[Eng Sub]Amnesiac Cinderella & the CEO Hubby [Part.1]

  • 2 months ago
Cinderella, amnesia, mistook CEO for hubby. Unexpectedly, not expelled, but deeply loved!
00:00:00What's next? It's our final collection. Starting bid, 30 million yen.
00:00:14I like it. Take it away then.
00:00:21I don't need a bastard like you. You are an indifferent person. You strike the Vanessa family.
00:00:26I'm done venting my anger. You've lost some weight lately. Does Henry mistreat you?
00:00:31Don't meddle in other people's business.
00:00:33You have time to vent your anger on me. Why don't you keep an eye on your boyfriend?
00:00:39Yellow Dragon Hotel 308?
00:00:45Mr. Cole, you said you love Miss Johansson all these years because of the Vanessa family's things.
00:00:51She have always been angry with you, treat you as a mortal enemy. Is it worth it for you to do this?
00:00:57You're a wild child without parents. You don't deserve to play with us.
00:01:00He is not a wild child. If you keep teasing him, be careful or I'll call the teacher.
00:01:10From now on, I'll protect you.
00:01:13As long as she's willing to talk to me, it doesn't matter.
00:01:22What are you two doing?
00:01:26Erin, have you had enough of this?
00:01:34What should I do? What should I do?
00:01:36Call 120.
00:01:43Miss Johansson, tell me you're not faking amnesia because you can't afford your medical bills.
00:01:49You're her friend, right? That she has lost her memory.
00:01:54Your honey's family is our, Denver's aristocratic family, the head of the Cole Group, August.
00:01:59Why don't you ask him for money?
00:02:02Mr. Cole, never get close to women. Moreover, it belongs to Vanessa family's hostile company when the time comes.
00:02:09Before getting off work, no new plans are given to me. All of you, get lost.
00:02:13Yes, Mr. Cole.
00:02:19Miss Johansson, what do you do today?
00:02:22You hurt Mr. Cole last time, and now his hands are still wrapped in gauze.
00:02:34Um, what are you doing?
00:02:36Every time you come to the company of Mr. Cole, you would break an antique sooner or later.
00:02:42One out of three.
00:02:43Sooner or later? One out of three?
00:02:48Honey, it was all my fault in the past.
00:02:52We understand each other. The most important thing is to live a good life.
00:02:59Why does everyone look so surprised? Could it be that our wedding news is not announced?
00:03:04Yesterday, you fought with me. How about today?
00:03:08Could it be that you are quarreling with Henry? Are you trying to use me to piss him off?
00:03:13You're injured.
00:03:19I was in a car accident. I owe the hospital.
00:03:22200,000 yuan?
00:03:25You have to help me pay this. Otherwise, I will be blacklisted by the hospital.
00:03:34Miss Johansson finally has a favor to ask of you. Stand up.
00:03:43All right, I'll take you there.
00:03:57You still can't stand up?
00:03:59Look at the situation. My honey probably doesn't like me.
00:04:02That's why he married me in secret. I must hide my amnesia well.
00:04:05Otherwise, someday he throws me away.
00:04:07My medical expenses later, but what should I do?
00:04:11The doctor said after Miss Johansson was hit by a car, she lost her memory.
00:04:20Should we inform Vanessa's family about this?
00:04:24Don't worry. Erin is doing this for Henry. She has already broken ties with her family.
00:04:29The Vanessa family has said that they wouldn't care about her. First, block the news.
00:04:34We can't block the news now?
00:04:36The Vanessa family is right behind us.
00:04:46Erin, does your physical examination report come out?
00:04:51Just a slight concussion. I'll go over there.
00:04:57Let the secretary go on your behalf.
00:04:59So hot. Aye.
00:05:02Aye. Aye.
00:05:04Aye. Aye.
00:05:06I want to the bathroom.
00:05:09Go to the bathroom.
00:05:16There's a bathroom over there. Get closer to this place.
00:05:20Yes, a little closer.
00:05:22A little closer?
00:05:25Lord, I'm looking at Mr. Cole. That woman's figure beside him seems like Miss...
00:05:29Where is Erin now?
00:05:31Ever since she found out about Cole Group dealing with our Vanessa Group, she has cut off all ties with August.
00:05:35How could they possibly get together?
00:05:39What are we doing in the big villa, honey?
00:05:43Do we have a party?
00:05:45This is our home. Have you forgotten?
00:05:49Our home?
00:05:51No wonder I am willing to marry him in secret.
00:05:54I have to make my relationship with him public. I can't get his heart. I have to get his money.
00:05:58Honey, at the home, why are there only my photos? Where are our wedding photos?
00:06:14You once said you wanted that the first thing I can see every day I wake up in the morning is you.
00:06:21The wedding photos take up too much space, so I had them put away.
00:06:27But I really want to see them. I think hanging our wedding photos here would make us look especially close.
00:06:39Makes sense. I'll have them sent over.
00:06:42Why have them sent over?
00:06:43I don't know.
00:06:51The wedding photos are at another house. You said the 2,000 square meter house was uncomfortable and too small.
00:06:58I can be quite demanding.
00:07:03You are so good to me.
00:07:05Just like when you were a child, you still act cute.
00:07:08But if you regain your memory, will you still treat me this way?
00:07:14Rest here for a while. I'll have the wedding photos sent over right away. Wait for me.
00:07:29Miss Vanessa, your wedding photos with Mr. Cole. Please check them.
00:07:38We took so many wedding photos.
00:07:41There are two more truckloads on the way.
00:07:43That? That's too much.
00:07:46Mr. Cole? He hired the Italian hen?
00:07:52Henry's team for the photo shoot.
00:07:55Um, put these three over there and the rest in the storage room.
00:07:59Got it.
00:08:01Step one of going public with our marriage is a success.
00:08:13Why do I have the same expression in every photo?
00:08:18What are you doing?
00:08:24What are you doing?
00:08:26What are you doing?
00:08:39This man sits in the office every day. Why is he still in such good shape?
00:08:44Please wipe your saliva away.
00:08:50I am not drooling at all.
00:08:56You still refuse to admit it. You used to like touching my muscles.
00:09:02Aaron, don't be seduced by a beauty.
00:09:05Mr. Cole? Mr. Cole? The star and moon group.
00:09:12I'm sorry. I have something to do. I'm leaving now.
00:09:21You really practice well.
00:09:24Nice. Feel it again.
00:09:27I... Is that okay?
00:09:34Pain, pain, pain, pain.
00:09:37Let's get down to business.
00:09:39Madam's star and moon group. Didn't we buy it? Their boss?
00:09:45In the future, you don't have to ask about this kind of thing.
