Ehsaas Telethon - Muharram Appeal 2024 - 14 July 2024 - Part 2 - ARY Qtv

  • 3 months ago
Ehsaas Telethon - Muharram Appeal 2024

Fund raising from international community.

$185 for Hand Pump
$65 for Ration Pack

For Call: 1-718-393-5437
For Donation: 1-855-617-7786

Account Name: Ehsaas Foundation
Bank Name: Chase Bank
Account Number: 202535861
Routing: 021000021

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#EhsaasTelethon #MuharramAppeal #ARYQtv
00:00There is no God but Allah.
00:07Welcome back, viewers.
00:08After the break, you are watching the special
00:12Telethon Transmission Moharram Afeel 2024 on the platform of Aisaas.
00:17And this journey of Aisaas, this journey of love, this journey of serving the people,
00:22may Allah accept all the efforts that have been made
00:26and all the successes, surely it is Allah's mercy and His grace,
00:30with a sincere intention for the pleasure of Allah.
00:33If you do anything to reduce the pain of Allah's creation,
00:38to alleviate their pain,
00:43surely in this world and in the hereafter, you will get its blessings,
00:47its benefits, its rewards.
00:49So, once again, with this request,
00:52this program has been going on for the past one hour.
00:55The live transmission is being watched all over the world at the moment.
00:58And I would especially like to thank those rich people
01:00whose hearts are filled with the service of Allah's creation
01:04and they want, they have a passion,
01:07they have a feeling that we should feed the hungry,
01:10we should give water to the thirsty.
01:11And surely, these are the days of special Moharram
01:14when you have to express your love to Allah at every place.
01:19You have to express your love to Allah's Beloved.
01:22You have to express your love to Allah's Beloved at home.
01:25And that great martyrdom,
01:27that martyrdom of Karbala,
01:28which is being presented today by the entire Ummah Khairaj-e-Aqeedat,
01:33It is the right of all the personalities
01:36of the Ummah of Muhammad, peace be upon him,
01:39that by being in their domain,
01:41if they can do a good deed,
01:44if they can reduce the pain of someone,
01:46believe me, I often share this with you,
01:49that if you have been made the center of hope for anyone,
01:58then this is a great test and a great blessing.
02:02If four people are attaching their hope to you,
02:06then remember that the real hope is only and only from Allah.
02:12But if Allah makes someone a means and gives this blessing and opportunity
02:16that you become a means and become the center of someone's hope,
02:20and then Allah gives you this blessing and opportunity
02:22that you fulfill his hope.
02:25That is, if someone attaches this hope to you,
02:27that this is a pious person of Allah, Allah has given him,
02:30this person will arrange my water.
02:34The problem of food with me,
02:36the basic necessities are not available to live,
02:39the basic necessities are not available,
02:42this is the person of Allah who may reduce my pain.
02:45If Allah makes my problem easy,
02:47then believe me, Allah has given you a great blessing.
02:51So all those people who are involved in the journey of love,
02:56and present their contributions,
02:58may Allah give you a lot of pleasure,
03:00we salute you,
03:03and those people who have not yet taken a step forward in the journey of love,
03:09there is an invitation for them,
03:11that come with the spirit of serving the people,
03:12if you also have a pure heart,
03:14if you also want to spend from the wealth given by Allah,
03:16on the people of Allah,
03:19then this is the day when those sacrifices are being mentioned,
03:23where a six-month-old Azgar also gave up his life for the sake of Afrin.
03:28So we are not asking for the sacrifice of our lives,
03:31Ali Akbar, Ali Azgar,
03:33even a six-month-old child is offering his life.
