Surah Taha Full | سورة طه | Beautiful Recitation | Relaxing Recitation

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Surah Taha Full | سورة طه | Beautiful Recitation | Relaxing Recitation

#viral #Quran #Recitation
#most beautiful recitation
#surah al-Fatihah
#surah al-Baqarah
#surah Al-Imran
#surah an-Nisa'
#surah al-Ma'idah
#surah al-An`am
#surah al-A`raf
#surah al-Anfal
#surah at-Taubah
#surah Yunus
#surah Hud
#surah Yusuf
#surah ar-Ra`d
#surah Ibrahim
#surah al-Hijr
#surah an-Nahl
#surah Al-Isra
#surah al-Kahf
#surah Maryam
#surah Ta Ha
#surah al-Anbiya'
#surah al-Hajj
#surah al-Mu'minun
#surah an-Nur
#surah al-Furqan
#surah ash-Shu`ara'
#surah an-Naml
#surah al-Qasas
#surah al-`Ankabut
#surah ar-Rum
#surah Luqman
#surah as-Sajdah
#surah al-Ahzab
#surah Saba'
#surah Fatir
#surah Ya Sin
#surah as-Saffat
#surah Sad
#surah az-Zumar
#surah Ghafir
#surah Fussilat
#surah ash-Shura
#surah az-Zukhruf
#surah ad-Dukhan
#surah al-Jathiyah
#surah al-Ahqaf
#surah Muhammad
#surah al-Fath
#surah al-Hujurat
#surah Qaf
#surah ad-Dhariyat
#surah at-Tur
#surah an-Najm
#surah al-Qamar
#surah ar-Rahman
#surah al-Waqi`ah
#surah al-Hadid
#surah al-Mujadilah
#surah al-Hashr
#surah al-Mumtahanah
#surah as-Saff
#surah al-Jumu`ah
#surah al-Munafiqun
#surah at-Taghabun
#surah at-Talaq,
#surah at-Tahrim
#surah al-Mulk
#surah al-Qalam
#surah al-Haqqah
#surah al-Ma`arij
#surah Nuh
#surah al-Jinn
#surah al-Muzammil
#surah al-Mudathir
#surah al-Qiyamah
#surah al-Insane
#surah al-Mursalat
#surah an-Naba'
#surah an-Nazi`at
#surah `Abasa
#surah at-Takwir
#surah al-Infitar
#surah Al-Mutaffifeen
#surah al-Inshiqaq
#surah al-Buruj
#surah at-Tariq
#surah al-A`la
#surah al-Ghashiya
#surah al-Fajr
#surah al-Balad
#surah ash-Shams
#surah al-Layl
#surah ad-Duha
#surah ash-Sharh
#surah at-Tin
#surah al-`Alaq
#surah al-qadr
#surah al-Bayyinah
#surah Az-Zalzala
#surah al-`Adiyat
#surah al-Qari`ah
#surah at-Takathur
#surah al-`Asr
#surah al-Humazah
#surah al-Fil
#surah al-Quraish
#surah al-Ma`un
#surah al-Kauthar
#surah al-Kafirun
#surah an-Nasr
#surah Al-Masad
#surah al-Ikhlas
#surah al-Falaq
#surah an-Nas
#most beautiful recitation
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
00:05O Prophet, we have not revealed the Qur'an to you so that you may find it difficult to read it.
00:15But we have revealed it for the advice of the one who fears.
00:20He is the One who has created the earth and the high heavens, i.e. the Most Gracious,
00:27the One who created the earth and the high heavens, i.e. the Most Gracious,
00:31the One who is in the heavens, the One who is in the earth, the One who is between the two,
00:35and the One who is beneath the earth.
00:38And if you call out to Him, what will He say to you?
00:41He knows even the most subtle and the most hidden things.
00:46Allah is the Most Gracious,
00:49and there is none worthy of worship except Him.
00:51All His names are good.
