V S01E10

  • 2 months ago


00:00I want you to investigate the fifth column.
00:02My intel says they were planning a terrorist attack against the visitors.
00:05Anne is worried about a group of resistance fighters.
00:07If I hear anything, I'll let you know.
00:09I've started looking into the group you told me about.
00:11I might be able to help you.
00:13I don't know what you're talking about.
00:15I don't know what you're talking about.
00:17I don't know what you're talking about.
00:19I don't know what you're talking about.
00:21I don't know what you're talking about.
00:23I don't know what you're talking about.
00:25I don't know what you're talking about.
00:27I don't know what you're talking about.
00:29I don't know what you told me about. I might have something for you.
00:34There it is! Hurry up!
00:50We've got 45 seconds to acquire a target or the battery's spent.
00:59Do it!
01:30Something's not right.
01:34Jack, get back here!
01:36We've got to split down. We don't have time for this.
01:49Got it.
02:00Got someplace to be, Evans?
02:02No, just trying to figure out how to schedule this.
02:23Yeah, hold on.
02:30Ryan, what's happening?
02:32Jack, the cops are almost here.
02:34We've got to get out of here before someone sees us.
02:36No, there might be survivors.
02:38You need to tell me what you're seeing out there.
02:41There are no survivors.
02:46What's going on?
02:48Ryan, talk to me, please. What's going on?
02:52It wasn't a B-tracker team on that shuttle.
02:56They were humans.
03:02Jack, come on! We're going!
03:04We're going!
03:22Our shuttle was successfully shot down as you expected it would.
03:25The human remains have been found.
03:28There will be a strong public outcry.
03:31Human law enforcement will take swift and immediate action
03:34against those responsible for this atrocity.
03:37Fifth column.
04:02Ryan, it's Joshua.
04:04What's going on with Joshua?
04:06Since you stopped the soldier that was sent after Val,
04:08Anna knows that the fifth column is growing stronger.
04:11I received word from the other fifth column on the ship.
04:13She's sending a shuttle down filled with trackers
04:15to locate those responsible.
04:17What's going on?
04:19The human remains have been found.
04:21There will be a strong public outcry.
04:23Human law enforcement will take swift and immediate action
04:26against those responsible.
04:28I received word from the other fifth column on the ship.
04:30She's sending a shuttle down filled with trackers
04:32to locate those responsible.
04:34Trackers? When?
04:38Ryan, if those trackers hit the ground and disperse,
04:42it'll be impossible to locate them all.
04:44I can't let them hit the ground.
04:46We'll just have to blow that shuttle up before it lands.
04:48No human technology can knock one down.
04:50But V-technology could.
04:52If I could acquire a missile,
04:56only a fee code was uploaded to the seeker electronics
04:59in the missile's computer chip.
05:01Then give me that code.
05:03You don't have much time. You have to move fast.
05:15Dropping to your right.
05:19I suppose you could do better.
05:21I wouldn't want to embarrass you.
05:25Wait, are you backing down from a challenge?
05:27I must be mistaken.
05:29I thought you were Special Agent Eric Evans.
05:31Really? Yeah.
05:43Any help with those gloves?
05:45I got it. Thanks.
05:48Step aside, please.
06:08Like thorn birds in here.
06:17They let girls box here, right?
06:21Women, too, I've heard.
06:23You know the sport?
06:25I have four brothers.
06:27I learned a thing or two about fighting.
06:29Who's your favorite boxer?
06:31Sugar Ray Leonard.
06:33Lightning hands, fast on his feet,
06:35good balance, never off his form.
06:37You're bursting with opinions this morning, Hobbs.
06:39Who's yours?
06:45We need to get our hands on a Stinger missile.
06:47Finally some fun around here.
06:49What are you talking about, Ray?
06:51Anna's sending down a shuttle filled with V-Trackers
06:53to hunt down those responsible for stopping her soldier.
06:55That would be us.
06:59Yeah, they have heightened senses.
07:01They're like soldiers, but they blend in.
07:03They could follow a scent, work a crime scene, evaluate evidence.
07:05Why not just send another soldier after us?
07:07Oh, she will.
07:09But first she'll send the Trackers to identify us,
07:11paint targets on our foreheads.
07:13Then she'll send in the soldiers to finish us off.
07:15When's the shuttle coming?
07:17Six o'clock.
07:19But it's never gonna get here.
07:21Because we're gonna blow it out the sky.
07:23What? You can't be serious.
