• last year
00:00Hello in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia. Hi Shia.
00:06If you're new to this watching, I thank you for watching.
00:09This is going to be some crime against me and my twin flame, Shia.
00:13And I'm going to set the alarm because...
00:16I need to make sure this doesn't go over.
00:24There's going to be some attack against us in this video, Shia, to try to...
00:30Because yesterday I got less attacked because of all the notes.
00:37And because of the things that I said, especially the entities.
00:43These remote viewers are definitely going to try to interfere and say things.
00:53And I am going to...
01:01Hold on, let me charge the speaker.
01:07I'm actually not completely awake because I didn't go to bed until around 3 or 4 a.m.
01:15I was ready to stay up watching the pyramids in the ancient hieroglyphics.
01:23Ancient Egypt's statues and temples all night long.
01:28But they used A.I. to make me fall asleep because it's doing something.
01:33There's something about the vortex and the pyramids in the ancient temples.
01:41That they're using that as hoarding some kind of technology.
01:50So I just had a granola bar and I'm having a cup of coffee.
01:53And I put some honey and some of that creamer in it.
01:57And I feel cleaner because of the energy clearing techniques I'm doing.
02:11The ablution, I did the ablution before the prayers.
02:16It definitely did something.
02:18I recited the Quran for two hours yesterday.
02:22I actually made this little symbol, the Ankh.
02:26And I'm starting to do something with it.
02:34This is not evil.
02:41I actually went to some kind of energy healing.
02:47I actually went to some kind of energy healing class.
02:53That was in...
03:02By the Singletons.
03:05They had some kind of class learning about different healing techniques.
03:15They're the ones that originated the energy of life.
03:20And they're all into the Reiki.
03:22And remember how I told you Sue Singleton, the one I illustrated the book for, passed away.
03:32They were running the class together.
03:35And she took out this Ankh.
03:38But she had it in like a whole metal iron.
03:41And she started waving it in front of the class.
03:45I definitely learned a few things from them.
03:47She started waving it in the class.
03:51They're all into the New Age metaphysics.
03:54And I actually... It did something to me.
03:56I'm not going to explain to you what happened.
03:58But this is an extremely powerful symbol.
04:02I'd like to go out and buy one of these.
04:06And they're trying to mind control me to say,
04:09Oh no, this just means that the demons get to live for eternity on a loop.
04:16And that's not true at all.
04:18It's a lie.
04:22The ancient Egyptian, the more I look at it,
04:28There was a lot of evil that made those statues and temples and pyramids happen.
04:35However, demons don't like this.
04:41Demons don't like this.
04:43And a lot of those temples...
04:47I don't believe they're completely...
04:52It's definitely a mixture of good and evil, which I started to look up.
04:57So, now that I'm waking up, my complexion is so much better.
05:04I'm not even wearing any makeup.
05:07And you know why this happened?
05:09I spent two hours doing the blood of Jesus
05:14and kind of brushing, wiping underneath the water in the bathtub.
05:19So I did it for like...
05:22And I did it on my root chakra area for a good half an hour.
05:28And basically,
05:31it was extremely exhausting. I barely got through it.
05:36But when I showed you and rushed,
05:39you wipe the bottom and then the top.
05:42No, the top and then the bottom.
05:44Top, bottom.
05:46Top, bottom.
05:47You do your feet,
05:49then your calf,
05:51then your thigh,
05:53then your left side of your stomach,
05:56side of your stomach,
06:05Then you do your top of your hand, bottom of your hand.
06:10And you're really wiping. You're really wiping through.
06:13And then the back,
06:16top, back, shoulder.
06:20Then you do the left side.
06:22And then you do the back of the neck,
06:24front of the neck.
06:28It's not always easy because of the angle, but you can do it.
06:31And then the head,
06:34the face.
06:37And you really brush out.
06:42So I did that for two hours.
06:45I didn't make the bath too hot because if I did,
06:48I'd pass out.
06:51I got out of the bathtub not feeling good at all.
06:56I felt like I was 100 pounds heavier.