00:53And have you heard of the condition of Moses?
00:56When he saw fire, he said to his family,
01:00Wait here, I have seen fire.
01:02I am going there.
01:04Maybe I will bring fire to you from there,
01:06or I will find my way from the place of fire.
01:10Then when he reached there, he heard a voice saying,
01:12O Moses, I am your Lord.
01:16So take off your shoes.
01:18You are here in the holy ground, i.e. in the well.
01:20And I have chosen you.
01:22So listen to whatever is commanded.
01:24No doubt I am Allah,
01:26and there is none worthy of worship except Me.
01:28So worship Me,
01:30and pray for My remembrance.
01:32The Day of Judgment is sure to come.
01:34I want to keep His time hidden,
01:36so that every person who tries
01:38can get his reward.
01:40So whoever does not believe in Him
01:42and follows his desires,
01:44if He does not stop you from believing in Him,
01:46then in that case you will perish.
01:48And O Moses,
01:50what is in your right hand?
01:52He said,
01:54This is my staff.
01:56I put a stake on it and
01:58spread leaves for my goats.
02:00And I have many other benefits in it.
02:02He said,
02:04Moses, put it on the ground.
02:06So he put it on the ground,
02:08and it began to run like a snake.
02:10He said,
02:12Hold it and do not be afraid.
02:14We will return it to its original state.
02:16And put your hand around your neck
02:18so that it will come out
02:20white and shining.
02:22This is the second sign.
02:24So that we can show you
02:26our great signs.
02:28Go to Pharaoh,
02:30for he is rebelling.
02:32He said,
02:34O my Lord,
02:36open my chest for this work,
02:38and make my work easy,
02:40and open the mouth of my tongue
02:42so that he may understand me.
02:44And appoint one of my family
02:46as my minister,
02:48and strengthen my back with him,
02:50and make him a part of my work,
02:52so that I may glorify you
02:54and remember you often.
02:56You see me in every condition.
02:58He said,
03:00Moses, your prayer has been accepted.
03:02And I did you another favor
03:04when I revealed to your father
03:06what you are told.
03:08It was that
03:10you put this,
03:12Moses, in the chest,
03:14and put this chest in the river,
03:16so that the river will put it
03:18on the bank,
03:20and my enemy will take it.
03:22And Moses,
03:24I have put love on you
03:26so that you may
03:28be raised before me.
03:30When your sister went to Pharaoh
03:32and said,
03:34I will give you his address,
03:36so that you may raise him.
03:38So we sent you to your mother
03:40in this way,
03:42so that her eyes may be cool
03:44So we delivered you from grief,
03:46and we tested you many times.
03:48Then you stayed in the people of
03:50Midian for many years.
03:52Then, O Moses,
03:54you came to an understanding,
03:56and I have made you for my work.
03:58So you and your brother,
04:00both take our signs,
04:02and do not be lazy in my remembrance.
04:04Both go to Pharaoh,
04:06that he is rebellious,
04:08and talk to him gently.
04:10Perhaps he will ponder or be afraid.
04:12Both said,
04:14O our Lord,
04:16we are afraid that he may
04:18be unjust to us or be more rebellious.
04:20Allah said, Do not be afraid,
04:22I am with you,
04:24I hear and see.
04:26Well, go to him and say,
04:28We are sent by your Lord,
04:30so allow the people of Israel
04:32to go with us,
04:34and do not punish them.
04:36We have brought to you
04:38a sign from your Lord,
04:40that whoever obeys the commandment
04:42will be safe.
04:44We have received a sign that
04:46whoever denies and turns away,
04:48the punishment is ready for him.
04:50So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh,
04:52and he said,
04:54Moses, who is your Lord?
04:56Moses said, Our Lord is the One
04:58who has given everything its form,
05:00and then showed the way.
05:02Moses said,
05:04So what happened to the first nations?
05:06Moses said, Their knowledge is
05:08what is written in the book.
