Saihate No Paladin Season 1 Episode 5 English Dubbed

  • 2 months ago
Episode 5: "The Paladin's Training"

Kaito, now determined to master his Paladin abilities, begins training with Lilia. She teaches him how to harness his powers, control his sword, and develop his combat skills.

As Kaito's training progresses, he faces challenges and setbacks, testing his resolve and determination. Meanwhile, the Nemesis continues to spread darkness, threatening the land and its inhabitants.

In this episode, Kaito's growth and development as a Paladin are showcased, as he learns to balance his strength and weaknesses. The bond between Kaito and Lilia deepens, and the stakes are raised as the battle against the Nemesis intensifies.

Get ready for action-packed sequences, humor, and heartwarming moments in this exciting episode!
00:00Stagnate is consumed by the desire to kill me or an even footing if I fight him now
00:18no the temple acceleratio it was all a bluff he was pretending to be consumed by rage
00:26and then threw up a cloud of dust it's blood and mary that he's really after
00:32come on let me get there in time please
00:39if i can believe what stagnate says maybe he considers me to be someone who's actually
00:43worthy of keeping an eye on but in the end that's not going to mean anything to an undead god who
00:49can live forever his priority right now is getting to blood and mary and then gus now that i have
00:56the divine protection of the goddess of light and can pray for her blessing i can return the three
01:00of them to the cycle of death and rebirth that's what he was being cautious about he weighed blood
01:05in mary's souls against the wrist that i pose and then he tried to play the fool
01:12that's what i was trying to do from the very beginning
01:42it's no use i won't get to him in time i borrowed the strength of a goddess and finally managed to
01:50stand on even footing with him but then i fell for a trick like that and now it's all over
02:07i don't remember seeing her before but i guess
02:20suddenly everything was clear to me mary had been forgiven all along
02:26mater never resented mary for a second
02:31mary didn't seek forgiveness even once nor did she ever expect lenient treatment that's why
02:37mater continued to watch over her and admonish her as she wished and she's kept that up for
02:42200 years never revoking her divine blessing until mary could finally forgive herself
02:49what mother wouldn't protect a daughter in danger who's devoted her life to worshiping her
02:56the earth mother mater that mary reveres is truly a great goddess in this moment
03:03mater has granted me grace field god of the light grant us all peace and guidance
03:09the divine torch drives souls into the cycle of death and rebirth
03:13but it still can't completely defeat stagnate so what i need to do is
03:19since these two aren't resisting the divine torch will guide them back to that cycle which means
03:25i have to protect them delay the cycle
03:33and in the moment when he erases my technique
03:51you should start off by learning how to use your minor magic more skillfully and accurately
03:56an exhilarating strike like that is far more gusty style than some magic that would erase his existence
04:30that's the kind of thing a third-rate villain would say god
04:41i swear on the light that is grace field
04:44that i will never become like you i will live right and die right
05:06etium sigillum
05:13i was way too close this overeater blade that blood gave me then gus mightily defeating the
05:20double of the echo as well as mary's earth mother mater buying me valuable time all these things
05:26that the three of them have given me the sword the magic and the prayer technique and most
05:32importantly the part that's my essential core as a person if i'd been without any one of them
05:39i never would have stood a chance it's all thanks to the goddess's divine protection
05:45and the three of them will i'm so glad you're all right mary
05:54me you did great thanks blood you might not share bloodlines but you're still the child
06:04of mary and blood it's only natural you could accomplish this yeah i did it i did it
06:14i protected them i'm here now with the three of them all righty then let's have a party we can
06:25celebrate will's victory and adulthood yes you're right cleaning up here can wait until another day
06:31well then in that case we'll have to break out the you know what from 200 years ago you mean
06:36that good stuff from the dwarves how long you been hiding that stuff old gus well it seemed like a
06:42waste to let a child drink it is it good can i have some even i would drink it if i had a corporal
06:48body you can fake it can't you old man we're celebrating yeah drink with us gus come on well
06:55you must be careful not to drink too much if you repeat what happened last time i won't show mercy
07:01again yes ma'am the same for you blood of course what on earth are you doing anyway this old man
07:09will go and get it i guess we should go too yeah huh mary and blood
07:24i guess we can't after all huh it certainly seems that way but that's how it goes we lost our
07:30attachment denied selling our souls to the god of the undead and insisted we wanted to remain undead
07:36we knew this could never last yeah that's for sure i wish we could be spared just one night
