Big Cats | Lions, Cheetahs, Leopards with Wild Kratts

  • 2 months ago
Big Cats | Lions, Cheetahs, Leopards with Wild Kratts


00:00:00Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts!
00:00:13All right! On your marks...
00:00:17Get set...
00:00:29Yeah! Go, Martin!
00:00:32Go, Cheetah!
00:00:34Chris, aren't you going to cheer for your brother?
00:00:37Hey, somebody's got to root for the cheetah!
00:00:39Wow! A running cheetah is a beautiful sight to see!
00:00:43Martin's trying really hard!
00:01:16The cheetah wins!
00:01:19That was close!
00:01:22Oh, not so close.
00:01:25Oh, so you were the blur I saw going by!
00:01:28You win that one, Blur!
00:01:31And the Kratera took a beating!
00:01:34It's a great off-road vehicle, but no human-made vehicle can handle this rough terrain.
00:01:39And cheetah speed!
00:01:41Hmm. We'll see about that. Let's see.
00:01:45Cheetah sneaks? No.
00:01:46Kratera? No.
00:01:48What invention could match cheetah speed racing across the rough and tumble African savannah?
00:01:53Don't waste your time, Aviva!
00:01:55The cheetah's the fastest land animal on Earth for a reason.
00:01:58It's the perfect design for running across rough ground.
00:02:01You can't outrun a cheetah on the African savannah! No way!
00:02:06Uh, yes way.
00:02:08No way!
00:02:10Yes way! I'm going to invent an invention that can run faster out here.
00:02:12Faster than a cheetah, faster than anything!
00:02:15No way!
00:02:17Will you stop saying that?
00:02:19That wasn't me.
00:02:21Yes it was.
00:02:23Wait a minute. I recognize that voice.
00:02:25Of course you do! It's the voice of the inventor you wished you could be,
00:02:29spying on you from within my spy cloud.
00:02:37You didn't even know I was here!
00:02:39I should have rained on you!
00:02:43You're just jealous because I have always been a better inventor than you.
00:02:47Oh really?
00:02:49What about at science camp when my potato clock kept better time than your moldy bread clock?
00:02:53Or the time...
00:02:55Oh forget about that!
00:02:57You're only as great as your last invention.
00:02:59I want in on this racing contest and this time you're all going to eat my dust.
00:03:04Oh yeah?
00:03:06Okay, this is getting very interesting.
00:03:07Two inventions duking it out in a cheetah race.
00:03:10Well, I'm sticking with the natural speedster.
00:03:13Nothing can beat the fastest runner on the savannah.
00:03:16Oh, big surprise.
00:03:25What's wrong with it?
00:03:27Nothing. She just thinks you look like a vulture.
00:03:30Ha ha. What's with the spots? It looks sick.
00:03:34Cheetahs have spots.
00:03:35That's what makes them beautiful.
00:03:39Ha! You know what's going to be beautiful?
00:03:41When I beat that sick kitty and...
00:03:44You in a race!
00:03:47You're on! Let's have a race.
00:03:49My cheetah racer against your...
00:03:51ZTV. That's a Zack Terrain Vehicle. Yeah!
00:03:56What if the cheetah wins?
00:03:58Oh yeah. Ha ha. That scrawny thing wins a race. Right.
00:04:02Well, you'll have to beat her fair and square.
00:04:05This is a ground race, so no flying vehicles.
00:04:08Here he goes with the rules again.
00:04:10And no using animals to power your machine.
00:04:13That's not only mean, it's cheating. No cheating.
00:04:16Only cheetah-ing. Ha ha. That's okay.
00:04:20Me? Cheat? Never.
00:04:22Okay. We have three hours to complete our inventions.
00:04:25And then we race at sundown.
00:04:28Winner is the world's best cheetah racer.
00:04:32Best inventor.
00:04:35Okay. Let me have a look at you, Blur.
00:04:38What design features give you your speed?
00:04:40Well, for starters, the four L's.
00:04:43The four L's?
00:04:45Light, long, lean, and lanky.
00:04:47Yeah. She is skinny. That makes sense.
00:04:50The lighter she is, the easier it is to push herself forward quickly.
00:04:53So my invention has to be light.
00:04:55She has a really huge chest.
00:04:58That's because she has extra large lungs. And a huge heart.
00:05:02Yeah. For its body weight,
00:05:04the cheetah has one of the largest hearts and lungs of any animal.
00:05:07Large lungs to bring oxygen to the blood,
00:05:10which is pumped by the heart to power the muscles.
00:05:12Okay. So I need a system that delivers maximum oxygen
00:05:15to power the cheetah racer's engine.
00:05:17Let's see her in action again. Guys, can you get her running?
00:05:20Sure. Not a problem.
00:05:22A cheetah has excellent eyesight.
00:05:24Up there with the best long-distance vision of all mammals.
00:05:27Even in bright, glaring sunlight, a cheetah can spot prey.
00:05:30Those beautiful black markings absorb light, cutting down the glare.
00:05:34So she can always spot prey and spring into action.
00:05:37Except when she can see it's the same trick Gazelle from last time.
00:05:41Just learned something else about cheetahs.
00:05:45They're smarter than your average wildcat.
00:05:47And wildcrat.
00:05:51Let's see. Falcon, Firefly, Gazelle.
00:05:55Need this?
00:05:57Oh yeah.
00:05:59Powering up is cheetah prey.
00:06:01Now that's what I call creature crazy.
00:06:04It's been good knowing you, brother.
00:06:07Activate creature powers.
00:06:22Of course.
00:06:23I'll use the invention of my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather.
00:06:29The wheel.
00:06:31With this high-tech racing tire, I will zoom to the finish.
00:06:42Oh man.
00:06:45All set.
