• 3 months ago


00:01What happened on Friday?
00:03I think Jonas was with my friend.
00:07But I'm telling you, why are you lying to me?
00:09I'm not lying.
00:11Did you hear what Jonas said to you?
00:12What did he say?
00:13About Friday.
00:15Yes, it was Jonas.
00:23Eva, that's Ibben.
00:26I'm going to meet William soon.
00:28I absolutely believe that it can work between the two of us.
00:31The thing is, no matter what he says, I trust you 100%.
00:44First, there's the Lord of the Rings.
00:48In addition to the Lord of the Rings, we have the Lion King.
00:52Because you take the king, right? You have sex in the woods.
00:56I'm not going to.
00:59Instead of Hunger Games, we have The Thirst Games.
01:05The Thirst Games.
01:06Because we drink.
01:08And we don't drink Pepsi Max, to put it like that.
01:11Here it goes down in Smile of Light.
01:14Did you know that Diet Coke won the Pepsi Max versus Coke test?
01:19So Pepsi Max isn't that good, you know.
01:22It isn't.
01:23It isn't?
01:27What are you doing with your talents, Wille?
01:30I'm just sorting my talents.
01:32I don't think you'll get to sort them anymore.
01:47When are we going to talk about what happened at the Halloween party?
01:50That William and Sarah hooked up.
01:53What about that?
01:55Were you sad?
01:56No, it was a hook-up. A lot of people hooked up.
01:59It was a normal hook-up at the party.
02:01Everyone hooked up, and it wasn't just us and Sarah.
02:03Penetrator Henrik hooked up with Fida in ENSD-E.
02:05Felix and Miley in 2MDH hooked up.
02:07Borkis hooked up with Lisa in ENSD-B.
02:10And Chris hooked up with someone.
02:13And William and Sarah.
02:14Chris? What are you talking about?
02:16No, not her, Chris. Penetrator Chris.
02:21Oh, yeah.
02:25Who hooked up with who?
02:27I don't know. I just heard they hooked up.
02:44What are you doing?
02:45I don't know. I'm going skating.
02:47Can I join you?
02:49Sure. When did you start?
02:52I want to be with you.
02:57I have to go now. We'll talk later.
03:01I love you.
03:02I love you too.
03:16Is he the guy with the ice cream on the floor?
03:20Yes. How is he?
03:21I feel like there's an electric chemistry going on.
03:26There's some great hot vibes between us.
03:46Shame on the nigger who tried to run game on a nigger.
03:49Who's buck wild with the trigger?
03:51Shame on the nigger who tried to run game on a nigger.
03:54Who bust our fuck ass up?
03:56Hut one, hut two, hut three, hut.
03:58Old dirty bastard live and uncut.
04:00Style's unbreakable, shatterproof.
04:02To the young youth, you want to get gunned?
04:04Shoot! Blah!
04:06How you like me now?
04:07Don't fuck the style.
04:08Ruthless wow.
04:09Do you want to get your teeth knocked the fuck out?
04:12Want to get on it like that?
04:13Well, then shout!
04:15Yo RZA, yo Razor.
04:16Hit me with the major.
04:17The damage, my queen.
04:18Understand that we favor.
04:19Gunning, coming, coming at ya.
04:21Ghost, I'm gonna get ya.
04:22Folks, I got ya, I get ya.
04:24You can never capture.
04:25The myth, it be a stature.
04:26We're burning for rapture.
04:27Got niggas beside and I master.
04:29My staff, never.
04:30I'll put the fucking buck in the well.
04:32Kid, I'm terror.
04:33Raid the shop, I sever.
04:34The head from the shoulder's embedded.
04:37Do you see anything better with you, Jonas?
04:46You don't want to say why?
04:48No, we just...
04:50We can't talk about it.
05:06You look great.
05:12What did you do?
05:15I'm sorry.
05:18If I say this to you, you have to promise me you won't say anything to Jonas.
05:24Okay, I promise.
05:29You can ruin our relationship if you do.
05:32I won't tell anyone, okay?
05:34I trust you.
05:36What was it you did?
05:37What was it you did?
05:43You know...
05:45I thought there was something between me and Jonas.