05:10My Lord does not
05:12miss or forget.
05:14He is the One who made the earth
05:16a bed for you people,
05:18and made ways for you in it,
05:20and showered water from the sky.
05:22Then He created different plants from it,
05:24so that you yourself may eat
05:26and your cattle may graze.
05:28No doubt there are many signs
05:30for the wise in these things.
05:32We have created you from this land,
05:34and we will return you to it,
05:36and we will take you out again from it.
05:38And we showed Pharaoh
05:40all our signs,
05:42but he denied and denied.
05:44He said, Moses,
05:46have you come to us
05:48to take us out of our land
05:50with the power of your magic?
05:52Then we will also bring
05:54such magic against you,
05:56so set a time between us
05:58that neither we do
06:00against him, nor you.
06:02And this confrontation
06:04will take place on the battlefield.
06:06Moses said,
06:08it is a promise of a day of adornment for you,
06:10and that people should gather
06:12on that day as soon as the sun rises.
06:14So Pharaoh went back,
06:16gathered his things, and came again.
06:18Moses said to those magicians,
06:20this will be your destruction.
06:22Do not lie to Allah,
06:24He will destroy you with torment.
06:26And whoever lied,
06:28he was meant to be.
06:30So they began to quarrel
06:32and said,
06:34these two magicians
06:36want to take you out of your land
06:38with the power of their magic
06:40and destroy your best religion.
06:42So you gather the magic
06:44and then bring the chariot.
06:46The one who prevailed today
06:48was successful.
06:50The magician said,
06:52Moses, either you put your thing
06:54or we put our things first.
06:56Moses said,
06:58you put it first.
07:00Then their chariots and sticks
07:02began to come to Moses
07:04as if they were running
07:06in the field.
07:08At that time Moses felt fear in his heart.
07:10We said, do not be afraid,
07:12without a doubt you will prevail.
07:14And whatever thing,
07:16that is, the stick in your right hand,
07:18put it.
07:20Whatever they have made,
07:22it will come off.
07:24Whatever they have made,
07:26these are the hands of the magicians.
07:28You will not succeed.
07:30The magician fell in prostration.
07:32He said,
07:34we believe in the Lord of Moses and Aaron.
07:36Pharaoh said,
07:38before I give you permission,
07:40you should believe in him.
07:42No doubt he is your elder,
07:44that is, the teacher,
07:46who has taught you magic.
07:48So I will have your hands and feet
07:50cut from the opposite side
07:52and I will have you crucified on the bodies of dates.
07:54And you will know
07:56that it is going to be more difficult and longer.
07:58He said,
08:00the arguments that have come to us,
08:02on them and on the one who has created us,
08:04we will not give you
08:06preference at all.
08:08So whatever you have to order,
08:10give it.
08:12And whatever you can order,
08:14you can give it only in this world.
08:16We believe in our Lord
08:18so that he forgives our sins
08:20and also
08:22what you forced us to do
08:24and what you made us do.
08:26And Allah is the best
08:28and will always remain.
08:30Whoever comes to his Lord
08:32as a sinner,
08:34there is hell for him
08:36in which he will neither die nor live.
08:38And whoever comes to him
08:40as a believer and has done good deeds,
08:42there are high ranks for such people.
08:44That is, after always living,
08:46those who have rivers flowing below them,
08:48they will always live in them.
08:50And this is the revenge of the person
08:52who has been purified.
08:54And we sent to Moses
08:56that take our people out at night.
08:58Then for them,
09:00hit a stick in the sea
09:02and make a dry path.
09:04Then you will have no fear of being caught
09:06by the Pharaoh
09:08and no fear of drowning.
09:10Then Pharaoh followed them
09:12with his armies,
09:14so the waves of the sea
09:16climbed on them and drowned them.
09:18And Pharaoh misled his people
09:20and did not put them on the straight path.
09:22O people of Jacob,
09:24we have delivered you from your enemy.
