• 2 months ago
00:00:41Just leave why no fucking off leave it man leave it leave it
00:00:52Leave it man
00:00:54Are you gonna go welcome everyone to the wake-up call channel?
00:00:58This is a video you have to see because of course, this is not a coincidence
00:01:04What we're seeing from the siblings of some of these celebrities like Ben Affleck
00:01:09And how these children are actually raised by these communist parents
00:01:13and of course
00:01:13they push this on to their children and hopes that their children will become the influencers of the future and
00:01:20What we see from Ben Affleck's daughter and the behavior of these celebrities children. It's just
00:01:26Absolutely telling of the mind control that their parents put them through because these children are born into covens their parents
00:01:33like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
00:01:37Hollywood celebrities they all raise their children the same way
00:01:40They're raised through trauma based mind control and then you see what they become as they become adults, right?
00:01:45We see it with Will Smith's children
00:01:47We see it with many of these celebrities who conveniently have children who identify as the opposite gender
00:01:54So let's start with this story before I play for you Ben Affleck's daughter
00:01:58Going in front of people at a local council meeting to mandate that mask mandates return
00:02:05Let's just look at the obvious when it comes to these celebrities and of course their children Ben Affleck
00:02:11Like all of the celebrities out there that we see we see him posing holding a hand over his eye
00:02:17we see him holding up a
00:02:19666 sign over his eye
00:02:22And of course these people are only famous because these people are members of secret societies
00:02:27Most of them are related to one another and of course, that's why you see them all have the same political ideologies
00:02:34They don't want people out there to be too suspicious as to why every single
00:02:38Mainstream celebrity is a Democrat
00:02:40So they give you a few like Dean Cain and Dennis Quaid a few B-level celebrities to make it so it doesn't look too
00:02:46Obvious but it still should look very obvious that all of them have the same political ideologies
00:02:51They're all communists all of their children end up being what?
00:02:55Trans all of their parents could be seen doing what?
00:02:58Holding up symbols over their eyes like Ben Affleck right here now
00:03:01Another symbol we've seen with Ben Affleck is the hidden hand or Ben Affleck puts his hand inside of his coat
00:03:07This is the hidden hand. This is showing you that Ben Affleck is in fact a
00:03:13Master of the second veil
00:03:15So we see him doing symbolism like this all the time
00:03:18And of course just being famous should be enough for people to realize this again Ben Affleck's brother known as Casey Affleck
00:03:26We see him doing the same exact symbols, right? Here. He is putting a hand up over his eye, right?
00:03:32Here he is doing the 666 just like his brother with his hand up over his eye
00:03:37It's because they're all members of the same secret society. They give you a fake backdrop
00:03:41That's how they became famous. We're supposed to believe that he wrote this movie and then Hollywood bought it from him
00:03:48He was just like me and you as if we could all
00:03:50Write a Hollywood script and then submit it to Hollywood and if it's really good if it's really good
00:03:55They'll give you an opportunity to become famous and they'll buy the script off of you like Ben Affleck did it's all make-believe
00:04:01It's all make-believe a lot of people out there have a lot of great ideas
00:04:05And I know a lot of people out there don't want to believe that the system is made that way
00:04:09But it is people like this notion of you could make it in America
00:04:13You could make it in Hollywood. All you need is talent and it's not true. These people are nothing more than social engineers
00:04:20They are here to influence your behavior
00:04:22And of course Ben Affleck with Jennifer Garner had two children now right now Ben Affleck is with JLo
00:04:28So that should be enough to tell you that Ben Affleck is one of them if the signs and symbols weren't enough where you see him
00:04:33Revealing himself. Well Ben Affleck
00:04:36I guess the thing he has in common with JLo is the fact that she also loves to hold things up over her eye
00:04:42Right JLo always doing the all-seeing-eye symbolism, but that's a coincidence too, right?
00:04:46and you know, what else is a coincidence again, like I mentioned earlier that Ben Affleck and
00:04:51Jennifer Garner their child just came out as trans
00:04:55Congratulations to the children, of course of Ben and Jennifer who of course we should all be calling
00:05:00Dyfus or some type of service to have the child removed from the home
00:05:04Of course, we know that'll never happen with any celebrity
00:05:06But we see the abuse that's done to their children based on how their children act behave and what they come out as right?
00:05:11so Ben Affleck's son
00:05:13Has transitioned into our daughter has transitioned into a boy and then the other daughter which I'm about to cover for you
00:05:20Has come out and demanded a return of mask mandates
00:05:23Isn't that interesting how all these notions how nobody makes individual decisions anymore?
00:05:28This is communism right how the celebrities children they're all for trans. They're all for mask mandates
00:05:33They're all for the fake science. These are all things that we're supposed to believe are naturally occurring, right?
00:05:38listen to Ben Affleck's unhinged daughter speak in front of in front of a board meeting at
00:05:45Local council and ask for mandates to return. Hi, Violet Affleck, Los Angeles resident first-time voter in 18
00:05:52I contracted a post-trial condition in 2019
00:05:56I'm okay now
00:05:57But I saw firsthand that medicine does not always have answers to the consequences of even minor viruses
00:06:01The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown that into sharper relief one in ten infections leads to long COVID which is a devastating neurological
00:06:08Cardiovascular illness that can take away people's ability to work move see and even think stands to exacerbate our
00:06:14Homelessness crisis as well as the suffering of many people in our city
00:06:17It hits communities of color disabled people elderly people trans people women and anyone in a public facing essential job the hardest
00:06:23To confront the long COVID crisis I demand mask availability air filtration and far UVC light in government facilities
00:06:30including jails and detention centers and
00:06:32Mask mandates in county medical facilities
00:06:34You must expand the availability of high quality free tests and treatment and most importantly the county must oppose
00:06:39Mask bans for any reason they do not keep us safer
00:06:42They make more vulnerable members of our community less safe and make everyone less able to participate in Los Angeles together
00:06:49So again, this should show you that it's manufactured behavior, right?
00:06:52and they know that the majority of zombies out there and and again, this is biblical when the Bible talks about false idols and
00:06:59Everybody out there wants to believe like they don't worship false idols
00:07:02they think it has like that, you know, they're gonna be sitting in their home with a statue of Ben Affleck bowing down and crying in
00:07:08Front of the statue to be worshiping a false idol
00:07:11These people are false idols and the majority of people's behavior is influenced by them
00:07:16And then when you point it out to them, what do they do? They go? I'm not influenced by Ben Affleck
00:07:20Oh, I'm not influenced by JLo, right?
00:07:22Oh, no
00:07:22You're only dressing the same way that these people who you have posters of them on your wall or dressing
00:07:27You're only talking the same way that they're talking you ever notice how language is evolved and we have people
00:07:32Speaking all these different words now than they did ten years ago
00:07:36And you know, they call you a boomer if you don't know the new lingo, right?
00:07:39That's happened generation after generation after generation through social engineering. They normalize new terms new words, right? Like what do people say now?
00:07:48Just look up new slang e-boy e-girl. Huh?
00:07:55Roasting salty. These are just terms. I'm googling to find out what people these are all term and who normalizes this stuff
00:08:01they do they normalize new lingo and stuff like that through social engineering people just
00:08:05They're built up so much in their minds that they're making independent choices. That's but done by design, right?