03:39Today, no sacrifice of life is being asked for,
03:41Allah has given you an invitation,
03:44that if Allah has given you a service out of necessity,
03:48then we can give a little sacrifice of wealth,
03:51someone's problem will be easy,
03:53suppose someone spends 65 US dollars,
03:57and a ration pack reaches a family,
04:01where there are small children,
04:04such an environment in the house,
04:06that there is no one to take care of the children,
04:09suppose someone is unemployed in the house,
04:14there is no food available,
04:16if your ration pack reaches that family,
04:18they use it for the whole month,
04:20you tell me,
04:21how many people,
04:22how many days will they use it,
04:26how many prayers will come out of the heart for you,
04:30and Allah, the Lord of Glory,
04:31accept whose prayer is in your favour,
04:33and forgive you,
04:36and you get a gift from Allah,
04:38a glad tiding of forgiveness,
04:40what else do you need?
04:41Similarly, if you have installed a hand pump,
04:43now in the creation of God,
04:45how many people are there,
04:46who look like ordinary people,
04:48but who is the Fakir of Allah,
04:50who is close to Allah,
04:52how do we know,
04:52who has attained the nearness of Allah,
04:55and they drink water from the hand pump installed by us,
04:58and pray from the heart,
04:59that Maulana,
05:00who has installed this hand pump here,
05:01where water was not available from far,
05:04and if water was available from far,
05:06then it was so dirty and polluted,
05:09that even animals did not drink water from there,
05:11birds did not fly from there,
05:12and this man of God has installed a hand pump here,
05:16so let us pray for him,
05:17from whose heart,
05:18from whose tongue,
05:19may our prayer be accepted in our favour,
05:21may our prayer be accepted,
05:22the house of Allah,
05:23the mosque,
05:23if we become a means,
05:25if we build it somewhere,
05:27Aisaas has kept a very simple figure,
05:29if you donate 9500 US dollars,
05:32then Alhamdulillah,
05:33you can attain the greatest happiness,
05:36that from your side,
05:38the house of Allah,
05:39that is, the construction of the mosque,
05:40will be made possible in such an area,
05:43from the side of Aisaas,
05:45from the side of the whole team,
05:46that even after travelling far,
05:49people do not have access to a mosque,
05:51where they can offer their obligatory worship to Allah,
05:54then how great a charity is being done,
05:56whether you are in this world or not,
05:58and everyone knows,
05:59that today we are,
06:00tomorrow we will not be,
06:02so why not do something like this,
06:04it was discussed in the last program also,
06:07you saw Mufti Muhammad Nafis Quddusi Sahib was also present,
06:11Nafis Ahmed Khan Sahib was also present,
06:13and there was a discussion on this,
06:14that in this world we make a bank balance,
06:16and we do not feel satisfied,
06:18everyone tries,
06:20that now there are lakhs,
06:21after that there are millions,
06:22then there are billions,
06:24then there are trillions,
06:25but it is not enough,
06:26it does not seem like a full stop,
06:28whatever you are earning in your life in a lawful way,
06:32may Allah give you more blessings,
06:34more worship,
06:35we want that we and you,
06:37should also worry about this,
06:38that we are today, not tomorrow,
06:40so why not open a bank account of the hereafter,
06:43and just like we maintain our bank balance very strictly here,
06:48and we want our deposit to be more and more,
06:50our savings to be more and more,
06:51so why not the hereafter,
06:52which gives the message of eternal life,
06:55the life of paradise,
06:56which is a never-ending life,
06:58and is full of blessings,
07:00that the believer,
07:02after entering paradise,
07:04whatever he desires,
07:05he must have only thought about it,
07:07he must have gone through it,
07:08and that thing will be presented to him,
07:10Allah is the greatest,
07:11so this is not a deal of loss,
07:13if Allah has given you today,
07:15you are breathing,
07:16your heart is beating,
07:17so you have this opportunity today,
07:19you should not delay in doing good,
07:21if you are thinking about the hereafter,
07:24then understand,
07:25that the hurdle that Satan brings,
07:27and his work is to create doubts in your heart,
07:29he does not want,
07:31if someone builds a mosque in the house of Allah,
07:33standing up,
07:35the biggest tension is with Satan,
07:37if you want to send a ration pack somewhere,
07:40if you want to dig a well somewhere,
07:41if you want to install a hand pump somewhere,
07:43so if you have decided to do good,
07:45and you are true and firm in your intention,
07:47for the sake of Allah,
07:48you have to take this step immediately,
07:49you should not delay in doing good,
07:51the messages that we get from Karbala,
07:55in that,
07:56the smallest message,
07:58which can be very easy for a believer today,
08:03that if Allah has given,
08:05then provide ease for them,
08:07those who will be provided with ease,
08:09then more ease will be created for you,
08:11to ease the pain,
08:13to reduce the pain,
08:15to spread light on sad faces,
08:16the platform of feeling is present,
08:19and as much as possible,
08:22for the help of the poor,
08:23for the help of the poor,
08:26we will send ration packs,
08:27for which you have to give $65 for a ration pack,
08:31we will install hand pumps,
08:33for which you have to donate $185,
08:36and we will build a mosque for Allah,
08:38for which you have to donate $9,500.