00:06:49So Blur, ready to have some fun?
00:06:51She has you in her sights, Chris.
00:06:53How's this looking for gazelle behavior?
00:06:56Blur likes what she's seeing.
00:06:59A cheetah looks for a gazelle who isn't paying attention.
00:07:02So I'll just focus on looking for some nice gazelle grass.
00:07:06Too green, not too dry, too spiky.
00:07:10The cheetah stalks as closely as she can.
00:07:12A cheetah can run super fast, but only for a short time.
00:07:16The gazelle can't run as fast, but can run for longer.
00:07:18So before she makes her move, a cheetah tries to get close.
00:07:22She's getting pretty close.
00:07:25She's getting really close.
00:07:28Pan, drop, seed, grass, nutritious, high in fiber.
00:07:40A cheetah runs with long strides.
00:07:43At top speed, each stride covers a mile.
00:07:45Long strides.
00:07:47At top speed, each stride covers eight meters, the length of a small school bus.
00:07:51It's the backbone.
00:07:53Look at that, it's bending.
00:07:55When it bends down, it stretches the legs out further, so each stride is longer.
00:07:59So the cheetah covers more ground with each step.
00:08:01Uh-oh, she's catching up.
00:08:03Too fast.
00:08:05Must engage evasive maneuvers.
00:08:07The g-zig-zag.
00:08:09He's going with the g-zig-zag.
00:08:11The g-zig-zag?
00:08:12Yeah, the gazelle zig-zag.
00:08:14The g-zig-zag.
00:08:16Trying to throw the cheetah off.
00:08:18But the cheetah can g-zig-zag too.
00:08:20He's staying on Chris's tail.
00:08:22Speaking of tails, look at the cheetahs.
00:08:24It's whipping right, left, up, down, right, left.
00:08:26Keeping the cheetah on balance.
00:08:28She's catching up.
00:08:30I can't shake her.
00:08:36The bendable backbone feature is exactly what I need.
00:08:43Don't look at me like that.
00:08:48How about that tail balancer?
00:08:50Can you put in one of those?
00:08:52Aviva, you'll need one for turning through the rough terrain.
00:09:05I could use a little help here.
00:09:07Chris, will you quit playing around?
00:09:09I'm not playing.
00:09:10The cheetah's playing with me.
00:09:21So, if you wouldn't mind letting me go, that would be great.
00:09:33Ready for testing.
00:09:35Let's run it.
00:09:37Powering up treadmill.
00:09:38Hit the spot thruster, MK.
00:09:40Spot on.
00:09:43Hey, this is feeling pretty smooth.
00:09:48Sixty kilometers per hour.
00:09:50All systems functioning.
00:09:52The backbone is really bending.
00:09:54Ninety kilometers per hour.
00:09:56Bending too much.
00:09:58A hundred and ten kilometers per hour.
00:10:00Is this a cheetah racer or a bucket cropper?
00:10:07Might want to take down that backbone bendability a little.
00:10:10I smell mud.
00:10:17Nice mud in this puddle.
00:10:19Hug eyes.
00:10:27My Zach Terrain Vehicle is complete.
00:10:30Right on time to defeat a very annoying Aviva.
00:10:34Roll me out.
00:10:42Not me, me.
00:10:44Me and my ZTV.
00:10:52ZTV Safari Edition.
00:11:00The cheetah racer.
00:11:09Race time.
00:11:11Hmm. Where's Blur?
00:11:13Yeah, I saw him run away.
00:11:15Like a scaredy cat.
00:11:18And you should too.
00:11:21The only place I'm running to is the finish line.
00:11:30When's the last time you saw Blur?
00:11:33Well, let's see.
00:11:35When she tackled me for the third time.
00:11:37Then what?
00:11:39I don't know.
00:11:41She probably got tired of toying with me and went for a nap in the shade.
00:11:45But she's supposed to win this race.
00:11:47I've got to find her.
00:11:49The race is starting in two minutes.
00:11:56Here it is.
00:11:57Here it is.
00:11:59Peregrine Falcon.
00:12:11Activate. Peregrine Falcon power.
00:12:23Oh yeah.
00:12:25I've got to get a bird's eye view on this.
00:12:27Find Blur.
00:12:32Cat lover.
00:12:38On your marks.
00:12:43I can see her whole territory.
00:12:46But no sign of Blur.
00:12:50Get set.
00:13:17Yeah! Go!
00:13:21Go guys, go!
00:13:29And they'll kill a cheetah or even a cheetah cub any chance they get.
00:13:34That chirp means hide.
00:13:38A special chirp for each command.
00:13:41Now Blur is going out to distract the lion.
00:13:44She's trying to lead the lion away from little...
00:13:46Oh, what am I going to call him?
00:13:56Now that is one clever way to avoid predators.
00:13:59Cheetah style.
00:14:13Oh, I spot speed.
00:14:15A light, lean, running machine.
00:14:17Oh, here's my chance to update and improve my cheetah racer.
00:14:20Bring up the cheetah racer.
00:14:24Blur lures away lions with her cheetah speed to keep her cubs safe.
00:14:28Because little cubs can't run fast yet.
00:14:30Check out the racing stripe.
00:14:32Black fur on his back with a white stripe down the middle.
00:14:35I wonder why a cheetah cub has that and his mom doesn't.
00:14:38Hey, where is his mom?
00:14:41Oh, there she is.
00:14:51I'll use my cheetah vision to find her.
00:14:55There she is.
00:15:00Here we go. A cheetah hunt.
00:15:03She has to catch a gazelle to feed her cub.
00:15:14Woo, there goes the fastest land animal on the planet
00:15:18at 100 kilometers per hour.
00:15:33What about that one?
00:15:35Too gray and wrinkly. Boring.