00:08:10They want you to think that your vote counts that you're making the decision that you're doing this you're doing that and people just can't get
00:08:15Past that so they in a sense are so egotistical or narcissistic. They don't want to believe that their decisions are influenced by celebrity
00:08:22So then when you point out that they're worshiping false idols, they just automatically dismiss it and say no
00:08:27But in fact most of these norms are based off of fear, right?
00:08:31We know that they normalize this stuff like mass mandates through fear, but they also have normalized it through celebrities, right?
00:08:37Empowering people telling people it's the nice thing to do
00:08:40It's a kind thing to do and even if these people realize what's actually going on. They refuse to believe it
00:08:44It's almost like they are attached to these things like the mass mandates
00:08:48Because of the political ideologies that are attached to it because we know
00:08:53We can identify the people wearing the mask based on how they vote and that's not how this system is supposed to be
00:08:58Okay, not supposed to see somebody with a mask and say well we know how they're voting right?
00:09:02But we can't we're not supposed to see somebody who has you know, short blue hair
00:09:06Who's a girl and then know how they vote, but they're manufacturing humans and nobody seems to get it
00:09:11So Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's daughter Violet as you heard gave an impassioned speech
00:09:17Demanding the mandates return in Los Angeles County the 18 year old
00:09:22who says she contracted a post viral condition in 2019 asked the LA County Board of Supervisors to
00:09:28Confront the crisis by increasing safety measures in hospitals jails and detention centers, right?
00:09:35And this is what the celebrity parents do they push this on to their kids. This is abusive behavior
00:09:40They push this stuff and then their kids go out and then they act this stuff out and then other people here
00:09:44Oh Ben Affleck's kids. This is great
00:09:46She's an activist a young activist and they're all completely brained in so Violet the oldest daughter of Ben and Jennifer
00:09:53Announced their separation after 10 years of marriage in 2015 is often seen photographed wearing a mask
00:09:59Though her parents have never addressed
00:10:01speaking to the LA County Board of Supervisors at the open meeting Violet told the governing body that you must expand the
00:10:08Availability of high-quality free tests and treatment and most importantly the county
00:10:14Must oppose mask bans for any reasons. They are key. They do not keep us safer
00:10:19So having mask bans, which of course we know does not exist in California
00:10:23There's no such thing as mask bans really anywhere where they're banning you from wearing it
00:10:28and at the same time even people like me who are anti all this stuff would never call for a ban on it if people
00:10:33To you know wear one and then risk their own health by not breathing well enough. Well, that's up to them, right?
00:10:40So we still believe in freedom around here. At least I do so although masks are not banned
00:10:44And of course, it's another good way to identify the brain dead
00:10:47Right, we could see the people who are brain dead because they're showing us it they might you know
00:10:52You have one on your face
00:10:53It's the same as having the word sucker tattooed on your forehead or wearing a shirt that says I'm brain dead
00:10:59So go ahead feel free right so far violet continued it stands to exasperate our
00:11:05Homelessness crisis as well as the suffering of many people in our city
00:11:08It hits communities of color disabled people elderly people trans people women of anyone
00:11:13Women and anyone in a public facing essential job the hardest again
00:11:17These are all brainwashed talking points that this is a representation of what?
00:11:23Hollywood what the government is formulating 18 to 15 year olds to be in today's world
00:11:28So walk to talk and to act just like Violet Affleck and it's all done by design. It's called
00:11:35Manufacturing behavior nobody looks at this stuff. They laugh at it, right?
00:11:40The alt-right media sees this and then they laugh and they go. Can you believe this Ben Affleck are the woke?
00:11:44He's well, then they don't talk about how they manufacture behavior. They don't talk about how the brain works
00:11:50They don't talk about how all these people have been placed in this position
00:11:53Same with the alt-right media to control and manipulate your behavior how you act how you think instead
00:11:58Of people uniting together breaking free from this mental bondage
00:12:02They have them under and saying you know what? There's a bunch of psychopaths in charge. They're in charge of the media
00:12:08Shut it off. They're in charge of politics throw them out and the people could take back their lives, but they're not
00:12:14They're putting all of their emotions into the baskets of the left and the right which is what they want by design
00:12:19Which is why again they emphasize and enforce the left-right paradigm, right?
00:12:24So all the conservative media is making fun of this
00:12:26They're not talking about Ben Affleck being in a secret society showing you the signs and symbols of Ben Affleck
00:12:31Showing you he's in the same secret society as all these celebrities and that's what the big thing is. It's not Democrat Republican
00:12:37It's Freemason secret societies Luciferian worship that they all practice, right?
00:12:43They wear their little red ribbons on their wrists. We could all identify him
00:12:46They don't expose that because they don't want you to realize there's a big conspiracy against you against us
00:12:51They want you to think it has to do with Republican and Democrat and it doesn't that's part of the same exact snake
00:12:57It's the same head or same body different head as they say
00:13:00But to me, it's the same head everybody should be able to see it's the same exact thing presented on both sides
00:13:04So Ben Affleck, are you surprised that Ben Affleck's daughter is?
00:13:08Just so prominently speaking for mass at the same time Ben Affleck's other child has transitioned into another gender
00:13:14Same with Pink's child same with Will Smith all of them all of them, right?
00:13:19And they also make it seem bigger than it is. Don't forget that
00:13:22They want you to think that every other house in your you know, or every other neighbor you have in your apartment building
00:13:28Identifies as a different gender. They're trying to normalize this stuff through the influence that they have
00:13:32They're trying to silence anybody who exposes them for who they truly are and who they truly worship Affleck showing you the hidden hand
00:13:39Shows you he is a member of Freemasonry and secret societies
00:13:42That's all one needs to know of why his children are being raised the way they are and all the children should be rescued from
00:13:47The parents of members of secret societies because they're the ones who really abuse their children. I thank you for being here
00:13:52Hope you're all doing well. God bless you and your families as always
00:14:12This is a message to the vaccinated
00:14:16My name is Mark and
00:14:19I'm just an ordinary bloke
00:14:21But when kovat hit I knew it was fake. I knew it was coming
00:14:27How well, you know, I've done about 500 hours of videos in the last two and a half years
00:14:32Kind of explain how but I have a message for you guys because you guys
00:14:37Probably think I'm just some sort of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist
00:14:42and I am
00:14:45But most of those conspiracy theories are coming true in front of your eyes right now
00:14:49And it's time for you to wake up
00:14:54You were duped
00:14:56And I know it's really hard to hear that you've been duped but you were duped big-time. They wanted you dead
00:15:03some of you
00:15:05Unfortunately probably will die of this vaccine, but we did try to tell you we did try to warn you
00:15:13Some of you quite a lot of you I hope I've had
00:15:16saline solution instead of this
00:15:20thing that nobody bothered to read the instructions of
00:15:24Includes it was same as the the mass. Nobody read the instructions that said they're completely ineffective
00:15:31Against viruses and the other thing is you can't catch a virus
00:15:36Can't catch a virus a virus is created inside your body in response to over toxification
00:15:41So they've lied to us about everything everything history
00:15:47chemistry biology
00:15:50everything but
00:15:53We're here for you
00:15:55we know you were duped and we love you and
00:16:00I am praying for a miracle
00:16:03And I hope I hope none of you die, but I do hope we learn the lessons from this time
00:16:10Because this time is biblical. This is the Great Awakening and you're about to get a very very big shock, but
00:16:18There's a bunch of us on this planet
00:16:21That are waiting to help you when you need it
00:16:26God bless, but this is all part of their plan see from the start. It's been a scam
00:16:29They hold us back like we are in detention
00:16:31Yeah from when you register your baby and you sign that piece of paper accepting now, you're just a pair who's renting
00:16:37Yeah, we've been lied to I ain't messing. Why do you think I'm getting censored every time I write this message?
