• last year
02:08Rishka khatid
02:12No, thank you
02:14Robot and as a dog
02:30Yeah, but it was to have a drug addicts
02:35Seductive to the city give me a bit of it's a harsher
02:42Jim's an image
02:49You're to do that you know straws of a din peter's key startup
02:55Yep, so hola criminalist
03:03I was none of them about this place to clean a meniscus on your porch
03:10Mom come back that's a good moment
03:20I'm a good idea to report
03:25Business Center Marvel's nighty
03:27I'm office machine companion. Oh, no, I'm just like this
03:37That's the moment
03:41But I hate you, but you know you do a bit like a truck truck
03:47But statistics as an approach in a impulsive not yet enough rustration
03:53Was by it going to die in a pubescent
03:58Kiki published in a gamet's a darling
04:01fantasia boobies
04:04That's a little insistent. Oh, yeah, what regular know how to come with the beach
04:11Where's the show a pod cut it could have been an objective is that some of your tail go ahead and talk about the Russian
04:16I'm funny muscular in this tea and
04:18We're as much a prism cook me to come in to know
04:23No, we're at
04:26Yes, I'll notice function
04:28In a miss LaVanya me if you're not cocky. You know, it's cold car. I said, come on. What is the word?
04:34It's a valid swim
04:42Russia but super asteroids on Mikhail Sukha mr. Prochamra but that was car
05:33Just fine
05:43Yet my device created by Lucio
05:53Could stretch this on
05:55bullets of us to you sip up ratless
05:58You have to touch it
06:00Never had you done with you?
06:03Yeah, I mean is now
06:06Could I knew what you need sir? I'm not
06:11Scores is a conscious
06:14I could it is nice
06:19But guys it's which I need you
06:24Need to know cook new rodents to live some of you
06:30Assume to be guys yet. Oh, there's much time to school as I don't know quite much it is
07:00Guess I should use my Zoya Diana. Yes. No, I don't go to this below
07:10Got Babushka show you a dish to a show. I'll meet at a lot book new ideas
07:19Yeah, but you talk me do it. You know, it's cool to have to be good at it. You know, it's not nice. I've got mama's lose it. No
07:26Spasibo, it's fine. It's a toy. Mosh. Yes. Oh, that's sure. Yes. It's nice
07:33Sushita was it my key to the past night not to a sweep it around. Oh, yeah. Can you say yes? Can you speak?
07:46What's the
07:48most of us to custom таким пахнет
07:51Let me can't go screw a boy. Oh
07:53Ruslan hoteti
07:55need a choice
07:57But mommy's a pecan key. There's a vampire slinky to go
09:20New-dash-new-fuck-a-rock was cuckoo to do a ski
09:54Got a hooch
09:57And a bitch in Chile
10:00Most of you have to rub it on my video. He lives to tell us. It is time
10:06Once a person would be to put her on a status of seeing Zoey
10:12At the o'hara Nikon's I met you at Serapin. I say
10:17What's this
11:19It would be the drug eat
11:21Let's go. Oh, I got a lot of this new
11:24smithly leash me
11:26Get me with Duma. If принимать поговори с врачом не пыли
11:31Зелененький мне больше нравятся как они звать что-то принимают
11:35Хрен знает как дед ну с этим не шутит ночь что-то как маленький кругом война
11:42Как маленький
11:46Рыбку не забудь покорми
11:49Зоя с приездом
11:53Тимофей я думала увидеть вас только в офисе решил встретить для удобства спасибо
12:03Перекусить не желаете тут неподалеку неплохая блинная кофе кофе
12:10Крепкий кофе ясно давай чемодан возьму я справлюсь спасибо
12:16Как брались могла быть и хуже орущие младенца напущенный мудак пытался мне склеить
12:27Довольно жуткое дело с этим душителен интересное необычное до
12:35Днем есть несколько любопытных противоречий
12:39Очевидно же что у убийцы есть склонность к никрофелин обальзамирование оно же значительно усложняет сексуальный акт
12:48Получается что эта фантазия довольно-таки сложно устроена у меня тут есть несколько интересных идей на этот счет