00:09:48Also, I give you three minutes to bankrupt Johnson Group if they ask.
00:09:51Just tell them. Don't mess with someone you shouldn't have.
00:09:59What? This is my memo?
00:10:04He gives me a similar feeling to one. I decide to try it with him.
00:10:12Maybe I like...
00:10:16Someone else. He is just a substitute.
00:10:26I spend New Year's Eve with Aaron, he mentions. I break up with my family for him.
00:10:31This relationship? It's time to end this.
00:10:36I mean, it's been so long since my family came looking for me.
00:10:40Aaron, Aaron, you are really a lovesick brain.
00:10:47No way. I need to speed up the disclosure of our relationship.
00:10:51Get his money as soon as possible.
00:11:03Aaron, tomorrow is the welcome banquet. For the new president, it'll be held at star and moon. You must come.
00:11:27Who are you? Stop joking. I'm your best friend, Euphemia.
00:11:31You posted that WeChat moment on purpose yesterday, didn't you?
00:11:34She really is my best friend. She even knew that.
00:11:37But your photo editing is too fake.
00:11:39That person you edited yourself with is the president of the Cole Group, who has immense power in Denver.
00:11:45How could he be interested in ordinary people like us?
00:11:47Oh, isn't this Aaron Vanessa, who failed to win over Henry Johnson and now fantasizes about the Core Group president every day?
00:11:55Some people really think that by editing a photo they can consider themselves the president's wife.
00:12:00Hey, Wendy Xavier, look who's here.
00:12:03Is Henry Johnson here today to confess his love to you?
00:12:07Henry Johnson, that name sounds so familiar. Could it be that he is the one I truly like? Henry?
00:12:15I know I was wrong. She seduced me.
00:12:19Henry, how could you say that?
00:12:22This is Henry Johnson? Was I blind before? In what way was this man better than August Cole?
00:12:29And it sounds like he's entangled with Wendy Xavier, sir. Please behave yourself. I already have a husband.
00:12:35Are you trying to bring me down by becoming someone else's woman?
00:12:38Are you trying to bring me down by becoming someone else's woman?
00:12:42And lying that you are married to the president of Cole Group, don't forget, the Cole and Vanessa families are sworn enemies.
00:12:49So what? August knows how to respect women much more than you do.
00:12:53Fine. Then make a phone call to him and prove it to us all. If it's true, I'll kneel and kowtow to you ten times.
00:13:00I'll make the call. Who's afraid?
00:13:05Today's meeting is mainly about...
00:13:27How could the battery die at a time like this?
00:13:32Mr. Cole, Mrs. Cole went to the Star and Moon Group for the welcome banquet prepared for you.
00:13:39And her ex-boyfriend, Henry Johnson, brought a bouquet of flowers to reconcile with her.
00:13:44Meeting cancelled. Please order me a ten-carat diamond ring, ten villas, and a luxury yacht. Do it immediately.
00:13:51Aaron, Vanessa, does Mr. Cole know about you? Who knows how many men did you sleep with to get the phone number of Mr. Cole?
00:13:57Aaron, Vanessa, I know you want to find a man better than me, but you should consider if you're worthy.
00:14:04Really? Not everyone deserves to send me flowers. Especially someone as arrogant as you.
00:14:12Aaron, Vanessa, what attitude is this towards Henry? Don't be ungrateful.
00:14:17Do you like them?
00:14:20Keep them if you do.
00:14:22Aaron, Vanessa, do you care so much about my relationship with Wendy? I've told you many times. She's just my sister.
00:14:29He says the same things. As August Coles, indeed, all men in this world are not good. Stop. Stop. I don't care.
00:14:36If she's your sister or whoever I married, please don't bother me again.
00:14:40Could it be that Iz was someone else? Wim May Johnson Group? Go bankrupt? I was right about Aaron, Vanessa. She couldn't have such power.
00:14:48Alas, Wendy, I remember. You're a manager at Star and Moon Group. How does your company handle employees who spread rumors about having an affair with the president?
00:14:59Of course they get fired. If this reaches President Xi's ears, no one in Zhang Cheng will dare to hire her.
00:15:06Reaches Mr. Cole's ears, no one in Tomoville will dare to hire her.
00:15:10Did you hear that? Get out of here now.
00:15:12Madam, these are a gift from Mr. Cole.
00:15:19A 10-carat diamond ring. Ten properties. Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Ferrari. They're all yours.
00:15:29I tell him everything. I don't like these things every day. He gives me these things as a gift.
00:15:34Mr. Cole said that if it's not enough, let's add more.
00:15:37Where is August now?
00:15:38He'll be here soon.
00:15:40Ah, Aaron, you're really good at acting. The diamond ring? Real estate? It's all fake, right? Also, you look for this actress? That's exactly what happened?
00:15:50Aaron, stop putting on an act. Do you have the ability to invite Mr. Cole to act with you?
00:15:56Henry, you're so shameless. You and Wendy, what a perfect match. What a disgusting way. You two are exactly the same.
00:16:03You can't say that. Aaron becomes Henry's mistress. That's known to everyone. Wendy is the true love.
00:16:09Shut up! Who allows you to speak to madam like this?
00:16:13Hey, buddy. How much money does she give you? I'll give you double. Stop acting with her.
00:16:20Ouch, ouch, ouch. Pain, pain, pain, pain. Shut up!
00:16:24Aaron, are you crazy?
00:16:26Control your dog. Don't let it get out of control.
00:16:28Shut up!
00:16:30Aaron, are you crazy?
00:16:32Control your dog. Don't let it get out there and bite someone.
00:16:35Aaron, I'll kill you.
00:16:37Look at that, everyone. Isn't that Mr. Cole coming?
00:16:51I'd like to take a look. Who is so bold? How dare you touch my woman?
00:16:59Darling, sorry, I'm late.
00:17:03Aaron, she really is married to Mr. Cole?
00:17:07He is quite dependable.
00:17:12Let me introduce him to you. This is my husband, August Cole.
00:17:16Aaron, you and Mr. Cole look like a perfect match.
00:17:22Really? You just said I was daydreaming and that I had delusions.
00:17:29Sorry, we didn't recognize you. I apologize for offending you.
00:17:33It's all Wendy's fault. She always spoke ill of you to us. That's why we misunderstood you.
00:17:38The company is not a place for gossiping and spreading rumors.
00:17:41Star and Moon Group doesn't tolerate idleness.
00:17:44Go to the HR department tomorrow. Settle your salary and then leave.
00:17:48Mr. Cole, the phone meeting starts in five minutes. You'll need to attend it.
00:17:52Aaron, take a rest here. I'll come to you after the meeting.
