raymond to voluntarily put himself under arrest.
01:33:59Maybe not under arrest, that's pretty strong,
01:34:00but to surrender himself for some questioning.
01:34:04Questioning? What kind of questioning?
01:34:08Raymond is sick, Mrs. Shaw.
01:34:10In a kind of a special way.
01:34:13He doesn't even realize it himself.
01:34:14Sick? He's not sick.
01:34:16He's the healthiest man I've ever seen in my whole life.
01:34:18You can tell that by just looking at him.
01:34:20That's not the kind of sick I mean.
01:34:25Well, you're wrong, Ben.
01:34:27You're wrong.
01:34:29He's tied up inside in a thousand knots, I know that,
01:34:32but you can see for yourself how he is with me.
01:34:36Oh, God.
01:34:50We were married just six hours ago.
01:34:52We've been in cars and offices and airplanes ever since.
01:34:58What were your...
01:35:00What are your plans?
01:35:03Well, there's an inn, Bedford House, near Bedford Village.
01:35:06It's about an hour from here.
01:35:08There's hardly anyone there this early in the season,
01:35:10and we've already wired for a room.
01:35:14Ben, you've got to believe me and trust me.
01:35:17I can make him well.
01:35:18I'll give you 48 hours.
01:35:20You'll have him back here the day after tomorrow.
01:35:23I'll talk to him then.
01:35:26After that, we'll see.
01:35:29Thank you, Ben.
01:35:31Thank you, and God bless you.
01:35:59Just darling.
01:36:14My dear girl,
01:36:16have you noticed that the human race is divided
01:36:19into two distinct and irreconcilable groups?
01:36:22Those who walk into rooms
01:36:24and automatically turn television sets on,
01:36:27and those who walk into rooms
01:36:29and automatically turn them off.
01:36:31You know, the problem is,
01:36:33they usually marry each other,
01:36:35which naturally causes a great deal...
01:36:37...daughter of Senator Thomas Jordan
01:36:39and Korean war hero Raymond Shaw,
01:36:40stepson of Senator John Island.
01:36:42It appears, however,
01:36:44that this monogamous Capulet note
01:36:46will have little effect on the feud
01:36:48now raging between the two party leaders.
01:36:50From his campaign headquarters this morning,
01:36:52Senator Island stepped up his charges
01:36:54against the leader of the group,
01:36:56attempting to block his nomination.
01:36:58I now charge this man, Thomas Jordan,
01:37:00with high treason,
01:37:02and I assure you,
01:37:04the moment the Senate reconvenes,
01:37:06I shall move forward
01:37:07for this man Jordan's impeachment,
01:37:09and after that, a civil trial.
01:37:12Come on, get dressed.
01:37:14We're driving down to New York.
01:37:16Go straight to your father's house.
01:37:18Please convey my personal apologies to him.
01:37:20I'll join you there later.
01:37:22What are you going to do?
01:37:24Something I should have done a long time ago.
01:37:27I'm going to beat that vile,
01:37:29slandering son of a numbskull
01:37:31to a bloody pup.
01:37:35That vile, slandering husband of yours,
01:37:37where is he?
01:37:39Darling, something very important has come up.
01:37:42There is something you have to do.
01:38:03Who is it?
01:38:07It's me, sir.
01:38:09Raymond, my boy!
01:38:12Josie waited up as long as she could.
01:38:15She turned in about a quarter to two.
01:38:17She told me the good news.
01:38:21Yes, sir.
01:38:23I want to offer my congratulations
01:38:25and welcome you to the family.
01:38:27I've been watching my daughter's face all evening.
01:38:29She's a very good girl.
01:38:30Thank you, sir.
01:38:32Come with me.
01:38:34I'll pour some good whiskey on you
01:38:36to celebrate your wedding,
01:38:38soothe you after a trying day,
01:38:40any number of good reasons.
01:38:42There's some whiskey in that cabinet beside you.
01:38:44Help yourself.
01:38:46I only hope you haven't been too much upset
01:38:48by these idiotic attacks of Iceland.
01:38:50Actually, I take the position
01:38:52that any attack by Iceland is a great honor.
01:38:54Actually, I haven't had so much supporting male
01:38:56in the Senate in the last 22 years.
01:38:58I'm very glad to hear that, sir.
01:39:02What the hell is that in your hand?
01:39:04It's a pistol, sir.
01:39:06Is that a silencer?
01:39:08Yes, sir.
01:39:10Why are you carrying a pistol?
01:39:14Raymond, what are you...
01:39:28Daddy, what is it?
01:39:30Raymond, no!
01:39:32Raymond, darling!
01:39:57I'm sorry.
01:40:42What is it?
01:40:44Raymond Shaw shot and killed his wife
01:40:46early this morning.
01:40:53But it doesn't say...