07:25Hold on. We're talking about blowing up a shuttle?
07:27No, we're talking about blowing up a V-Shuttle.
07:29But you're right to be worried on one count.
07:31Strategically, we can't have 5th Column coming off like terrorists.
07:33We'll need to control the public blowback
07:35if we do this thing.
07:37There won't be any.
07:39The last thing Anna wants is a big media mess,
07:41and a guy crawling all over the wreckage.
07:43Not with the V-Remains on the site.
07:45All she's gonna do is just say there was a shuttle malfunction
07:47so they can clean it up with no interference.
07:49Are we really considering this?
07:51My son flies on those shuttles.
07:53People fly on those shuttles.
07:55Exactly. How do we know that no one innocent will be hurt?
07:57Joshua's already confirmed that there's only gonna be
07:59V-Trackers on those shuttles. No humans.
08:01What if it lands on a house or a school?
08:03I know the flight plan, okay?
08:05It's landing in a remote location.
08:07And make no mistake, if that shuttle touches the ground,
08:09we don't stand a chance.
08:11Those trackers, they will find us.
08:15You wanna risk your own life over a fit of conscience,
08:17that's fine.
08:19How about Tyler's?
08:23Ryan, is your intel good?
08:29Do it.
08:39Do it.
08:55Finding peace, Father?
08:59Some days easier than others.
09:01Even for a priest?
09:03For everyone, Chad.
09:05I've been on the ship a lot
09:07since the last time we talked.
09:09Anna has the liver boards
09:11eating out of the palm of her hand.
09:13And I know in my gut
09:15it's not safe for them to be so trusting.
09:19I wanna join the fight.
09:23I was hoping you could point me to the fifth column
09:25like we talked about.
09:31It's been quiet, I'm afraid.
09:33I'm one of my parishioners.
09:37Well, that's too bad.
09:41I could be very useful.
09:43I'm behind the scenes with Anna.
09:45I travel with her and Marcus.
09:47I have unrestricted access
09:49to and from the mothership.
09:53I even travel in the V-only shuttles.
09:55I overhear things.
10:03You ride the V-only shuttles?
10:07I'm back and forth in them all the time.
10:09I could be a big asset
10:11to the fifth column, Father.
10:13You ride the shuttles today?
10:15Yes, most days I do.
10:21Maybe you should stay away
10:23from the V-only shuttles today, Chad.
10:25What do you mean by that?
10:27Some whisper among the parishioners
10:29it might not be safe.
10:31I understand.
10:33Thank you, Father.
10:43I got you back!
10:47You're so real.
10:49It's just a dream.
10:53I'm so sorry.
10:55It's okay.
10:57It's okay.
10:59It's a dream.
11:01Are you all right?
11:03She had a nightmare last night.
11:05About what?
11:17It's no trouble.
11:19You can tell me.
11:23In my dream,
11:25I was being taken by doctors
11:27into a corridor here on the ship.
11:29There were glowing arrows on the ceiling.
11:31I'm new to live aboard
11:33and I'm scared.
11:35I couldn't tell them to stop.
11:37And then there were needles.
11:39Hundreds of them
11:41being poked into me
11:43all over.
11:45I know it was just a dream,
11:47but I can't shake it.
11:49Can't shake what?
11:51How real it felt.
11:57You all right?
11:59It was just a nightmare.
12:01You're safe up here.
12:03Good morning.
12:05Good morning, Chad.
12:07I really enjoyed your report
12:09on the live-aboard program.
12:11I just wanted to thank you.
12:13My pleasure. I'm glad you liked it.
12:15I've been keeping my ear to the ground,
12:17looking for clues.
12:19I've been trying to figure out
12:21what's going on.
12:23I've been trying to figure out
12:25What have you heard?
12:27There are whispers of a threat
12:29to the shuttles transporting
12:31Vs only today.
12:33You've come a long way
12:35since we've arrived, Chad.
12:41I think you'd understand that
12:43any threat to my people
12:45is a threat to all of us.
12:47It might be nothing.
12:49I thought I should bring it up just in case.
12:51Where did you learn this?
12:53You have to understand how this works.
12:55I can get you this information
12:57because my sources trust me.
12:59If I start naming names,
13:01that'll choke off the flow of information.
13:03I understand.
13:05But there's no need, Chad.
13:07We don't have any V-only shuttles
13:09running today.
13:11Mr. Decker,
13:13will you please excuse us for the moment?
13:15Actually, I was on my way out.
13:24We haven't eliminated
13:26all fifth column from the ship.