00:16:42Yeah, that's why you won't see my post viral cuz they don't want what I'm writing to have the slightest bit of influential
00:16:47Yeah, cuz this is public mastercosis and they don't want you to know it because it's another one of their agendas
00:16:53Yeah, but don't you think that it is mad when someone shows you facts you have to act mad and all aggressive
00:16:58Yeah, it's cuz your TV is a weapon and they use it to make sure that you were programmed to depression
00:17:06Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Andre Corbiel show fighting Big Pharma each and every day
00:17:24I'm not
00:17:25Anti anything. I don't want what I'm experiencing to have some sort of political bent
00:17:31I just want my story out there. So I and others like me can get the help that we are entitled to this is not
00:17:39Political this is a human issue and many other people are getting sick
00:17:44And no one is willing to step up and help us
00:17:47And so it's usually someone says like oh really which one did you have and I'll say oh I got Pfizer
00:17:52Strange my husband got that when he's fine
00:17:54I'm like, yeah and so did a lot of my family members and they're all totally fine
00:17:58But some people are not fine. And by the time I got to my car, I noticed that my face was burning and tingling
00:18:05I can't feel my face
00:18:08The first time I said those words was 10 months ago the last time I said those words was two months ago
00:18:13But I'm one of the lucky ones. I went to the emergency room probably 15 times. I was a father
00:18:20I'm a six-year-old son. My government lied to me. They said it was safe. The vaccines are safe
00:18:26I promise you they are safe and effective
00:18:29The president promised a safe and effective vaccine in record time and President Trump delivered
00:18:35These are safe and effective vaccines are safe effective and free
00:18:40I have facial paresthesia and nerve pain for the last five months
00:18:45Paresthesia is a word that I'd never heard of a year ago
00:18:48But now it wakes me up every morning your painful paresthesias, which are burning
00:18:54Tingling the people who are not getting vaccines who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science
00:19:01It's time to start shaming that what else or leave them behind
00:19:04One word describes how I felt in the first few months after my diagnosis
00:19:10abandoned I
00:19:16Did what I was asked got harmed and there's no program in place for me
00:19:24I was fighting doctors trying to get them to listen to what was happening to him because nobody else was
00:19:30Researching I have reported my symptoms to be safe
00:19:34CDC FDA
00:19:36Pfizer they say we have a small percentage
00:19:39But how do they truly know what the percentage is when they won't even acknowledge that we exist?
00:19:44Oh, she will not acknowledge it if I talk about it. She changes the subject. They don't understand like yes
00:19:49I look fine on the outside, but not in the inside not what I'm feeling not the vibrations the muscle twitching the fatigue
00:19:57When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it's mandatory to get back stated after six weeks
00:20:03Of neurological reactions from the vaccine. I began to share my experience with people. I was shamed
00:20:08Oh, you can't shame them. You can't call them stupid. You can't call them silly good. Yes, they are
00:20:13I was told that I was ethically and morally
00:20:16Irresponsible because sharing my story could sway people away from getting vaccinated
00:20:22Let me be clear. I am pro vaccine
00:20:24We are pro vaccine and pro science and I have always vaccinated my kids
00:20:30I've always been vaccinated myself as a health professional
00:20:33I understand the danger of creating vaccine hesitancy vaccines have saved countless lives
00:20:40But you cannot erase people who are harmed
00:20:44We supported the vaccine. We're not a rational we're not ignorant
00:20:47We're just a group of people whose lives have drastically changed because of this and we're not included in the mainstream dialogue
00:20:53And it turns out the primary freedom they want is the freedom to be stupid. I'm listening to dr. Fauci
00:21:00I don't have to listen to a million people. Just listen to him
00:21:03I represent science and if you're attacking me, you're really attacking science
00:21:07I mean everybody knows that many people who've had this experience have been silenced because we're told that our story is not
00:21:15Significant because we are merely
00:21:18Anecdotals, but FDA officials instead told us. Oh these stories aka my life
00:21:24Are just anecdotes. Well when you're the person who is harmed it is your a hundred percent
00:21:30I've been observing it and I can't deny observation
00:21:33That's how science happens initially through observation then we confirm through hypothesis experiment and data
00:21:38My data is anecdotal. My observational group is significant, but we need additional studies
00:21:48I've listened to all the people that you're going to hear today and in my opinion the stories that you will hear are
00:21:56more plausible than the fanciful
00:21:59Explanations you might also hear this spring when the current administration was urging young healthy Americans to get vaccinated
00:22:05To help end this war on the pandemic. I stepped up because my country asked me to
00:22:15In June I joined the rapidly growing number of young men who developed pericarditis post mRNA vaccine
00:22:20That is the inflammation of the liner surrounding the heart
00:22:24That condition along with POTS and reactive arthritis have completely brought an end to life as I knew it
00:22:29I have been bedridden unable to work and unable to exercise for months
00:22:38I'm not asking you to end the vaccine program by any means
00:22:41All I'm asking is for some transparency and acknowledgement of what is happening
00:22:45we need to set up a fund with a portion of vaccine proceeds to help heal and study injured Americans and
00:22:50Compensate the families who have lost loved ones due to complications of the vaccine. I'm asking you human to human
00:22:56Please do the right thing and help us
00:22:58We're here to tell our stories ones largely ignored and silenced and we hope that you listen and we hope that you ask
00:23:07Today I am 18 months from my one Pfizer shot and I still wake up every morning with varying levels of numbness and electrical
00:23:14Shocks throughout my body
00:23:15They subside in about an hour or two and the rest of the day is random stinging pinpricks and numbness that comes and goes
00:23:23The unfortunate politicization surrounding kovat vaccine has thrust me into an intense journey a
00:23:30Year ago. I had a basic trust in the CDC NIH and government health officials
00:23:34I trusted the basic facts that came from my reliable left-wing news outlets now. I do not now I
00:23:43Question everything that I thought I knew
00:23:47With this movie my goal is to add nuance so that we might come together in humanity instead of division
00:23:53Not by agreeing on the answers
00:23:56But by agreeing on the questions
00:24:00It's been over nine months since she got her second dose she can't walk
00:24:05She's in a wheelchair
00:24:06I just want to give everybody a better idea of what happens in a trial because I did not know
00:24:11When you enter the trial
00:24:13Everybody uses a trial app. The app only allows you to record solicited adverse events fever redness
00:24:20Mild moderate. There's no free form to fill in any other
00:24:24Reaction that you have what you have to do
00:24:26If you have any other type of adverse event is you have to call the study doctor
00:24:31this leaves a lot of room for human error and