08:41Mr. Nafis Ahmed Khan,
08:43let's have a discussion with you,
08:45whatever is the journey of feeling,
08:48you are with the whole feeling,
08:50with the passion of feeling,
08:51you are with it,
08:53may Allah accept it.
08:55Sir, what will you say?
08:56In the name of Allah.
08:57Mufti sahab has given such a good speech,
08:59and the way you have started it,
09:02it is a series of Muharram.
09:04Allah Akbar.
09:05It is a very beautiful couplet of Muharram Muhammad Ali Johar,
09:09that the murder of Hussain is actually the death of Yazid.
09:11No doubt.
09:12The murder of Hussain is actually the death of Yazid.
09:15Islam is alive after every Karbala.
09:18No doubt.
09:18So, good and bad times always came on Muslims,
09:22but Allah has created such Muslims,
09:26such commanders,
09:27from Hazrat Imam Hussain to today,
09:30how many of our commanders are there,
09:32Talauddin Ayyubi,
09:33Mahmood Ghaznavi,
09:34so these are the people who whenever Islam needed them,
09:39they offered their services.
09:41The feeling that has started this series,
09:43with reference to Muharram,
09:44with reference to Ramadan,
09:46with reference to Eid,
09:48the purpose is that those people who are living in such areas,
09:52they are living in such poverty,
09:53so now the situation is,
09:55they have come down from the line of poverty,
09:57the middle class has also ended.
10:00For them, such a big opportunity,
10:02such a big advantage has been given,
10:05for those people who are outside of Pakistan,
10:07those people who are scientists,
10:10whom Allah has given,
10:11and this is a test for them.
10:13Allah tests someone by giving,
10:15tests someone by snatching.
10:16What a good thing you said.
10:18This is not a crime of any human being,
10:21that he is poor,
10:22he was born poor,
10:23so no one will look at him.
10:24If he is rich, he will not be rich forever.
10:27Allah has given this opportunity,
10:28that let's see, let's see him,
10:30that he is thankful,
10:32and he takes care of his people.
10:34And if he is poor, he is patient,
10:37and he trusts in Allah.
10:39So then Allah will bless him in any way.
10:42So this feeling has tried to give such a great feeling to those people,
10:48that whoever wants, this is the time,
10:50we still have breath, we still have a chance,
10:54we are alive,
10:55do something,
10:56do something for those people,
10:58who are waiting,
11:00there is no water in such areas,
11:03and you put a pump there,
11:05make a mosque for them,
11:06send ration for them.
11:08So this is a very big opportunity,
11:09on behalf of the Aisaas Foundation,
11:11we extend our gratitude to the Aisaas Foundation,
11:15that they have given this opportunity to those people,
11:17who cannot do it even if they want to.
11:19So this is an easy way,
11:22that they send donations from there,
11:24and all this material reaches there,
11:26with trustworthiness, with honesty.
11:28Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
11:30So Allah says, give us the spirit of goodness,
11:33and enable us to do good deeds.
11:35Viewers, just being passionate is not enough,
11:37that I should have a lot of passion.