13:28Someone leaked news
13:30of the trackers we were to send out
13:32on that shuttle today.
13:34I will look into this.
13:36In the meantime, I will tighten the flow of information.
13:40In light of this threat,
13:42do you still want to send down the trackers?
13:44I have a better idea.
13:46If the fifth column
13:48wants to take down a shuttle,
13:50we'll let them.
13:54I got that V-code uploaded
13:56into the missile electronics,
13:58so I'm assuming it does what it's supposed to.
14:00Where'd all the systems go?
14:02Wait, guys.
14:04Ryan, are we sure we really want to do this?
14:06You double-checked your intel with Joshua.
14:08You're sure?
14:10I'm positive.
14:12If we don't do this now, it's going to be too late.
14:14I don't think we're going to make it.
14:16I don't think we're going to make it.
14:18I don't think we're going to make it.
14:20I don't think we're going to make it.
14:23We're running out of time. Let's do this.
14:36Do it!
14:45What's going on?
14:48There wasn't a V-tracker team on that shuttle.
14:52They were humans.
15:00Oh, my God.
15:02Oh, my God.
15:04Pick up, baby.
15:06Pick up, baby. Come on.
15:08Please, God. Please, God. Please pick up.
15:17You're okay?
15:19Mom. Mom, what's wrong?
15:21The V-tracker went down.
15:23What? When? Just now?
15:25The area just north of Taconic State Parkway.
15:28This possible terrorist attack comes a mere three days
15:31after the commencement of the Live Aboard program.
15:34Mom, Lisa could have been on that shuttle.
15:37I'm sure she's okay.
15:39How do you know, Mom?
15:41I don't. It went down in a secluded area,
15:44so why would they send peace ambassadors there?
15:47What if you're wrong, Mom?
15:49I don't know.
16:19How did this happen?
16:21Brian, we need answers.
16:25I don't have any.
16:27Joshua doesn't either.
16:29He's doing everything he can to figure it out.
16:31Figure it out?
16:33He's a good guy.
16:35He's a good guy.
16:37He's a good guy.
16:39He's a good guy.
16:41He's a good guy.
16:43He's a good guy.
16:45He's a good guy.
16:47He does everything he can to figure it out.
16:49Figure it out?
16:51Maybe he set us up.
16:53You didn't hear his voice when I told him.
16:55He didn't set us up.
16:57So what? It was a mistake?
16:59It was the wrong shuttle?
17:01I asked you, Ryan. I asked all of you.
17:03We did everything that we could have done.
17:05All right? The odds were slim to none...
17:07No, no, no. Under this interaction we won't use those excuses.
17:10If we wage war against the V's,
17:12if we strike preemptively,
17:14there is zero margin of error for us.
17:16Either we value life or we are the these.
17:19It's not that simple.
17:21It is precisely that simple!
17:26Where are you with this?
17:28With you.
17:31Well, you can't afford to be.
17:33Because we've got other problems now.
17:35We were all over that crime scene.
17:37We were late getting out.
17:38Cops were on top of us.
17:40It wasn't a clean getaway.
17:42We might have left evidence.
17:45I won't do this anyway.
17:48I'm out.
17:58Floyd Patterson.
18:01My favorite boxer.
18:03It's Floyd Patterson.
18:05He got knocked down seven times in one round against Joe Hanson.
18:09Seven times.
18:11You know what he said?
18:14They said I was the fighter who got knocked down the most.
18:17But I also got up the most.
18:22So my question to you two is this.
18:24Which do you want to be?
18:26The guy who gets knocked down?
18:29Or the guy who gets back up?
18:33Lisa, is Lisa okay?
18:35I mean, I saw the footage of the shuttle crash and I thought if she was on it...
18:39Lisa's fine.
18:41Nothing was going to keep you from her.
18:43If she was gone, I don't know what I'd do.
18:51I'm doing a little bit more.
18:53I'm doing a little bit more.
18:55I'm doing a little bit more.
18:57I'm doing a little bit more.
19:00I'm doing a little bit more.
19:04Lisa will be very pleased.
19:06I'll let her know.
19:08Don't worry.
19:13Go home and pack.
19:15Soon enough, you'll be with her all the time.
19:32Where the hell have you been?
19:34My son spends time on that ship. I had to track him down.
19:36Make sure he wasn't on the shuttle.
19:38He's fine.
19:42Because I need every evil body on this thing.
19:44Given our stance on terrorism, this is a global embarrassment.
