Styx Shards of Darkness-Fumbling Around The Airships

  • 2 months ago
Gotta get that dang staff. Also checkout and and and and and
00:00Alright, you cat calling me?
00:12Oh my god, I almost ran into JumpQuick because of the chain together.
00:17Let me get that ass, man.
00:25Drop it down.
00:26I see you twerking it.
00:27I can't go down through you.
00:29There's a guy right there.
00:32Yes, yes there is.
00:34Soon there will not be a guy there.
00:42Were you gonna do the same thing?
00:44I was looting.
00:46You stupid a-hole.
00:50Go about your merry business, dude.
01:05Dude, he came for me so fast.
01:11How did he so fast see me in the dark?
01:15I don't know, but he turned around to run at me so fast.
01:25I just rolled off.
01:30Did you just splatter on the deck?
01:33Yeah, that was weird.
01:36My health bar.
01:39My Hawaiian juice.
01:42This is a bad run.
01:48We haven't even hijacked the airship yet.
01:55Are you trying to get me killed?
01:58I was just testing the throw.
02:02Did you kill us?
02:09No, no.
02:11There's another person up above.
02:15Fuck you, I'm getting the loot.
02:28I spent my points.
02:30I'm also doing that right now.
02:32Going towards the muffle.
02:36The acoustic contagion stuff?
02:39Whatever it is when I kill them.
02:41If I'm...
02:42I don't know.
02:43I think the invisibility muffle.
02:45That's it.
02:46I'm pretty sure.
02:47I'm pretty sure.
02:48I'm pretty sure.
02:49I'm pretty sure.
02:50I'm pretty sure.
02:51I'm pretty sure.
02:52I'm pretty sure.
02:53I'm pretty sure.
02:54I'm pretty sure.
02:55I'm pretty sure.
02:56I'm pretty sure.
02:59That's 200 points?
03:06He went through the gate.
03:16Where'd the body go?
03:17Where'd the body go?
03:26What's with the ballista arrow thing?
03:29I don't know.
03:36Did you fall off of it?
03:38No, I tried to jump from it to the...
03:42There's some stuff in here.
03:43In case you want some of it.
03:45One's a lockpick.
03:48I think...
03:49Yeah, I still got one lockpick.
03:52Yes, oranges.
03:53Goblin oranges.
04:01There's a dude right here.
04:14That's close by.
04:17That's close by.
04:33Is it this dude?
04:38Is that the pilot?
04:40That looks like one of them.
04:43Oh, no, no, no.
04:52There's two more in there.
04:55I don't know how...
04:57I didn't trigger that.
05:07Back's turned on one.
05:09Do you want to kill the one on the left?
05:10I killed the one on the right.
05:11Oh, yeah.
05:18Three, two, one, go.
05:25I wanted to make sure he could watch.
05:31Grab some loot, dude.
05:34There's, like, nothing.
05:35Right stick.
05:36There's two things of iron ore right here.
05:40I looked at the other side.
05:41Are you ready?
05:44Pilot it, Captain.
05:48I like that it's the same animation for opening a door.
05:54Do you want to shoot the ballista?
05:56I almost just died on the ballista.
05:58I actually took a little bit of damage.
06:05I'm ready.
06:12That was sad.
06:18What, did it not do anything for you?
06:20No, it did nothing.
06:22It's in these moments of wonder that we realize how great Mother Nature is and how small we are.
06:30Although, in my case, there is no shortness of opportunities to appreciate my shortness.
06:37See what I did there?
06:43Yeah, the same animation for opening a door is the frickin' pilot thing.
06:48There's a person in here and some Kool-Aid you can open.
06:53Or, um, you know, spice.
06:55If you'd like.
06:59I'm trying something.
07:02He's sliding?
07:07He slid.
07:12They don't know, so just hide.
07:16I opened a door, they're coming in.
07:18Oh, shit.
07:19They shouldn't.
07:20They don't know.
07:21They won't find anybody, nothing.
07:25Oh, have a swig of Kool-Aid, my guy.
07:27Yeah, yeah, it's the purple stuff.
07:31Okay, Cosby.
07:34Yeah, yeah, man.
07:36It's the good, good stuff.
07:45Hey, hey.
07:53How does he know there's an intruder?
07:55Saw a body.
08:01What is that?
08:04Dude, you won't find sh...
08:10They're gonna walk over there, they ain't gonna find nothing.
08:22Nothing to report.
08:46What the?
08:51I just had to get him to look one way.
08:55Wait, is that you down there?
09:00Right below you.
09:02Oh, you pois... did you poison that well?
09:04No, I made some Kool-Aid.
09:31Wait, can we not make the poison stuff here?
09:36Or do I have to unlock it?
09:38Unlock it.
09:44I need to start doing that one, because that's an achievement.
09:51That Lion Punch is so good, dude.
09:54No, it's not.