11:39Now, they say, there are many satanic whispers,
11:42now this also comes,
11:43that the difficulty is so big,
11:48they say, there is so much fire,
11:50if I put two drops, what difference will it make?
11:52Let the fire burn.
11:54You will not be asked,
11:56whether you put out the fire or not.
12:00You will not be asked about the result.
12:01You will be asked, whether you put water or not.
12:05Whether you tried or not.
12:08There is the mention of the bird,
12:10when the slogan of Nimrod,
12:11and in that, to burn Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.,
12:15which is being conspired,
12:18and at that time, he comes and puts drops of water in his beak.
12:23So, when the questioner asked, he gave the same answer,
12:26that I want to be included in that list,
12:28that when the slogan of Nimrod was there,
12:30I was included among those who put out the fire.
12:33So, this should not come from anywhere in our hearts.
12:34In fact, a small thing,
12:36let's talk about Mufti Sahib,
12:39that a person is standing on the shore of the sea,
12:42and the waves of water come,
12:44the waves of the sea come,
12:46and every time when they come and hit the shore,
12:48and go back,
12:50then hundreds of fish,
12:52leaving them on the shore,
12:55those waves of the sea,
12:56and a person is standing and doing the same thing,
12:58that as much as he can,
13:01he picks up the dying fish,
13:04and puts it back in the water.
13:06His work is only this,
13:07he picks up the fish and throws it in the water,
13:10he picks it up and throws it in the water.
13:12A person has been observing it for a long time,
13:15observing it,
13:17and then he comes close to it and says,
13:18listen to me,
13:20you are crazy,
13:22you have gone mad,
13:23you are such a stupid person.
13:26He says, what happened?
13:27He says that whenever the waves of the sea come,
13:30and hundreds of fish die and leave them,
13:35you pick them up and put each fish in the water,
13:38then the waves come,
13:39then hundreds go away,
13:41how will your work make a difference?
13:44So do you know what the person replied?
13:46He picked up a dying fish,
13:51and while throwing it in the water,
13:54he said,
13:55this dying fish,
13:57now it is getting life,
13:59whether it makes a difference to anyone or not,
14:01it is making a lot of difference.
14:06The six, eight, ten fish,
14:08whose lives were saved,
14:11the prayers that the fish are giving him today,
14:13he is doing this work.
14:14So, see, those who mislead, those who stop,
14:16they come up with a lot of things,
14:18but the one who is connected to Allah,
14:21who knows that this is the world,
14:23this is a test,
14:24just now Nafis Ahmed Khan Sahib said a very beautiful thing,
14:27that this is not the only class in the test,
14:29the pictures you are seeing,
14:31our brothers and sisters,
14:32the poor class,
14:33the poor, the poor class,
14:35this is not the only test.
14:37Every person whom Allah has blessed is also in the test.
14:40What is the difference?
14:41They are being tested on patience,
14:43and the one whom Allah has given,
14:45has given exception to the need,
14:46he is being tested on gratitude.
14:48So, it is necessary for them to be patient,
14:50and you, the generous people,
14:52the rich people,
14:54it is necessary for them to be grateful,
14:56and what is financial gratitude?
14:57That at least we should give so much sacrifice,
14:59that some ration bags should be sent,
15:01some hand pumps should be installed,
15:02and if Allah's house can be built,
15:04that is, the mosque should be built,
15:05Sir, your take, what would you like to say?
15:36So, now the question arises,
15:38that if someone thinks,
15:42about those souls of Qudsia,
15:44and this question comes to the mind of a person,
15:48that how does a martyr become alive?
15:54How does a martyr become alive?
15:57So, the question arises,
15:59that Allah is the system of power.
16:03When a person becomes a martyr in the path of Allah,
16:12the soul of that martyr is brought to Allah the Almighty,
16:16and Allah the Almighty,
16:18with His lights and manifestations,
16:20gives that soul a permanent life.
16:26In the same way,
16:28in the same way,
16:30when the sun falls on the earth,
16:35then it brings it back to life.
16:37No doubt.
16:39Now, what has happened to that martyr?
