Vikings Valhalla S01 E02 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 months ago
Vikings Valhalla S01 E02 Hindi Dubbed
00:20Can stop Mila to me
00:30What I'll call you
00:37You can't walk with them down each other
00:40Which is
00:43Wow, I'm a cop. I'm a
00:46Voice to me. I said walk if they Freddy's
00:49When he's on a kid about you to me up a little kid, I'm with you Allah. I can't put a rose
00:55Why is that a new lady give a shakti Charlie, huh, they can move muscular at my pussy if it's near me toward the other junk
01:02shit, Jackie
01:04It's I can't get to the back of India or it's me. Let's get going. Look marriage. I'm gay
01:09Let's kill you a son. Yeah, he'll go home in my day
01:17It won't go
01:20Which it will not
01:37Don't know
01:40Freddy's a Ricky Betty to make this a me Kamara. Oh, it's me. Don't but I'm like, yeah
01:45Don't yes, I beat the city. Oh, maybe people in a shamanic hood. But I have a lot of tomorrow
01:50Kissy premia, baby, but I also tell you that I'm such a giant. I shoot her up
02:05Tell you kizamani me to me, but let me make a poor hack milita
02:11Magar a Samana, but I'll go ahead
02:14Yeah, I could slow guys. Maybe I didn't like that. Come on. I doubt what you tie or to miss a booties or what?
02:20Yeah, don't suppose they said to you let Kareem Tejan Lela
02:25Agar, man, she would bully him to rub me. That's not me. They got a dogie
02:29made a shot
02:33To me he's done lagaia. I've done cure a ho
02:42Raja canute is lucky. They are kissing a cake and himself a hick or Mara
02:47Kunar Kimata of humps up key syndicate. Oh, how to meet Altie? Hey, it's I hope you have it pagan. He can
02:56It's the amount say or
02:59Connecticut key Mahan Johnny's a dark house Karta
03:02Key, it's Kunha key. Come here taco Sanjay Horace. Let me go sir. That's a lot
03:15Yeah, I call my ball sector
03:21Yeah, Lola, I'm a bill cool
03:23sahib, I'd bully
03:25Gunnar, I'm ready. I need to go subset. I'm his son or a ski coming. I'm a colleague
03:31But my rib, I know you have a better in hubby
03:34You key slur key key, but just a my remarks at Kaikyam, Sipahi, Nira
03:39Yeah, I'm a CC. I saw Sipahi. No, you know Joe. How are a gunner Jitka? He cobbler?
03:45Yeah, I'm at love with you, Mara
03:48It's got high leaf Erickson
03:53Egg bear and Viking copy to honk our Yoda
03:58Yeah, yeah, I'll do it. Kuch better. He now kick up town. Oh, Missy
04:02It's the two fun kid or on coolest among them a Greenland say, yeah, I mean, I'll poach IJP do three more again
04:10It's gay learning key calamity
04:13Huh? It's gay. I don't push up. Oh, sir. They can top nine. You just be
04:18Banky John down
04:35Leaf Erickson
04:37Tom Hardy been up. I'm Arie Bundy. Hey
04:40Us kids on the Johnny Kili
04:42Tommy Raja Kanut kiss him a major not hold on
04:46Yeah to me. Yeah, man's all right
04:51Man's all right. He can to Faisal. Oh, yeah
05:31Exile Pele Merepey a dish per
05:34Mere Sipahi on this island per
05:37Reneval a savvy Vikings Koyasa meet our Yata
05:42Or a Kirk are y'all Pearson's soft water
05:47Lucy a Tahsildin per
05:50Norway kayak dull hamaris girja karmic wasata
05:54John Bouchard, it's my argyle guy. It's a tawak argyle
05:59or a Kirk are pretty showed key
06:02Agni me could be Jelker
06:08Is Girja garco fair say Pele key tora Bahal Kia Gaya is a palace a be
06:14Kup Surat Braga a man a Kia
07:19Open to be Kia, I'm a shanty. It's a really tough. Oh my god, I can't scope. I'm gonna cut out what sir
07:35Let's take a the Vikings I
07:46Yeah, man, if I were keen, I would be it is a muzzle
07:52But I'll be a tomorrow
08:08Achina push it away to me a person die, but if I go to a war now
08:17Let's give you the Raja wanna put it
08:21Kiss it in Saru
08:33I didn't watch him pull up
09:04Got some Shukriya Sunni I hope to lose you meet my truck
09:10Koi, but
09:12TK to me, but I think it's come to you or to me. They're a fighter. Oh, yeah
09:17Just make it's got fire. They were tired. Yep. I have a share
09:22To meet him at the curse of the matrimony, but I'll be sick, but I'll come in a donor. He needs you