00:15:38Oh, there's another.
00:15:40Too many stripes. I'm getting dizzy.
00:15:44Oh, how about that one?
00:15:46Too tan and hairy.
00:15:48None of this will work for my line of safari winter wear.
00:15:54Stop the car.
00:15:56That's it. Spots and speeds spectacular.
00:16:00Look at those crazy turns.
00:16:04My cheetah racer has to turn like that.
00:16:07Blur has to catch it fast or she'll run out of energy.
00:16:10Yeah, this wild cat can only run at top speeds
00:16:13for a little more than 500 meters.
00:16:15Here's my chance.
00:16:16This looks good.
00:16:18Okay, you grab a nap, Spotswot, and I'll scan the area.
00:16:30This cheetah eyesight is amazing.
00:16:33I can see so far.
00:16:35Cheetahs have one of the best long-distance eyesights
00:16:38of any mammal.
00:16:41Warthog, at 200 meters,
00:16:43Giraffe, at 400 meters,
00:16:46Rhino, 2 kilometers,
00:16:48Elephants, at 3 kilometers.
00:16:54Oh, this little Spotswot having a nightmare.
00:16:57It's okay, little...
00:17:14A honey badger looks like a cheetah cub.
00:17:17Or a cheetah cub looks like a honey badger.
00:17:19Just never do that again, okay?
00:17:21Like never again?
00:17:23Never ever again?
00:17:27This cheetah suit's out of control!
00:17:32I've heard of charging rhinos,
00:17:35but never anybody charging a rhino.
00:17:42Spotswot, there you are!
00:17:50Oh, I'm just going to have to remember who's who.
00:17:53You look almost exactly the same.
00:17:56Like you're mimics.
00:17:58As long as your heads are down
00:18:01and you're not snarling.
00:18:04Oh, come on, not again.
00:18:05I'm not running this time.
00:18:08I'm not running.
00:18:10No way!
00:18:14A black mamba!
00:18:16And now I know why it's called that.
00:18:18Because it's got a black tongue.
00:18:20The black mamba's the only venomous snake in the world
00:18:23that can rise up high enough
00:18:25to sink its fangs into your face.
00:18:27Did I just say what I think I said?
00:18:29Uh, did I ever say protecting a cheetah cub was easy?
00:18:36Tortuga, come in, Tortuga.
00:18:38We've got a battle here between a black mamba
00:18:40and a honey badger,
00:18:42who is famous for eating all kinds of venomous snakes.
00:18:44He eats cobras,
00:18:46but the black mamba's the most aggressive snake in Africa,
00:18:49and it's a big one.
00:18:54Okay, Blur, first I'll get you out of here,
00:18:57then I'll unfreeze you.
00:18:59Come on.
00:19:02Those dewclaws aren't only good for tripping up gazelles,
00:19:04the dewclaw's also good for all-around grabbing.
00:19:07Come on, let's go.
00:19:10A stool, hmm.
00:19:12That could work, too,
00:19:14with a fluffy little cheetah cub as a hat.
00:19:16Now Chris can just lead us to the cheetah cub.
00:19:22Oh, I'm so sorry!
00:19:24I just...
00:19:26How do you deal with me every day?
00:19:28Blur, look out!
00:19:31I don't know much about nature,
00:19:33but I do know one thing about cheetahs.
00:19:36Once they've run, they're done.
00:19:44We've got to save Blur.
00:19:46To the creature rescue!
00:19:52Aviva, what have you got that can help us catch up with Donita?
00:19:55Something fast!
00:19:57Donita's heading towards a jet!
00:19:59How about the cheetah racer I've been tuning up?
00:20:04Powering up teleporter.
00:20:06Hold it!
00:20:08What about what's-his-name?
00:20:10Who's what's-his-name?
00:20:14The one without a name.
00:20:16The cheetah cub!
00:20:18He's all alone in the grass,
00:20:20with a lion lurking around plus who knows what else.
00:20:22Spotted hyenas, who hunt alone or in packs.
00:20:24Leopards, the stealth hunters.
00:20:25Just like the lions,
00:20:27these super predators will eliminate the competition
00:20:29any chance they get.
00:20:31And that includes killing a cheetah cub if they find him.
00:20:34We can't leave little what's-his-name alone.
00:20:36Well then we've got to split up.
00:20:38I'll go after Blur.
00:20:40And I'll protect the cheetah cub.
00:20:42And give him a name.
00:20:44Now are you ready for it?
00:20:46On three.
00:20:48One, two, three!
00:20:50To the creature rescue!
00:20:52Gotta make sure he's still okay.
00:20:53How's it going with the cheetah racer?
00:20:57Okay, Jimmy, go!
00:20:59Locking coordinates.
00:21:01And energize!
00:21:07Donita's almost at her jet.
00:21:09Yeah, but she's going slow over this rough terrain.
00:21:11At top cheetah speed,
00:21:13you still have a chance to catch her.
00:21:15But hurry!
00:21:20Now this is the way cheetahs do it.
00:21:21Now this is the way cheetahs like to travel.
00:21:23On flat land and fast!
00:21:30It's good!
00:21:34Hey Aviva, you really captured
00:21:36the natural magic of the cheetah.
00:21:45I've only got a few more seconds at top speed.
00:21:47Kick it!
00:21:49Maximum cheetah velocity!
00:22:03Don't villains ever just walk?
00:22:08Hey, I like my gig.
00:22:10Hanging out with the cheetah cub?
00:22:16Oh, this is going to be easy.
00:22:18And fun!
00:22:20Hey, and it would be great
00:22:22to have a cheetah creature power suit.
00:22:24Then I could really play with you.
00:22:28I've been working on it.
00:22:30Are you almost done?