01:40:55I know.
01:40:58It wasn't Raymond that really did it.
01:41:02In a way, it was me.
01:41:06As you can well understand, gentlemen,
01:41:08my wife is prostrate over the loss
01:41:11of this dear, wonderful girl
01:41:13whom she loved as a daughter.
01:41:15Your stepson, Senator, where is he?
01:41:18My son, Raymond, is in retreat,
01:41:21praying for strength,
01:41:22understanding to try and carry on somehow.
01:41:32Ben, it's for you.
01:41:41Major Marco speaking.
01:41:46Hi, kid.
01:41:48How could anyone
01:41:51How could it happen?
01:41:53Where are you, Raymond?
01:41:57I think maybe I'm going crazy.
01:42:01I'm having terrible dreams
01:42:03like you used to have.
01:42:05Where are you, Raymond?
01:42:07We can't talk on the telephone.
01:42:09Just tell me where you are.
01:42:13I'm in a hotel room.
01:42:16I'm in a hotel room.
01:42:18Across from the garden.
01:42:21Eighth Avenue side.
01:42:24Room four.
01:42:27All right, now listen to me.
01:42:29Just wait right there.
01:42:31I'll be there in ten minutes.
01:42:33Don't move, just wait right there.
01:42:35Okay, I'll take him now.
01:42:37Everything's got to move quite normally.
01:42:39Now, I want him to feel like he's safe.
01:42:41Just give me a pack of cards.
01:42:44What do you know?
01:42:45They just handed a vice presidential nomination
01:42:47to that idiot Iceland.
01:43:06Hi, kid.
01:43:11Who killed...
01:43:13Josie Beth?
01:43:16Tell me.
01:43:18I've got to know.
01:43:36How about passing the time
01:43:38by playing a little solitaire?
01:43:46All right.
01:43:48Now, let's start unlocking a few doors.
01:43:51Let's begin with the patrol.
01:43:53You didn't save our lives
01:43:55and take out an enemy company
01:43:57or anything like that, did you, Raymond?
01:43:59Did you?
01:44:03What happened?
01:44:05The patrol was taken
01:44:07by a Russian airborne unit
01:44:09and flown by helicopter
01:44:11across the Mediterranean.
01:44:14Across the Manchurian border
01:44:16to a place called Tongva.
01:44:19We were worked on for three days
01:44:22by a team of specialists
01:44:24from the Pavlov Institute in Moscow.
01:44:28They developed a technique
01:44:30for descent into the unconscious mind,
01:44:32part light-induced, part drug.
01:44:35Never mind all that, not now.
01:44:37Tell me what else happened at Tongva.
01:44:40We were drilled for three days.
01:44:44We were made to memorize
01:44:46the details of the imaginary action.
01:44:48What else?
01:44:55Then I strangled Edmure Vody
01:44:58and shot Bobby Lembeck.
01:45:03One Red Queen works pretty good.
01:45:06Let's see what we get with two of them.
01:45:08Keep playing.
01:45:14Then I killed Mr. Gaines.
01:45:19It was just a test.
01:45:22It didn't matter who I killed.
01:45:25They picked him to see
01:45:27if all the linkages still worked
01:45:29before they turned me over
01:45:31to my American operator.
01:45:35I was a good man.
01:45:37I was a good man.
01:45:39I was a good man.
01:45:41I was a good man.
01:45:43I meant business about jumping in the lake.
01:45:46It really did happen.
01:45:49It was an accident.
01:45:52Something somebody said in the bar
01:45:54accidentally triggered it.
01:45:56Keep playing.
01:46:08Then I killed Senator Jordan.
01:46:14And after that...
01:46:18You ought to forget everything
01:46:20that happened at the Senator's house.
01:46:22Do you understand, Raymond?
01:46:24You'll only remember it when I tell you so.
01:46:26You ought to forget about it.
01:46:28Do you understand?
01:46:30Yes, sir.
01:46:32Now, Raymond,
01:46:34now the big one.
01:46:38Why is all of this being done?
01:46:40What have they built you to do?
01:46:44I don't know.
01:46:49I don't think anybody really knows
01:46:52except Beretsova in Moscow
01:46:56and my American operator here.
01:47:00But whatever it is,
01:47:02it's supposed to happen soon.
01:47:04Right at the convention.
01:47:10I don't know.
01:47:14They can make me do anything, Ben.
01:47:18Can't they?
01:47:23We'll see, kid.
01:47:25We'll see what they can do
01:47:27and we'll see what we can do.
01:47:32So the Red Queen is our baby.
01:47:36Well, take a look at this, kid.
01:47:38Fifty-two of them.
01:47:40Take a good look at them, Raymond.
01:47:42Look at them, and while you're looking,
01:47:46This is me, Marco, talking.