12:56Может быть мы это обсудим чуть позже не в таком людном месте
13:03Я нашел для нас симпатичную гостиницу в пяти минутах от офиса
13:11Естественно для вас отдельный номер всего на одну ночь спасибо если вдруг захотите переехать понятно спасибо
13:21Они пригласили местного эксперта
13:27Некого сафразьяна
13:29Знаете вы лично не знакома видела пару раз по телевизору
13:33По моему тот еще эксперт именно я слышал что вы
13:38классно отработали в деле косы
13:41Уверен вы произведите на них впечатление
13:44А дальше просто подыграйте мне хорошо
13:48Я знаю в каком направлении двинуть следствие понятным есть какие-то конкретные идеи
13:55кое-какие да но пока праксин верит дешевый фокусом мы будем
14:00тормозить и
14:02Вы хотите чтобы я помогла вам избавиться от сифразьяна да
14:07Самара говорит вы гениальный профайлер
14:10обычно льстят тем
14:11кого бояться
14:14вы меня боитесь
14:52Девушка у вас все в порядке воды не хотите
15:11Он оставляет тела в общественных местах и демонстрирует таким образом свое
15:17превосходство над силами правопорядка он упивается
15:21известностью которую получил в результате содеянного полиция получала какие-либо послания или пресса нет
15:27Тогда нельзя исключать что это просто элемент его фантазии может он наслаждается чувством опасности или эти места что-то для него значат
15:37признаков того что убийца жаждет получить известность или играют кошки мышки с полицией пока нет
15:43да он оставляет тела в общественных местах
15:46но ночью эти места абсолютно безлюдные там почти нет камер видеонаблюдения
15:52нужно сосредоточиться на позах в которых были найдены жертвы они
15:56Определенно имеют для убийцы какое-то значение
16:00Это ваша интерпретация
16:03но что ж у нас есть две противоречащие друг другу интерпретации
16:10Теперь нужно понять какая из них ошибочно
16:14Так давайте сосредоточимся на версии с которой мы все солидарны доктор сафразер
16:25What's going to it's a человек
16:27знаком с процессами бальзамирования он скорее всего работал или работает в похоронном бюро почему
16:35смысле почему вы согласны с этой версии
16:39Потому что это звучит вполне логично
16:42конечно звучит любая глупость будет звучать логично если произносить ее с умным видом
16:47Но если у нашего убийцы столь богатый опыт в бальзамирование почему ступня первой жертва разложилась
16:58А я вам скажу почему потому что убийца дилетант
17:02Он все еще изучает процесс вторая жертва была забальзамирована полностью
17:07Он учится на практике. Кроме того состав вещества во втором случае отличается
17:12убийца экспериментирует
17:14То есть можно смело исключить всех кто проработал в ритуальных услугах или морге хотя бы пару недель они как минимум знают азы
17:25Псевдоэксперты слетаются на громкие дела как мухи на дерьмо сбивают всех с толку и порождают массовую истерию от них один вред капитан
17:35Доктор сафразьян как раз такая муха
17:39Вы можете и дальше слушать его но он не поможет выйти вам на след маньяка
17:56Ну спасибо
17:58отлично вас методы
18:00простите за резкость
18:01но этот человек уже успел наговорить вам кучу глупостей вы потеряли драгоценное время по-вашему волох прав
18:08нам следует установить наблюдение за местами преступления в надежде что убийца туда вернется этот не вернется
18:22Да я знаю серийные убийцы часто возвращаются на место преступления обычно чтобы насладиться воспоминаниями об убийстве и заняться мастурбацией
18:31но в данном случае убийства совершались не там же где были обнаружены тела
18:37первая жертва убита в собственной квартире сомневаюсь что он туда вернется вторая была похищена на улице
18:42места где обнаружили тела не имеют прямой связи с фантазиями убийцы его будет тянуть туда где он убивал этих женщин
18:51устанавливать наблюдение пустая трата ресурсов
18:57Спасибо говно на вентилятор
19:00вы даже не представляете с кем вы связались он а отомстит и б страшно отомстит
19:07капитана еще одну нашу
