Kecubung Yang Bikin Halu

  • 2 months ago
Dalam video ini, kita akan mengenal lebih dekat tanaman kecubung atau Datura, yang terkenal karena bunganya yang indah namun beracun. Kami akan membahas kandungan kimia yang ada dalam tanaman ini, efek samping yang berbahaya, serta potensi risiko kesehatan jika dikonsumsi tanpa pengawasan medis. Tonton video ini untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang bahaya di balik keindahan tanaman kecubung.
00:04Kecubung plants, also known as Datura,
00:07are plants that have various effects
00:09due to the poisonous chemical content in them,
00:12such as alkaloid tropon, scopolamine,
00:14hyosiamine, and atropine.
00:17Here are some of the effects of Kecubung plants.
00:21One of the most well-known effects is hallucination.
00:24The active substance in Kecubung
00:26can cause users to experience a change in perception,
00:29strong visual and auditory hallucinations.
00:33Two, anticholinergic effects.
00:35Kecubung contains alkaloids that can
00:37inhibit the receptor acetylcholine in the central nervous system
00:40and the peripheral nervous system,
00:41causing effects such as dry mouth,
00:43bulging pupils,
00:44rapid heartbeat,
00:45and dizziness.
00:47Three, disorientation and confusion.
00:50Kecubung users often experience confusion,
00:52disorientation, and temporary loss of memory.
00:55Four, delirium.
00:57Consumption of Kecubung can cause delirium,
00:59a serious condition marked by confusion,
01:02inability to think clearly,
01:05and loss of awareness of the surrounding environment.
01:08Physical side effects include nausea,
01:12rapid heartbeat,
01:14high blood pressure,
01:15and in the worst case,
01:18Six, toxicity potential.
01:19Kecubung is very poisonous,
01:21and overdoses can cause death.
01:24users must be very careful
01:26and avoid it without medical supervision.
01:29The use of this plant for recreational purposes
01:32is very risky and not recommended
01:35because of its dangerous side effects
01:37and potential to kill.