00:22:32Because I might need it really soon
00:22:34to protect the cub.
00:22:37Now we've got a lion
00:22:39and hyenas on the prowl.
00:22:42Coming at you, Jimmy-Z!
00:22:43Locking coordinates.
00:22:47Coming at you, Martin!
00:22:54Are you going to be able
00:22:56to touch the cheetah?
00:22:58Martin, I said,
00:23:00can you touch the cheetah?
00:23:06It tickles!
00:23:08Activate creature power suit!
00:23:12This cheetah cub
00:23:14is a good listener.
00:23:16I only had to chirp,
00:23:18hide, get in the grass, once.
00:23:20Now I just have to tell him
00:23:22to stay there.
00:23:24Oh no!
00:23:26He might have taken a hit
00:23:28from the black mamba.
00:23:30We need some black mamba
00:23:32antivenom fast,
00:23:34or he might die!
00:23:36Black mamba antivenom!
00:23:38Oh, no!
00:23:40Oh, no!
00:23:42Oh, no!
00:23:44Oh, no!
00:23:46Oh, no!
00:23:48Oh, no!
00:23:50Oh, no!
00:23:56A shot of this should stop
00:23:58the poison from the black mamba.
00:24:00If we can get it to him in time.
00:24:02Hang in there, honey badger.
00:24:04Antivenom coming at you!
00:24:08Antivenom! Got it!
00:24:19I don't get it.
00:24:26The honey badger's up!
00:24:28He slept off the venom himself!
00:24:30Oh, I heard of that,
00:24:32but never believed it!
00:24:34And now this is one tough creature!
00:24:38I know why the cheetah cub
00:24:40has that black and white back!
00:24:42To look like a honey badger
00:24:44in the grass!
00:24:46The honey badger is so tough
00:24:48that most of the time
00:24:49it looks like a honey badger.
00:24:51So a hiding cheetah cub
00:24:53looks like a honey badger!
00:24:55Its looks mimics the way
00:24:57a badger looks,
00:24:59so a predator won't mess with him!
00:25:01That's mimicry
00:25:03for cheetah cub survival!
00:25:05Nature is amazing!
00:25:09As soon as he leads us to the cub,
00:25:11we'll have them both!
00:25:13A hat and stole!
00:25:17Who stole your hat?
00:25:19I'm going to steal a cheetah cub
00:25:21to be my hat!
00:25:23A stole is what I wrap
00:25:25around my shoulders!
00:25:29Just keep driving!
00:25:33Way to pull off the rescue!
00:25:35Yeah, I sneaked in,
00:25:37grabbed the cheetah
00:25:39and Danita's controller,
00:25:41so now I can unfreeze Blur
00:25:43by pushing this button!
00:25:45Did you think I would leave
00:25:47my controller lying around?
00:25:49That's enough!
00:25:51A mimic!
00:25:53Yes, I have the authentic controller!
00:25:59Not a step further
00:26:01or I'll freeze you in your tracks!
00:26:05which one of these fluffy cubs
00:26:07do I want?
00:26:09Okay, Danita,
00:26:11take one!
00:26:15If you have the mother,
00:26:17you should have the cub!
00:26:19Whatever you do,
00:26:21please don't take the bigger,
00:26:25most beautiful one!
00:26:27Grab the bigger,
00:26:29softer, most beautiful one.
00:26:31Let's go!
00:26:33Oh, Martin,
00:26:35what did you do?
00:26:37Why did you just hand over
00:26:39the cheetah cub?
00:26:41I didn't.
00:26:43There's Spotswap,
00:26:45the cheetah cub!
00:26:47But then...
00:26:50Get out of my hair!
00:26:52Oh no, not my favorite picture!
00:26:57Hola, Nina!
00:26:59Hey, Nina!
00:27:01Thanks for the jaguar alarm!
00:27:03Which way did the Zagbots go?
00:27:05Every way!
00:27:07This is a tough one.
00:27:09How are we going to find
00:27:11a black jaguar before Zack
00:27:13when any jaguar, black or orange,
00:27:15is so hard to find in the first place?
00:27:17Yeah, even though they are so big,
00:27:19and live in a different hemisphere,
00:27:21by the way,
00:27:23they are so secretive.
00:27:25They're harder to see
00:27:27than the camouflaged Tortuga.
00:27:31Where's the Tortuga?
00:27:35Hey, our best bet would be to find
00:27:37some jaguar-spotting experts.
00:27:39And then they could help us!
00:27:41You're on!
00:27:43Jaguar-spotting experts?
00:27:45Like putting spots on a jaguar?
00:27:47Or do you mean spotting,
00:27:49spotting animals?
00:27:51You know, creatures like spider monkeys,
00:27:55white-lipped peccaries,
00:27:57rainforest deer.
00:27:59Oh, I get it.
00:28:01Animals that a jaguar hunts.
00:28:03That's right.
00:28:05Because these animals have to spot a jaguar
00:28:07before the jaguar spots them
00:28:09for survival.
00:28:11So, if we can find an animal
00:28:13who is the prey of a jaguar,
00:28:15like the spider monkey, for example,
00:28:17if they spot a jaguar,
00:28:19sort of like that,
00:28:21then we would know there's a jaguar around.
00:28:33Ah, yes!
00:28:35The spider monkey alarm.
00:28:37Maybe they spotted a jaguar!
00:28:47A jaguar!
00:28:49My favorite wildcat!
00:28:52Absolutely stunning!
00:28:55What great camouflage!
00:28:57The jaguar's orange and black spotted pattern
00:29:00blends in with the beams of light
00:29:02and shadows of the forest floor,
00:29:04and the jaguar can virtually disappear.
00:29:08I bet a jaguar could sneak up behind you
00:29:10and you wouldn't even know it was there.