19:47The evidence indicates it's domestic.
19:49Everything's pointing to Fifth Column.
19:51I don't know what you're talking about.
19:53I don't know what you're talking about.
19:55I don't know what you're talking about.
19:57Everything's pointing to Fifth Column.
20:00What have we got?
20:01Alex is working up a list of known terrorists who could pull something like this off.
20:04People with a grudge against the visitors.
20:06We picked up good tread marks at the edge of the trees,
20:08where we have reason to believe the terrorists parked.
20:10Not much else.
20:11The shuttle's engines run on blue energy.
20:13Highly explosive stuff.
20:14So when they blew up, they left very little forensic evidence.
20:17Now the V on the boarding dock puts the number between 15 and 20 people.
20:21You've seen the remains.
20:22From the looks of it, we're going to have to pull in a forensic anthropologist to do the DNA work.
20:26It could take weeks.
20:27We shut down the highway immediately after the crash.
20:31Here and here.
20:32So they would have had to pass through this toll booth leaving the scene.
20:36The good news?
20:37The toll booth has security cameras.
20:40We matched the tread to seven vehicle makes.
20:42So once we pull footage, we can cross-reference.
20:46Let's get to work.
20:57Erika, I can't reach Jack.
20:59He wouldn't pick up.
21:00Listen, we've got problems.
21:01What did you drive on the scouting mission?
21:03Jack's van, but we covered up the lettering.
21:04Tell me you didn't drive through a toll booth.
21:06Yeah, we had to.
21:07We stayed to check for survivors.
21:10Our escape route was compromised.
21:12You went through a toll booth with hidden security cameras.
21:14The footage is on a live feed to an off-site location.
21:17I'll text you the address.
21:18You and Hobbs, back me up.
21:21The footage is on a live feed to an off-site location.
21:23I'll text you the address.
21:25You and Hobbs better get there and wipe the footage.
21:27Make sure you get us that address, all right?
21:39One of their bones is smooth.
21:41You all right? What's going on?
21:43Bones crack when they're burned in the flesh.
21:46Ryan, but bones from a skeleton stay smooth in a fire.
21:52Why would there be a skeleton on a shuttle full of tourists?
21:54There wouldn't.
21:56They wouldn't put a skeleton with humans, the other people.
22:02Ryan, we didn't do this.
22:04We didn't kill anyone.
22:05The people on that shuttle, they were already dead.
22:07Anna set us up?
22:12You got photos of this? Hard evidence?
22:14Yeah. I'm staring at my monitor right now.
22:19No, no, no. No.
22:23It disappeared. Someone deleted it.
22:28Who would cover up something like that?
22:39Head over to the office.
22:40We'll allow you to grab that toll booth footage.
22:42On it.
22:44Ryan, the FBI just launched.
22:45You need to get there and wipe that footage before they do,
22:47or this is going to get pinned on us.
22:49Get moving. Now.
23:04Let's get in there and short the server exactly like I showed you.
23:08In 20 paces, Michael. Left.
23:11Get down. Strike down the whole button.
23:20Bloody hell.
23:24Bloody hell what?
23:29I got it. I'm here. I'm here.
23:30You're about to get caught.
23:40Get the hell out of there.
23:43Mike, they're right on top of you. Get going.
24:10You were protecting me by warning me about the shuttles.
24:15Trying to save my life.
24:16I was just passing on a rumor I heard.
24:18I didn't know that would happen.
24:21What exactly was the Fifth Column's plan?
24:24Why would they kill humans?
24:25I don't know any circumstances under which they could condone that.
24:30I'm sure the Fifth Column knows what they're doing.
24:32I'm sure they know what's necessary.
24:36And for me to be useful, I have to do what's necessary too.
24:42I have to report on this attack.
24:46To keep my position with Anna intact.
24:49It can't seem like I'm sympathetic to the cause.
24:51I have to come down hard.
24:54What I'm saying is,
24:56if you're Fifth Column,
24:58things are about to get very bad for you.
25:04Good thing I'm not Fifth Column.
25:06Good thing I'm not Fifth Column.
25:15Anna never saw it coming, you know.
25:19She'd heard nothing about any threats.
25:21Why, you asked her?
25:23Indirectly, of course.
25:26The Fifth Column caught her off guard.
25:29Which, believe me, is hard to do.
25:37We value life above all else.
25:40Every single life.
25:44The Fifth Column reacted exactly as I suspected.
25:48Shooting down that shuttle backfired.
25:51Tonight they will be introduced to the world
25:53just as I planned it.