00:24:35Concern of reporting bias coming from the principal investigator
00:24:39The principal investigator for Maddie's trial is the lead author for the New England Journal of Medicine article
00:24:45What made it into the trial record is unclear
00:24:48There's no mention of Maddie's adverse reactions in that article in the EU a amendment Maddie's adverse reaction
00:24:56Was reduced to five lines that was eventually diagnosed as functional abdominal pain by the data cutoff for the trial
00:25:03Maddie experienced over 35 adverse events
00:25:07None of these were mentioned in either document Maddie was in the hospital when the EU a was approved
00:25:13I thought that Maddie would be in the best hands possible in the rare chance
00:25:18She has a severe reaction was not the case. They did everything in their power to hide everything
00:25:24Neither Pfizer the FDA or the CDC has ever
00:25:28Talked to us a year ago
00:25:30I received my COVID vaccine when I gladly signed up for a clinical trial here in the United States with AstraZeneca
00:25:36I was assured that if something were to go wrong
00:25:38There would be protocols in place
00:25:40To provide a safety net that the data would be collected and the benefits as well as the risks would be assessed and disclosed
00:25:48to the public
00:25:49The pharmaceutical company agreed to pay any medical expense as a result of a possible injury
00:25:55We have had to refinance our home to pay for our medical expenses like Maddie's trial we had a tracking app
00:26:02Like Maddie's trial our tracking app had
00:26:05Predesignated symptoms in a bullet list with no free form to add any other
00:26:11symptoms the clinical trial report published by the New England Journal of Medicine
00:26:16Says the second dose is required to continue in a study because my reaction was so severe
00:26:21I was not allowed to get the second dose
00:26:23This is different than what is found in the report which says that these individuals chose to forego the second dose
00:26:30The clinical trial report also says serious adverse events will be recorded through day
00:26:36730 I last heard from them on day 60. I am almost at day
00:26:44365 that is 10 months of critical safety data gone
00:26:50The heads of the NIH FDA and CDC have known firsthand about my case and thousands of others
00:26:56They know that their lack of acknowledgement has recreated
00:27:00Created insurmountable barrier to our ability to receive medical care from doctors who rely on these agencies for information
00:27:07They know about the issues with the clinical trials. They know about the deaths
00:27:10They know about the lack of follow-up on VAERS. They know about the injuries to children
00:27:15They know about Maddie I have discussed Maddie with them
00:27:19They know about the suicides as the results of months-long suffering
00:27:24They know about the aggressive censorship. We did video conferences with Peter Marx and Janet Woodcock
00:27:30Constant emails with Janet Woodcock and myself directly FDA has done everything to ensure that the COVID-19
00:27:38Vaccines we've authorized have met the agency's high standards for quality
00:27:42Safety and effectiveness. We train students on how to go beyond a study abstract and start to pick apart and
00:27:49Critically assess biomedical studies not just take them at face value
00:27:53Everybody knows that COVID vaccines save lives the clinical trials proved that to be the case
00:27:59But is it true?
00:28:02The evidence is flimsy
00:28:04The trials did not show a reduction in death and you can see that there were some
00:28:09The trials did not show a reduction in death and you can see that there were similar numbers of
00:28:14Deaths in the vaccine and placebo groups even for COVID deaths
00:28:17With just two deaths in the placebo group versus one in the vaccine group
00:28:21My point is not that I know the truth about what the vaccine can and cannot do
00:28:26My point is that those who claim the trials showed the vaccines were highly effective in saving lives were wrong
00:28:32The trials did not demonstrate this all of the vaccines that received
00:28:37Emergency use approval by FDA went through that process and were judged to be safe and effective
00:28:43That's about the most rigorous evaluation that's ever been done of a vaccine. So you should feel very comfortable
00:28:50I don't think people realize that all these people who had COVID were excluded from the trials
00:28:55What's going to happen to the 16 children?
00:28:5816 million children who've already had the virus who already have immunity and we're going to subject them
00:29:04To something that wasn't even tested in that group now from the clinical trials and real-world data some six billion shots being given out
00:29:11Around the world that it is a safe and effective vaccine. I
00:29:15Was working on Pfizer's trial what I saw was like nothing
00:29:19I've ever seen before the speed in which they were enrolling in the study four to five coordinators pushing through
00:29:2640 50 60 patients a day
00:29:28We were not storing the vaccine at its appropriate temperature the failures in reporting serious adverse events
00:29:36We had so many reports of adverse events again
00:29:39We just could not keep up the study doctor signed a physical exam when he wasn't even in clinic
00:29:46Ventavia had unblinded every patient that was randomized in the trial when we brought it to their attention
00:29:54That's what we were instructed to do remove the evidence and destroy it emails about
00:30:00mislabeled blood specimens per Pfizer's protocol
00:30:03We should have immediately stopped enrolling but they never told Pfizer
00:30:07I would bring the concerns to my managers and it was or understaffed the FDA
00:30:13They only see what Pfizer gives them. So I was documenting all of this and on the 25th of September
00:30:19I went directly to the FDA and about six and a half hours later. I lost my job
00:30:25I was tired. We undertook a rigorous and thorough review of these
00:30:31Scientific data. We're confident that this can be used in this population
00:30:35Obviously, we will continue to monitor the safety and obviously the safety looks really really good
00:30:42I support vaccines and I've been vaccinated myself
00:30:45But I do have concerns about research integrity and the process used to authorize approve and mandate vaccines during this emergency
00:30:53Among 72 studies on the Pfizer vaccine that are registered in clinical trials gov. Only one
00:31:00Is shown to have been completed and zero. That's right. Zero studies have reported their results publicly
00:31:07So while we're told to keep following the science what we are following is not a scientific process based on open data
00:31:13We're following a process in which the data are treated as secret. And in my view, there's something very unscientific about that
00:31:30It's not science if you can't see the data and you cannot see the data from Pfizer trials
00:31:38We've got these amazing 2,500 volunteers people highly credentialed
00:31:43medical researchers doctors and nurses pouring over these
00:31:4755,000 documents that a court order forced
00:31:51Pfizer and the FDA to release. Well, they're finding that there were horrible harms
00:31:57deaths spontaneous abortions neurological problems fainting heart damage
00:32:05debilitating muscle pain debilitating joint pain that were concealed by Pfizer and the FDA from the American people
00:32:13So I'm 22 years old. I was studying at Chestnut Hill College
00:32:18I was vaccinated in the summer and wasn't able to return. I'm applying for Social Security income
00:32:24My legs have been not working for three hours now