00:29:12We would know, wouldn't we?
00:29:15Well, yeah, we would.
00:29:17Of course we would.
00:29:32Come on! We're on the move!
00:29:38This is the third time I've seen a jaguar in my life!
00:29:42But I've never seen a black jaguar.
00:29:44My grandpa has once, but not me.
00:29:47What's with the black jaguar, anyway?
00:29:49Is there such a thing?
00:29:51I mean, if orange with black spots
00:29:54works to camouflage them so well,
00:29:56then why would some be black?
00:29:58That's a really good question.
00:30:01Maybe here in the rainforest,
00:30:03the darker the jungle gets,
00:30:05the better it might be to be black.
00:30:07See the orange jaguar?
00:30:09There's no more mottled light and shadows to blend her in.
00:30:12But if the jaguar that lived in this part of the forest was black,
00:30:14she would be virtually invisible in the darkness.
00:30:20I really hope we see a black jaguar.
00:30:29Okay, well, we're not going any farther that way.
00:30:32Cats don't like to swim.
00:30:34Jaguars do. They love the water.
00:30:42I never knew that jaguars loved to swim.
00:30:45Oh, if you like that, you'll love the fishing cat from Indonesia.
00:30:48They actually catch fish and...
00:30:50Uh, Martin, we decided on a jaguar adventure, remember?
00:30:53But this jaguar adventure might already be over.
00:30:58Oh, no! He's going to get away!
00:31:00What are we going to do?
00:31:02I've got an idea.
00:31:04If we take some banana leaves
00:31:06and lash them together with these vines
00:31:08and plug the seams with sap from the rubber tree,
00:31:10we can create a raft!
00:31:13I think I've got something for this.
00:31:23Hurry up! Hop in!
00:31:25The jaguar's getting away!
00:31:32Okay, now, who brought the paddles?
00:31:35Wolves are nature's best marathoners.
00:31:40They just run and run until they get what they're looking for.
00:31:44And we're looking for wolves by running like wolves.
00:31:48So, you're doing a wolf marathon?
00:31:51Trying to catch up to the world's best long-distance runner by... running?
00:31:56I think you'll be back before breakfast.
00:31:59Yeah, to wolf down some breakfast.
00:32:01That's the only wolf we'll be seeing this morning.
00:32:07Well, I've got a backup plan.
00:32:10Just in case we can't catch up or keep up.
00:32:13I've got the old trusty Plan B right here in my back pocket.
00:32:18A moose suit?
00:32:20Uh, I don't know, Chris.
00:32:22How'd that work out for you with the gazelle suit and the cheetah?
00:32:33She tackled me so fast!
00:32:35That was different. The cheetah's a sprinter.
00:32:38The wolf is a marathoner.
00:32:40I might have time to deactivate.
00:32:42Wolf track!
00:32:44Definitely dog-like.
00:32:46Dog claws always show up in the tracks.
00:32:49Four toe pads, one heel pad.
00:32:52Fifteen centimeters from toe to heel.
00:32:54Ten centimeters wide.
00:32:56Definitely too big to be a fox or coyote.
00:32:59Oh yeah, it's definitely wolf.
00:33:02And more than one. A wolf pack!
00:33:11I'd say about five different wolves.
00:33:14What? What part of the track is telling you that?
00:33:17Three silver ones. Two black ones.
00:33:20What? Where do you see that?
00:33:23And one white one.
00:33:26How in the world can you tell that from these tracks?
00:33:29Well, actually, you kind of have to look at the big picture.
00:33:31Whoa! Now that's a wolf pack!
00:33:35Well, who would have thunk it?
00:33:37Maybe the best way to find wolves is just to be out in the wild.
00:33:40Talking about wolves.
00:33:42Come in, Tortuga. This is Little Boy Who Cried Wolf calling Tortuga.
00:33:45Little Boy Who Cried Wolf telling you, we found wolves.
00:33:49Forget it, Martin. Wolves on the move!
00:33:52Okay, check that.
00:33:54We're running with the wolves.
00:34:01Oh, and we're not the only ones.
00:34:05Ravens are following them, too.
00:34:11Hey, it helps to have wings to follow wolves
00:34:14because they have a fast pace called a lope.
00:34:17A wolf can lope all day long,
00:34:19covering 160 kilometers with hardly a rest.
00:34:22That's what I call a marathon.
00:34:24Hey, what do you call when they pick up the pace even faster?
00:34:27More tiring?
00:34:29A chase! An all-out run!
00:34:31Woo-hoo! They're after something.
00:34:41Where did they get that kick?
00:34:43I know they can marathon all day,
00:34:45and then sprint when they need to.
00:34:49A moose is on the loose!
00:34:56We won!
00:34:58I win!
00:35:04Ha, ha, ha.
00:35:06I won!
00:35:08A calf!
00:35:10And it's time to praise it.
00:35:16All right, we're all fours!
00:35:18Well done, Gordon.
00:35:40Okay, so let me get this straight.
00:35:44So the wolf pack was starting to surround you.
00:35:52Was he with the pack then?
00:35:54No, at four weeks, he's too young to go on the hunt.
00:35:58Well, he's attacking my controller.
00:36:01Come on, Jimmy, his teeth are just coming in.
00:36:03He's gotta try him out on something.
00:36:05Well, all the adult wolf teeth were already in.
00:36:08I didn't want any of the big dogs
00:36:10trying those out on my moose behind.
00:36:14So, I knew before they closed the circle around me,
00:36:17I had to do something.
00:36:19Chris, deactivate.
00:36:20Get out of that moose suit.
00:36:26Hooves don't work that way.
00:36:28Well, then work them the way they work.
00:36:32Sometimes these creature power suits are too creature-y.
