Rocky & Bullwinkle - Die Schneewittchen-Nummer

  • 2 months ago


00:00Some people are real lucky mushrooms, but Bullwinkle is not a human and he is not lucky either.
00:30Now that he has become a witness to a crime of the gangster king Fingas Narnnase, it is Bullwinkle's life-threatening duty to speak out against this monster.
00:38Of course, our friend made the news to the city council.
00:41So Bullwinkle, are you really going to speak out against Narnnase?
00:44Of course he will.
00:45You know what happened to former witnesses, don't you?
00:48Of course not, and that's even better.
00:50Aren't you afraid of him?
00:51But no, of course not. You're not afraid, are you, Bullwinkle?
00:54No, not the least bit. I don't even have a cowardly bone.
00:58However, my brave skeleton is covered by a lot of cowardly moose meat.
01:02Finally, there is a living witness against Narnnase. The prosecutor has been waiting for this for a long time.
01:08So, gentlemen, by the statement of Bullwinkle, we can lock up Narnnase for 90 or maybe even 100 years. At least life-threatening.
01:15Are you sure? They say that the moose should be a little underprivileged.
01:18He answered 186 on the question of how high his IQ is.
01:22That doesn't matter at all. Actually, only two things are important.
01:25First, that he makes the statement well.
01:27And second?
01:28That he lives long enough to make the statement.
01:30You roosters probably know why you're here.
01:33Of course.
01:34So you know that Bullwinkle wants to speak out against me.
01:36Of course.
01:37You also know that when I get to jail, I'll whistle at you all on the spot.
01:41Of course.
01:42All right, will it be a success or...
01:44A hit in the water.
01:46A hit in the water.
01:47A hit in the water.
01:48Okay, I want the moose to be flattened, damn it, flattened.
01:51So Narnnase was looking for a professional killer in the industry book that could be transferred to this task.
01:56And soon he was found.
01:58Yes, hello, am I speaking to Hinterhalt Harry?
02:00Not there, then give me an attack, Andy.
02:02Also on the way?
02:03How about revolver, Rolf?
02:05Excuse me, what?
02:06All killers are overloaded?
02:08That can't be true!
02:10Why do you never get a professional killer if it's really urgent?
02:13You called?
02:14Who are you?
02:15Boris Badenov at your service, sir.
02:17Are you a professional killer?
02:19Oh, how funny, if I'm a professional killer.
02:21Come on, tell him, darling.
02:22He's a professional killer.
02:23Can you kill the moose?
02:25Oh, how funny, if I can kill him.
02:27Come on, tell him, darling.
02:28He can kill him.
02:29I will kill him with pleasure.
02:31And if it's the last thing I do, I'll do it for you, Narnnase, because you are my role model.
02:35All right, then do your best, little one.
02:37What if you miss it?
02:39Don't worry, boss, nothing will be missed.
02:41Consider the moose as almost finished.
02:44There we are, darling.
02:45And how do you want to kill Bullwinkle?
02:47Are the witch's costume and the apple basket not a clue?
02:50Don't you want to pull through the Albanian Nevitin number with him?
02:53Yes, you're right.
02:54Just that I don't use an old-fashioned poison apple.
02:57There's a bomb in here that will tear the moose to pieces.
03:00You're brilliant, darling.
03:02I know, Natascha.
03:03Better step back so that no moose pieces fly around your ears.
03:07Yes, yes, the postman always rings twice, so that must be it.
03:12No, you don't look like the postman.
03:14You look like a little nasty witch.
03:16Good day, Bullwinkle.
03:17Would you like to buy an apple?
03:19An apple?
03:20I need the money because I want to give my mother-in-law a cruise.
03:23Only 15 cents.
03:24Just a moment.
03:25I have a feeling there's a worm in there.
03:27No, that's not a worm.
03:28That's the ignition cord.
03:29All right, then I'll take it.
03:30Here are the five cents.
03:32Fire, fire!
03:33Save me, who can!
03:34Will Bullwinkle eat this sparkling apple?
03:36We'll see, but at the earliest in the next episode.
03:42How are you, kids?
03:44A little chaos is quite normal.
03:48Who wants to be next?
03:52Those are absolutely cool guys.
03:55Oh, sorry.
03:56I just slipped out.
03:57How uncool.
03:59In Penguinhausen, hell breaks loose.
04:06Because there lives Dr. Slump, the greatest tinkerer and his robot.
04:10See you.
04:12Dr. Slump, today at 11.15 pm on Junior.
04:22On Junior, the post-op starts again.
04:28I've been waiting for this for so long.
04:31A lot of fun with your comic heroes.
04:37Did you just see that?
04:40All right, Junior.
04:41I'll hit the board for sure.
04:44Here are the coolest guys.
04:47I've just prepared a wonderful fun.
04:50There's a lot going on here.
04:52I see everything totally messed up.
04:54What are you sitting on?
04:55On your marks, get set, go!
05:01Fun and action of the finest.
05:03I have an idea.
05:07Guess where the funniest stories are.
05:10Exactly, on Junior, of course.
05:23Junior, we have to go, or we'll miss the party.
05:27I'm almost done, Jazz.
05:29Those stupid hairs.
05:31They just don't want to sit.
05:32I have to, I have to, I have to, I have to...
05:38Wow, thank you, Jazz.
05:40That's exactly how I wanted it.