05:49So I asked Ingrid if we had been together.
05:53And we did.
05:56But there was a reason for that.
05:58It was just...
06:01Ingrid didn't tell me.
06:02She didn't tell me.
06:05So I got really mad.
06:07And mad at myself, so...
06:13And then...
06:20I hooked up with Chris.
06:22You hooked up with Chris?
06:24That bitch of yours who's trying to get to me?
06:26No, no!
06:28Chris in third grade.
06:33So you hooked up with him in third grade?
06:36Damn, what a fucking man.
06:46You were just a little hooked, right?
06:47You didn't understand anything else?
06:49No, no.
06:54It would have been...
06:57It would have been worse if it wasn't just...
06:59A little hooked, right?
07:00If it meant anything to you.
07:01But it didn't.
07:03You were just mad.
07:11It just...
07:12It just feels like shit if I don't tell Jonas.
07:15To be honest...
07:16I just...
07:18If I...
07:19Had been with you...
07:20And she had hooked up with someone else...
07:23Then I wouldn't have wanted to know.
07:26Things like that fuck up relationships.
07:29And you don't have to do it in this case.
07:31Because it doesn't mean anything.
07:37Besides, you seem more in love now...
07:40Than before, right?
07:41Maybe it was a good thing?
07:46You were just a little hooked, right?
07:49It's going well, but...
07:51You have to make sure that...
07:52No one...
07:54Gets to know about you, right?
07:55That you don't come from someone else.
07:56Especially not someone Chris works with, right?
08:00It's going well.
08:12For what?
08:30I have to ask you something.
08:33Because yesterday you said that...
08:35Chris had hooked up with someone at the Halloween party.
08:39What do you know about that?
08:41In all honesty.
08:42No, I just heard that he had hooked up with someone.
08:46Who told you that?
08:48Or was it Robin who hooked up with someone?
08:52Yes, when I thought about it, it was Robin.
08:54Chris has a girlfriend.
08:55Yes, okay.
08:59Do you like him?
09:01Huh? No, no, no.
09:03It would be perfect if I hooked up with Ville, and you hooked up with Chris.
09:09It would be more of a suggestion, if you had something you wanted.
09:12I can't see you walking around in those jeans...
09:15And think you're going to hook up with Ville.
09:17Come here.
09:19Do you see this girl?
09:22She's sleeping with Ville.
09:24Do you see her there?
09:26She's also sleeping with Ville.
09:27And there she comes.
09:30And there.
09:31And he's up there.
09:34You can't know if all the girls have slept with Ville.
09:37There are actually quite a few on that bus.
09:39Ville, it's marked on your jeans.
09:42The one you're sleeping with is marked in red, do you understand?
09:45Now you're just walking around like a living trophy.
09:48You have to forget Ville.
09:49You have to forget Ville.
09:51Give back those jeans, and you'll take back your integrity.
09:56He's the one who wants me, not you.
10:04I know that you should think that...
10:07If a boy doesn't like you, it's not you who's wrong.
10:10It's him, but...
10:13How do you think about that?
10:15How do you think about that?
10:18I always think that it's me who's wrong.
11:18What are you doing here?
11:21What do you mean?
11:28How are you?
11:29I'm fine, and you?
11:30I'm fine. I was reading.
11:32Yes, what is it?
11:40Are you going to pick her up?
11:48You're so fucking big!
11:51Hi mom!
11:53I can't talk right now. I'm visiting someone.
11:57What a crazy girl you are!
12:00I'll call you later, okay?
12:02Okay, my girl. We'll call you later.
12:06Okay, bye.
12:07Hey, one more thing.
12:09Have you done your homework?
12:15Was it your mom?
12:21Visiting someone?
12:25Have you still not told your mom that we're together?
12:28You know what?
12:29You actually had a chance to meet her, but you chose to smoke marijuana with Ingrid's brother.
12:34So it was actually Ingrid you were supposed to meet.
12:37What's that?
12:38I just think it's so cute that you call it marijuana.
12:42What's so cute about it that you call it that?
12:49Old people just use it.
12:52Old people?
12:54I'm a bit older than you. I'm a bit smarter.