09:59Lion Punch is for the devil.
10:02It is.
10:04You also gotta do acid traps to kill so many guards.
10:08So you gotta dissolve and do that.
10:10That really does add life.
10:24That guy's staring at...
10:25Oh, there's two in there.
10:54That almost went really bad.
11:09I see your kneecap, bro. Turn around.
11:14I knew I could trust you.
11:18Yup, I just needed him to fuck off.
11:33Did you open that and run away, hoping there was someone?
11:37No, I just opened it and ran.
12:03Remember, you can't kill them.
12:06Without stealing.
12:13Oh, shit.
12:29And that makes one.
12:30So you're called Carvo Atona?
12:34You're bringing dishonor on the name, dude.
12:52Shit, dude.
12:56Come back here, dude.
12:57Warm yourself on me.
13:01Warm yourself on my cock.
13:06You can only use it.
13:07It would get.
13:23No one knows, man.
13:35Oh, fuck.
13:36There's an acid barrel over here.
13:38I can get maybe one kill with it.
13:41Yeah, there's two guards over here.
13:43One that's looking at me is the one that walks around.
13:47And then there's one by the door.
13:50Okay, so he's going to circle back around.
13:56The odds of me dying from this are very high.
14:11Do they ever even get near each other?
14:14No, no.
14:15Do it.
14:20What is that?
14:21Who could have done this?
14:23They run to the guy, not to where the barrel came from.
14:30Sure am lucky it wasn't a ship.
14:33I didn't see him.
14:34I'm going to take it out.
14:46I would have kept loop-de-looing as weasel-like as I had to.
14:51I'm booby-trapping the bow.
14:53Alright, there's treasure right here.
14:55Pick it up.
15:03How did that work?
15:08Teamwork and luck.
15:11That was rough, man.
15:14Another barrel up top, see that?
15:16And there's a dude by the fire.
15:20Those stairs right there, anyway.
15:23What was that?
15:25Let's come over and check it out.
15:54Turn around, dude.
16:04People from inside.
16:24There's two big dudes, like, literally right here.
16:43You didn't see it.
16:44You didn't see it.
16:45You didn't see it.
16:46Oh my god, they follow each other.
16:54One's kind of fat.
17:14Upstairs is clear.
17:24This one guy...
17:28...had something on his butt.
17:30It looked like a scroll, but I don't know what it was.
17:34But he's not one of the steel guys, right?
17:37No, it could just be a loop or something.
17:47Fuck your face, dude.
17:59He didn't run off like I thought.
18:15He ran by the barrel. I'm dead.
18:24I can't find him anywhere.
18:38I couldn't find anything. He must have left.
18:41That was rough.
18:48Actually, after killing me, they should be like,
18:50Oh yeah, we killed him.
19:02I didn't see anything.
19:21Do you want to do this barrel kill or me?
19:24You can.
19:26Nevermind, you just got him.
19:28Wait, that was him? Where's the barrel?
19:30Oh, did you kick the barrel already?
19:32I told you he ran around the barrel.
19:34He was like right there, chasing me.
19:38Nah, it's when you kicked it, okay.
19:40Yeah, out of fear, hoping it would hit him, but...
19:45The two butt buddies are in here. I still gotta kill them.
19:57You didn't see nothing.
20:06Are you dead?
20:11No, not anymore.
20:19You can't.
20:24There's nowhere for me to go.
20:28Thanks, brother.
20:31Oh my god.
20:33They don't know where I'm at.
20:35I can see the guy through the window.
20:37That's why I'm punching so good, dude.
20:40Oh my god.
20:42Dude, where are you?
20:44I don't know. Down below.
20:50That was so rough, dude.
20:52Dude, he stabbed me.
20:56He threw a knife and it stabbed me.
20:58It hurt so much.
21:00What is it now?
21:04So, did you respawn?
21:06I didn't even die.
21:08You saved me.
21:12I just ran right past you.
21:14It worked.
21:16Where'd that guy go?
21:24Jesus, that was rough.
21:41This might be the end of me, brother.
21:49As they say, this can't be possible.
21:52Dude, if you would see how this dude is looking for me right now.
21:56Goodbye, brother.
21:59Did you die from fall damage?
22:01No, I died from falling.
22:06Did you see how he's over there?
22:10He walked over the top of the boxes to get to me.
22:12Oh, man.
22:14Dude, he didn't even climb.
22:16He just pulled a Goku and slid over.
22:23Well, now that he's stuck.
22:28He turned into goop.
22:34Alright, we gotta seal this, guys.
22:56I don't like hearing that.
23:06Where'd I go, AOL?
23:12Yeah, where'd I go?
23:29Yeah, both of you look down in the same area.
23:52How do you steal?
23:54You have to kill him.
23:56Or you have to have the pickpocket thing.
23:59You don't have the pickpocket skill.
24:02You can't steal it.
24:04No, I can kill him and just pick it up.