25:55As terrorists.
25:59Mother, you wanted to see me?
26:01We value life above all else.
26:03Mother, you wanted to see me?
26:05We value life above all else.
26:07Every single life.
26:09We value life above all else.
26:12Every single life.
26:16Which is more effective, Marcus?
26:20I think they're all sufficient.
26:26The second one.
26:28It seems more sincere.
26:34Your grasp of human emotion is...
26:42Thank you, Mother.
26:58Are you all right?
27:00Are you all right?
27:03My faith has shaken, Father.
27:06Your faith in God?
27:09My faith in myself.
27:15Well, in times like this...
27:19it's best to get back to basics.
27:22Your core values.
27:25I've made choices, Father.
27:27Terrible choices with people's lives on the line.
27:33You mean when you were at war?
27:36I'm not talking about the past.
27:40If this is an issue of law, Jack...
27:44then perhaps you need to make a confession of a different type?
27:59Erica, it's Ryan. We're good. We wiped the footage.
28:06Any luck?
28:07Yes, actually.
28:09I got to the security facility and wiped the footage from after the attack.
28:12Damn it.
28:13Since they seem like pros, I figured they'd scouted the route and done a dry run earlier.
28:16So I grabbed the footage from this morning and archived it to a different server.
28:20We reviewed it there.
28:23Any suspects?
28:25The name rang the cherries.
28:28Not exactly your typical terrorist.
28:48Police were taken this morning near the site of the attack.
28:50Your tire tracks are there, too. You want to explain that?
28:54Come on, Father. At least give me your cover story. I'm sure you thought that through.
28:58I thought nothing through.
29:06I've sat across from a lot of suspects in that chair.
29:09Some of them were remorseless, sure, but not you.
29:15You can read the guilt in your eyes, Father.
29:19I'm giving you a chance to unburden yourself.
29:29Answer him!
29:30Do you think this is a game?
29:37Would you mind bringing Malek in here with those crime scene photos?
29:49The beast loaded that shuttle with dead bodies.
29:52They set us up. We didn't kill anyone. Look really scared.
29:56We can hold you for 48 hours without charging you.
29:59Do you think your collar will protect you in there?
30:10Explain this.
30:12Explain this.
30:17Those tires aren't unique to my van.
30:21The church bought a whole fleet. There must be, I don't know, thousands of vehicles with that tread.
30:26Why are we at the toll booth?
30:30It's a state parkway. I was going to see a parishioner.
30:34I'm sure he'll be happy to confirm your story.
30:38I was consulting her on matters of adultery.
30:42Her name's confidential.
30:45Not to her husband.
30:49Please tell me you didn't drag me away from my parish because of a common tire impression
30:52and a picture of me traveling in a public parkway.
30:55Because I can't imagine you'd be wasting your time harassing a priest
30:58during an investigation this high profile.
31:05You see, you better charge me or let me go.
31:11Charge me.
31:18Cut him loose.
31:42There were glowing arrows on the ceiling.
31:44Glowing arrows on the ceiling.
31:47I was being taken by Dr. Stanton.
31:49Our corridor.
31:52Here on the ship.
32:04I was scared.
32:06I couldn't tell him not to stop.
32:07I couldn't tell him not to stop.
32:09I couldn't tell him not to stop.
32:10I couldn't tell him not to stop.
32:23Hundreds of them being poked into me.
32:30All over.
32:40Oh, God.
32:49I know it was just a dream.
32:51But I can't shake it.
33:01I'm really glad you came by to bring me to the ship.
33:06That's not why I stopped by, Tyler.
33:11I don't want you to move on to the ship with me.
33:18You're a nice guy, Tyler.
33:21But I don't have the same feelings for you as you do for me.
33:25What are you talking about?
33:28You've been just as into this as I have.
33:31My mother really likes you, Tyler.
33:34I didn't want to disappoint her.
33:39So what about us on the shuttle?
33:42I mean, what was that?
33:46I just wanted to see what it felt like.
33:49That's all.
33:54You can go.
33:56We value life above all else.
34:02Every single life.
34:05I just wish we could have done something
34:07to save the lives that were tragically taken today
34:11by this unprovoked attack.
34:14Perhaps our greatest flaw is that we are too trusting.
34:19There are those that don't trust us.
34:21We are too trusting.
34:24There are those that don't share our regard for life.
34:28The fifth column seeks to destroy us
34:31because we're from another place.
34:34Because they think we don't belong here.