00:18:02If you dare to trouble Aaron again, the Johnson Group will face more than bankruptcy.
00:18:12Is the Johnson Group's bankruptcy really related to Aaron?
00:18:15When did Aaron get to know such a big shot?
00:18:17Aaron, do you really believe that you and Mr. Cole are married?
00:18:22What do you mean?
00:18:24Actually, that day at the hospital, I lied to you.
00:18:27I just wanted to see you embarrass yourself unexpectedly.
00:18:30Mr. Cole regarded you as a mistress?
00:18:33What nonsense are you talking about?
00:18:36You think too highly of yourself. You're just a bitch who will never be treated seriously.
00:18:43What are you doing?
00:18:45What are you doing?
00:19:10Darling, I bought you your favorite strawberry cake.
00:19:15August, how much longer will you continue to deceive me?
00:19:27Could it be that she has recovered her memory? Do you know I am lying to her?
00:19:32Aaron, listen to my explanation. I don't lie to you on purpose.
00:19:38Wendy tells me everything. I don't marry you at all.
00:19:41I searched the whole house. I cannot find our marriage certificate.
00:19:45What? That's it? That's all?
00:19:53You have other things to hide from me?
00:19:58Since we are not married, then there's no need for us to live together.
00:20:01Ah, darling.
00:20:05Have you forgotten at that time?
00:20:08Because you don't want to divorce me, so you tear up the marriage certificate.
00:20:12Ah, you must have forgotten, right?
00:20:21Could it be that I was afraid that August would run away?
00:20:25That's why I am so determined. I really dig a hole for myself.
00:20:29Jumping in, whoops. Such an important thing. How could I forget? I'm just...
00:20:35I'm just...
00:20:40No way. We have to get a new one.
00:20:43If we haven't marriage certificate, that group of people wouldn't believe it?
00:20:47Honey, I am wrong in this matter.
00:20:53Let's get another one, shall we?
00:20:55All right. Why don't we go today? Let's go now.
00:20:57Mr. Cole, your marriage with your wife, if the Vanessa family knows...
00:21:02At this critical moment, if the Vanessa family knows, they would intervene.
00:21:07I'm afraid that something might happen to the plan.
00:21:10But Ms. Johansson's brother?
00:21:12What's wrong with her brother? After this matter is settled...
00:21:17We are going to get married. Just a few months earlier.
00:21:20You are so happy.
00:21:22Of course I can't believe in...
00:21:26They're still here.
00:21:29For this, we go home.
00:21:31Ah, Aaron.
00:21:34Let's keep our marriage...
00:21:36...a secret for a while.
00:21:39Only in this way can I protect you from your family.
00:21:42I don't want you to get hurt.
00:21:44I don't want you to get hurt.
00:21:46I don't want you to get hurt.
00:21:48Only in this way can I protect you better.
00:21:57In this way no one would know.
00:21:59I already took the marriage certificate photos anyway.
00:22:02It's enough to deal with that group of people.
00:22:12Aaron, Vanessa, brace yourself.
00:22:14Although you can't get love for now, you must get the money.
00:22:18I need to let all the employees of August Cole's company know my identity?
00:22:28What's up?
00:22:31You're going to the company today, right?
00:22:36I took the day off today.
00:22:38Can I go to work with you?
00:22:41You're still very weak. Get some rest.
00:22:48I'll miss you at home.
00:22:51Just take me with you.
00:22:53Could it be that Aaron actually cares about me a little now?
00:23:02But if you're not feeling well, you must tell me.
00:23:08Let's go.
00:23:12I thought I'd have to coax him for a while.
00:23:14I didn't expect him to agree so quickly.
00:23:18Sit here for a bit first.
00:23:20This is the president's seat.
00:23:22It's not appropriate for me to sit here, right?
00:23:24What's inappropriate about it?
00:23:26You are the president's wife.
00:23:28You can even sit on the president's lap.
00:23:32Or even sit in the president's chair.
00:23:36Then I won't stand on ceremony.
00:23:40Do you like durian?
00:23:42Do you like durian?
00:23:45I love it so much.
00:23:47It was just air-shipped from abroad.
00:23:49You eat first. I'm going to a meeting, and we'll be back.
00:24:05Mr. Cole...
00:24:07Ms. Barks is back from abroad.
00:24:09She said that she wanted to meet with you.
00:24:11If you have any questions, just find an excuse to turn them away.
00:24:14Oh, okay.
00:24:16Don't let my wife know about this.
00:24:24Today is quite a big gain.
00:24:27August Cole...
00:24:39Who are you?
00:24:41Why are you sitting in August Cole's seat?
00:24:46I'm Erin. May I ask who you are?
00:24:48You don't even know who I am.
00:24:50Should I know you?
00:24:52Our miss is one of the four major families, the Miss of Barks family.
00:24:56Where do you come from? A coarse person?
00:24:59You don't even know her.
00:25:01I think it is. Someone important?
00:25:03Cut the crap. Get down from August's seat now.
00:25:06How dare you be eating durian in his office?
00:25:09Don't you know that he hates durian the most?
00:25:11But I like to eat.
00:25:15I eat durian in my honey's office.
00:25:17It's none of your business.
00:25:19What, honey?
00:25:23Have you no shame?
00:25:25When does August get married?
00:25:27I think you are close to him at first.
00:25:31It seems that the relation between you and him is getting worse.
00:25:33It seems that the relation between you and him is just so-so.
00:25:36He doesn't even tell you that he is married.
00:25:39Stop trying to sow discord.
00:25:42A woman like you who wants to hook up with him, I've seen too much.
00:25:47Look at you. Out of breath.
00:25:49Do you want me to make a call?
00:25:51I'll call an ambulance for you.
00:25:53How dare you? I'll beat you up.
00:25:55So painful, right?
00:25:59What are you waiting for? Throw this person out.
00:26:02Who dares to touch my woman?
00:26:10Honey, if you have come any later, I am bullied.
00:26:14Don't worry. I'm here.
00:26:18August, please tell me. Who is this woman?
00:26:21Isn't it obvious?
00:26:23This is my wife.
00:26:27How do I not know?
00:26:29When did you get married?
00:26:31Do I have to report to you? On everything?
00:26:34Could she be the girl I mentioned in my memo?
00:26:38Apologize to my wife.
00:26:40You know, August,
00:26:42I have loved you for so many years.
00:26:45I drove away every woman in your life.
00:26:48I was already the designated Madam of Cole Group.
00:26:52Get me back here. What do I see?
00:26:54Get me back here. What do I see?
00:26:57How could you turn hostile so easily?
00:26:59How could you protect her like this?
00:27:01A temptress appeared out of nowhere.