07:42but i guess that ain't happening to be honest graceville has been exceedingly easy on us
07:46under normal circumstances we might have vanished instantly what are you two talking about
07:53listen here will this is the end for mary and me you're joking right we're supposed to be
08:01celebrating don't be mean oh well you're a very clever boy and i'm sure you understand
08:13sorry about this we're really sorry
08:19can't anything be done i'm afraid not even if something could be done we mustn't do it
08:25it's like you said you gotta live right and then you can die right we got lost for a couple of
08:31centuries but one could just call that a detour besides parents should always precede their
08:36children in death this concept is one of the fundamental laws of nature yeah you're right
08:46i guess so but just this once i'm gonna say something i'm not supposed to
08:55i don't want to see the two of you die because i can't bear the thought of living without you
09:00i want to see both of you again when i can make it back here someday i want to duel with
09:06blood beat him and have him beat me i want to say silly things to each other
09:12i want to do chores with mary and hear her say that i've gotten better i want you to meet my
09:18children and my grandchildren someday and i want you to teach them lots of things too
09:24it's just cruel to say that you're going away now i don't want you to if you do go away
09:31i have no idea how i'm supposed to go on
09:35don't go i can't please find a way to stay change somehow
09:42hey there's no need to be selfish now blood is right will be reasonable
10:01it's the first time i felt like a dad in ages will was always such a good boy
10:05ever since he was a baby listen will even though we have to go away
10:10humans can live just fine as long as they eat and sleep you'll find something else to hold dear
10:16ultimately you'll go on living once you leave here you'll make a ton of friends go out and
10:23bag yourself two or three pretty girls you'll have all kinds of fun blood don't encourage him
10:28to be disingenuous now will you must be sincere both in love and marriage because you swore to
10:36the goddess of light as well as the fact you killed a god the path you'll walk is sure to be
10:41filled with a lot of troubles no doubt you will experience setbacks and be a target for unjustified
10:47criticism you may be betrayed by people you help your good deeds may be forgotten you may lose all
10:53that you had gained and you may end up with nothing but enemies even so love others unconditionally
11:01always do good things do not fear loss forgive all sins build don't destroy offer hope in despair
11:11and be a source of joy for others in sad times most importantly do all you can to protect the
11:17weak from any form of violence just like you did for us when you challenged the undead god for our
11:23sake okay oh dear will my william you'll always be our sweet child may the divine protection of
11:34the spirits of courage and the virtuous gods be with you forever listen move forward with
11:41faith in the results you'll achieve once a person makes up their mind they can do anything you might
11:47get lost in your own thoughts sometimes but don't get so stressed that you freeze in place
11:52i engraved the images of them and the words they said into my heart right then and there
11:58i will never forget them just like the light of the goddess i know they will always be there
12:04to light my path yeah ahem did i get here a bit too soon after that we all celebrated
12:19my victory and my passage into adulthood the first drink i had with all four of us together
12:24left a lasting impression it had a strong burn and rich aroma
12:50oh that day the holy light guided my parents back into the cycle of death and rebirth
13:04yep the view from right here is the very best there is
13:09mary blood i know you're not here anymore but i'll still come back just to let you know how
13:16things are going if i make friends or start a family i'll bring them here i'm determined to
13:22become an adult who can tell you with pride that your child is living really well so for now
13:30i'll be leaving for a while are you all done yeah by the way how come you didn't die as well
13:40that was cruel are you aware that you just wished death upon an old man
13:44you're evil oh you're booming me out but actually i was just thinking about how all of your wonderful
13:51treasures would be mine if you died you're an evil grandchild the evil grandchild just outed himself
13:57come on i only meant that all the money you have no use for would finally have a good use
14:02know what i'm saying grandpa yes fair enough fine take it
14:11what is all this it's all my treasure i'll lend it to you interest-free make it grow you hear
14:18but i mean stagnant money that never gets spent might as well be dead i don't like
14:23stagnant money lying around so you had better make good use of it gosh so i guess this is my
14:30last gift from gus not that i'll be passing on though for a good 10 years huh well you know
14:37there is still the matter of guarding the high king's seal i made a little deal last night with
14:41your goddess she granted me permission to continue wandering this city for at least 10 more years
14:47until the god of the undead regains his power what you heard me right it seems that i've become
