The Golden Wug Ep 7 Multi Sub

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02:40as a way to resolve this grudge,
02:41I have to go to visit her again.
02:46Oh, you are so warm-hearted.
02:48Does she need you to resolve the grudge?
02:52Oh, no!
02:53Mr. Huang took someone to the Luo family's house to cause trouble.
02:55We have to go now.
02:56Let's go.
02:58Wait for me!
02:59The toilet is being cleaned!
03:02Luo Ermei, get out of here!
03:07Are you going to do this?
03:08Don't hit me!
03:10Don't hit me!
03:12You've been harming me for three years!
03:14Lei Bi Zheng!
03:16I'm going to teach you a lesson today!
03:30What are you doing in broad daylight?
03:32Are you trying to scare me?
03:38I'm going to teach you a lesson today!
03:50Granny, please have mercy!
03:58They hit me!
04:00Good boy.
04:02I gave you a chance yesterday.
04:04If you meddle in other people's affairs again,
04:06don't blame me for being rude.
04:10You've never used a pet tree to harm anyone in your life.
04:12Why did you dirty your own hands?
04:18You meddle in other people's affairs
04:20just like Long Lao Lan.
04:24I hate you so much.
04:28Since you are her successor,
04:30why don't we have a competition?
04:32If you win,
04:34I won't hold you accountable.
04:36What do you say?
04:38Lu Zuo!
04:40Don't fall into her trap!
04:42If it were Granny,
04:44she wouldn't sit by and do nothing.
04:46I don't care what you do.
05:00Ignorant scum!
05:02I've been training for my whole life
05:04just to win over Long Lao Lan.
05:10what's my grandma's grudge against you?
05:12If it were Granny's fault,
05:14I would make it up to her.
05:16Make it up to her?
05:20You said it so easily.
05:22Forty years ago,
05:24Long Lao Lan occupied Jin Can alone
05:26and killed my husband
05:28and 37 other pet trees.
05:30How are you going to make it up to her?
05:46there must be some misunderstanding.
05:48I've been training to destroy Jin Can.
05:50I wouldn't do such a thing.
05:52Why isn't Master Xiao here yet?
05:58Master Xiao!
06:14This is Jin Can?
06:16Master Jin Can!
06:18Don't be impulsive!
06:24No wonder Jin Can is so weak.
06:28you haven't learned how to re-train yet, have you?
06:30Why don't you let me
06:32teach you a lesson?
06:34I'll teach you a lesson.
06:36I'll teach you a lesson.
06:38I'll teach you a lesson.
06:40I'll teach you a lesson.
06:42Why don't you let me
06:44teach you a lesson?
06:48Master Jin Can!
06:50The mountains are vast,
06:52and the sun is bright.
06:54My martial arts skills
06:56are unparalleled.
07:00This is not good.
07:02Hurry up and think of a way,
07:04Master Xiao!
07:12Long Lao Lan!
07:14Long Lao Lan!
07:16How dare you
07:18show up in front of me!
07:22what did she say?
07:24I'm Lu Zuo!
07:28I'm going to avenge my husband
07:30and get rid of you traitor!
07:34I'm going to avenge my husband
07:36and get rid of you traitor!
07:40Tianzhen is heartless,
07:42and will ruin anyone
07:44in his wake.
07:46Bro now,
07:48Jinsan will be craving Lu Ermei,
07:52you must help Jinsan waken up!
07:53It's easy as pie,
07:54it can't be that easy!
07:56You should take a look at Lu Ermei,
07:58if she has to shape up
08:00such a big obstacle for you,
08:02you're still not content with yourself?
08:04There's so many people
08:09fighting for the peace of this world.
08:09何必苦练千租一铳 You don't need to train for a thousand generations
08:12你的人不像人鬼不像鬼 You're not like a human being, not like a ghost
08:14起来 快点振作起来啊 Get up. Hurry up and get a hold of yourself
08:33我明白了 I got it
08:34若不杀你 If I don't kill you
08:36我如何去见死去的丈夫和同门 How can I face my dead husband and my friends?