19:24если что вам не обязательно находиться я знаю
19:28рассматривать фотки одно видеть труп своими глазами совсем думаете первый раз на месте преступления
19:35просто пытаюсь охватить всю картину и вы если честно не мешаете
20:04Тимофей Волох следственный комитет могу позаимствовать
20:10Ольга Иванникова очень приятно берите конечно и
20:15пусть ваша коллега тоже возьмет
20:19вы когда приехали
20:21полчаса назад тело обнаружили в десять тридцать
20:25а разве пляж был пустой почему отели сразу не сообщили ее просто не заметили
20:32все думали что она спит
20:35нашли что-нибудь интересное
20:38есть пара отпечатков но место сильно затоплено вряд ли это что-то даст в любом случае сделали снимки
20:44еще я нашла пару сигаретных окурков и использованный презерватив
20:50тут где ни копни примерно такой же улов будет
20:54спасибо вы не за что
21:03Это вы нашли тело
21:05да денис фельдман капитан но мне правда пора у меня бизнес какой бизнес я поставщик мясо от меня зависит магазина и ресторан
21:13если я задержу поставку сразу потеряю клиента вот такие вот у нас партнеры каждый за себя
21:20Время наступления смерти
21:23после вскрытия постараюсь сказать точнее
21:26но она задушена как и
21:29остальные жертвы
21:30вот видите
21:33стронгуляционная борозда горизонтальная
21:35выше щитовидного хряща
21:38удушение петлей скорее всего каким-то мягким предметом во сколько вы пришли на пляж я уже два раза отвечал на этот вопрос
21:45где-то около 9 почему вы сообщили о трупе только в 10.30
21:49Как я не знал что она мертвая я думал что она плачет
21:53не вы просто полтора часа смотрели как девушка плачет прежде чем подойти так а другие тоже не подходили
21:59ну я просто не хотел мешать ну это благородно
22:02спасибо вы свободны сейчас можете идти только из города не уезжайте мы с вами свяжусь
22:14как доход
22:16что же вы все про деньги да про деньги он москвич
22:24у нее кольцо да в морге снимут у ники у алиса не было украшений
22:31можно нет я бы не хотел чтобы осторожно
22:36она более гибкая чем остальные видите
22:55Линии загара нет
22:58ну может не загорала
23:01здесь линия загара есть
23:04ворот больше декольте глубже
23:06она проводила много времени на солнце возможно работала проституткой
23:11да или вело курьером или просто безработная
23:15просто любила гулять утром по пляжу в блузки на лямках ты понимаешь что нельзя делать я не делаю выводы
23:23предыдущая жертва тоже была проституткой группа высокого риска часто бывает главной целью серийных убийц
23:44Доктор Зоя Волгина. Московский психолог с дикими глазами и запредельным самомнением. Да, это личное. Устроим ей ад.
24:14Доктор Зоя Волгина. Московский психолог с дикими глазами и запредельным самомнением. Да, это личное. Устроим ей ад.
24:44прошите что задержался
24:53ничего страшного извините что не предупредила заранее не стоит извиняться я понимаю минуту скорби
24:58я не скорблю
25:00в смысле никто из моих родных не умер
25:02Зоя Волгина специальный сотрудник ИСК у вас ожидается 10 минут
25:11не понимаю чем я могу быть вам полезной
25:13I would like to talk to your balsamist, if it's possible.
25:17It concerns the killer, who the press called a robber-stoker.
25:20Ah, I heard, I heard. But personally, this nickname seems offensive to me.
25:24I completely agree with you. I am sure that the killer has never worked in ritual services.
25:30There are many commendable reviews on the Internet about your bureau, and I need a professional consultation.
25:36I want to understand the balsaming method.
25:39I will be very happy to help you.
25:42My name is Valery Abramson. I am the owner of this bureau.
25:46I am the chief balsamist.
25:49I have two more jobs, but I take on difficult cases.
25:55Tell me, how long does the process take?
25:58Well, it all depends on the condition of the body.
26:00Some are in worse condition, some are in better.
26:05I use both arterial and injection methods.