00:32:28I started having tingling in my face and then I started developing GI issues
00:32:33Often on ringing in the ears. My normal resting heart rate was like in the 50s and 60s
00:32:38It's days in the 70s and 80s. Now. My resting heart rate just sitting was over a hundred
00:32:43I just felt something wrong on the left side of my chest
00:32:46I started feeling like tighter and bigger and I just like maybe I should just get this thing checked out
00:32:51So I ended up going to the ER and then they diagnosed me with the pericarditis
00:32:57I started having internal tremors, which is the most terrifying thing
00:33:00I started my right leg and then it went into my torso and you could just feel my body just shaking
00:33:07I don't think I've cried so much in my life. I was on my mom's couch for like two to three months
00:33:13She stood with me because she was so afraid that something was gonna happen to me
00:33:18Burning and numbness all the way from my toes
00:33:21Like to my hands. My daughter even had to like hold me up because I had no strength in my legs
00:33:27And not every day is great. Like right now currently I have no strength in my arms
00:33:31I lost my ability to speak naturally. I have become unable to walk without a walker
00:33:36And never know if or when the tremors will come or go
00:33:39I can no longer cook, clean or even pick up and hold my baby for too long
00:33:44Before my body begins to shake uncontrollably or is thrown into excruciating amounts of pain
00:33:49Seeing countless ER doctors as well as two neurologists who have given me no diagnoses
00:33:53No further testing besides regular blood work, CT scans, EEGs, EKGs and an MRI
00:34:00All of which the doctors told me came back normal
00:34:02Another CT scan, an MRI of my brain, a lumbar puncture. The test came back normal
00:34:08Yeah, I'm being seen at the vet's hospital around. They couldn't find anything
00:34:12They just denied everything
00:34:14It wasn't the vaccine. It's not the vaccine
00:34:15So I'm sitting there and I'm talking to the doctors and then just out of nowhere
00:34:18I started getting like these like felt like my cells were popping and exploding inside my body
00:34:23I was in the hospital four days. On the fourth day the doctor came in. He sat down beside me
00:34:27He goes we've done every test
00:34:29Nothing's come back, you know abnormal
00:34:31I did go to a neurologist three times looking for help
00:34:35Eventually did a brain MRI, did labs. All of those were normal. In the ER of course everything checked out
00:34:41He's my older brother and
00:34:44Loved the guy to death and beyond. He used to be able to like outpace me sprinting for the bus every single time
00:34:49He would win. We really have to be around him all the time. We can't leave him in the house alone
00:34:57Once since we moved him downstairs
00:35:00You know, we sleep downstairs too because we don't know
00:35:06he could fall out of bed and not be able to
00:35:11You know tell anybody
00:35:13It's difficult to talk about. I don't try not to think about how I feel about it
00:35:17Because when I do it becomes very emotional for me. I can't go there. Yeah
00:35:26I can't go there
00:35:47Before all of this happened to me I had what I consider a dream life
00:35:52All I had to do was just keep it going. I've lost my career lost my health lost my savings
00:35:58I am an unemployed paraplegic who's learning an entire new lifestyle
00:36:05And the only thing I did
00:36:08between full health
00:36:10And my current condition is take a shot
00:36:14My life has dramatically changed after this adverse reaction
00:36:21My career of 19 years
00:36:24Excuse me that I took almost 14 years to train for
00:36:31Is likely over
00:36:35I'm just not safe to work as an orthopedic surgeon
00:36:40Assuming the FDA and the CDC would be alarmed at my diagnosis. I expected to be contacted soon after my VAERS
00:36:49No phone call. No contact
00:36:52VAERS is an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S. licensed vaccines
00:36:58co-managed by the CDC and FDA
00:37:02Not a single doctor I saw logged me in VAERS
00:37:06All my reports are my own
00:37:08The other common theme is that they submitted a VAERS report
00:37:12But they had to do it and often their physicians
00:37:16Didn't I then contacted the CDC myself?
00:37:19They acknowledged my VAERS submission but stated my reaction was categorized as
00:37:24Not serious as I had not been hospitalized and I hadn't died
00:37:29I've had patients go to the hospital and the hospital was like this is probably from the vaccine
00:37:34It was never reported all the energy that's going to be put into
00:37:38Reporting to VAERS. Is it going to count towards anything?
00:37:41VAERS is a passive reporting system meaning that VAERS reports can be submitted voluntarily by anyone
00:37:47On the VAERS website it states
00:37:50Under reporting is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS
00:37:57Somebody called me. They said they were from
00:37:59CDC VAERS and at the end of the call, they basically said
00:38:04You won't hear from us again. This is merely for our reporting and that's kind of how I was left
00:38:10Well, let's remember what VAERS was designed to do
00:38:12It really wasn't designed to look at whether or not the vaccine caused an adverse event
00:38:17For example, people choose what they want to report to VAERS
00:38:20So there's some reporting biases and other potential limitations that don't allow VAERS to determine whether or not the reported adverse event
00:38:27Was caused by the vaccine
00:38:29Although VAERS reporting is subjective and flawed
00:38:33Data can be analyzed as a way to note disturbing trends that may warrant careful attention
00:38:39Such as the fact that there are more reported adverse events for the COVID shots
00:38:44Than for all other vaccines combined since they started tracking this data in 1990
00:38:52VAERS to this day has never called me. I have nothing give me something to do
00:38:58Tell me how to get better. People are asking for help and the people who are in charge are like
00:39:05You guys don't exist
00:39:12When I mentioned my reaction to the COVID vaccine I met with silence
00:39:17Rarely do people ask questions unless they ask. Are you sure it was the vaccine?
00:39:21Let me be clear. I had a real adverse event. My symptoms are real
00:39:27and my life for
00:39:30Ever has changed when did the burden of proof become our responsibility?
00:39:35Shouldn't it fall on the companies or health agencies who are claiming their product is safe?
00:39:40And how do I prove it to you? What would you accept the countless medical labs that show nothing?
00:39:46If you're wondering how to know if these reactions are real I ask you
00:39:52How do you know?
00:39:53They're not real
00:39:55So much ugliness and bitterness from people who know just the surface of what's happened to me after this vaccine
00:40:01It has become the loneliest and most isolating experience i've had
00:40:05In my 35 years of life, we went to the emergency room and I insisted that they check his head
00:40:10And that's when we found blood clots in his brain his risk of death from
00:40:16One of those thrombosis becoming a catastrophic event. Some of the doctors have hypothesized it was greater than 90
00:40:23So we sat there in the icu basically hoping everest would not die because it was very little they could do
00:40:30They did tests on everest from black plague
00:40:35To hiv they tested her for hiv twice and they never thought
00:40:39To look really hard at the vaccine. They really dismissed it
00:40:42They in fact when I would push them I actually had one of the physicians say why are you being so combative?