00:36:37But remember, a moose can't outrun a pack of wolves for long.
00:36:40You'll have to think of something else soon.
00:36:52Can't run anymore.
00:36:55Think of something else.
00:37:00Could they be the weapon against wolves?
00:37:13Antlers work on one wolf.
00:37:17But not on a pack,
00:37:19because moose only have antlers on one end,
00:37:21and wolves can surround a moose and attack from all ends.
00:37:27Ooh, but a moose can swim.
00:37:40Chris, are you okay?
00:37:43What are you doing?
00:37:44The moosey paddle.
00:37:47The moosey paddle?
00:37:49Ha-ha, good one, bro, the moosey paddle.
00:37:53Oh, come on, guys, give me a little rest.
00:37:56Chris, while you cool off, I'll track the pack.
00:37:59Wait up!
00:38:01Oh no, moose hooves.
00:38:04How am I gonna deactivate with moose hooves?
00:38:06So where were you during all this?
00:38:11Little howler.
00:38:12Well, if we keep following the trail of the story,
00:38:14you're going to pop up somewhere.
00:38:16How'd you get out of the moose suit, Chris?
00:38:18Well, it wasn't looking too good,
00:38:20until I got a tip on a twig from a moose.
00:38:29Well, look at that.
00:38:31A moose can grab and hold sticks with its lips.
00:38:39Back on wolf patrol.
00:38:43What was going on with you, Martin?
00:38:45Well, I had fallen way, way, way behind the wolves,
00:38:48and when I finally caught up with them,
00:38:50I discovered they had caught up with a moose.
00:38:57Woo, hey guys, what did the wolf say to the ravens?
00:39:02How's it going?
00:39:05You like that, huh?
00:39:09I am not slow.
00:39:10I don't have wings.
00:39:11Must be nice to be a raven.
00:39:12At least he can fly.
00:39:16Oh, I get it.
00:39:18You warn the wolves if anyone approaches.
00:39:24And they take you to lunch.
00:39:28Wolves and ravens make a great creature team.
00:39:31Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
00:39:34You wolves just ran 15 kilometers,
00:39:36pulled down a 900 kilo moose, and devoured it?
00:39:38And now you're off and running again?
00:39:42Okay, I'm coming.
00:39:45And when I got there,
00:39:46they were all snoozing with full bellies.
00:39:49Did you see any puppies?
00:39:51No, there weren't any puppies around.
00:39:53And the wolves were all lounging around snoozing,
00:39:55and I just sat down to rest for a second.
00:39:58And I guess I must have fallen asleep for a while,
00:40:00because when I woke up,
00:40:02Chris was snarling at me like a cougar.
00:40:06I wasn't snarling like a cougar.
00:40:08I was trying to wake you up and tell you,
00:40:10a cougar, a cougar.
00:40:27A never before seen face-off between a huge cougar.
00:40:30Or you could call him a mountain lion,
00:40:32or a panther, or a catamount.
00:40:34We've gotta film it.
00:40:36All taken care of.
00:40:37The creature pod is recording.
00:40:51No wolf alone can defeat a cougar.
00:40:53But together, they have the power of the pack.
00:41:28Hey, quit fighting my creature pod.
00:41:31He's gonna kill that creature pod.
00:41:37Hey Martin, did you say the creature pod was recording?
00:41:41Play it back, maybe there's a clue.
00:41:45Okay, okay, here, fight this monster.
00:41:52Got it.
00:41:58Fast forward it.
00:42:01Stop, do you see that?
00:42:04Yeah, it's.
00:42:07Little Howler.
00:42:12So that's when you got into my backpack.
00:42:14And now we know where he came from.
00:42:16Mystery solved.
00:42:18Yeah, there must have been a den hidden in those rocks.
00:42:21And a mother who's looking for him too.
00:42:24All right, now we've got a new creature mission.
00:42:28Yeah, we've gotta figure out how to get
00:42:29Little Howler back home without a whole pack of wolves
00:42:32being mad at us for taking him in the first place.
00:42:36Okay, let's get going then.
00:42:45Okay, we're at the coordinates.
00:42:47Yeah, a kilometer away from the den site
00:42:49so the wolves won't be scared by a giant flying turtle.
00:42:53Here, take the wolf power disks.
00:42:55Hot off the creature power press.
00:42:57Thanks Aviva.
00:42:58Do they have marathon power?
00:43:00No, they don't, but I'm sure they do.
00:43:04Do they have marathon power?
00:43:06Oh, you'll be able to run all right.
00:43:07And run and run and run and run.
00:43:10We are, but the door's not opening.
00:43:13Oh yeah, I locked it for flying mode.
00:43:18Activate jaguar powers.
00:43:28I've got black jaguar powers.
00:43:31Hey, no fair.
00:43:34That's the luck of jaguar genetics.
00:43:35Approximately one out of 16 jaguars are black,
00:43:38so you have a 5% chance of activation
00:43:41into a black version of a jaguar power suit.
00:43:43I want a black jaguar suit.
00:43:46Oh, and this is gonna camouflage perfectly in Zack's jet.
00:43:50That orange is kinda gonna stand out
00:43:52in Zack's black interior.
00:43:54Well, if I have a 5% chance of getting black jaguar powers,
00:43:58then all I have to do is reactivate.
00:44:18Yeah, woohoo!
00:44:20I am 100% black jaguar.
00:44:24Let's prowl.
00:44:33Uh-oh, Zack's jet.
00:44:36He's gonna take off.
00:44:37We've gotta get on that plane.
00:44:39To the creature rescue!
00:45:03Okay, show me the kitty.
00:45:07Huh, this is it?
00:45:08Okay, it's black, I'll give you that.
00:45:10But is that as big as it gets?
00:45:14Oh, so it's a puppy then.