16:41Allah the Almighty brings him back to life.
16:44He gets a permanent life.
16:47Death is over.
16:48Wow, wow, wow.
16:50The question arises, how does it end?
16:53So, Allah the Almighty says in a hadith,
16:56The death of a martyr is such,
17:01that it is as painful as
17:05an ant or a mosquito.
17:08Allahu Akbar.
17:11Apparently, he is being cut into pieces.
17:13His head is being stabbed.
17:15But if he is being martyred in the path of Allah,
17:16then it will be as painful as an ant or a mosquito.
17:20Why is that?
17:21Now the question arises, why is that?
17:23That is because,
17:25one is pain,
17:30and the other is the feeling of pain.
17:32Remember this.
17:33Wow, wow, wow.
17:36One is pain, and the other is the feeling of pain.
17:39Now, where do you see an example of this?
17:41Come here and see an example of this.
17:43When the mention of Yusuf was made
17:50in front of Zulaikha,
17:51all the women there said,
17:54You are the wife of the King of Egypt.
17:57What slave are you to be afraid of?
18:03She said, okay.
18:04But when she heard the taunts,
18:05one day she called Yusuf and said,
18:09I have a request.
18:11This is the answer to those taunts.
18:12Yes, the answer to those taunts.
18:14I have a request,
18:16that some of my friends who taunt me,
18:20remove your mask and pass in front of them.
18:23Wow, wow, wow.
18:24That's it.
18:26After that, your work is done.
18:27It's done.
18:30Sir, she agreed to it.
18:35She invited her friends,
18:38gave them a knife,
18:40gave everyone fruits,
18:42and said, when Yusuf passes,
18:44start cutting this fruit.
18:46She was cutting the fruit,
18:49and Yusuf's beauty was so enchanted,
18:55that she said, by God,
18:57he is not a human being,
18:58he is an angel.
19:01When she was cutting the fruit,
19:04her hand was being cut,
19:06she was in pain,
19:07but she was not in pain.
19:09Wow, wow, wow.
19:09What an example.
19:11What can I say?
19:12Say this sentence again.
19:14She was in pain,
19:17but what happened?
19:19She was not in pain,
19:21because she was a believer.
19:23Now imagine,
19:24how will the martyr be?
19:27The one whose life
19:28the Lord of the worlds
19:30Himself will take out.
19:31When she saw Yusuf's beauty,
19:34her hand was being cut.
19:36The one whose life
19:38Allah will take out,
19:39he will not feel any pain,
19:42because he visited the Prophet.
19:44What can I say, Mufti Sahib?
19:45May you be safe.
19:47Allahu Akbar.
19:48The one who will be immersed in those manifestations,
19:50the one who will be in awe,
19:51how will he feel,
19:53what will be the pain of Allah,
19:54when the martyr will wish for it.
19:56He is alive, he is alive.
19:58Now come to me once.
20:00How is a person alive?
20:08He passed by a graveyard,
20:09which is thousands of years old.
20:12He saw that the graves were broken,
20:14and there was no Adam or Adam's wife.
20:18He kept thinking,
20:20how will the Lord of the worlds
20:22bring them back to life from the graves?
20:23There are no people in these graves.
20:27Suddenly, Allah sent death upon them.
20:32Death was sent upon them for a hundred years.
20:38He was thinking,
20:39when he was buried,
20:40Allah, as soon as he got up,
20:42said to him,
20:43O beloved,
20:44for how long will you sleep or die?
20:51He said,
20:54Allah said,
20:56for a hundred years,
21:00I will take your life.
21:03If you want to see that,
21:06if you want proof of my greatness,
21:08if you want evidence,
21:09then look at the food that you are carrying,
21:12and look at the bones of your donkey.
21:17You will know that the bones were as soft as his throat.
21:21The food was already safe.
21:23This is the system of nature to show.
21:25It was not rotten for a hundred years.
21:28That is, his being soft, rotten, alive, dead,
21:31is not dependent on years or time.
21:34This is nature, nature is divine.