00:40:48And I said because the symptoms started the night of his shot. The doctors can't find anything wrong with you
00:40:54So then they're like, oh this must be psychological
00:40:56They even tried to admit her to a mental hospital
00:40:59There was a lot of questioning if I was crazy
00:41:02Other people had the vaccine and they had side effects and they came back. I could not wait to pee
00:41:06I'm, like I just want to give you my urine
00:41:07So you see that i'm not using cocaine like to keep accusing me
00:41:10I have been called a liar and a fake and I have even been told
00:41:13By the er doctors that this is all in my head
00:41:15They called a social worker to have me evaluated and tried to have me committed to western state mental health hospital
00:41:21I have to fight to be believed and not written off as anxious until public health authorities acknowledge these injuries
00:41:29You can't seek treatment. I was and still
00:41:32Am pro science and pro vaccine the main issue rests squarely on the fact that the fda
00:41:37Cdc and nh refuse to acknowledge that real lives are being absolutely destroyed by this vaccine
00:41:43We all go in there thinking we're not going to be in that one percent of people who get harmed
00:41:48But a lot of people don't know when it doesn't go. Well
00:41:52You cannot sue
00:41:54There's no vaccine injury hospital for you
00:41:58And there's no one researching you that
00:42:01Small percentage is a terrible place to be
00:42:04I've had six spinal taps over eight months missed nearly an entire year of my life and part of my children's lives
00:42:10My family and I are on the verge of losing everything we have it was my understanding that the federal government accepted the responsibility
00:42:17Of helping people injured by this vaccine considering they gave the vaccine manufacturers full legal immunity
00:42:23You can't sue pfizer j&j or moderna for any of the injuries
00:42:28You're relegated to a program called cicp
00:42:30Which has a standard of proof that makes it almost impossible to obtain compensation and the amount of compensation is is de minimis for the most part
00:42:38My doctor called me at home
00:42:40And wouldn't give me an exemption and she said but I believe you had an adverse reaction
00:42:44I've been seeing you and you should not get a second shot, but i'm not doing exemptions
00:42:50And I won't even report it was an adverse reaction because that's how afraid she is that the medical board's gonna
00:42:55I've also asked my primary care physician for an exemption four times and I live in boise, idaho
00:43:00And yeah, the network there basically told her under no circumstance. Are you allowed to get an exemption?
00:43:06It has become de facto impossible to get a medical exemption
00:43:11for a covid vaccine in the state of california
00:43:16Received a letter from the california state medical board saying any physician in california who writes an inappropriate
00:43:23exemption will have his
00:43:26medical license subjected to
00:43:28investigation and disciplinary action
00:43:30Their licenses have been threatened and because their licenses have been threatened. We cannot get medical care
00:43:38I've seen emails where hospital threaten their doctors. You cannot sign medical exemptions
00:43:45You cannot talk about you cannot report adverse reactions to these vaccines
00:43:49And if somebody was actually brave enough to do that on writing there were other people higher up to erase those
00:43:55I have the proof and I have the people that have shown me these things
00:43:59But it takes a brave doctor to say yes, if I believe my patient is having a reaction i'll give them an exemption
00:44:06There's one other doctor that I know who's like
00:44:10I'm gonna
00:44:11I'm gonna protect my patients. I'm gonna stand up for what I believe in and everyone else is very afraid
00:44:17Or has gone over here and there's been a lot of shaming actually
00:44:20um in the doctor community that I
00:44:23Move around in i'm here supporting my patients and what they need and that doesn't mean that i'm telling people not to get the vaccine
00:44:29At all. I'm giving them informed consent. These are the pros and cons
00:44:33Of the vaccine. This is the risk category that you're in
00:44:36I want you to make the decision that feels right for you the ethical principle of free and informed medical consent guaranteed by the Nuremberg code
00:44:44The Helsinki declaration was abandoned. We still know nothing about long-term vaccine harms because the vaccines haven't been out that long
00:44:51How can we possibly provide informed consent?
00:44:54Without this information
00:44:56You can't have informed consent if you don't tell your patients of the risks and benefits when I emailed army public health command
00:45:03And asked about adverse events the epidemiologist told me that they were not tracking tracing
00:45:10Or monitoring adverse events. I think at the beginning the vaccines were probably working well enough to make it worth it
00:45:16And i'm one of these that i'm willing to roll up my sleeve for science
00:45:20You know, I understand that I would have liked better informed consent
00:45:23One of the main side effects that we see is neurological the reporting and the findings of the adverse effects
00:45:28The publishing of them is very low and that is in direct contradiction
00:45:33With what the health care people are seeing and a lot of that is coming from this belief that global
00:45:40Vaccination is better than the risk of these adverse events, but I would ask how do we know that?
00:45:46Public health guidance on this is crystal clear
00:45:49Even if someone has already had covid19 and recovered vaccination is the safest and most effective way to build a durable immune response
00:45:57That protects you your family your friends and your community
00:46:00We were being told that the vaccine was the only solution and anyone who questioned it was ostracized
00:46:06But where did that leave people like me who weren't able to get fully vaccinated?
00:46:11Did I need to self-isolate forever?
00:46:13Prevention is a huge part of naturopathic medicine and a huge part of my practice is let's not wait until someone's
00:46:19In the icu to try to save them. Yeah, let's do that ahead of time
00:46:24It was clear that the majority of the people dying of covid had comorbidities
00:46:28Including obesity being a prime risk factor, but not only
00:46:32Were there no campaigns to incentivize good health?
00:46:36People were being offered free fast food burgers and fries if they got vaccinated
00:46:41Did you say free fries when you get vaccinated just think of this when you think of vaccination?
00:46:50So i've seen hundreds of covid patients by this time some of them vaccinated some of them unvaccinated everyone did really well with it
00:46:57including my own
00:46:5889 year old grandmother who actually wasn't vaccinated, but she made it through in a week
00:47:04Over a year after my one pfizer shot. I contracted covid
00:47:08And my bout with covid was six hours of slightly aching muscles and a mild headache
00:47:12But while I a healthy and not fully vaccinated person hardly noticed that I had covid
00:47:18I had fully vaccinated and boosted friends getting extremely sick with it, but still saying things like thank god
00:47:25I'm vaccinated or it would be way worse
00:47:28Now they may be right. But how do they know I am absolutely
00:47:33Exhausted about hearing about vaccinated and unvaccinated. There's only one category you need to care about
00:47:39It's untreated versus treated that the fda and the cdc actually coerce individuals
00:47:45For whom the vaccine is unsafe to receive the vaccine and then incur fatal
00:47:53and non-fatal injuries
00:47:55Is at this point in time?
00:48:00I started hearing highly credentialed doctors talk about possible other ways to treat and prevent covid
00:48:06The vaccines were waning boosters were being pushed and proven treatments like monoclonal antibodies were not widely available
00:48:14Doctors were finding that off-label medications were helpful in some circumstances and then they were prohibited from using them
00:48:21This censorship was hurting those of us who were vaccine injured because doctors were pressured to push the vaccine and encouraged not to say
00:48:29anything negative
00:48:31Was it possible that there were other treatments besides the vaccine?
00:48:35That could also reduce the risk of extreme covid. I'm giving high dose IV steroids
00:48:41I'm giving you know 25 grams of IV vitamin c
00:48:44I've kept over 2 000 people out of the hospital
00:48:47And if you look at current statistics 20 of those people should be dead and they're not
00:48:51I'm having the same experience as you did for the hospitals. So it's not just you it's all of us
00:48:57I'm currently a covid center and a lot of people call me up. You have to pick up the challenge
00:49:03And help the patient we have state agencies and hospitals
00:49:08interfering with the sacred patient physician
00:49:12Relationship for the first time in my entire career. I could not be a doctor. I had seven covid patients
00:49:20including a 31 year old woman
00:49:23I was not allowed to treat these people. I had to stand by idly
00:49:30I had to stand by
00:49:33watching these people
00:49:37I then try to sue the system and you know what they did. They then accused me of seven most
00:49:44Outrageous crimes that I had committed ignoring the fact that under my care the mortality was 50
00:49:52those of my colleagues
00:49:54And the end result was I lost my hospital privilege and was reported to the national practitioner databank
00:50:01So here I was standing up for patients rights
00:50:04and this hospital
00:50:06This evil hospital ended my medical career. So that's what they do
00:50:12Physicians have always been granted
00:50:15Discretionary latitude to exercise their own medical judgment. This is the first time in my career
00:50:21I've worried is somebody going to be looking over my shoulder asking me why i've prescribed
00:50:27Fluvoxamine for this indication rather than that indication. I prescribed it for depression. No problem. Are you giving this to treat covid?
