Funny video papa ki pariyaaa

  • 2 months ago
Funny video papa ki pariyaaa
00:00On the demand of the audience, here are the fashion styles of papa's fairies.
00:07First of all, look at this madam's fashion.
00:12What kind of a dress is this?
00:13It looks like she has gone to the market to sell some stuff.
00:20Now look at this madam's fashion.
00:22Oh brother, this is a very dangerous dress.
00:25If she wears this and comes in front of you at night, you will get a heart attack.
00:30It looks like a ghost is walking towards you.
00:35Look, you have seen a lot of papa's fairies.
00:38But these are papa's bats.
00:44Now look at this madam's fashion.
00:48It looks like she has worn a tire around her neck.
00:52What kind of people live here?
00:54Now look at this madam's fashion.