21:36What can I say?
21:38This is the power of God.
21:40He does one thing at a time and shows it to people.
21:44Sulaiman A.S,
21:48who was the leader,
21:49he said to him,
21:50build the Aqsa Mosque.
21:53All of them are building it,
21:56and what are they doing?
21:57To observe them,
22:02one meaning of martyrdom is not to observe,
22:04but to be martyred,
22:06they are standing with their sticks.
22:12For a long time,
22:14all the Jinn had built it.
22:19But what happened?
22:20What happened was that when his stick was opened,
22:25a nail got stuck in it.
22:27His body fell off.
22:31When he fell, he was already dead.
22:32He had committed suicide.
22:34So he said,
22:35what does this mean?
22:36There is one more thing,
22:37I will tell you that too.
22:39the Jinn do not have knowledge of the unseen.
22:42Humans do.
22:43This is how it is.
22:45They kept thinking that Hazrat Musa A.S. is telling them to observe.
22:47Hazrat Musa A.S. has already done it.
22:49He fell,
22:50and after he fell,
22:52with that stick,
22:53he kept hitting his head,
22:54that we kept building it out of fear.
22:56We are tired.
22:59So what is it?
23:00This is the example of two prophets.
23:04And what will happen to Allah's beauty and beauty?
23:10If someone cuts his hand,
23:14looking at his beauty,
23:16he will not be able to cut his neck,
23:19looking at the beauty of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
23:21Subhan Allah!
23:22Subhan Allah!
23:24Basit Ali, you are ready, Mashallah.
23:27this is the end of our conversation, Mashallah.
23:30You have done a great job.
23:31So, to maintain this perfection,
23:33let us present the Hadith of Basit Ali,
23:37in the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
23:41In the name of Allah.
25:01In the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
25:07I say,
25:18In the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
25:25I say,
25:37In the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
25:49I say,
25:58In the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
26:06I say,
26:14In the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
26:25I say,
26:33In the presence of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
26:52Why should I go to heaven leaving Madinah?
27:10Why should I go to heaven leaving Madinah?
27:25If only I could find peace in the presence of my beloved.
27:44If only I could find peace in the presence of my beloved.
27:58If only I could find peace in the presence of my beloved.
28:19If only I could find peace in the presence of my beloved.
28:42Those who live after death go to the door of heaven.
29:02Those who live after death go to the door of heaven.
29:17Those who live after death go to the door of heaven.
29:44Those who live after death go to the door of heaven.
30:45Mufti Sahib, MashaAllah.
30:47Mufti Sahib, MashaAllah.
30:49Mufti Sahib, MashaAllah.
30:51Allahu Akbar.
30:53Allahu Akbar.
30:55Allahu Akbar.
30:57Allahu Akbar.
30:59Allahu Akbar.
31:01Allahu Akbar.
31:03Allahu Akbar.
31:05Allahu Akbar.
31:07Allahu Akbar.
31:09Allahu Akbar.
31:11Allahu Akbar.
31:13Allahu Akbar.
31:15Allahu Akbar.
31:17Allahu Akbar.
31:19Allahu Akbar.
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34:01Allahu Akbar.
34:03Allahu Akbar.
34:05Allahu Akbar.
34:07Allahu Akbar.
34:09Allahu Akbar.
34:11Allahu Akbar.
34:13Allahu Akbar.
34:15Allahu Akbar.
34:17Allahu Akbar.
34:19Allahu Akbar.
34:21Allahu Akbar.
34:23Allahu Akbar.
34:25Allahu Akbar.
34:27Allahu Akbar.
34:29Allahu Akbar.
34:31Allahu Akbar.
34:33Allahu Akbar.
34:35Allahu Akbar.
34:37Allahu Akbar.
34:39There is an unfortunate Pakistani
34:43who is a traitor of Pakistan.
34:45And he is not from this country.
34:47He is not from this country.
34:49Only once a week,
34:51ten times a day,
34:53the doctors make him do it.
34:55The mark of it comes out of his mouth.