09:29As a conqueror
09:34Well, you don't fit out
09:42Don't you have to I
09:47Have a category I'm a patch my nails
09:51Come up the bike. Oh, I'll be there
10:08Don't worry Salama TKL or don't go buddy. I don't know but don't mess up my hair
11:01Think that's a key to chakra. No, don't be up. Not at all
11:21Don't make a Raj Kumar
11:34Much money
12:05To move Greenland, so
12:07Yeah, yeah, we'll Jagga. No, I'm Jesse here. He had
12:12Bickel comes a gun
12:15salty two days
12:20No, you're on yet. Oh, man, it's got a
12:32Yeah, I'll go on Harold
12:34I mean
12:36So yeah, we'll come down. Just keep them back there. I hate you leave Farrick's
12:41Tomorrow Peter Kujan, Tom boy a Bahadur Navika rodent a bucket. Okay. I'll give a scene
12:47I got Baba go Jonathan to each other. We have to model
12:49But yeah
12:53Rajkumar Harold miss I use a lorna connoisseur. Okay, so I'm gonna kill you
13:02Go each other. Yeah, I'll go Joe. Hey, or England
13:25Have to
13:28Go, I guess I'd better go
13:30My up now, I can't kiss you gonna eat. Oh, yeah. Okay. So let's have a sip of party
13:35Just have a remark make you sick. Oh, my name is Radha
13:38But yeah, I'm going to show me or a girl who I do
13:43So man, I'll show you man, yeah, I'm going to show
15:55Would get a bit cheeky
15:57I mean, I'm Licky Parishani cool. You can keep a bit or be good together. Shahid up when keep a Rishani to become Karpai
16:39Don't know it
16:50Well, honey, well, yeah
16:54but I
16:55got Vinky Maddox's
17:01This map Nikos sharp daily key to the moon logo goes to NASA
17:11Once it's all dark, I mean, I'm Iraq way rather than a year
17:18The tomb killer gonna chop the
17:24Madman Kumar see I bet you
17:26I'll get a sparrow a trickster. You know, I'll be seen I'll make a London on a carnage. Take a
17:31Whoa, it's been since the Raja Kutty
17:34Koshish Saru Kareka Koshish Kareka, but at that time he took the Vikings are nature
17:40or Normandy with tomorrow, I
17:44Can't wait to marry my dad Kareka. What's up? That may be Kareka. Just a calm up me mother. No, Kareka
17:49May tomorrow leave. Oh, yeah
17:54Up naked Norman's a shoddy key. I'm a seabird manatee
18:31That's about Greenland, you can't even add up again
18:35Look, I'm gonna be with you. I'm gonna kiss you in Santa Mara
18:41Come here. There was nothing
18:50In Santa Marna, I'm gonna come on I give up in Santa. Look, I'm gonna cut back. Oh, don't follow me
19:29My Rani
19:32Would you put on it?
19:40Would you have any more a kid this I'll give you down, but I'll be Ron is late. How could you get there? Yeah, I'm key at my
19:48At my Amara couldn't be garden
19:51Mugger Vikings big heart
19:57Mugger that shouldn't miss enough. Oh, Lana, John, I think you're having a little bit of a palace a Kudrati Surakshati
20:03Yeah, I'm cool. Yo, Jonah, say let's hear it. They're cool
20:08You can match it that I don't think you know it's big tomorrow. He's watching it. Yes watching it
20:13Mucha comes or something
20:45Told you
20:48I got on the Vikings kick it off. Mercy. I keep a good hustle. Maybe to England a
20:53Paragraph England a budget. Oh, I'm being a bitch
20:58Yeah, I'm gonna rush naked, okay, would you know how many
21:33Let's go.
21:46Father won't live long till I return.
21:50You'll rule when you return.
21:55But if you don't, this rule won't last long.
21:57I'll be fine.
22:02Open the gate!
22:04Let's go.
22:23Ever since the Romans built this city, this bridge has been very important.
22:28This bridge connects the city with everything,
22:31and when pressure comes from the north, it also leads to escape.
22:34Then we should break it.
22:36It's not possible.
22:38When I was King Aethelred's advisor, I made sure of it.
22:41If we want to crush London, we'll have to do what the Vikings never did.
22:45We'll have to attack from the south.
22:49Why hasn't this happened before?
22:51There's a reason behind it.
22:53There's only mud in the south.
22:55That's why Aethelred won't expect an attack from there.
22:57How do you know?