00:45:16But I can't go public with this pipsqueak.
00:45:19How long does it take to get to be full-sized
00:45:22and impressive?
00:45:25Two years?
00:45:26That's a lot of time.
00:45:28I'm gonna have to go back to the lab
00:45:29and figure out what to do with it.
00:45:32Two years?
00:45:33Oh, I can't wait that long.
00:45:36I'm launching my new Spy Bots in two hours.
00:45:39Well, I guess I could inject it
00:45:41with some growth serum or something.
00:45:43Zack Bots, get me 10 grams of sodium bichloride,
00:45:47a pound of magnesium sulfate,
00:45:48and a large box of pancake mix.
00:45:54I've always wanted to invent a growth serum,
00:45:56but I've always had too many other genius ideas to do first.
00:46:00Plus I've had too many interruptions
00:46:01from those pesky Kraut Brothers.
00:46:03But not this time.
00:46:05I will combine my ingredients
00:46:07into a growth acceleration formula,
00:46:09and then I'm gonna grow you into my impressive spokesmodel
00:46:13for the Zack Spy Bots, shadow edition.
00:46:23Alright, Shadow, we got you now.
00:46:27What? How did this get here? Where's my black jaguar?
00:46:35Hmm. They are sneaky. I like that.
00:46:38Zackbot, find it! It couldn't have just flown away. It must be here somewhere.
00:46:54There's your mama.
00:46:58Aw, Shadow is back where he belongs. Living free and with his mom.
00:47:05Come on, he's a predator who attacks.
00:47:08Take it from someone who's been stung. It's the African honeybee.
00:47:12Uh, Chris, is that your nose or are you wearing a tomato on your face?
00:47:16I'll always remember, give a bee his space. Cleared for takeoff.
00:47:23Follow that bee! To the hive! Don't lose him!
00:47:35There he is!
00:47:41Whoa! Whoa!
00:47:44I'm sorry! I didn't see you! It was an accident!
00:47:48See? The lion's the toughest!
00:47:51Well, taking out the size advantage while giving them extra ferocity points,
00:47:55because while bees are defensive, lions are aggressive predators, we've got a nine.
00:48:01It's too close to call between the lion and the African honeybee. I need more data.
00:48:07Keep your eye on that bee!
00:48:10The sweet smell strengthens. Honey is near.
00:48:18Hello, honeybees. Hello, honey.
00:48:21There goes the bee. Back to his hive!
00:48:29I couldn't be happier to see green grape and blue honey.
00:48:34I couldn't be happier to see green grape and blue berry.
00:48:38They will help me steal the honey.
00:48:46We did it!
00:48:56Clever move, Gourmand!
00:48:59Clever move, Gourmand! Bother the bees and make us look like the bad guys!
00:49:03Hey, Chris, what's the difference between one angry bee and a swarm?
00:49:07About 4,999 stingers.
00:49:18Well, you run for your lives. I will visit another hive,
00:49:22and there I will capture the mystery animal on my menu.
00:49:26I'll give you a clue. It has ferocious flavor.
00:49:30It's not over yet, Gourmand!
00:49:35Not again!
00:49:41I'm going to get a reputation now for rolling over lions.
00:49:49What? The lion is running from bees?
00:49:52See? Bees are tougher.
00:49:59They're going back to the hive.
00:50:01Well, a lion running from a swarm of bees,
00:50:04that gives the African honeybee a bonus point on the Tough-A-Meter
00:50:08and one up on the lion.
00:50:10And Gourmand just got one over on us.
00:50:13You know, for a fry cook, he's got some skill in the wild.
00:50:16Yeah, we should be able to beat him.
00:50:19Chris, look at this little bird.
00:50:21Are you trying to get my attention?
00:50:23Chris, I think she's trying to tell us something.
00:50:26Uh, Martin, we're on a creature rescue.
00:50:28We don't have time right now to talk to a 20-centimeter-tall,
00:50:31brownish, white-bellied, curve-billed bird
00:50:33doing a special song-and-dance display.
00:50:35Wait a second. That's a...
00:50:37Honey Guide!
00:50:39She wants to tell us where the honey is.
00:50:41You guys should have eaten more honey.
00:50:43I know, right?
00:50:45Honey Guide!
00:50:47She wants to tell us where the honey is.
00:50:49You guys should have eaten more breakfast.
00:50:51Agreed. Let's collect some wow facts on these frogs.
00:50:53Be right there.
00:50:55Hi, guys.
00:50:57Whoa! That was fast.
00:50:59So, where are the frogs?
00:51:01Well, everywhere. But here's the thing.
00:51:03Every time we take a step, a frog launches into the water.
00:51:06They're a little tricky to get a hold of.
00:51:08That's because bullfrogs have a highly sophisticated,
00:51:11highly developed anti-predator evasion system.
00:51:15And if you can't catch them...
00:51:21Well, from first observation, one thing is obvious.
00:51:24The secret is in the length of those legs.
00:51:26Check it out.
00:51:28A frog's hind legs are twice as long as its entire body.
00:51:31This creature is designed for jumping.
00:51:34Hey, where'd he go?
00:51:36I was just behind him, and then he was gone.
00:51:38If I take another step, this bullfrog will jump.
00:51:41And then you can find the answer to your question.
00:51:44Okay, one, two, three, ready!
00:51:57Wow! He doubled back.
00:51:59And I think I know why.
00:52:01It's those bass.
00:52:03The frog jumps into the water for safety,
00:52:05but he can't go deep because big fish will eat him.
00:52:07So he cuts back and heads to the shallows.
00:52:09And he stays away from land predators
00:52:11and fish predators at the same time.
00:52:14Hey, you two got to get in here and check this out.
00:52:18Ribbit! Ribbit!