00:27:04Don't talk nonsense.
00:27:08Do you want to do this?
00:27:11For many years,
00:27:14I have given Barks' family so many resources.
00:27:16Our two families have been friends for so many years.
00:27:19You do this for her. Don't you care about anything?
00:27:21Ms. Barks.
00:27:23I'll say it one last time.
00:27:25It doesn't exist,
00:27:27the resources that Barks' family has given to Cole Group.
00:27:30It's your Barks' family who visits every year
00:27:33to ask to cooperate with the Cole Group.
00:27:36If you don't believe it,
00:27:38Ms. Barks can go back and ask for confirmation.
00:27:51From now on,
00:27:53if you give irrelevant person,
00:27:55no one is allowed to enter the company.
00:27:57Please, Ms. Barks.
00:28:04She left. Aren't you going to give Chase?
00:28:08Why should I leave Darling here,
00:28:10go after an insignificant person?
00:28:12In the diary, I was always left behind.
00:28:14Why is the situation a little different?
00:28:18Erin, would you like to come to work at Cole Group?
00:28:20You are in the Star and Moon Group.
00:28:22I'm worried.
00:28:25Maybe he is afraid that I would expose my relationship with him,
00:28:28so he wants to lock me up by his side, doesn't he?
00:28:30I won't let you get what you want.
00:28:34Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
00:28:37Between a couple,
00:28:39it's also necessary to keep a proper distance.
00:28:42You maybe don't get it?
00:28:46Erin, come to the company quickly.
00:28:47Bastard Shaw is getting angry again.
00:28:50I have something to do at the company.
00:28:52I'm leaving now.
00:28:54I... I...
00:28:57What are you looking at?
00:28:59The staff also needs to keep a distance from the boss?
00:29:08Erin, the plan you made is simply rubbish.
00:29:10It has caused our company a significant loss.
00:29:12Do you know that?
00:29:14I don't.
00:29:15It's said that she is now Mr. Cole's mistress,
00:29:17but she pretended to be virtuous and chaste.
00:29:19Will Mr. Cole's mistress be different from other women in bed?
00:29:21I have checked my plan many times.
00:29:23There's nothing wrong with it.
00:29:25Mr. Olsen, where did I go wrong?
00:29:27Your entire plan is wrong.
00:29:31But when we...
00:29:33determined the overall direction,
00:29:35you didn't say that it wouldn't work?
00:29:37How dare you!
00:29:45How dare you talk back to me?
00:29:47I'm just telling the truth.
00:29:50You made a serious mistake this time.
00:29:52I am sure that you will be fired, but...
00:29:55But what?
00:29:57If you sleep with me for one night
00:29:59or secure the project with the Young's Group,
00:30:01I'll consider letting you go.
00:30:06It's useless for you to glare at me.
00:30:08You think you can avoid taking responsibility
00:30:10for the mistake you made?
00:30:13Give me the contract of the Young's Group.
00:30:15Are you sure you want to do that?
00:30:17It's none of your business.
00:30:32Erin, are you alright?
00:30:34Margaret didn't do anything to you, did he?
00:30:37Margaret gave me three days
00:30:39to secure the project with the Young's Group.
00:30:41The CEO of the Young's Group is a lecher.
00:30:43Margaret, that jerk,
00:30:45is clearly trying to put you in danger.
00:30:47You must not go, Erin.
00:30:49I have no choice.
00:30:51If I don't go, I will lose my job.
00:30:53Isn't August your lover?
00:30:55I mean, your husband.
00:30:57Why don't you ask him for help?
00:31:05I can't keep bothering him like this.
00:31:07My memory hasn't recovered yet
00:31:09if he gets tired of me quickly
00:31:11and wants to divorce me.
00:31:13Forget the property.
00:31:19Mr. Young, drink it.
00:31:25Hello, Mr. Young.
00:31:29When does this come to?
00:31:31A beautiful girl.
00:31:33Come in brother's arms.
00:31:37Hello, Mr. Young.
00:31:39I am Cole Group's Erin of Planning Department.
00:31:45I never hear you.
00:31:47Mr. Young, this is the project contract.
00:31:49I come here this time mainly to
00:31:51talk about the contract with you.
00:31:53How can you sign a contract not to drink?
00:31:55If you don't drink, you don't give us Mr. Young's face.
00:32:11Mr. Young, can we talk now?
00:32:14I'll trust your sincerity for now.
00:32:20not enough.
00:32:23Mr. Young, it seems that you
00:32:25don't want to negotiate the contract.
00:32:27Let's talk another day.
00:32:31Mr. Young,
00:32:33I'm sorry.
00:32:35I'm sorry.
00:32:37I'm sorry.
00:32:41don't go.
00:32:44What do you mean by this?
00:32:47Don't be ungrateful.
00:32:49If you serve me well, I would
00:32:51sign the contract for you
00:32:53and I'll give you extra money.
00:33:02I'm in the mood today.
00:33:04No matter who you call, it's useless.
00:33:06Don't touch me.
00:33:09August, I am so scared.
00:33:14Behave yourself.
00:33:16Are you planning to take it off yourself?
00:33:18Or should I help you
00:33:20take off her clothes?
00:33:22Take off her clothes for me.
00:33:28Who dares to touch my woman?
00:33:35Isn't that Mr. Cole?
00:33:36What brought you here?
00:33:38How dare you bully my darling?
00:33:40I think you don't want to stay
00:33:42in the Denver anymore.
00:33:44Mr. Cole, I am wronged.
00:33:46If I know that she is your woman,
00:33:48give me guts.
00:33:50I even don't dare to do that.
00:33:54this is my problem?
00:33:56No, no, no, no.
00:33:58It's my problem.
00:34:00Then I think,
00:34:02how can I apologize to you?
00:34:06Mr. Cole,
00:34:08please show some mercy.
00:34:10Forgive me for once.
00:34:12I won't do it again.
00:34:14Then let me see your sincerity.
00:34:16Can you satisfy my darling?
00:34:18Mr. Cole, Mr. Cole, I am wrong.
00:34:20Mr. Cole, I am wrong.
00:34:25You're not sincere enough.
00:34:27I don't have time to play with you here.
00:34:39shut up.
00:34:45Mr. Young likes to take off clothes.
00:34:47Take off his clothes
00:34:49and send him to the freezer.
00:34:51Got it.
00:34:53Aren't you from the planning department?
00:34:55This job, content has nothing to do with you?
00:34:59Our manager said
00:35:01I made the contract
00:35:03and I have to sign it.
00:35:04Our manager said
00:35:06I made the company lose money,
00:35:08he asked me to sleep with him,
00:35:10or I go to negotiate this contract.