34:38Because we're different.
34:41Get up to the ship.
34:42Make sure it gets conveyed to Anna
34:44that the FBI is doing everything it can.
34:47Since our presence here is causing such strife
34:51that humans have been caught in the crossfire,
34:54we've been forced to reconsider being here at all.
35:00I don't think I could bear another tragedy like this.
35:07We are of peace.
35:09We are always of peace.
35:12Anna! Anna!
35:38Kendrick needs to talk to you about your involvement with Phil.
35:40Kendrick needs to talk to you about your involvement with fifth column.
35:44He wants you in the war room. Now.
36:11I'm not going to let anything or anyone else harm the visitors.
36:17I have orders from the highest level to form a task force to zero in on fifth column.
36:26I'm assigning you to head it up.
36:29You'll have every means at your disposal.
36:32The full resources of this office
36:35and to be partnered with Agent Malick.
36:38Agent Malick from the FBI.
36:40I'm here to see Marcus about the shuttle crash.
36:56It is an honor to see you again, my queen.
37:07Only two of the crime scene photos were damning.
37:10I deleted them and destroyed the evidence
37:12before anything could be forwarded to the forensic anthropologist.
37:28Cover the office. I'm rolling out to grab that total of footage.
37:30On it.
37:35You've done superb work.
37:37Under great pressure.
37:39Permitting that missile to strike the shuttle accomplished precisely what you had hoped.
37:44The task force has been formed.
37:47I am now free to serve our people
37:50and hunt down fifth column with the full weight of the United States government behind me.
38:00We have seen a massive amount of unprecedented sympathy for the V's
38:04and an international outcry against the fifth column
38:08and this atrocity carried out at their hands.
38:11At this time, there is very little...
38:14Now that you're a prime suspect in the bombing,
38:16it's going to be even more dangerous for us to be seen with you.
38:20We did this.
38:22So you'd better have my back.
38:24We're in this together like it or not.
38:35He rides a private V shuttle, so I warned him.
38:39Chad Decker?
38:41He asked Anna about it and that's how she found out.
38:44He's a potential ally. He doesn't know anything. I've been careful.
38:47I told you, you can't trust anyone.
38:50He could have died on that shuttle.
38:51Look, all this.
38:52You brought all this down on our heads because you didn't want to risk that guy's life?
38:56One life?
38:57I won't ever forget what one life is worth.
39:00If we're going to die,
39:01we can't forget what one life is worth.
39:04If we're going to win this war, we can't go off the rails.
39:07We can't lose sight of who we are.
39:09Jack's right.
39:11We can never be like them.
39:14See, that's what Anna does.
39:17She takes our emotions,
39:19uses it against us.
39:21Can't let her do that.
39:23You know, you can call yourselves freedom fighters.
39:26You can call yourself rebels.
39:29It might not mistake, kids.
39:31We're terrorists now.
39:34Are you willing to bear that cross so that people can sleep well at night?
39:40Because we're the only ones willing to.
39:46Hey, Padraig.
39:49Welcome back.
40:01I'm sorry.
40:03I'm sorry about going behind your back, Mom.
40:10What's the matter?
40:13You were right.
40:15You were right about everything.
40:21She didn't care about me, Mom.
40:23She just was using me.
40:26Did she say that?
40:31How could I have been this stupid?
40:33Why am I that much of an idiot?
40:37Of course not.
40:38You just cared about someone.
40:40Somebody that
40:43wasn't worth it.
40:48You never know why anyone does what they do.
40:54World leaders have been calling, offering their condolences,
40:57vowing to help in our fight against Fifth Column.
41:00They're concerned we might leave.
41:05We'll use their fear to our advantage,
41:07just as we did the Americans today.
41:21I'm sorry, Mother.
41:24I've failed.
41:26I've failed.
41:29Tyler won't be coming to live aboard.
41:33I pushed too hard, and he doesn't want to see me anymore.
41:38I did everything I could,
41:40but I believe the pull of his mother was too strong for him.
41:44I understand.
41:47We'll have to find a greater incentive for him.
41:56You were injured in the Fifth Column attack.
42:01Don't worry, daughter.
42:03We'll get him back.
42:05There is no greater incentive for a human male
42:07than a damsel in distress.
42:12Break her legs.
42:15I'll take care of her.
42:17I'll take care of her.
42:19I'll take care of her.
42:21I'll take care of her.
42:23I'll take care of her.
42:25I'll take care of her.
42:55I'll take care of her.
43:09That's awesome.