08:42千鬼万种 同尊无耻 独王独上 尽归无身 A thousand ghosts and thousands of ghosts, no one is worthy of the throne
08:45独王独上 尽归无身 No one is worthy of the throne
08:53金蝉大人 回来 Mr. Golden Cicada, come back
08:54啊 没想到金蝉这么厉害 谁是失去意识 I didn't expect Golden Cicada to be so powerful. Who is losing consciousness?
09:15金光凝聚 镇压山轮 The Golden Light Converges, Suppressing the Mountain Tornado
09:24这就是虫树 这才是金蝉真正的力量 This is the caterpillar tree. This is the real power of the Golden Cicada
09:35好个后生 竟然当场就学会了虫树 What a good student, he learned the caterpillar tree on the spot
09:39萧大师 要不你冲进去吧 Mr. Xiao, why don't you rush in?
09:42没那个必要了 它已经成功变成小毒物了 That's not necessary. It has successfully turned into a small poison
09:48我们别打了 婆婆 您的身体已经 Let's stop fighting, Grandma. Your body is already...
09:51休要多言 今天就让我好好教教你虫师的规矩 Don't talk too much. Today, I'll teach you the rules of the caterpillar tree
10:03金光如显 纵横成风 The Golden Light Converges, Suppressing the Mountain Tornado
10:21金光如显 纵横成风 The Golden Light Converges, Suppressing the Mountain Tornado
10:39到头来 还是赢不了 In the end, we still can't win
10:44婆婆 您之前说的话还算数吗 Grandma, did what you said count?
10:49放心 老婆子既然输了 自当遵守诺言 Don't worry. Since Grandma has lost, I'll keep my promise
10:59多多 多多 为什么 到底是 Why is it... Why is it...
11:08别打了 别打了 求求你别打我了 Don't hit me. Don't hit me. Please don't hit me
11:18别打了 别打了 别打了 Don't hit me. Don't hit me.
11:34原来是我害了多多 使罗二妹走了 It was me who killed Duo Duo. It was Luo Ermei who saved me
11:40金子 给你 Gold, here you go
11:48没想到金蚕还有治病救人的法来 I didn't expect that the golden silkworm has a way of healing people
11:57多谢婆婆指点 Thank you for your advice, Grandma
12:00什么指点 不过是让你帮我救这丫头罢了 What advice? I just asked you to help me save this girl
12:05关于你外婆的事 其实我在试图控制金蚕的那一瞬间就已经明白 About your grandma, the moment I tried to control the golden silkworm, I already understood
12:14当年那些虫尸很可能是被金蚕的力量诱惑自相残杀 Those worms were probably seduced by the power of the golden silkworm and killed each other
12:31陆祚 我有个不情之请 Lu Zuo, I have a favor to ask you
12:35婆婆 Grandma
12:36我老太婆已经支撑不了几年了 My grandma has been dying for years
12:41能不能带她一起走 Can you take her with you?
12:48您放心 就算您不开口 我也会继续帮朵朵治疗的 Don't worry. Even if you don't say anything, I will continue to treat her
12:53不过愿不愿意跟我走 还要看她自己决定 But it's up to her to decide whether she wants to go with me
13:00朵朵 婆婆没有不要你 只是想让你好起来 养好身体 你就能说话 能帮婆婆干活 Duo Duo, Grandma didn't want you. She just wanted you to get better and get better
13:06你就能说话 能帮婆婆干活 到时候我们再一起回来 好吗 You can talk and help Grandma. We'll come back together then, okay?
13:36驾! Go!
14:06吹吹哒哒在两边 她也要过上海关 赶紧补血 不躲进火炬龙潭 红昨天 打个沙场野花开 日落青山派对派 阿妹送个猪粮 再约人带回京城 京城多秋变 年华多万千 大雾本朝天 各自走一遍
14:35随场新的歌 新规划连编 战队通典 刀法自然也 烽烟火烟 跨过京城 跨过京城