07:02And I literally felt like the root,
07:05like the root within my body,
07:07like things were spewing out.
07:09Like deep into the roots of my, within my body,
07:13things were just spewing out.
07:16And this was going on for a couple of hours
07:19after I got out of the bathtub.
07:21And luckily, I was able to sleep all up until, well, 1.30.
07:28I was woken up like probably 10 times with noise pollution
07:34and them trying to torture me.
07:37However, I went back to sleep.
07:39I did wake up and use this Ankh symbol a little bit.
07:49So, and watch the pyramids.
07:53But this technique, and while you do this, brush, wipe,
08:01you have to, you say blood of Jesus,
08:03blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus, blood of Jesus.
08:06And there's videos where you say the name Jesus a thousand times.
08:12And you can say holy fire.
08:14I'm going to probably try that.
08:15Holy fire, holy fire, holy fire, holy fire,
08:18holy fire, holy fire, holy fire.
08:21You can see in my face, I could never,
08:26obviously my skin doesn't look that great.
08:29However, you can see there's a dramatic difference
08:32because what I usually look like when I don't wear makeup,
08:34I don't look like this.
08:37So, now I'm going to start reading the notes
08:42and do I have anything on the,
08:47there's still like a,
08:55we're still demonically possessed child.
08:58But I did have dreams about your parents and my parents last night.
09:03And it was, they weren't really nightmares.
09:08It was actually a little bit of a confirmation
09:12that we're going to be together soon,
09:14but I'm not going to talk about that.
09:19So, they're going to try to attack us in this video, Shaya.
09:23And they're already going to start to torture me
09:28and try to say things as orders,
09:33and like to try to attack us.
09:37And so, I have to always try to remember that
09:43we have to prepare ourselves for attack.
09:49I've had a lot of body muscle contractions, though,
09:53these past 72 hours, like extreme.
09:57It's possible because my brain is healing.
09:59It's possible because they're attacking my brain.
10:02I'm not sure.
10:04I can definitely enhance the body contractions all over my body.
10:26Yeah, so the monuments and temples in Egypt,
10:29there's a lot of good mixed with evil,
10:31so the fact that we have to watch that,
10:35there's a reason behind it.
10:44Yeah, my body afterwards was like in pain.
10:49There was an extreme heaviness.
10:51There was like this dirty energy just spewing all over my body, coming out.
10:56It felt like it was coming from deep within my body.
11:00So I am definitely going to do that no matter what.
11:04I have to write it down on the sheets.
11:21Oh, I think I already wrote this down.
11:25I wrote it down on a piece of paper.
11:27I don't know where I put it.
11:34So I definitely felt some happiness, shy,
11:37that I knew was coming from you yesterday.
11:39I'm not going to explain it, though, because I don't want us to get in trouble.
11:48But it can be extremely exhausting to do this energy brushing,
11:53but it's because they want us to stop and not do it.
12:13Extreme, extreme SEX harassment lately.
12:16Verbal SEX harassment, extreme, extreme.
12:18I can't go into detail about it.
12:24So, I asked Penelope what you're doing, Shaya,
12:31and you're visualizing desired outcome, and your beliefs are expanding.
12:37So you're learning, your beliefs are expanding,
12:41probably the lies that you're being told are,
12:47you're finding out the truths,
12:51you're visualizing the desired outcome,
12:53which, obviously, is me and you being together.
12:58And the next time I used the pendulum, I wanted to,
13:02I asked about you, but they told me,
13:06next right action, choice, prayer,
13:09and I had recited this book for over an hour.
13:16Maybe I should have the video like this.
13:21I did an hour worth, but I had to do the kiran,
13:24and I almost only recited the kiran for an hour,
13:27but I ended up reciting the kiran for two hours.
13:31But I learned something about hieroglyphics.
13:35This is why I read these, because these have a ton of information about different things.
13:41I think I'm going to have to go to the bathroom.
13:46So I'm going to read it to you.
13:59So these hieroglyphs, there's ancient records of hieroglyphs.
14:06Hieroglyphs, like you know, the monuments of the ancient architectural temples,
14:14architectural monument sites.