09:26And to give you the Torah,
09:28we have appointed for you the right side of the Mount.
09:30And we have sent down on you
09:32manna and salwa.
09:34And we have commanded that whatever pure things
09:36we have given you, eat them
09:38and do not go beyond that.
09:40Otherwise, my wrath will descend on you.
09:42And on whom my wrath descends,
09:44he is destroyed.
09:46And whoever repents and believes
09:48and does good
09:50and walks on the straight path,
09:52I will forgive him.
09:54And, O Moses,
09:56why did you hasten to come before your people?
09:58He said, They are coming after me.
10:00And, O my Lord,
10:02I hastened to come to you
10:04so that you may be happy.
10:06He said, We have put your people
10:08in a test after you,
10:10and Samiri has led them astray.
10:12And Moses
10:14came back to his people
10:16and said,
10:18O my people,
10:20did not your Lord
10:22give you a good promise?
10:24Did you feel long
10:26after my departure,
10:28or did you want your Lord
10:30to send down wrath upon you?
10:32And so you broke
10:34your promise to me.
10:36He said, We did not break
10:38our promise to you,
10:40but we were burdened
10:42with their ornaments.
10:44And we put your people
10:46in the fire,
10:48and Samiri put them in the fire.
10:50And he made a calf for them,
10:52that is, a lifeless body
10:54with a voice of a cow.
10:56And people said,
10:58This is your Lord,
11:00and this is the Lord of Moses.
11:02But they forgot.
11:04So do these people not see
11:06that he does not answer them
11:08in any way,
11:10nor does he have any power
11:12over them.
11:14And your Lord is the Lord.
11:16So follow me,
11:18and do as I say.
11:20He said,
11:22Until Moses comes back to us,
11:24we will worship him.
11:26Then Moses said to Aaron,
11:28O Aaron, when you saw
11:30that they had gone astray,
11:32what stopped you?
11:34That is, why did you follow me?
11:36Why did you disobey me?
11:38He said,
11:40Until Moses comes back to us,
11:42do not hold my beard and my hair.
11:44I was afraid that you would say
11:46that you had made a mistake
11:48in the people of Israel
11:50and did not keep my word.
11:52Moses said,
11:54O Samiri, how are you?
11:56He said,
11:58I saw something that others
12:00did not see,
12:02so I took a handful of soil
12:04from the angel's map
12:06and put it in the calf's body.
12:08He said,
12:10Go, you have a punishment
12:12in the life of the world
12:14that you will be told
12:16not to touch me.
12:18And there is another promise
12:20for you, that is,
12:22the punishment
12:24that will not be able
12:26to avoid you.
12:28And look at the worship
12:30of the Lord
12:32you had gathered,
12:34we will burn it,
12:36and in this way
12:38we will tell you
12:40what has happened.
12:42And we have given you
12:44a book of advice.
12:46Whoever turns away from it
12:48will bear the burden of sin
12:50on the Day of Resurrection.
12:52Such people will always
12:54be involved in this punishment,
12:56and this burden
12:58will be bad for them
13:00on the Day of Resurrection.
13:02The day the trumpet will be blown
13:04and they will slowly
13:06say to each other
13:08that you have only lived
13:10ten days in the world,
13:12we know very well
13:14what they will say.
13:16At that time,
13:18the best guide among them
13:20will say,
13:24but you have only
13:26stayed one day.
13:28And O Prophet,
13:30people ask you
13:32to leave the battlefield
13:34in which you will not see
13:36any intoxication.
13:38On that day,
13:40people will follow the caller
13:42and will not be able
13:44to disobey him.
13:46And in front of the Lord
13:48the voices will become
13:52so you will not hear
13:54any voice
13:56except a soft voice.
13:58On that day,
14:00the one who is behind them
14:02knows him,
14:04and he cannot
14:06encompass the knowledge
14:08of Allah with his knowledge.