35:01You know, viewers,
35:03there are many examples.
35:05They say,
35:07Life is made by action.
35:09Heaven and hell are made by action.
35:11This is not in your nature.
35:13It is not in your nature.
35:15The package that is being
35:17passed on to you again and again.
35:19So that this journey of serving the people,
35:21more and more contributions
35:23come from you.
35:25Brother Nafeez,
35:27a very simple package,
35:29which you always see,
35:31we convey to the viewers,
35:33that instead of a ration pack,
35:35you can install a hand pump.
35:37185 US dollars.
35:39You can build a mosque.
35:419500 US dollars.
35:43Such great sacrifices have been made.
35:45Now, if Allah has blessed you,
35:47you tell me,
35:49what should be the problem
35:51to contribute for these things?
35:53But still we feel that
35:55the way it is needed,
35:57surely people, their love,
35:59Mashallah, we are present here
36:01on the record,
36:03we always get encouragement and motivation.
36:05But still,
36:07it is a matter of the heart,
36:09what is the harm in sharing it with you?
36:11In such a large number,
36:13and with such passion,
36:15calls should come,
36:17people should come,
36:19and they should say that
36:21Allah has given us,
36:23you do it,
36:25send 10 ration packs from us,
36:27install hand pumps in 3 such areas
36:29where there is a severe shortage of water.
36:31Neither we are sitting here
36:33nor are we convincing you.
36:35I will say the same thing,
36:37it is our job,
36:39write your name in that list,
36:41that when the people of God were in pain,
36:43with the help of Allah,
36:45Allah gave them happiness,
36:47something or the other was broken.
36:49Which moment should pass
36:51for Allah to accept us,
36:53so that our work is done
36:55and our burden is over.
36:57Listen, my brother,
36:59there are thousands of people
37:01who roam in the jungles,
37:03I will be the one
37:05who will be loved by the people of God.
37:07So this is the time
37:09to love the people of God.
37:11You can see the situation all around,
37:13there are such innocent people,
37:15such poor people,
37:17who are yearning for water,
37:19for food,
37:21for prostration in front of Allah,
37:23but they do not have those opportunities.
37:25So the people whom Allah has given,
37:27those who will take care of my people,
37:29I will take care of them.
37:31If they take one step,
37:33I will run with them.
37:35So a better opportunity than this,
37:37and this month of Muharram,
37:39which reminds us of thirst, hunger,
37:41so a better opportunity than this,
37:43and a better feeling than this,
37:45can never happen,
37:47to those whom Allah has given,
37:49who are worthy of it.
37:51And I know there are many such people,
37:53it is not that people are stingy,
37:55but those who are stingy,
37:57those whom Allah has given ability,
37:59those whom Allah has given heart,
38:01those whom Allah has given wealth,
38:03they take care of the people below them,
38:05and should do so.
38:07A better opportunity than this,
38:09the feeling that Allah has given,
38:11is a beautiful opportunity for all those friends,
38:13avail it,
38:15and take care of those who are waiting for it.