26:09To balsam the body, on average, it takes an hour or two.
26:14Can I show you some photos?
26:17Yes, of course.
26:22Why is your leg sprained?
26:25In order for the balsaming compound to flow and replace the blood,
26:30it is necessary to massage the limb.
26:33I don't think he did it.
26:35Or he didn't have enough patience.
26:37Or something, perhaps a small amount of blood,
26:40prevented the balsaming liquid from flowing into the left leg.
26:44And your killer just didn't notice it.
26:46I thought so.
26:48In addition, the mouth is a complete failure.
26:51What's wrong with him?
26:53The first two victims have a closed mouth.
26:56That is, it was sewn, and this victim does not have it.
26:59But I thought there was some symbolism in it.
27:02He kind of shuts their mouths.
27:04No, you don't understand.
27:06The mouth must be sewn,
27:08otherwise it will remain open and it will be ugly.
27:12In addition, pay attention to the expression of the face.
27:15She does not look rebellious.
27:17She looks surprised, even scared.
27:19I see.
27:21So he didn't get to this right away.
27:24Yes, but for an amateur, this is a very good job.
27:27Where could he learn this?
27:29All this can be found on the Internet.
27:31Although mistakes will be necessary.
27:33For example, pay attention to the edges of the lips
27:36and to this blackening.
27:38And on this and on this side.
27:40This is a decomposition.
27:42He didn't disinfect his mouth.
27:44He didn't put a cotton swab with formalin in there.
27:48The second time he definitely used less paint
27:51than in the first case.
27:53The skin is much more gray.
27:55Why did he use less paint?
27:57He experimented or the dye ran out.
28:00It took people an hour and a half on the beach
28:03to understand that the third victim is dead.
28:05Apparently, he learned.
28:08How flexible is the embalmed body?
28:11Not flexible at all.
28:13The preservative composition has a dull effect.
28:16The body can remain rigid
28:18even after the labor is over.
28:21And if you change the concentration?
28:25Yes, the body will become more flexible
28:27and will begin to decompose faster.
28:29How fast?
28:30It will not last for months,
28:32but weeks or even days.
28:34It all depends on the concentration of the composition.
28:37Would you like a cup of fragrant coffee?
28:41With pleasure.
28:54What's your problem?
28:56We publish a hateful article
28:58about the loudest crime
29:00since the time of Dostoyevsky.
29:02Do you think this is normal?
29:04Come on.
29:05There are disgusting details.
29:07A couple of comments from experts.
29:10My source is in the police.
29:12It's not a crime.
29:14It's not a crime.
29:16It's not a crime.
29:18It's not a crime.
29:20It's not a crime.
29:22My source is in the police.
29:24There is nothing to say.
29:26We make all the efforts.
29:28Blah, blah, blah.
29:29It's all bullshit.
29:30This is not information.
29:32And the readers don't care about the opinion of the experts.
29:34And what is their opinion?
29:38Ksenia Rapoport.
29:40Ksenia Rapoport.
29:41Ksenia Rapoport.
29:42This is her city.
29:43What does she think about this creepy man
29:46who turns women into mannequins?
29:49Ksenia Rapoport is not an expert
29:51on serial killers.
29:53Hello again.
29:54She doesn't need to be an expert.
29:56She is Ksenia Rapoport.
29:58She is one of us.
30:00Damn, we can make a series of articles
30:02about St. Petersburg celebrities.
30:04What do they think about this monster?
30:06She wanders around their favorite city.
30:08She hunts defenseless women.
30:10And so on.
30:12Some kind of nonsense.
30:14Of course.
30:15I'm not afraid.
30:22Do you know who needs to be asked?
30:25People on the beach.
30:28And you hit them.
30:30Mostly, of course, women.
30:32Add their text of photos
30:35in swimsuits.
30:37And ask a question.
30:39Let's say
30:41you came across another
30:43masterpiece of a smoker.
30:45Your reaction?
30:47So he's a genius sculptor now?
30:50Why not?
30:52It's an interesting angle.
30:55First, it's beautiful.
30:58you work well with touching stories.