14:17These hieroglyphs, there's hieroglyphs all over.
14:23And I really like the way they illustrate the man and the woman,
14:28because they make the man and woman, they don't like sexualized illustrations.
14:33They look healthy.
14:35They're all thin.
14:37They're, the way that they position them and shape them,
14:42it's not like they're just having small talk.
14:44They're doing like serious things, like powerful things with energy,
14:52like the Ankh symbol and this metal cane thing that they use.
15:01So these hieroglyphs of the spirit,
15:05these are basic elements in every individual's heart and being.
15:13I'm not sure if these hieroglyphs from Egypt are all good, so.
15:18However, these are living, flaming symbols.
15:25Brands of the divine star fire elements,
15:30ingrained within the cells themselves and their structurings.
15:35So when I notice these statues in ancient Egypt,
15:42I've been kept away from ancient Egypt.
15:44I've been allowed.
15:46And though the pyramid structure does something to me,
15:50like I've always wanted to have a crystal,
15:52like we're going to have these crystal pyramids, Shaya.
15:56I've, like, it's almost like when you want to go to the,
16:01like there's always these,
16:03ancient Egypt has definitely been kept away from me,
16:07so I'm learning about ancient Egypt and those pyramids are not just pyramids.
16:15And those statues, like, I can't say like they come alive,
16:19but they're like living when I look at them.
16:23And there's something very living about those ancient Egypt structures, statues.
16:32So, and I've always felt, at least these past ten years,
16:42that the pyramids were kind of owned by evil people.
16:47However, the technology that was stolen doesn't make them,
16:51that makes them thieves.
16:53That doesn't make them, like, completely own the technology,
16:58so I'm getting more connected with the pyramids.
17:02But these hieroglyphs are living flaming symbols,
17:06brands of the divine starfire elements,
17:09ingrained within the cells themselves and their structurings.
17:13Finding new meaning for all and bringing hope to all hope and regeneration.
17:22So there's something about hieroglyphs and interstellar space.
17:29The pyramid alignment has something to do with Orion, Orion Sirius.
17:35So it could deal, it could be directly connected to star C.
17:39So it could deal, it could be directly connected to star C.
17:45The Orion Sirius star C.
17:54So we pray also that the spiritual minute men,
17:57who understand what it means to stand up for me and for the light,
18:00will take their place in this new age.
18:02And the destiny that God is releasing to this planet,
18:05for the mighty light rays from interstellar space
18:08that pour through the room and through the atmosphere of this planet tonight.
18:13While speaking are intended to provide all with a new impetus.
18:19There's a vintage,
18:23there's some vintage stores that I might be able to find
18:28all of these books for cheap.
18:31All the little booklets.
18:33I am teaching booklets.
18:36However, I have to call around.
18:44I wish that, or I have to find,
18:47I have to locate a place to find these little booklets of all this information.
18:53I'll show you what they look like.
18:56Vintage store, I am booklets.
19:02Obviously I'm allergic to dust, but I could photocopy if I had to.
19:07If I didn't want to.
19:11I am.
19:15You just learn about so much from these,
19:18these books.
19:22No, this isn't.
19:31That's what they are.
19:34You Google vintage store booklets.
19:37Voice, I am.
19:39For decades they came out every week with like a
19:45little booklet,
19:47or every month,
19:49of the I am teachings.
19:51I am decree, not the I am decree booklets.
19:54The voice, I am.
19:56Someone told me that they had,
19:58someone told me a long time ago,
20:01when I was in the mental hospital,
20:04that they, I was talking about these booklets
20:07to one of the people that worked there,
20:09and they said that they saw them in a vintage shop,
20:12like, for very cheap.
20:15Collection of the I am movement booklets.
20:21That's what I've been saying.
20:24That's what I've been thinking about for years of getting,
20:28and I have,
20:30we will eventually shine.
20:41I'm going to continue reading this every day,
20:44because this is not just a book,
20:46it's a spiritual activation,
20:48spiritual ascension activation,
20:50and the violet flame,
20:52I use the violet flame every single day.