14:54something like gracefield's erin boy but then what about merion blood as it turns out they
15:01decided they didn't want that they would only become more greedy and reluctant to end it
15:08if given 10 years they would want another 10 then another 10 and then to remain here at least until
15:15you pass on they knew they would naturally desire this so they consciously chose to die
15:21just like what you went through you tried to appear strong when you were really crying and
15:26screaming on the inside granting a position for that greed to just one old man is quite enough
15:34you really are rock and roll gus
15:40what will you do with the seal in 10 years it'll be up to you to figure that out
15:45if you can you're dumping that on me it seems that the worship of gracefield has gone out of
15:50style in the world outside she had to use a great deal of strength recently just intervening for us
15:57so the future of the goddess of light will depend on your efforts for sure i haven't even left and
16:03i have a ton more baggage physical and mental one of those hardships i'm destined to suffer
16:09in any case you're going to need some money go on and take it
16:13yeah it seems like i'm gonna have a lot to do so i'll accept it gratefully
16:34this is it i'm leaving
16:45say will since you will be going into the outside world you will need a last name to go by
16:52william is the name those two gave you so i thought i could be the one to give you a last name
16:57how about it okay sure thing then perhaps i'll hijack an old custom used by certain clans of
17:03elves and halflings they put the name of their two parents together to form their last names
17:09oh merry blood you are william merry blood william merry blood you will always have them with you
17:20wherever you are thank you gus i like that name a lot so cool you take care now okay i will
17:32oh and i'll add a g for my middle name you fool you don't need my initial
17:37what did you learn in those classes of yours well you are gus after all old man augustus is
17:44far too much work to spit out what a hopeless grandson you are well so long then goodbye
17:51william g merry blood see you again sometime okay guys goodbye
19:08i know
19:22i know
19:39hey fortress general you doing good it'd be perfectly natural for two warriors to introduce
19:47themselves say a few words before facing off but of course you demons are always so damn rude
19:59being told that by the likes of you must leave that demon at a real loss what a mean thing to
20:05say how's it going on your end i performed the funeral quite easily and stopped the transformation
20:11to the undead looks like old gus's group did just fine it appears that way in any case we've taken
20:20down the fortress it won't hurt anything for old gus's group to retreat the fortress general fell
20:25at the hands of so few anymore is just reckless don't praise me i'll blush i wasn't how many
20:33days will destroying the bridge over the grand canyon by us not few at the most we're never
20:38gonna get anywhere unless we can take out the high king gus seems like he has a plan in mind
20:44yep probably still a one-way street though there won't be any way back you are not coming that's
20:51rather sudden i'm a valuable asset in battle if you don't mind me saying so myself i know
20:57but you're still not coming seeing you die would make me sick what couldn't you at least add because
21:06i love you to a sentence like that it would be so gratifying for me like hell i'm gonna say
21:12something that irritating you really are hopeless you know that what if i refuse to stay behind
21:18i'll send you back even knocking you out i already got old gus's consent i see and i suppose it would
21:24be pointless to resist that's right your skills aren't bad but they're no match for the great and
21:29superior blood all right then how about this if you leave me here i'll kill myself on the spot
21:36you're what did you not hear me i said if i can't go with you i'll kill myself on the spot
21:42so you will take me along right that is so not fair you may be the strongest man there is around
21:48here but no man can win against a woman's resolve you're so damn stubborn man i landed one crazy
21:56woman we haven't even done anything and you're already calling me your woman listen mary if i
22:03return alive let's find some quiet peaceful place to get married okay i would love to
22:18i'd like to have a quiet house someday maybe on a hill with a view that sounds nice i'm sure the
22:24breeze would feel good and we could start a vegetable garden and if we end up having a kid
22:30we can ask old gus if he'd be willing to tutor them despite all the resistance he may put up
22:36i believe he would agree and if our kid turns out to be a boy i'll teach him how to fight between
22:42that and old gus's magic he can become the strongest man even stronger than me what do
22:47you think i would be terrified he'd turn out to be a strong and clever failure oh that's harsh
22:54and i suppose my role will be to teach him all of the smaller things in life
22:58our kid's gonna be adorable that's right what name should we choose i've got one for a boy
23:05i hope it's not some weird name it's a perfectly good name remember he'll be our kid so he'll
23:12probably have an unbending will and there's a name that means helmet of will william
23:18william what a fine name i really like it as well well my little boy