31:01You are a master of sex scandals.
31:04But this is a monster.
31:06People want to know how the hunt goes.
31:08They want to read about cruelty,
31:10fear, death.
31:12It excites them, you know?
31:14But everyone does it.
31:16Everyone does it.
31:18That's why we do it too.
31:20What's going on with you?
31:25I'm begging you.
31:27Give me this topic.
31:29Give it to me.
31:30I'll do it.
31:31The thing.
31:34Do your job.
31:42Here, you son of a bitch.
32:29It's a good idea
32:31to set up surveillance.
32:34The killer won't come back.
32:38It's just your guess.
32:41I don't guess.
32:43I study the evidence
32:45and similar cases.
32:47Based on this analysis
32:49I make a conclusion.
32:51That's the point of my job.
32:53Thank you for enlightening me.
32:56By the way, about your job.
32:58Couldn't you behave more delicately?
33:00With Afrozyan.
33:02You should've moved him carefully.
33:04And you smeared him in front of everyone.
33:08And you should've worked with Praksin.
33:10By the way.
33:13I eliminated the obstacle
33:15that you didn't like.
33:18You asked me to help you.
33:20Am I confusing you?
33:22Are you trying to be a clairvoyant?
33:24While this psycho turns someone into a mummy.
33:29Instead of acting.
33:33I didn't support your idea
33:35because it's stupid.
33:37To do profiling
33:39it's not enough to read a couple of books.
33:41I understand your desire to prove to everyone
33:43and to myself that you're not empty.
33:45But you don't have to do it for my sake.
33:47If you want my support, trust me.
33:49I act fast.
33:55Terrible dog.
34:08Zoya, wait.
34:10Leave me alone.
34:14I just wanted to say
34:16that the girl was identified.
34:18Her name is
34:20Kristina Laevskaya.
34:22She works on the panel.
34:25A prostitute?
34:27Yes, you were right.
34:29And Praksin wants to interrogate her neighbor
34:31and asks if we want to join him.
34:35Or you're not interested?
34:38I'm interested.
34:40Try not to be late.
34:42I'll be waiting for you downstairs.
35:36When was the last time you saw Kristina?
35:38I think it was a week ago.
35:40And you reported her disappearance
35:42only the day before yesterday.
35:44Why did you wait so long?
35:46I don't know.
35:48She usually leaves.
35:50Kristina often disappears.
35:52They take her away for a few days.
35:54Why is that?
35:56She looks good.
35:58She has beautiful teeth.
36:00Do you know these clients?
36:04Who knows?
36:07Will you find her?
36:11We already found her.
36:15This morning.
36:43We're very sorry about your friend.
36:45She was killed by a man.
36:47Of course.
36:49Who else?
36:55I want to catch him before he kills her again.
36:57For this, I really need your help, Karina.
37:00Can you handle it?
37:03I know what to do.
37:05If the whore is gone,
37:07look for her in the ditch.
37:10But not Kristina.
37:12She's like Julia Roberts.
37:14She has such an aura.
37:16She has such a radiance.
37:18She was not born for this.
37:20Was Kristina also sitting on a mephedrone?
37:22Not like me.
37:24What was she like?
37:30She was kind.
37:32She was not a bitch at all.
37:34I got along with almost everyone,
37:36even the most vile ones.
37:38Did she wear a ring?
37:42A silver ring with a pink stone.
37:46No, she would have put it on a long time ago.
37:49Well, maybe she bought it recently.
37:53She didn't have rings.
37:56How did she dress?
37:58What kind of questions are you asking?
38:00She dressed like a whore on a mephedrone.
38:02Did she have a yellow shirt
38:04and a brown skirt?
38:09She would never have worn a yellow shirt.
38:12It's not her color at all.
38:14And she didn't have a brown skirt.
38:16She didn't.
38:19Thank you very much, Karina.
38:22Who do you take meph from?
38:24Sorry, I want to help, but I can't tell you that.
38:27Even if he killed your girlfriend
38:29and swore at her body?
38:31It's not him.
38:34Where did you last see Kristina?
38:37I went out the window with a client.