00:50:34Why should it matter to you the nih the cdc and the fda are not involved in medical education?
00:50:39We went through a residency of medical school a residency program
00:50:43I've never called the fda the nih or the cdc for advice so to have them dictate
00:50:50Our medical practices has to stop every patient has a slight potential
00:50:55Thing that we might do differently and if we don't do that, we are not we are not good doctors
00:51:00They are afraid to treat us. We have had patients who are severely injured and are dying
00:51:06Who cannot get in the door to get seen by physicians because physicians are afraid of the word covid vaccine
00:51:14And it's this looming threat without definition. You're spreading misinformation
00:51:18Oh do cite the papers in which I am, you know spreading misinformation. They will not define it
00:51:23They will attack you. They will threaten you
00:51:26They will put you in a state of fear and say you can only do what we say, but don't save a life
00:51:30These are crimes against humanity
00:51:32We have patients who are falling ill with a treatable disease and they can't get treatment when the state are telling doctors
00:51:39That they can't do any doctoring has misinformation gotten out of control
00:51:45Today we'll be citing jay battacharya that old hack from stanford university
00:51:51Professor jay battacharya says a proposed california law threatens to make such dissent career ending by handing the state the power to strip
00:52:00Medical licenses from doctors who disagree with government positions on covid the bill is motivated by the idea that practicing doctors are spreading
00:52:07Misinformation about the risks of covid its treatment and the covid vaccine. Oh you doctors
00:52:13I remember when it was just conspiracy theorists out there
00:52:15But those conspiracy theorists so manipulative they've managed to turn themselves into doctors on the side
00:52:21It declares that physicians and surgeons who disseminate or promote misinformation or disinformation related to covid19
00:52:27Including false or misleading information. Who's false? Who's misleading?
00:52:31This is the problem that we're faced with these days, isn't it?
00:52:34The language of the bill itself is intentionally vague about what constitutes misinformation
00:52:39Doctors fearing loss of their livelihoods will need to hew closely to the government line on covid science and policy
00:52:45even if that line does not track the scientific evidence we
00:52:49Ordinary folk we query whether or not it really is false and misinformation or if it's just not bloody convenient to their aims
00:52:56agenda objectives
00:53:00I'm so disappointed
00:53:03That we are suppressing
00:53:06Knowledge I am pro vaccine. My children have been fully vaccinated before december 24th
00:53:13I was running them to football games baseball games
00:53:17I started with the numbness and tingling in my fingertips my toes every time I stood up
00:53:23My heart rate was soaring to like 170 180
00:53:27When we're pushing something out that has not had clear fda approval has not been through all of those rigorous
00:53:33Testings we have to be open to fall out a nurse friend of mine who worked in a hospital
00:53:40Declared that anyone who was not getting vaccinated should never speak to her again
00:53:44She said that she'd been putting her life on the line dealing with covid deaths and she feels personally
00:53:50Disrespected if you choose not to get the shot
00:53:53Of course, I empathize with her
00:53:55But for every nurse who believes 100% in the vaccines
00:53:59There are nurses who refuse to get vaccinated so vehemently that they're willing to lose their jobs
00:54:05Is one nurse telling the truth and the other lying?
00:54:08Or is it possible that there are many different angles to this issue that's strewn as black and white?
00:54:15At work because you're a nurse like do you just not really talk about this because it's kind of controversial
00:54:22type thing
00:54:23Yeah, I mean like my co-workers are aware
00:54:26They know because I have like these big bumps that appear on my skin if the boosters become mandated where does that leave you?
00:54:33Well, I wouldn't get it
00:54:35There no, there's no doubt like why why in the world would they ever think you get something that would harm you?
00:54:42You have kids. Oh, yes when you're thinking about all of them getting vaccinated
00:54:47Was that a hard decision?
00:54:48Yeah, I mean they're old enough to definitely make their own choices
00:54:51But they watched everything that happened to me and they were like no way
00:54:56Let me speak as a pediatrician you should vaccinate your kids benefits of the vaccine
00:55:03Clearly outweigh the risks. We looked at the risks of disease the risks of death of hospitalizations of long
00:55:09COVID among children and importantly we looked at how well these vaccines work
00:55:17Effective against infection and then of course we reviewed the safety data
00:55:21There were no severe events associated with the safety of this vaccine
00:55:25there is a disease category upon which the fda the cdc and all
00:55:30Stakeholders agree that the vaccines cause and that's myocarditis or heart inflammation
00:55:35The risks of the vaccines are far greater than the risks of COVID-19 the respiratory illness
00:55:42I've looked at the myocarditis cases. I'm not very concerned about most of them unlike viral myocarditis
00:55:50We see where there's heart failure. This is a symptomatic mild
00:55:54Inflammation that is very transient goes away very quickly in most kids
00:55:58I am stunned when I hear people dismiss myocarditis as an acceptable side effect because myocarditis is life-threatening
00:56:05And a life-disabling condition. We don't know the long-term prognosis of vaccine-induced myocarditis
00:56:11Whether heart damage is permanent. We haven't studied the problem long enough a twinge of chest discomfort
00:56:17They may go to the hospital. They draw a blood test. They say. Oh, well, there's a cardiac enzyme. That's a little high
00:56:23We're going to keep them for observation for a day
00:56:25They send them home and they tell them to not run a marathon for the next three months
00:56:28I'm telling you as a specialist myocarditis is not mild
00:56:33I wondered why we're not warned about myocarditis at the time of vaccination
00:56:37The fda says you'll recover if you don't exercise for three months
00:56:40But what happens if someone doesn't know they have it and they don't rest?
00:56:44Although we can't say with certainty yet
00:56:47But the pediatric cardiologists feel that the chance that this is going to be associated with any kind of lasting
00:56:54effect is
00:56:55Extremely small december 17th 2020. They did a study
00:57:00And they knew they caused heart condition to teenagers. Why wasn't this information released until october 1st this year?
00:57:10They need to quit pushing the son of children
00:57:21Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the andre corb ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the andre corbiel show
00:57:28Fighting big pharma each and every day
00:57:43I'm not
00:57:44Anti-anything. I don't want what i'm experiencing to have some sort of political bend
00:57:50I just want my story out there so I and others like me can get the help that we are entitled to this is not
00:57:57Political this is a human issue
00:58:01And many other people are getting sick and no one is willing to step up and help us
00:58:06And so it's usually someone says like oh, really?
00:58:09Which one did you have and i'll say oh I got pfizer strange
00:58:11My husband got that when he's fine
00:58:13I'm, like yeah and so did a lot of my family members and they're all totally fine
00:58:16But some people are not fine
00:58:19And by the time I got to my car, I noticed that my face was burning and tingling. I can't feel my face
00:58:27The first time I said those words was 10 months ago
00:58:29The last time I said those words was two months ago, but i'm one of the lucky ones
00:58:34I went to the emergency room probably 15 times. I was a father
00:58:39Of a 60 year old son my government lied to me
00:58:43Why are thousands of doctors and scientists worldwide being censored?