01:47:49Fifty-two Red Queens of me are telling you,
01:47:52you know what we're telling you?
01:47:54It's over.
01:47:56The links, they're beautifully conditioned links are smashed.
01:47:59They're smashed as of now because we say so.
01:48:02Because we say they ought to be smashed.
01:48:04We're busting the links
01:48:05because we say they ought to be smashed.
01:48:07We're busting up the joint,
01:48:09we're tearing out all the wires,
01:48:11we're busting it up so good
01:48:13all the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men
01:48:15will never put old Raymond back together again.
01:48:17You don't work anymore.
01:48:19That's an order.
01:48:21Anybody invites you to a game of solitaire,
01:48:23you tell them, sorry, Buster,
01:48:25the ball game is over.
01:48:27It's time for my American operator to give me the plan.
01:48:52It's time for my American operator to give me the plan.
01:48:59Yes, I understand, Mother.
01:49:11She wants me to go.
01:49:14There's a car waiting for me downstairs.
01:49:17The convention's adjourned.
01:49:19It reconvenes at nine for the acceptance speeches.
01:49:22I don't think anything will happen until then.
01:49:24I'd better go now.
01:49:26Here's a number.
01:49:35I've got 500 people at my disposal,
01:49:371,000 if I need them.
01:49:40You call me at that number.
01:49:42Try to call me by 8.30,
01:49:44or as soon as you find out
01:49:46whatever it is they want you to do,
01:49:48I'll be waiting.
01:49:50Yes, sir.
01:49:58Remember, Raymond,
01:50:00the wires have been pulled.
01:50:02They can't touch you anymore.
01:50:05You're free.
01:50:19It's been decided that you will be dressed as a priest.
01:50:21To help you get away in the pandemonium afterwards.
01:50:25Chunjin will give you a two-piece
01:50:27Soviet Army sniper's rifle
01:50:29that fits nicely into a special bag.
01:50:32There's a spotlight booth that won't be in use.
01:50:36It's up under the roof
01:50:38on the 8th Avenue side of the garden.
01:50:40You will have absolutely clear, protected shooting.
01:50:51You are to shoot the presidential nominee through the head.
01:50:55And Johnny will rise gallantly to his feet
01:50:58and lift Ben Arthur's body in his arms
01:51:02and stand in front of the microphones
01:51:04and begin to speak.
01:51:08The speech is short,
01:51:10but it's the most rousing speech I've ever read.
01:51:14It's been worked on here and in Russia
01:51:16on and off for over eight years.
01:51:17I shall force someone to take the body away from him.
01:51:21And Johnny will really hit those microphones
01:51:23and those cameras with blood all over him.
01:51:26Fighting off anyone who tries to help him.
01:51:28Defending America even if it means his own death.
01:51:32Rallying a nation of television viewers into hysteria
01:51:35to sweep us up into the White House
01:51:37with powers that will make martial law seem like anarchy.
01:51:42Now this is very important.
01:51:44I want the nominee to be dead about two minutes
01:51:47after he begins his acceptance speech.
01:51:50Depending on his reading time under pressure.
01:51:53You are to hit him right at the point
01:51:56that he finishes the phrase,
01:51:58nor would I ask of any fellow American
01:52:02in defense of his freedom
01:52:04that which I would not gladly give myself.
01:52:08My life is at stake.
01:52:12My life before my liberty.
01:52:16Is that absolutely clear?
01:52:24Would you repeat it for me, Raymond?
01:52:27Nor would I ask of any fellow American
01:52:30in defense of his freedom
01:52:32in defense of his freedom
01:52:34that which I would not gladly give myself.
01:52:38My life.
01:52:40Before my liberty.
01:52:42Before my liberty.
01:52:56I know you will never entirely comprehend this, Raymond.
01:53:00But you must believe I did not know it would be you.
01:53:04I served them.
01:53:06I fought for them.
01:53:08I'm on the point of winning for them
01:53:10the greatest foothold they will ever have in this country.
01:53:13And they paid me back
01:53:15by taking your soul away from you.
01:53:18I told them to build me an assassin.
01:53:21I wanted a killer from a world filled with killers
01:53:25and they chose you
01:53:27because they thought it would bind me closer to them.
01:53:35But now we have come almost to the end.
01:53:39One last step
01:53:41and then when I take power
01:53:44they will be pulled down and ground into dirt
01:53:48for what they did to you
01:53:50and what they did in so contemptuously underestimating me.
01:55:02One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:04One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:06One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:08One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:10One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:12One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:14One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:16One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:18One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:20One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:22One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:24One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:26One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:28One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:30One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:32One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:34One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:35One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:36One, two, three, four, five, six.
01:55:37I've got to get my gun.
01:55:38What am I gonna do?
01:55:39I ought to do something about it.
01:55:40I ought to end the relationship with Nessie.