38:40She's not there anymore.
38:42Did anyone see who she left with?
38:47Did you see any suspicious people that night?
38:50They were all suspicious.
38:52Maybe someone stood out especially?
38:55Come on!
38:57There was one guy.
38:59He was a scary guy.
39:01He called everyone to his car,
39:03but no one went with him.
39:05What did he look like?
39:07He had tattoos all over his face,
39:09arms, neck.
39:11And you know,
39:13he had such a piercing voice.
39:15Did you remember the car's license plate?
39:19It was blue.
39:21The paint came off.
39:23And he persuaded Kristina to go with him?
39:28But she would never get into such a car!
39:33Tell me, please,
39:35where exactly did you work that night?
39:55I don't know.
40:26Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
40:34Oh, shit!
40:55Oh, shit!
41:09Young primates are developing.
41:17Are you going to have ice cream or pizzeria?
41:21I need to do something.
41:24What are you talking about?
41:26The girls are waiting.
41:28I forgot my English notebook.
41:31I'll run home and grab it.
41:34But the lesson is two hours away.
41:37You go, I'll catch up, okay?
41:40As you wish.
41:50Oh, shit!
42:20Oh, shit!
42:50Oh, shit!
43:55What are you doing here?
43:59Our math teacher got sick.
44:02I decided to take a ride.
44:04But don't tell my parents, okay?
44:06They'll kill my mom.
44:08Okay, I won't.
44:10We're friends.
44:12You can't disrespect your friends.
44:16Aren't you working today?
44:20We had a funny situation at work today.
44:24There was a fire.
44:26A fire?
44:27A short circuit, I guess.
44:30Did anyone get hurt?
44:32I don't think so.
44:34Well, the secretary almost burned to death.
44:38That's terrible.
44:40Don't worry, it's okay.
44:43I carried her on my arms.
44:46She was smoking, couldn't walk, and I carried her.
44:49It's okay.
44:55Did you put out the fire?
44:57Dad's institute is not far from here.
44:59Yeah, yeah, it's okay.
45:01Don't worry.
45:03We were all let go.
45:05So that tomorrow everyone is on their feet, got it?
45:08Selling goods over the phone is not a hobby for you.
45:15Look, you shouldn't walk here alone.
45:17Let me walk you.
45:19It's okay.
45:20Are you sure?
45:22Yeah, I'll be in town in five minutes.
45:27Bye, then.
45:33Bye, Bunny.
45:50What is he doing there?
45:55What's wrong?
45:56Can I sleep with you?
45:59Can I sleep with you?
46:01Yes, of course. Get in.
46:14Was Zhanna old?
46:17Zhanna, the one Mom knows. Was she very old?
46:21No, she wasn't old.
46:23But Mom told Dad that she died.
46:27Only old people die, right? Very old people.
46:31That shouldn't have happened.
46:33She died. Right?
46:38Yes, she did.
46:39Do you think I could die too? I don't want to die.
46:43Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you.
46:46Then I won't die?
46:49Only when you're very, very old.
46:52And you? Will you die?
46:54That's it. Go to sleep. I'll stroke your back.
47:37I warned you.
47:44Meet Zoya Volgina, a doctor of psychological sciences.
47:47A bold and experienced professional.
47:49What a fashionable word.
47:52And we pay our taxes for this shit.
47:54Look at the characters they send to the authorities.
47:58The shadow will tear you.
48:00And everyone who gets caught.
48:03And if she wakes up and you don't understand it,
48:07then it's a disaster.
48:09Many people walk like in a dream.
48:11They don't understand that everything is interconnected.
48:17Everyone wants to be unique.
48:19And we are unique only in one thing.
48:22That we can just take and kill a person.
48:28Just because it seemed so.
48:36Stop it.
48:49I'm sorry.
49:19Zoya Volgina
49:21Zoya Volgina
49:23Zoya Volgina
49:25Zoya Volgina
49:27Zoya Volgina
49:29Zoya Volgina
49:31Zoya Volgina
49:33Zoya Volgina
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52:01Zoya Volgina
52:03Zoya Volgina