12:58What do you call narcotics?
13:01I don't know.
13:02I just call it something green or something.
13:06But it's the same thing.
13:08And it's not good for you.
13:10Do you see me?
13:13Do you see me? I'm so beautiful.
13:16I'm a drug addict.
13:17Yes, you're an alcoholic because you try to drink.
13:20That can't be compared.
13:22No, that's what you say.
13:23It's a much bigger amount.
13:25Okay, fine.
13:26So I'm a drug addict because I've tried it a few times.
13:28A few times?
13:29How many times has it been?
13:31I don't know.
13:37Have you woken up that night?
13:44Can't you stop blaming me?
13:46I can do anything for you.
14:16That can't be compared.
14:18I can do anything for you.
14:19I'd rather not.
14:20Why not?
14:21It's so much more comfortable.
14:22I'd rather not.
14:23I look so ugly.
14:27I've decided what I'm going to say to William.
14:30What do you want to talk about?
14:32My integrity.
14:33You don't have any. Next topic.
14:36What are you going to say?
14:38I'm going to say that I understand what he's going through.
14:40And that I don't want to be treated that way.
14:43And then I'm going to return the jeans.
14:45You're not going to do that?
14:46Why not?
14:48Now we're finally in with the penetrators.
14:49And then you're going to fuck up everything?
14:51You're the one who ruined all of us the first time we were invited to a bus party.
14:55That was a good reason.
14:57It's good that William can't be treated like shit.
15:01But you can't tell him.
15:03It won't work.
15:04It's better to just be cool.
15:06Can he be cool?
15:09There he is.
15:11You're not going to tell him now?
15:14But don't do it now. He's with his friends.
15:17I don't give a shit who he's with.
15:28I just want to say that if you think I'm going to treat him like a living trophy,
15:31then you're wrong.
15:33Don't play dumb.
15:34You know what I mean.
15:35Half of the girls go around with English guys.
15:37Excuse me, what's your name?
15:42Okay, Vilde.
15:43Kiss my ass.
15:50You know, I think there's a misunderstanding here.
15:53It's probably my fault.
15:55But if you think I see you as a living trophy, then you're wrong.
16:01Because you're not good enough.
16:05Because you're not good enough.
16:16Because you're a cool guy.
16:18Who are you?
16:19I just get incredibly curious about what could have happened to you.
16:23That's why you have such big inferiority complexes.
16:26It's like pissing on the feelings of a little innocent teenager
16:29who has learned to feel big and cool.
16:32Never confirmed as a child, is that it?
16:35Or a mom who has never screwed up your drawings?
16:38Or a dad who has never come to the school finals?
16:44You didn't have hair on your dick in 7th grade, so you got bullied for it?
16:48No matter what it is, you have to seriously get over it
16:51and start acting like a human being.
16:53Stop walking around like a fucking cliché.
17:02What's the problem?
17:05What's the problem?
17:08What's the problem?
17:18I must speak Norwegian.
17:21I have to.
17:23I have to.
17:31But seriously, I really have to go.
17:34I've been late so many times.
17:43See you later.
17:45See you later.
17:51Fuck, I'm going to see how cool I was yesterday.
17:54Yeah, you were legendary.
17:57Are you okay?
17:59Yeah, I'm totally fine.
18:02Anyway, no one cares about what happened to me and William.
18:05Everyone is thinking about the rumors about Chris.
18:09What rumors are about Chris?
18:12Chris hooked up with someone at the Halloween party,
18:14and his girlfriend found out, and she was totally psyched.
18:17But you even told me it wasn't Chris.
18:19Chris hooked up with someone at the Halloween party.
18:21I saw it.
18:22You saw it?
18:23They were on the stairs.
18:25The stairs?
19:12You fucking whore!
19:42You fucking whore!
19:44You fucking whore!
19:46You fucking whore!
19:48You fucking whore!
19:50You fucking whore!
19:52You fucking whore!
19:54You fucking whore!
19:56You fucking whore!
19:58You fucking whore!
20:00You fucking whore!
20:02You fucking whore!
20:04You fucking whore!
20:06You fucking whore!
20:08You fucking whore!