01:55:42What's he talking about?
01:55:44Nessie's got a woman.
01:55:46Nessie's got a woman.
01:55:48Nessie, Nessie, Nessie, put that gun down.
01:55:49What's that gun?
01:55:50Get the gun.
01:55:52Get the gun.
01:55:54Put the knife down.
01:55:56Get the knife down.
01:55:58Vico, let me see you.
01:56:00Put the knife down.
01:56:01White's out. White's...
01:56:32Why hasn't he called?
01:56:35It's a calculated risk, Ben. You were right to take it.
01:56:39Even if it's not true, it's nice of you to say it.
01:56:45Garden's filling up.
01:56:47Take it easy.
01:56:51I know.
01:56:54If Steinkamp doesn't take off that stupid hat
01:56:57and stop messing around with those broads,
01:56:59I'm gonna bust him into a PFC.
01:57:01Easy, Ben.
01:57:06Okay, Milt, I blew it. I blew it!
01:57:10My magic is better than your magic.
01:57:13I should have known better.
01:57:15Intelligence officers.
01:57:19I should have known better.
01:57:21Intelligence officers.
01:57:23Stupidity officer is better.
01:57:25Pentagon ever wants to open up a stupidity division,
01:57:28they know who they get to lead it.
01:57:34Milt, Raymond was theirs, he is theirs,
01:57:37and he'll always be theirs.
01:57:39There's time.
01:57:41He may still call.
01:57:44Some money?
01:57:52That's what I figured.
01:57:58Let's get the hell out of here.
01:58:00All right, Ben, let's go.
01:58:13Let's go.
01:58:43Let's go.
01:59:13Let's go.
01:59:38Milt, I told you, you gotta stop this thing.
01:59:40Stop it? How can I stop it? I'm one of them.
01:59:42If there was a bomb planted in here,
01:59:44you got a tip that there was, you'd stop it fast enough,
01:59:46you'd have to go to the White House if you had to.
01:59:48I tell you, there's a bomb here, a time bomb,
01:59:50that's just waiting to go off.
01:59:54Ladies and gentlemen, our national anthem.
01:59:58Oh, say can you see
02:00:02By the dawn's early light
02:00:07What so proudly we hailed
02:00:12At the twilight's last gleaming
02:00:17Whose broad stripes and bright stars
02:00:20Through the perilous fight
02:00:26O'er the ramparts we watched
02:00:31Were so gallantly streaming
02:00:36And the rocket's red glare
02:00:41The bombs bursting in air
02:00:46Gave proof through the night
02:00:51That our flag was still there
02:00:57Oh, say does that star-spangled banner
02:01:06Yet wave
02:01:13O'er the land of the free
02:01:17And the home of the brave
02:01:36Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the next President of the United States,
02:01:44Benjamin K. Obama.
02:02:05Mr. Chairman, delegates, my fellow Americans,
02:02:25in it with great humility, all fit with enormous pride,
02:02:32and with a sense of the job to be done,
02:02:36that I must humbly and most gratefully
02:02:40accept this nomination for the highest office in our country.
02:02:52It is with a full awareness
02:02:55that the four years that I have for this country
02:02:59are, in a sense, the crucial years.
02:03:02The years, if I may follow Mr. Churchill's phrase,
02:03:08the years of decision,
02:03:11and if I may be permitted a phrase of my own,
02:03:16the years of striving.
02:03:19For it is not what has been done in the past,
02:03:24or what may be done against the far horizons of some distant future,
02:03:30but what will be done now.
02:03:39For I assure you,
02:03:45that you, my fellow Americans,
02:03:48have made my choice.
02:03:52Nor would I ask of any fellow American
02:03:56any sense of his freedom,
02:04:06that which I would not gladly give myself
02:04:10my life before my liberty.
02:04:43You couldn't have stopped them. The army couldn't have stopped them.
02:04:46So I had to. That's why I didn't call.
02:04:52Oh, God, Ben.
02:05:04Poor Raymond.
02:05:07Poor friendless, friendless Raymond.
02:05:12He was wearing his medal when he died.
02:05:16You should read some of the citations sometime.
02:05:20Just read them.
02:05:25Taken, eight prisoners, killing four enemy in the process
02:05:28while one leg and one arm was shattered,
02:05:30and he could only crawl because the other leg had been blown off.
02:05:36Wounded five times, dragged himself across the direct fire
02:05:39of three enemy machine guns
02:05:41to pull two of his wounded men to safety amid 69 dead
02:05:45and 203 casualties.
02:06:01Made to commit acts too unspeakable to be cited here.
02:06:07By an enemy who had captured his mind and his soul.
02:06:16He freed himself at last.
02:06:21And in the end, heroically and unhesitatingly
02:06:25gave his life to save his country.
02:06:30Raymond Shaw.