00:52:24We've still got some things to learn about frog powers.
00:52:27Tell me about it.
00:52:35It's ready!
00:52:37Whoa, cool boat!
00:52:39Okay, let's race!
00:52:43Look at it sail!
00:52:50Remember, I want this plane spotless.
00:53:02Cleaner, faster!
00:53:17You got black goop all over my black sweater!
00:53:21Clean this mess up and get it off my plane.
00:53:29And that same leg motion that the frog uses for leaping
00:53:32is also used for swimming.
00:53:35Never thought about it that way before.
00:53:38Recoil and push!
00:53:40The frog stroke!
00:53:42I've got what I need to get started on programming the boat frog powers.
00:53:45Now this will be a simple creature power suit
00:53:48because frog power is all in the legs.
00:53:50Finally, a nice, relaxing day of invention.
00:53:54No complications.
00:53:58I'm not sure what to do with this.
00:54:01No complications.
00:54:04Did you hear that?
00:54:08Over there!
00:54:11Whoa! This is one monster bullfrog!
00:54:14As big as they get!
00:54:17And if you're a kilometer away, you can hear a big frog like him ribbit.
00:54:21I call it more of a baroop.
00:54:23It's a ribbit. Baroop!
00:54:25Oh, he's not going anywhere because this is the best spot in the pond.
00:54:29Sorry, Aviva. Can't wait any longer.
00:54:32Activate creature powers!
00:54:43Activate creature powers!
00:54:49Okay, and there.
00:54:51300 meters away, the Tortuga is the finish line.
00:54:55On your marks, get set, go!
00:55:00Cheetah's running powers only last around 300 meters.
00:55:03It's an all-out sprint, and I've got to run my fastest from start to finish.
00:55:07113 kilometers all the way!
00:55:10A falcon can't fly faster than a cheetah runs in a straight line.
00:55:13But if I gain my dive height and tuck into a peregrine dive,
00:55:17I can go faster than a cheetah.
00:55:19And even though Martin has a head start,
00:55:21I think I can catch him at the finish line.
00:55:25Now it's time for my genius to be revealed!
00:55:43What? Fast power? Here?
00:55:46I heard about flying fish, but on the African savanna?
00:55:50This is ridiculous!
00:55:55Ah! I'm a walrus out of water!
00:55:58I'm a fish out of water!
00:56:04And that's worse. Fast powers are great for a lake habitat.
00:56:08Yeah, and walrus blubber is great for keeping warm in icy oceans.
00:56:12But here on the hot African savanna?
00:56:17You don't want walrus powers.
00:56:19We don't belong here in these powers.
00:56:22And they know it too!
00:56:28I can't deactivate!
00:56:35I can't either!
00:56:38Oh, these are the times I really appreciate hands.
00:56:42Ow! I wouldn't do that.
00:56:46I'm telling you, you don't want to mess with walrus powers.
00:56:50See these tusks?
00:56:56I've really got the wrong powers here.
00:57:00This vulture thinks I'm a fishy snack!
00:57:03Hold on, buddy!
00:57:05I'm coming!
00:57:07This vulture thinks I'm a fishy snack!
00:57:10Hold on, bro!
00:57:12I'm coming to the creature rescue!
00:57:17But not with two tons of walrus blubber!
00:57:22Hey, Chris, did I hit the button?
00:57:29There's no mother wolf, no pups.
00:57:31Why did they all leave?
00:57:33That's why.
00:57:35Because they knew that huge mountain lion had discovered their den site
00:57:39and was a danger to the pups.
00:57:46Let's get out of here.
00:57:47Wait! Don't run!
00:57:48Right. She'll see us as prey.
00:57:51Nothing triggers a predator like prey on the run.
00:57:55We need the power of the pack.
00:58:00Activate wolf power!
00:58:05Wolf power!
00:58:10Nobody's going to mess with us in our wolf power suits.
00:58:14Tell that to the cougar.
00:58:23Thanks for the hair brushing.
00:58:29We can't beat her in the short game for long.
00:58:31Switch to marathon running!
00:58:33On your mark, get set, go!
00:58:40She's tiring.
00:58:41A sprinter like her can't keep up the pace for long.
00:58:48Now we've got the cougar beat because we wolves are marathoners.
00:58:52Wow, I feel so light, like I could run like this forever.
00:58:56That's the power of the wolf.
00:59:05We've only been wolves for two minutes and already a raven has found us.
00:59:09Well, if he found us, he can find other wolves.
00:59:13And maybe lead us right to Little Howler's pack.
00:59:20Follow that raven.
00:59:26Follow the wolf brothers following that raven.
00:59:34This is awesome.
00:59:35It's like I'm Wolfman and the raven is my sidekick.
00:59:38Maybe the raven thinks it's the other way around.
00:59:41But either way, because wolves and ravens are so tight,
00:59:44I don't think it'll be too long before this raven leads us right to the pack's new...
00:59:49...den site!
00:59:53We forgot to consider one very important point of wolf behavior.
00:59:57A wolf pack doesn't like strange wolves.
01:00:01Our only hope is to speak wolf language.
01:00:05How's it going?
01:00:07Bro, that accent won't do it.
01:00:09Well, what...
01:00:14Roll over!
01:00:17Pet tricks?
01:00:18How are pet tricks going to save us?
01:00:20Body language!
01:00:21Wolf body language!
01:00:29By acting submissive, a wolf can turn off an attack from another wolf...
01:00:33...if they recognize us as one of their own.
01:00:36And because we activated Touching Little Howler,
01:00:40we smell familiar, like a pack member.
01:00:44We are in!
01:00:46Oh yeah!
01:00:48Chris, Martin!
01:00:49What about Little Howler?
01:01:12Now we're talking!