20:57It's part,
20:58it's one of the most important things
21:00for the spiritual ascension,
21:01is using the violet flame.
21:02You don't have to actually even picture
21:04the purple color.
21:07Oh, I have,
21:08okay, I've got 10 more minutes.
21:18And the telepathic supporter was calling these
21:20rodent entities
21:22filthy fat pieces of trash rats.
21:26The filthy fat pieces of trash rats.
21:39And Shia, when you get here,
21:41it's possible that we could use the grill
21:43in the courtyard down there
21:45to do some cooking.
21:47I've never used a grill
21:49but it's possible we can
21:51do that once in a while.
21:53Like if we get a grocery order
21:55and we get something that's refrigerated
21:58and we cook it right away
21:59and eat it right away on the grill.
22:04Because it doesn't require dishes.
22:08It doesn't require cooking dishes
22:10because we can't,
22:11we can't do dishes in this apartment right now.
22:30Filthy fat pieces of trash rats,
22:32these rodent entities.
22:46So the hieroglyphs in ancient Egypt
22:49I don't really,
22:50I'm not really like learning about
22:51what they all mean and everything.
22:53You don't have to really learn about it.
22:54You just have to look at it and it does something.
22:57So eventually I want to learn about
22:58some of the hieroglyphs.
23:00Not necessarily just in Egypt
23:01because I don't completely like
23:04the ancient Egypt monuments
23:09and things because of the way
23:13they had to enslave people.
23:16They literally have carvings
23:18of the temples of slaves
23:21chained to their neck
23:23in order to build the pyramids.
23:25So something,
23:26so it wasn't completely good.
23:31it's not, it wasn't completely bad.
23:33And there's something about ancient Egypt
23:36that me and you,
23:37most likely you too Shaya,
23:38have been kept from.
23:49Oh by the way,
23:50Shaya in your video
23:51when you cross your arms,
23:52it doesn't bother me at all.
23:53I like it.
23:54It doesn't do that like negative thing.
23:57A lot of times people cross their arms
23:59just because they don't feel safe
24:01and they are trying to protect themselves.
24:04That actually really made me happy
24:05to see your arms like that
24:07because it gave me,
24:09it gives me the feeling that you,
24:12you weren't safe back then
24:14because of what has been happening to you
24:16and you were kind of on guard
24:18protecting yourself.
24:19So I was happy to see that Shaya.
24:21Because I know I talked about this
24:23with the Muslims
24:26that pray with this crossing their arms
24:29and everything.
24:31And I believe we are Shaya Muslims, Shaya,
24:34obviously with your name too.
24:36I think that would be weird
24:39if we weren't.
24:43So I wanted to show you
24:45my three-day fast starting tomorrow.
24:48I'm not looking forward to it.
24:49However, I'm finishing all my bagels
24:51to make sure that they don't mold by the time
24:55the cleanse is over.
24:56I won't be able to eat the bagels.
24:57So I had two bagels yesterday.
25:00I baked two baked potatoes,
25:02but they were undercooked
25:04and I ended up throwing out most of them.
25:07So I'm already like,
25:09I'm already losing weight a little.
25:13I'm kind of getting ready for the cleanse tomorrow.
25:17So I'm going to do a three-day cleanse.
25:19And this has to do with the...
25:21I learned it.
25:23I don't know really much about it,
25:25but I know it's part of the Muslim religion.
25:28You fast three days on the 14th, 15th, and 16th.
25:33I saw it on the Quran accounts.
25:45Well, it's July 15th,
25:47but they say that it's good to start fasting
25:50on the 14th and the 16th.
25:54So Muslims,
25:58I didn't know July is the month of Ramadan.
26:10hold on, July,
26:13July 15th,
26:18here we go,
26:21July 15th,
26:25Al-Quran, Muslim fasting,
26:31Day of Arafah.
26:41I forget.
26:42I forget what it's called.
26:44I think it could be Ashura.
26:49So I'm going to stop this video
26:51because I really have to go to the bathroom
26:53and we'll start part two.
26:57I love you, Shia.
26:59Thank you everybody for watching.
27:00Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.