24:31No, I did it.
24:34Just look.
24:36Oh, my God.
24:50You make these situations terrible.
25:24Come on.
25:26Come on.
25:28Come on.
25:30I need this kill.
25:32Got it.
25:40They are high alert, dude.
25:48That guy's bugging out up there.
25:50The one that's still
26:08Wait, what?
26:18That's all
26:20It's not a good way to go.
26:31What? Are you in here?
26:35That guy just ran through.
26:47Were you down there?
26:51You almost got me, actually.
26:54I just wanted to kill that guy because he was just standing there.
26:59The carnage guy was coming out the door.
27:01That's the only reason why I left.
27:03This guy is a fucking menace.
27:06He's the one that was bugged out, I think.
27:11Right now, it's just the Sceptard.
27:21My ankle.
27:33Some good old Whomp punch for you to come back through.
27:38Dude, you're covered in it.
27:50What? I'm going to crash in singing Happy Birthday?
27:53Sneaking into the little trap door above the entrance is more my style.
27:58You can trigger it.
28:11Get out.
28:13As you wish, sir.
28:21Get fucked.
28:23You seem to have grown even smaller, little mouse.
28:26What the hell with you and your bullshit magic?
28:29A talking goblin, eh?
28:31Yeah, I can talk.
28:33Fuck you!
28:37Can you change into a sandwich?
28:39I skipped lunch.
28:41I'm sorry, sir.
28:43I'm sorry, sir.
28:45I'm sorry, sir.
28:47Can you change into a sandwich?
28:49I skipped lunch.
28:51Your resistance is remarkable.
28:54Nothing personal.
29:03So you're using Amber, are you?
29:06In fact, it is personal.
29:21What's going on?
29:22A goblin! He stole the scepter!
29:24Alarm! Alarm!
29:31I will find you, and I'll shove that scepter where the sun don't shine.
29:41I like how you got thrown out the window.
29:44Oh, you didn't? You bitch.
29:46I was still there.
29:50Ah, man.
29:52I remember this being a pain in the butt.
29:58That was smooth.
30:17Looks like someone else is hiding corpses in cupboards.
30:21Oh, you found it?
30:23Yeah, I found the center of this room.
30:26By accident, but...
30:47There's no exit from this way? What?
31:03Come on, game.
31:05Oh, bogus.
31:16How are you already up that high?
31:18I just walked across from the other ship.
31:23Oh my god, brother. Goodbye.
31:26I don't buy that for a second.
31:37I can't jump on this? No.
31:41Is there no easy way for me up?
31:44Not from here, no.
31:48No, you could just...
31:50You could just walk back.
31:52No, you can't.
31:54No, I can't.
31:56No, you can't.
31:58I can't!
32:00No, I can't!
32:02No, you can't!
32:04You can't!
32:06You can't!
32:08No, you could just jump off. I knew you were gonna say that
32:17Or I could just flee
32:21Did you just whistle no, I like climb down
32:33I'm dead
32:39I watched that. I wanted to try to get up there, dude. All right. I didn't want to feel rushed
32:48Yeah, I don't know if that actually works
32:59All right, this is where I was yeah yours one level below
33:05That dude is actually the one who killed you that crossbow dude or it's this one with the sword right here
33:10I think it's the crossbow dude. He put a cross bolt in my face area. Then. Yeah, it was definitely him
33:23He doesn't know he doesn't know
33:40Yeah, but now I got fear on how to get up man this boat is for hoes
33:47That's why you did so good
33:54That guy just
33:57Did you um kill that guy before what I left a corpse
34:04I've done this. There's nothing if he looks under here. That's bullshit
34:11Where is he?
34:24Why'd you come back
34:26What dude I I opened that door and walked over here. Oh
34:30See how far I weren't Jesus that was
34:36That would are you wait wait, but
34:42Shapeshifting elephant a thief. Well, I hope that Haldron will believe this
34:50Something wrong brother. No, no
35:0787 enemies
35:09There's no way
35:12That took us an hour and a half
35:16So a two-part mission
35:24We had 48 alerts Oh
35:33Oh just
35:40Hello, yes, my game lagged hard and I couldn't hear you at all made a weird noise
35:51So you want to do another one are you good for the night?
35:53I think I'm good, but I want to go back maybe to our hideout. Can we do that?
35:59Yeah, let me press
36:01Continue. Are you here? I think in front of her. Yeah
36:05You're not here
36:08I'm here now skills and stuff right here. I think we have a wardrobe too. Yeah, this is the base
36:15As long as we don't talk to her. Oh
36:20Yes, I want that oh wait the potion you
36:24Can forget right away too, which is actually kind of nice. Yep
36:38Shit it's expensive to get that. Oh, man
36:45Shit for that achievement though
36:54I got to the traps and the stupid solution
37:13All right, all right, I'm good I'm gonna save and quit I think all right