00:35:13You're courting death.
00:35:17If something happens to you later,
00:35:19you must let me know as soon as possible.
00:35:21Is that okay?
00:35:26I'm afraid you'll find me annoying.
00:35:30How could this be?
00:35:32I can't wait to be bothered by you every day.
00:35:35Rustic love words.
00:35:38What do you say?
00:35:40I am so close to being tempted.
00:35:48Mr. Cole,
00:35:54the floor is too slippery for a stop.
00:35:57Okay, okay, I got it.
00:35:59It's the second time.
00:36:01Sorry, sorry, I apologize.
00:36:07What's your manager's name?
00:36:11I don't know Margaret.
00:36:14Then go and get to know him now.
00:36:17Yes, sir, I'm on it.
00:36:20Let go of me.
00:36:22You, you...
00:36:24Mr. Cole, he is here.
00:36:28Why are you here?
00:36:30Aren't you supposed to be
00:36:34What are you doing?
00:36:37I know what this is about, Aaron.
00:36:39This is all you're doing, isn't it?
00:36:41Just you wait.
00:36:43I'll make you pay for this.
00:36:45I'll give you one last chance.
00:36:47Apologize to my wife.
00:36:51Who do you think you are?
00:36:53Your wife.
00:36:55Do you know that?
00:36:57Your wife has a sugar daddy,
00:36:59and that man owns a business empire.
00:37:01Talk to Mr. Cole like that.
00:37:04Mr. Cole, Mr. Cole,
00:37:06you're Mr. Cole?
00:37:08You had the audacity to trouble my wife.
00:37:10I will make you suffer a hundred times
00:37:12more than she has.
00:37:14No, no, don't.
00:37:16Mr. Cole, Mr. Cole,
00:37:18please don't, please.
00:37:21A hundred times?
00:37:23Do you understand what that means?
00:37:27Come at him together.
00:37:28Come at him together.
00:37:33Will he be alright?
00:37:35Don't worry.
00:37:37They know what they are doing.
00:37:48Restrain yourself?
00:37:51Oh my God, don't get him killed!
00:37:56What's wrong?
00:37:58My feet are blistered.
00:38:15In public with so many people around,
00:38:17put me down quickly.
00:38:21You're my wife.
00:38:23It's only natural for me to carry my wife.
00:38:25What's wrong with it?
00:38:26You wait here first.
00:38:28Pick what you like.
00:38:30I'm going to make a phone call.
00:38:32I'll be back in a while.
00:38:34Go ahead.
00:38:38Hello, ma'am.
00:38:40Is there anything I can help you with?
00:38:42I'd like to take a look at this pair.
00:38:48Pack up all the latest shoes
00:38:50in the store for me.
00:38:53Miss Barks,
00:38:54these are new styles.
00:38:56There's only this one pair left.
00:38:58The customer is trying them on.
00:39:00Should I order more for you?
00:39:04You temptress,
00:39:06why do you keep lingering around?
00:39:08Staying in the same place as you
00:39:10feels unlucky.
00:39:12Hurry up and get lost.
00:39:14I'm here to shop.
00:39:16Why should I leave?
00:39:18You poor wretch.
00:39:20Don't waste everyone's time
00:39:22if you can't afford it.
00:39:24Miss Barks, don't you understand
00:39:26first come, first served?
00:39:28Don't you know?
00:39:30This store is under my father's company,
00:39:32so whichever pair of shoes I want,
00:39:34I can get them.
00:39:36And you,
00:39:38a stray dog who came out of nowhere,
00:39:40you're not even worthy
00:39:42of being in this place.
00:39:44While I still have patience with you,
00:39:46hurry up and get lost.
00:39:48You're not welcome here.
00:39:50The one who should get lost is you.
00:39:54You're the one who should be gone.
00:40:11Honey, you are so nice.
00:40:13That's what I'm supposed to do.
00:40:17Don't touch me.
00:40:19Move your stinky feet away.
00:40:23why didn't I notice it before?
00:40:25Why are you so nosy?
00:40:27You're August.
00:40:29She's just a wild girl
00:40:31who came out of nowhere.
00:40:33How can she deserve you
00:40:35doing such a thing?
00:40:37Susan, don't think that I don't dare
00:40:39to touch Barks' family.
00:40:41How could he say it so casually?
00:40:43I'm sincere to you, August.
00:40:45Do you feel sorry for doing this to me?
00:40:47That's your business.
00:40:48I have a so-called true heart.
00:40:51So what you mean is
00:40:53you're afraid to meet my eye?
00:40:55You can understand it this way.
00:40:57All right.
00:40:59This shop is owned by my father's company.
00:41:01I don't welcome this woman.
00:41:03This mall is owned by my group.
00:41:06I don't welcome this woman.
00:41:08Drive all the shops of Barks' family away.
00:41:11Yes, sir.
00:41:18are you crazy?
00:41:20Are you going to do this for this woman
00:41:22to this extent?
00:41:24No one is more important than her.
00:41:26But we have signed the contract.
00:41:28Cut the crap
00:41:30and pay according to the contract.
00:41:32I'll give you a chance tonight.
00:41:34Move out immediately.
00:41:36Otherwise, don't blame me
00:41:38for being merciless.
00:41:42has he been bewitched?
00:41:44Ah, you weren't like this before.
00:41:46You are cold to all women.
00:41:48Yes, Mr. Cold.
00:41:53Don't mess with someone you shouldn't have.
00:41:58Ms. Barks, please clear the store.
00:42:09Honey, why are you so considerate?
00:42:11Isn't that what I should do?
00:42:13And what do you want?
00:42:15I'll satisfy you.
00:42:16If he has something to do with me,
00:42:18how come he's become a different person?
00:42:20I have to be more vigilant.
00:42:23Then I want the moon in the sky.
00:42:26I'll go pick it for you now.
00:42:30You, can you not be so vulgar?
00:42:34the moon is so beautiful tonight.
00:42:36How nice it would be to hang in the sky.
00:42:38Yes, sir.
00:42:40The moon tonight is really beautiful.
00:42:42Can you not be so perfunctory?
00:42:44Take a look for yourself.
00:42:46What are you talking about?
00:42:48The moon?
00:42:55Erin, why are you still sitting here?
00:42:58I don't sit here. Where do I sit?
00:43:00Doesn't you see the company's transfer notice?
00:43:02You have been promoted to manager.
00:43:04The bastard Shaw is transferred to a company in Africa.
00:43:07That's really exciting.
00:43:09Some people rely on improper relations
00:43:11to push away colleagues.
00:43:13It is so disgusting.
00:43:14Wendy, stop talking quickly.