22:59Because I made him believe that an attack from here was impossible.
23:05Look ahead!
23:23Lower the sails!
23:25Lower the sails!
23:32Be careful, Christian!
23:34Keep your eyes wide open!
23:37You dropped it on purpose.
23:39I didn't do anything.
23:41I saw it myself.
23:43Are you calling me a liar?
23:46If you have the guts, say it again!
23:49Sit down, everyone.
23:51And drive the boat.
23:56Didn't you hear what I said?
23:58Yes, I did.
24:03I thought you were like us.
24:05Like your father.
24:07Then why did you listen to that Christian?
24:11Because your son is a liar, Yalgaum.
24:15Hold on tight.
24:17There's going to be a storm.
24:19Keep driving!
24:26How are you, Yalgaum?
24:31Do you want to buy a sacrifice for someone?
24:34For my brother.
24:36He's on a ship.
24:38This is very special.
24:41It's made from the branches of a sacred tree in Upsala.
24:50Idrassil isn't in Upsala.
24:52It's made from the branches of a sacred tree in Odin's temple.
24:56It's green for 12 months.
24:58The priest has recited a mantra on it.
25:06But I don't have any money.
25:10I can give you this in exchange for the rope.
25:14Will this necklace do?
25:33Why do you sell this?
25:36You can buy anything you want here.
25:40Are you a Christian?
25:42I was born among the old gods.
25:44But I'm walking with time.
25:47Thank you.
25:52The Vikings have been around longer than the rest.
25:56They've invaded, yes.
25:59But they've also traded.
26:02Kettigat is the symbol of that trade.
26:07Here you'll find people of different faiths.
26:12Aren't you afraid of those faiths?
26:17Look at me.
26:19My grandmother came from a great African family.
26:23My grandfather fell in love with her in Alexandria.
26:27He brought her here.
26:29Her children, my father, became great warriors.
26:35And today, I'm the ruler of Kettigat.
26:39Anything is possible, as long as you're open-minded.
27:10You have a strong faith, Frediz.
27:16I'm sure Aegir and Ran will protect your brothers and friends.
27:21I'm sure they will.
27:24You have faith in very few people.
27:30That's what I know.
27:33My husband was trading in Tromsa.
27:36When the Christians stopped his ship,
27:39my husband was very religious, just like you.
27:43When the Christians found out that he and his men were of the old faith,
27:48they were told to change their religion.
27:50They refused.
27:52The Christians decided to make my husband an example.
27:55And they made him suffer in front of their own people.
27:59So that they could see this and change their religion.
28:04It had a negative effect.
28:09One by one, they killed everyone.
28:25Forgive me, my worship has rejuvenated your old pain.
28:29Revenge is coming, and we have to be ready.
29:04Are you all right?
29:07I'm not fit for this.
29:10What do you mean?
29:11They were my brothers.
29:13I never thought I'd be responsible for their deaths.
29:21I'm not fit.
29:25How do you know?
29:27How do you know?
29:30How do you know that you're not the king that England needs?
29:35I'm doubting my ability.
29:37Isn't that enough for you?
29:43My experience says that people who don't accept their shortcomings,
29:48they eat their words.
29:50And a person who can look inside himself is not weak.
29:54Doubting yourself is the first step to becoming brave.
29:58What's your biggest fear?
30:05It makes me weak.
30:07Do you listen to your heart?
30:10Yes, maybe.
30:12Then one day, the fear of failure will weaken in front of your heart.
30:20And then, listen to your heart.
30:24You will succeed.
30:30Good night, Rajkumar.
30:46See you in England, friends.
30:50I don't see your Greenlander anywhere.
30:54Give your ship a ride.
30:56For a safe return.
30:59Don't you ever get tired of talking nonsense?
31:03By making your brother realize his mistake?
31:06No, never.
31:20What do you see in Greenlander that you trust him so much?
31:24I don't know.
31:26Maybe his courage.
31:30We're not here because of his courage.
31:33But he is.
31:35His courage doesn't come from his speech or his beatings.
31:40His confidence comes from his abilities.
31:44And not everyone has that.
32:05Blood Axe.
32:08Such big names.
32:10Do you know what they have in common, Rajkumar?
32:14They're all in the grave.
32:21Tell your father that I can give him 5,000 men and 1,000 horses.
32:26But it would be a mistake to send them to London.
32:29The Mercians have been fighting the Vikings for 200 years.
32:32And we've learned a lot.
32:34There's no doubt that the Mercians have been fighting the Vikings for 200 years.
32:39There's no doubt that London is the real target of Canute.