38:17Those who are waiting for it,
38:19and if someone is waiting,
38:21and the same thing again,
38:23and the same thing again,
38:25and if someone is waiting,
38:27and the same thing again,
38:29and if someone is waiting,
38:31and the same thing again,
38:33and if someone is waiting,
38:35and the same thing again,
38:37and if someone is waiting,
38:39and the same thing again,
38:41and if someone is waiting,
38:43and the same thing again,
38:45and if someone is waiting,
38:47and the same thing again,
38:49and if someone is waiting,
38:51and if someone is waiting,
38:53and if someone is waiting,
38:55and if someone is waiting,
38:57and if someone is waiting,
38:59and if someone is waiting,
39:01and if someone is waiting,
39:03and if someone is waiting,
39:05and if someone is waiting,
39:07and if someone is waiting,
39:09and if someone is waiting,
39:11and if someone is waiting,
39:13and if someone is waiting,
39:15and if someone is waiting,
39:17and if someone is waiting,
39:19and if someone is waiting,
39:21and if someone is waiting,
39:23and if someone is waiting,
39:25and if someone is waiting,
39:27and if someone is waiting,
39:29and if someone is waiting,
39:31and if someone is waiting,
39:33and if someone is waiting,
39:35and if someone is waiting,
39:37and if someone is waiting,
39:39and if someone is waiting,
39:41and if someone is waiting,
39:43and if someone is waiting,
39:45and if someone is waiting,
39:47and if someone is waiting,
39:49and if someone is waiting,
39:51and if someone is waiting,
39:53and if someone is waiting,
39:55and if someone is waiting,
39:57and if someone is waiting,
39:59and if someone is waiting,
40:01and if someone is waiting,
40:03and if someone is waiting,
40:05and if someone is waiting,
40:07and if someone is waiting,
40:09and if someone is waiting,
40:11and if someone is waiting,
40:13and if someone is waiting,
40:15What is left in showing mercy to Allah by giving His gift?
40:21If a person takes money from his treasures,
40:23His treasures have no downsides.
40:25Allah will provide more to these people.
40:27What does Hazrat Imam Khan queremos de Marsa?"
40:29Look! Say Allah's Countenance is our lamp in the Heart of Allah.
40:33Look! Say Allah's Countenance is our lamp in the Heart of Allah.
40:35I am telling you a sign of satan from Maar.
40:39if satan is suspecting doing good in his heart,
40:44He should understand that this is the devil's whisper.
40:48What should he do?
40:50He should confront the devil himself.
40:55He should give him the opportunity to win over the devil.
41:04So that the devil does not overpower him.
41:09So that he is safe from the devil.
41:11So that he is safe from the devil.
41:16So that he is safe from the devil.
41:19He should give him the opportunity to win over the devil.
41:24Because the work of a believer is to defeat the devil.
41:29The devil should not surround him like a spider web.
41:35He should surround him. But how will he do that?
41:38He will do it through his actions.
41:41He will do it through his faith.
41:43If he has faith in his heart, he will spread his whispers everywhere.
41:49He will spread his whispers in his prayers.
41:52He will spread his whispers in his good deeds.
41:55He will say, forget it, I will do it after a while.
42:00I will pray after a while. The time is running out.
42:03If a person spends his time in prayer on purpose and does not pray...
42:13...he is committing a grave sin.
42:15That is one thing.
42:17Do you have time for this?
42:22You can look at it.
42:24No, no, look at it. If you have time, it is fine.
42:29If you have time, you can continue.
42:31If you allow me, I would like to present a poem.
42:35You are in a good mood.
42:37You are in a good mood to present a poem.
42:42I have prepared a beautiful poem in the presence of Huzoor.
42:46Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
42:49That city of love
42:56Where there is a Chosen One, that is the city to be built
43:10That city of love
43:14Where there is a Chosen One, that is the city to be built
43:28That city of love
43:32Where there is a Chosen One, that is the city to be built
43:42That city of love
43:46Where there is a Chosen One, that is the city to be built
43:56That city of love
44:00Where there is a Chosen One, that is the city to be built
44:09That city of love
44:14Where there is a Chosen One, that is the city to be built
44:19And when the Prophet asked,
44:24Did you leave your home?
44:29The answer came to the lips of Siddiq-e-Akbar
44:38And when the Prophet asked, Did you leave your home?
44:47The answer came to the lips of Siddiq-e-Akbar
44:56What is the status of wealth there?
45:05Where there is a desire to sacrifice one's life
45:15What is the status of wealth there?
45:24Where there is a desire to sacrifice one's life
45:33And that tiny little thorn
45:38That tiny little thorn
45:43Is saying this
45:47That tiny little thorn
45:52Is crying in the tent
45:57That tiny little thorn
46:01Is crying in the tent
46:06Is crying in the tent
46:11O Baba, I am not thirsty for water
46:20My heart desires to go to the well
46:30O Baba, I am not thirsty for water
46:39My heart desires to go to the well