00:43:16Be careful not to be transferred to Africa.
00:43:18Ah, I'm so scared.
00:43:20They have improper relations.
00:43:22It's just different.
00:43:24Hey, what are you talking about?
00:43:26At that time Margaret harassed you,
00:43:28Erin must have put in a good word for you.
00:43:30Who cares if she speaks up for me?
00:43:34Wendy, stop talking.
00:43:36I can't afford to offend him.
00:43:38You just be jealous.
00:43:40Erin, I help you clean up.
00:43:46It's so open here.
00:43:48As expected of a newly built office.
00:43:50Do you believe that Mr. Cole is my honey?
00:43:52Ah, Erin.
00:43:54Don't listen to what they said, you see.
00:43:56You don't have a boyfriend now.
00:43:58Mr. Cole doesn't have a girlfriend now.
00:44:00You two are a couple.
00:44:02You don't have to rush to prove it.
00:44:04It seems that you still don't believe?
00:44:06Erin, it's not that I don't believe.
00:44:08It seems that I have to work harder.
00:44:15Honey, what are you doing?
00:44:17I'm working.
00:44:19What's wrong?
00:44:23I miss you.
00:44:25Also, I'm here to supervise you.
00:44:27Do you have a good lunch?
00:44:29It's noon.
00:44:31What do you want to eat?
00:44:33Chinese food or western food?
00:44:35There's no need to go through so much trouble.
00:44:37Let's go to eat in your staff cafeteria.
00:44:41I'll get someone to send it over.
00:44:42By the way, brother.
00:44:44Let's go to eat in the staff cafeteria, by the way.
00:44:46I also want to get some fresh air.
00:44:51He may have discovered what I am thinking.
00:44:59I want to say that
00:45:01your lips look really good.
00:45:07Sorry, are you alright?
00:45:10I'm fine.
00:45:13Let's go and eat.
00:45:28Honey, I want to eat this.
00:45:43Today, I've been tired all day at the company.
00:45:46Honey, can you feed me?
00:46:05You are a true warrior.
00:46:07Downloaded it. Looks so sweet.
00:46:09They are locked up and I swallowed the key.
00:46:11Oh, my.
00:46:13How dare she steal the man I like?
00:46:15August Cole is just caught up.
00:46:17In his feelings,
00:46:19how could it be possible
00:46:21for him to really be with that nobody?
00:46:23Aaron Vanessa in the end.
00:46:25The Cole family will still have a marriage alliance.
00:46:27With the Barks family,
00:46:29in my opinion,
00:46:31as long as you are willing to work hard,
00:46:33you still have a chance.
00:46:35Then what do you think I should do?
00:46:37Now, August Cole is totally obsessed
00:46:38with Aaron Vanessa.
00:46:40I can't get a foot in the door at all.
00:46:42Aaron Vanessa,
00:46:44doesn't she have an ex-boyfriend?
00:46:46August Cole has a fixation on emotional purity.
00:46:48As long as you let him know
00:46:50that the two of them
00:46:52are still involved with each other,
00:46:54you'll have a chance.
00:46:56No way.
00:46:58If August Cole finds out
00:47:00I do this with his temperament,
00:47:02he won't forgive me?
00:47:04Compared to becoming
00:47:06the wife of Cole Group's president,
00:47:08I don't know what to do.
00:47:10Plan carefully.
00:47:14It's okay, honey.
00:47:16I can go home by myself.
00:47:39How could August Cole
00:47:41be interested in you after tonight?
00:47:46Where should we start first?
00:47:49No need to rush.
00:47:54After taking this pill,
00:48:00she won't be able to escape tonight.
00:48:05Oh, right, Henry Johnson.
00:48:06How are the preparations on that side?
00:48:08We've already found an excuse
00:48:10to bring him over.
00:48:12Everything is ready.
00:48:14We're just waiting for the right moment.
00:48:16Hey, Aaron Vanessa.
00:48:18Let's see
00:48:20how you can escape this time.
00:48:23Let's go shopping.
00:48:30Ah, my head hurts.
00:48:37Let's go.
00:48:58Aaron Vanessa,
00:49:00I deliberately arrived over an hour late.
00:49:02Yet she dares to be even later than me?
00:49:04I'll give her a piece of my mind later.
00:49:07Mr. Cole, we received an anonymous message
00:49:09saying that your wife went to a hotel
00:49:11with Henry Johnson.
00:49:13Prepare the car.
00:49:15Yes, sir.
00:49:20What's going on?
00:49:22Why hasn't he come yet?
00:49:24How dare you stand me up?
00:49:26Shit, I won't let this woman
00:49:28get in my mood.
00:49:37you've been here all this time.
00:49:41Henry, I'm warning you.
00:49:43Don't touch me.
00:49:45Aaron, you asked me to go to the hotel.
00:49:47Stop putting on an act.
00:49:49For many years,
00:49:51you just let me hold your hand.
00:49:53But you're still with August.
00:49:55I'm warning you, Henry.
00:49:57Don't touch me.
00:49:59Aaron, you asked me to go to the hotel.
00:50:01Stop putting on an act.
00:50:03Get out of here right now.
00:50:06If you want me to scram,
00:50:08then am I supposed to get out of here?
00:50:11I'll kill you.
00:50:23Honey, I...
00:50:25What's wrong with you?
00:50:28I don't have any strength left.
00:50:31Have a rest first.
00:50:34August, I'm with my girlfriend.
00:50:36It's none of your business.
00:50:38Your girlfriend?
00:50:46Who gave you the courage?
00:50:48How dare you provoke her?
00:50:52it is she who asked me to come to the hotel.
00:50:54You should teach her a lesson, right?
00:50:56She has misbehaved.
00:50:58How dare you talk nonsense?
00:51:00What I said
00:51:01is real.
00:51:03Oh, no. Stop hitting, honey.
00:51:07You feel distressed for him.
00:51:14You feel sorry for him.
00:51:16August is deeply in love with Aaron.
00:51:18But so what?
00:51:20She is only worried about me.
00:51:22She only likes me.
00:51:24Why would I feel sorry for him?
00:51:26Look at your hand.
00:51:28Your skin is almost scraped.
00:51:30Are you concerned about me?
00:51:33Of course, or should I be?
00:51:36Concerned about him?
00:51:38Aaron, you used to only give me that look.
00:51:40Besides, I am the one who was beaten up, right?
00:51:45if you are dealing with a mental illness,
00:51:47seek treatment.
00:51:49Don't act like a dog here,
00:51:51biting every person you see.
00:51:53Aaron, Vanessa.
00:51:55I dare you to say that again.
00:51:57Seek treatment if you are having a mental illness.