32:42But he will attack London from the north.
32:44That is, he will pass through Mercia.
32:46To defeat him in London, it is necessary to stop him here first.
32:52Queen Emma doesn't think so.
32:55She thinks the Vikings will attack somewhere else.
32:58Queen Emma?
33:02Your father is not well?
33:04The king is perfectly well.
33:06But his wife, as you know, is a Norman.
33:09And who else can understand the Vikings' attack better than the Rauls?
33:18I knew a Godwin from Sussex.
33:22My father.
33:24If I'm not mistaken, he had a very bad end.
33:27You're not talking to my father.
33:30You're talking to me.
33:37The king knows very well what he's doing.
33:43But I don't think so.
33:45I don't think there's a plan.
33:47And who did he give England's future to?
33:49A foreign queen, a prince like a child,
33:52and an advisor whose father's name was already bad.
33:57Then let it be.
34:01Don't do anything.
34:03Don't do anything, Shionna, if that's your decision.
34:08But stick to your decision.
34:11Because one day, when I become king,
34:14I'll remember how you doubted the king's orders
34:18and refused to obey them.
34:26Who said I wouldn't obey the king's orders?
34:30Tell your father and stepmother
34:35that Marcia will come.
34:38As you wish.
35:42We're lost, aren't we?
35:45You never went to England, and now you've led us astray.
35:48We haven't gone astray.
35:50It's a lie. It's all your fault.
35:52And these Christians and their false gods
35:55must be laughing at us.
35:57Shut up, you atheist.
36:00What did you say?
36:02I said, shut up.
36:04Stop crying like a coward.
36:10Stop, all of you.
36:13Now tell me, why do you think we've gone astray?
36:17Why do I think?
36:19Where's the land?
36:21That's the difference between you and me.
36:24The sky says we're heading west.
36:27The Oaks and Gannets are flying high,
36:29which means the weather's improving.
36:31And we're very close to the land.
36:37Then where are the other boats?
36:40I don't know where they are,
36:42because that's not my responsibility.
36:45But the boat you're on,
36:49that's my responsibility.
36:54Maybe the other boat's gone astray.
36:57I don't know.
36:59So, if we're going to move forward,
37:02don't talk back.
37:04Talk back.
37:08And stop accusing the Christians of everything.
37:21What are you doing?
37:23All these Christians are sinners.
37:25They're all going to die.
37:31I'm the captain of this ship.
37:33Let them go.
37:35I said, let them go.
37:37Or what, Greenlander?
37:39You're going to kill me?
37:41I'm not a bear,
37:43and you're not a Viking.
37:46I don't think you have the guts to kill me.
37:51This is what a bear thinks before he dies.
38:05When I take this out, you're going to die.
38:08So before you die,
38:10tell everyone what you see.
38:13Tell them.
38:16In England.
38:21Who's next?
38:27What did Shiona mean when she said
38:29your father ruined his family's reputation?
38:31My father was a high-ranking officer.
38:33When I was your age,
38:35he used the king's 24 ships for his own benefit.
38:38Because of his insolence,
38:40his land, property, position, everything was taken.
38:42And he was sentenced to life imprisonment.
38:45Then how did you become my father's closest advisor?
38:49Because he never thought of me as a criminal.
38:52And I give him what other advisors can't give him.
38:56What's that?
38:59Truth, Prince.
39:09These bells.
39:11What do they mean?
39:15It means you're our king now.
39:18Long live King Edmund.
39:20Long live King Edmund.
39:22Long live King Edmund.
39:24May God protect the king
39:26and protect England.
39:28May God protect the king
39:30and protect England.
39:32Now the hard part begins.
39:49Why did you give me back my knife?
39:51You may need it during your journey.
39:54I'm sending you to Uppsala
39:56to find out your fate.
40:02I don't understand.
40:04Uppsala is the most religious place
40:06in the entire Viking world.
40:08Everything is sacred there.
40:10Every nine years,
40:12we offer sacrifices to our gods there.
40:14And you, why have you come so far?
40:17You must go and find out
40:19before the Christians destroy it with their own hands.
40:24Is that really possible?
40:26Some believe that Ragnarok
40:28will be the end of our gods
40:30in our lifetime.
40:33Do you think so?
40:38We must be prepared.
40:47Let's go.
40:49Let's go.
41:02Let's go.
41:06Let's go.
41:14Let's go.
41:19Let's go.
41:49Let's go.
42:49Let's go.
43:19Let's go.
43:49Let's go.
44:19To be continued...
44:49To be continued...
45:19To be continued...
45:49To be continued...