14:10And in front of that living
14:12being, the faces will hang
14:14and the one who took
14:16the burden of oppression
14:18was useless.
14:20And the one who does good
14:22and is a believer,
14:24he will have no fear
14:26of oppression
14:28or Allah will
14:30give him advice.
14:32So Allah, who is the true King,
14:34is the Most High,
14:36and the revelation of the Qur'an
14:38which is sent to you,
14:40before it is completed,
14:42do not hurry to read the Qur'an.
14:44And pray, O my Lord,
14:46give me more knowledge.
14:48And we had taken a covenant from Adam,
14:50but he forgot it.
14:52And we did not find in him
14:54the firmness of intention.
14:56And we said,
14:58Bow down before Adam.
15:00But all fell down in prostration,
15:02but Satan refused.
15:04And we said,
15:06Adam, he is the enemy
15:08of you and your wife,
15:10so that he may not
15:12drive you both out of the desert.
15:14Then you will be in trouble,
15:16where you will not be hungry,
15:18nor naked, nor thirsty,
15:20nor eat the sun.
15:22Then Satan whispered in their hearts
15:24I will tell you a tree
15:26which is the cause of eternal life
15:28and such a kingdom that
15:30it will never wither.
15:32So they both ate the fruit of that tree,
15:34and their shame appeared on them,
15:36and they began to stick
15:38the leaves of blasphemy on themselves.
15:40And Adam disobeyed the commandment
15:42of his Lord,
15:44so he became desperate for his purpose.
15:46Then his Lord blessed him,
15:48so he turned to him kindly
15:50and showed him the straight path.
15:52And he said to him,
15:54Go down,
15:56you will have many enemies,
15:58but if you are guided by me,
16:00then whoever follows my guidance
16:02will not be misguided
16:04and will not be in trouble.
16:06And whoever turns away from my advice,
16:08his life will be troubled,
16:10and we will raise him blind
16:12on the Day of Judgment.
16:14He will say,
16:16My Lord,
16:18why did you raise me blind?
16:20And he will say,
16:22This is what you should have done.
16:24When our verses came to you,
16:26you forgot them.
16:28In the same way,
16:30today we will forget you.
16:32And whoever goes beyond the limit
16:34and does not believe in the verses
16:36of his Lord,
16:38we will give him such a reward,
16:40and the punishment of the Hereafter
16:42is very severe and will always remain.
16:44So was this not a matter of guidance
16:46for these people that we had destroyed
16:48who live in these places?
16:50For the wise,
16:52there are many signs in this.
16:54And if once
16:56a criterion had not been set
16:58for your Lord
17:00and for the reward of deeds,
17:02then the descent of punishment
17:04would have been necessary.
17:06So whatever nonsense they say,
17:08be patient on it,
17:10and before the sun rises
17:12and before it sets,
17:14glorify and praise your Lord,
17:16and glorify Him
17:18even at night.
17:20And at different times of the day,
17:22that is, even in the afternoon,
17:24so that you may be happy.
17:26And many types of people
17:28whom we have blessed with
17:30the things of the world
17:32so that we may test them,
17:34do not look at them.
17:36And the sustenance
17:38given by your Lord
17:40will be much better
17:42and will remain.
17:44So be patient.
17:46We are not in need of
17:48sustenance from you,
17:50but we give you sustenance.
17:52And the good end
17:54belongs to the righteous.
17:56And they say,
17:58why did this Prophet
18:00not bring us any sign
18:02from his Lord?
18:04Did he not have
18:06the sign of the first books?
18:08And if we had destroyed them
18:10with a punishment
18:12why did he not send us
18:14to follow your commandments
18:16before we were disgraced and disgraced?
18:18Say that all are waiting
18:20for the results of their deeds.
18:22So you also wait.
18:24Soon you will know
18:26who are those who walk
18:28on the straight path of religion
18:30and who are those
18:32who find the way to heaven.