00:51:59Aaron, are you possessed?
00:52:01It seems you haven't had enough of my beatings yet.
00:52:06If you hit him again,
00:52:08you'll really get hurt?
00:52:12he is just a lunatic.
00:52:14He should be locked up in a mental hospital.
00:52:16All right.
00:52:18I'll do as you say.
00:52:20Let's go.
00:52:25Does your hand hurt?
00:52:29By the way,
00:52:31investigate this matter thoroughly.
00:52:33Yes, sir.
00:52:38Henry Johnson, right?
00:52:51Why are you so rude?
00:52:53Don't you know how to knock when you come in?
00:52:55Henry was locked up in a mental hospital.
00:52:57Does this have anything to do with you?
00:52:59Locked up in a mental hospital?
00:53:01Isn't this a normal thing?
00:53:03Henry is not mentally ill.
00:53:05Sister, I don't know him.
00:53:07He has harassed me several times.
00:53:09If he isn't insane,
00:53:11then what is he?
00:53:13Anyway, you have to get him out.
00:53:17we have something to face it head on.
00:53:19Sickness, as long as you persist,
00:53:21you will be fine one day.
00:53:23I can't let her know what happened
00:53:25between her and Henry before.
00:53:29she will make the same mistake
00:53:31but the mental hospital,
00:53:33it's really not a place for people to stay.
00:53:35Go and find Mr. Cole.
00:53:37Ask him to release Henry.
00:53:39Is that okay?
00:53:43I've already tried my best to persuade you
00:53:45and I won't pursue the matter
00:53:47that you lied to me before.
00:53:49What else do you want?
00:53:51I'm begging you.
00:53:53I'm going to work.
00:53:55Go out.
00:53:57I really...
00:53:59I'm sorry.
00:54:14I'll take you somewhere.
00:54:16Don't open your eyes, okay?
00:54:18Honey, are we there?
00:54:21Now open your eyes.
00:54:23The decor of this villa is stunning.
00:54:27Do you like it?
00:54:30Is this painting authentic?
00:54:34I've seen it at an auction before.
00:54:36Someone bought it with 100 million dollars.
00:54:39Isn't this your favorite painting?
00:54:41Of course I had to buy it.
00:54:49It is genuine, right?
00:54:51In the future,
00:54:53don't be so extravagant.
00:54:57I'll do as you say,
00:54:59but will I get this painting when we divorce?
00:55:29what's wrong?
00:55:32It's my birthday today.
00:55:34You promised to spend the day with me.
00:55:39Smile, what's with the long face?
00:55:56We had a deal
00:55:57that when we get our marriage certificate,
00:55:59I'll propose to you again.
00:56:04We had a deal that
00:56:06when we get our marriage certificate,
00:56:08I'll propose to you again.
00:56:13Today is
00:56:15the 23-21st day that we meet.
00:56:19First time since I was 18,
00:56:21when I saw you,
00:56:23I just felt that
00:56:25you are the moon in the sky,
00:56:28I will take care of you forever.
00:56:33I will take care of you forever.
00:56:37are you willing to
00:56:39marry me?
00:56:43I'm willing.
00:56:53What should I do?
00:56:55I feel like I'm falling in love.
00:56:58You're mine now.
00:57:06you are mine.
00:57:27You mind?
00:57:29Go take a shower first.
00:57:33Or we together?
00:57:35No way.
00:57:46Wait for me a moment.
00:58:00you're so full of yourself.
00:58:02He is the bastard in the memo.
00:58:14Well, can't wait.
00:58:19Susan keeps calling you.
00:58:21Something urgent might have happened.
00:58:24I'm sorry.
00:58:25What happened?
00:58:28Then pick it up for me.
00:58:32That's not a good idea, is it?
00:58:34You're my wife.
00:58:35What's wrong with answering the phone for me?
00:58:39Oh, okay.
00:58:43Hello, August.
00:58:45You finally pick up the phone.
00:58:48Do you know how much I love you?
00:58:51But why do you let me down?
00:58:56I've done so many things for you,
00:58:59and now I have been reduced
00:59:01to the state of being locked up.
00:59:06I am in your company now.
00:59:09Come to find me now.
00:59:12If within half an hour,
00:59:14you are not there,
00:59:17I'm at your company.
00:59:20Susan, people have only one life.
00:59:22You have to cherish your life.
00:59:23Don't take things too hard.
00:59:25Why is it you?
00:59:27Why do you answer the phone?
00:59:29Where is August?
00:59:31Honey is taking a shower.
00:59:33Ah, temptress.
00:59:36Temptress, temptress.
00:59:38It's all your fault.
00:59:40You've caused me to end up like this.
00:59:42Tell August.
00:59:45If within half an hour,
00:59:47he doesn't show up in front of me,
00:59:49I'll be on the news with the coal group tomorrow.
01:00:06Let's hurry to the office building.
01:00:08Susan said that if you are not there
01:00:10within half an hour, she will kill herself there.
01:00:12As long as she doesn't call the police.
01:00:14Hey, her life is in danger.
01:00:16Although she brought it upon herself.
01:00:18You will be blamed for her death.
01:00:20We can't let that happen.
01:00:21Let's go, go change your clothes, go.
01:00:23Calm down, calm down, calm down.
01:00:25Don't do this.
01:00:27Where is August?
01:00:29Ah, why hasn't he arrived after all this time?
01:00:31Where is he?
01:00:33Why are you all looking at me?
01:00:35Go find him.
01:00:37Now, get him here.
01:00:39Get him to see me.
01:00:41Put down the knife.
01:00:43Let's talk here.
01:00:45Calm down, don't come over.
01:00:47Or I'll kill myself right now.
01:00:49Okay, okay, just calm down.
01:00:54You're finally here, August.
01:00:57You still love me, don't you?
01:01:01I have never loved you.
01:01:04That's not true.
01:01:07It's all because of this temptress.
01:01:09She stole you away from me.
01:01:11She is not good enough for you.
01:01:16You're the president of the coal group.
01:01:18What is she?
01:01:19I'm sorry.
01:01:22I really can't understand
01:01:25what you see in her.
01:01:32I'm here today
01:01:34to force you
01:01:36to make your choice.
01:01:38Are you going to choose her
01:01:42or me?
01:01:48No matter how powerful you are,
01:01:52I never have you in my heart.
01:01:57No matter what,
01:01:59I love my darling.
01:02:02Stop provoking her.
01:02:04It is just the truth.
01:02:06Must you be so cold, August Cole?
01:02:13I put all my youth on loving you
01:02:15and nothing else.
01:02:20If you don't marry me,
01:02:23I'm really going to die here.
01:02:27Please help yourself.
