Angelmouse - A Visitor for Angelmouse

  • 2 months ago
00:31One day, my friend Angel Mouse and I were having breakfast when there was a knock on the door.
00:41Ah, hello.
00:43Rub-a-droo, rub-a-droo.
00:47Oh, hey look, there's a message from you-know-who.
00:50It says, please help your important visitor to get home.
00:55But where is his home?
00:57It doesn't say.
01:00Oh, don't ask him.
01:02Uh, excuse me, where do you live?
01:04Hey, I'm talking to you.
01:06Be polite, he's important.
01:08Oh, where do you live?
01:13That's not in our village, is it?
01:15Uh, rub-a-droo.
01:17Let's go outside, you can show us.
01:20Come on.
01:22Oh, caught me.
01:27This is hopeless, we need help.
01:33Look, there's Spencer.
01:37We've got an important visitor, can you give him a lift home?
01:40Delighted, dear boy. Where to?
01:47Let's see, I'd better get the map out.
01:51Let's have a look.
01:53Let's have a scout round, shall we?
01:56We couldn't find our important visitor's home anywhere.
02:00I don't think this fellow comes from around here tall enough.
02:03Then how do I make sure he gets home?
02:08Oh, I know, Oswald.
02:16One-one, two-two.
02:19Puss, puss.
02:22Let's go, let's go.
02:25Oswald flew to Cloud Nine and all round the sky,
02:28but they still couldn't find the important visitor's home.
02:32It's no good, he'll have to stay here.
02:35But what about the message from you-know-who?
02:38It's a silly message. I'm never going to find Rub-a-droo.
02:43Er, you'll figure me, Cheek.
02:45Rub-a-groo to you too.
02:48Angel Mouse, I need you.
02:51B.B.L. is very upset.
02:53Be an angel and help me.
02:56Angel Mouse is busy.
02:59Rub-a-groo, rub-a-groo, rub-a-groo.
03:02No, he's not.
03:03Anything's better than more grub-a-grooing.
03:09She keeps asking for buns, but she doesn't want them.
03:15No, bun-bun, that's what she calls Hodgkin.
03:20Let's go to see him.
03:26No brakes, no brakes.
03:28Rub-a-groo, rub-a-groo.
03:35There's something blocking his front door.
03:42Hey, man.
03:43The biggest carrot I've ever seen fell out of the sky under my door.
03:47It's a rocket.
03:49No, it's a carrot, man.
03:51I mean, who's got a rocket right here?
03:54He has.
03:56No brakes, no brakes.
04:092-2, 1-1.
04:16There a Jack comes from space.
04:18That's why we couldn't find his home.
04:20But baby Ellie found his spaceship.
04:23And you've made baby Ellie happy.
04:26You're an angel, Angel Mouse.
04:29That's my friend Angel Mouse.
04:32That's some carrot, man.
04:34Angel Mouse
04:37He tries to be good in a flirty show
04:40But things don't always go his way
04:44And life is too good when you look to the tip
04:47To get a little better every day
04:50Angel Mouse
04:53Angel Mouse