01:02:37All of you abandoned me.
01:02:44Ms. Barks.
01:02:46You lied to my wife first.
01:02:48How dare you threaten me with your life now?
01:02:51Let me tell you something.
01:02:53I'm a married man.
01:02:55Please behave yourself.
01:02:57Mr. Cole is actually married, poor Ms. Barks.
01:02:59Mr. Cole is married.
01:03:01Mr. Cole is married.
01:03:03How could this be?
01:03:05Let's go.
01:03:13What's wrong?
01:03:15You think I treat her
01:03:17in an improper way?
01:03:20I just didn't expect
01:03:22you would treat her like this.
01:03:36Have you forgotten yourself
01:03:38renting a house in Denver?
01:03:40Listen to me.
01:03:41I haven't forgotten.
01:03:43I'm quite busy these days.
01:03:45I'll take some time
01:03:47to pay the rent in these two days.
01:03:49Please send me the address.
01:03:51Send it to me.
01:03:53All right.
01:03:55You're also a talent
01:03:57and actually forgot the address?
01:03:59Haven't we always lived together?
01:04:03We have always lived together.
01:04:05But sometimes we quarrel.
01:04:07You will run to the house you rented.
01:04:09I feel something's wrong.
01:04:11Vanessa, please let me go.
01:04:13Can you show some mercy?
01:04:15Let go of Henry.
01:04:17He is already in the hospital
01:04:19being tortured beyond recognition.
01:04:21What does this have to do with me?
01:04:23Can Henry Johnson get out
01:04:25of the mental hospital?
01:04:27Doesn't it depend on his illness?
01:04:29Erin, Vanessa, as long as you can
01:04:31release Henry, I promise
01:04:33he will never bother you again.
01:04:37Are you sure
01:04:39he won't bother me anymore?
01:04:48Hello, honey.
01:04:50What are you doing?
01:04:52I'm handling some documents.
01:04:54You miss me?
01:04:56Honey, could you please
01:04:58release Henry Johnson
01:05:00from the mental hospital?
01:05:02What do you mean?
01:05:04You feel pity for him?
01:05:06No, of course not, Wendy.
01:05:08She promised me she would
01:05:09never make trouble again.
01:05:16If it weren't for Henry
01:05:18I wouldn't be groveling to you like this.
01:05:21Thank you so much.
01:05:23I'm leaving now.
01:05:28Why are you on good terms
01:05:30with Wendy now?
01:05:32She stole your boyfriend,
01:05:34Henry, away from you.
01:05:36Henry started to spread rumors again.
01:05:37And you fell for his lies.
01:05:42Had I known this earlier
01:05:44I wouldn't have agreed to Wendy's request.
01:05:54Whenever I had a fight with Henry
01:05:56I was forced to come here.
01:05:58She must have had
01:06:00a difficult time in the past.
01:06:02For Henry, she lived in a place like this.
01:06:04Where's the watch?
01:06:05Sure enough, he's a bastard.
01:06:07The memo is clearly written
01:06:09that I am on a diet for three months
01:06:11just to buy one for him,
01:06:13an expensive watch.
01:06:15And now he has forgotten about it.
01:06:17I'll see if there's anything else to pick up.
01:06:19You want my watch?
01:06:21Ah, I'll give it to you later.
01:06:23Buy one.
01:06:36What are you looking at?
01:06:40Let me have a look.
01:06:44Let me have a look.
01:06:48Isn't this painting a little too realistic?
01:06:50Could it be that you facsimile it?
01:06:52If you hadn't mentioned it
01:06:54I would have forgotten.
01:07:02I think it was written in the memo
01:07:03on the table of dishes.
01:07:05For him, however, he brought another woman
01:07:07to come and have dinner with me
01:07:09and he also blamed me for being clumsy.
01:07:11I'm angry.
01:07:13Just now, your clumsy look
01:07:15is quite cute.
01:07:20I must not lose my mind in love.
01:07:22I want to successfully divorce August.
01:07:24Get his assets.
01:07:26After that, I am going to treat the sickness.
01:07:33I'm sorry.
01:07:49Why are you sitting so far away?
01:07:52I think I'm still not quite ready.
01:07:58If you keep moving around like that
01:08:00I really won't be able to hold back.
01:08:01It's a bit hot.
01:08:03Why don't you move a bit over there?
01:08:05Turn on the air conditioner.
01:08:24Don't worry, Erin.
01:08:26I'll give you time to prepare.
01:08:31don't keep me waiting too long.
01:08:34Thank you for your understanding.
01:08:39I can't keep it on like this.
01:08:41He'll definitely get suspicious.
01:08:43How am I going to explain this to him?
01:08:48Doctor, how's my brain?
01:08:51The mental injury to your head
01:08:53has not fully recovered yet.
01:08:55It will be a bit difficult to recover
01:08:57for the time being.
01:08:59Is there any way to make it recover faster?
01:09:01I have some old items.
01:09:07Because of August Cole
01:09:09I've already severed ties with my family.
01:09:11My family has been out of touch
01:09:13and has never looked for me.
01:09:15What should I do?
01:09:24Today marks our fifth year of knowing each other.
01:09:26It's time to end this relationship.
01:09:31Something seems wrong.
01:09:35Today is
01:09:37the twenty-three and twenty-first day
01:09:39since we met.
01:09:41Since the first time I saw you
01:09:43when I was eighteen years old.
01:09:45The memo says that
01:09:47I have known August for five years.
01:09:49But that day he said
01:09:51we have known each other
01:09:53for twenty-three, twenty-one days.
01:09:55That adds up to more than five years.
01:09:59Could the memo be wrong?
01:10:02Why did you take leave this morning?
01:10:04Were you feeling unwell?
01:10:06I was sleeping in the morning
01:10:08and I went to work in the afternoon.
01:10:10By the way, honey, I want to ask you something.
01:10:12Go ahead.
01:10:14Was I a simp
01:10:16in my early relationships?
01:10:22Not really.
01:10:24Can you
01:10:27be more specific?
01:10:29Why do I feel that something's wrong with you?
01:10:31Are you feeling uncomfortable again?
01:10:34No, no, I just want to
01:10:36take the past as a lesson
01:10:38so that I won't repeat my mistakes.
01:10:41Okay, alright.
01:10:43I really don't know what to do with you.
01:10:45As a bystander,
01:10:47I think you
01:10:49were too devoted in the relationship.
01:10:51In college,
01:10:53he had a falling out
01:10:55with his family
01:10:57and was cut off.
01:10:59So you worked
01:11:01for him,
01:11:03feel bad about taking your money,
01:11:05so you deleted the payment records from his cell phone.