00:58:51Why is it not allowed
00:58:53For medical experts
00:58:56to speak out
00:58:59the covid-19 vaccine
00:59:02And about effective treatments for covid-19
00:59:06We are in an age of
00:59:09unprecedented censorship
00:59:11Our speech has completely disappeared on planet earth
00:59:15literally thousands upon thousands of
00:59:18documentaries interviews
00:59:22From doctors and scientists have been removed from the internet. Their websites have been taken down without any warning
00:59:31What is going on?
00:59:32Why is there such an aggressive?
00:59:37For a vaccine for covid-19. Why is literally every successful
00:59:43treatment for covid-19
00:59:45Being banned from so many countries. There is something going on
00:59:49The world today has 6.8 billion people
00:59:54That's headed up to about 9 billion
00:59:57Now if we do a really great job
01:00:01new vaccines health care
01:00:05Reproductive health services we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent
01:00:10But there we see an increase
01:00:14about 1.3
01:00:17Is that a quadrillion dollar enterprise
01:00:23Is at work amongst us decimating culling the human family
01:00:31intentionally using synthetic molecules which by design are
01:00:36Our cancer aids all of it. It's a dream up. Yeah, it's for the purpose of sterilization and population control
01:00:42There's too many people on the planet we need to get rid of in the words of bill gates at least three billion people
01:00:49Need to die
01:00:50So we'll just start off in africa. We'll start doing our research there and we'll limit eliminate most most of the africans because they're deplorable
01:01:00They're worthless
01:01:01They're not part of this world economy
01:01:04so they have
01:01:06their rights taken away
01:01:08So you can make a fast exit if you have as soon as you and I finish
01:01:14You're out. I'm leaving the country again. Why?
01:01:17Because in a very short time not today not tomorrow, but very soon
01:01:23we'll be
01:01:24facing compulsory
01:01:26vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination
01:01:32Now what is it about these vaccinations? You think that they're bad?
01:01:36Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the world health organization
01:01:42Has decided that we have 90
01:01:46Too many people anyone who's over 70 who gets one of these mRNA vaccines will probably be
01:01:53Sadly die within about two to three years
01:01:56And I would say anyone who gets the mRNA
01:02:00Injection no matter what age you are your life expectancy will be reduced to you know
01:02:05Die, if you're in your 30s within five to ten years
01:02:09And you probably will have allergy
01:02:12neurocognitive issues
01:02:14We're taking things that are you know
01:02:17Genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them in little kids arms. We just shoot them right into the vein
01:02:23We're taking
01:02:25things that are
01:02:27you know
01:02:28genetically modified organisms
01:02:31And we're injecting them in little kids arms. We just shoot them right into the vein
01:02:37All right. Thanks for having me today
01:02:40I've been in the pharmaceutical industry for 25 years researched and development on vaccines
01:02:47And i'm here before you today
01:02:49to tell you that
01:02:51It's not proper to experiment on children since when did you think that mama bears would go for that?
01:02:59We're here today because you're experimenting on children
01:03:04Better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be dropped at the bottom
01:03:10of the sea
01:03:11Than to cause one
01:03:15Little one to stumble
01:03:18Children don't get sick of this virus. What planet do you think i'm a researcher? They don't get sick
01:03:26226 children have died in a year and it was not all coven related
01:03:37And you're going to vaccinate the lesbians
01:03:41How dare you?
01:03:43How dare you?
01:03:45Look at me in the eye
01:03:49That's genocide
01:03:52Don't you dare deceive
01:04:25My lab also showed that COVID-19 in the stools was killed by hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
01:04:39But unfortunately, azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine killed the microbiome.
01:04:45So therefore, vitamin C, D, and zinc was added.
01:04:50Three protocols were submitted to the FDA from our findings.
01:04:55Three studies were also put into clinicaltrials.gov in full transparencies to help doctors more
01:05:02effectively treat COVID because I knew data that nobody knew.
01:05:08April 2nd, 2020, FDA gave us an exempt letter for doing a clinical trial.
01:05:15In other words, we did not need to do a clinical trial on hydroxychloroquine, Z-Pak, vitamin
01:05:20C, D, and zinc as treatment or hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, D, and zinc as prophylaxis.
01:05:27April 4th, somebody must have called the FDA and said, I got another letter saying, I'm
01:05:36sorry, Dr. Hazen, exemption is denied.
01:05:39You must do a full on clinical trial.
01:05:42Here's the letter.
01:05:44Time pressures delayed us and we got a green light to start recruiting by May 2020.
01:05:50By then, the media created fear around hydroxychloroquine.
01:05:55It was impossible to recruit.
01:05:57This drug was safely given for years for arthritis and lupus with no problems.
01:06:03My clinical trials companies were also banned and censored from advertising on Facebook,
01:06:10Instagram, and Twitter.
01:06:12Remember, I do clinical trials for a living and never, as a clinical trial doctor, have
01:06:18I not been able to advertise to recruit for a trial on social media.
01:06:23We were told it was going to stay in our arm, right?
01:06:27We were told this was mRNA, going to degrade rapidly in our body, right?
01:06:31But it wasn't mRNA, was it?
01:06:32It was modified RNA.
01:06:35It was actually produced synthetically so it wouldn't degrade.
01:06:40We now have studies that say the mRNA is circling the body at least, I think, two months
01:06:44and we haven't done studies beyond that, correct?
01:06:46I know in your own practice, you don't administer that because you realize the spike protein
01:06:50is toxic to the body.
01:06:52I prefer the killed protein vaccines.
01:06:54When did you first determine, or when did you first find out about the biodistribution
01:06:58studies Pfizer had done that the Japanese regulators released in February of 2021?
01:07:06On the lipid nanoparticles.
01:07:07Probably somewhere in the spring or summer of 2021.
01:07:11It was clear that the mRNA in some patients was persisting much longer than it should.
01:07:17When did you find out about the biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticles, or when did people
01:07:22in the FBI, FDA, when should they have known about the fact that they were biodistributing
01:07:27all over the body?
01:07:28Yeah, I don't know the answer to that.
01:07:30I was telling you the summer of 2021 is when I probably became more aware that this...
01:07:34Only because the Japanese regulators released that.
01:07:36But again, this is part of the Pfizer studies.
01:07:39So they knew that the lipid nanoparticle, which is designed to permeate, difficult to
01:07:44permeate barriers, correct?
01:07:45That's the design of the lipid nanoparticle.
01:07:48So they knew it was going to biodistribute all over the body, concentrating the ovaries,
01:07:52the adrenal glands.
01:07:54It crosses the blood brain barrier, correct?
01:07:58So what would...
01:07:59Let's just, again, you're a doctor.
01:08:01What happens when you have a lipid nanoparticle biodistributing, and let's say this mRNA,
01:08:08this modified mRNA, attaches to a heart muscle?
01:08:11What is it?
01:08:12It injects itself into the cells, causes that heart muscle cell to produce a spike protein,
01:08:19Which is toxic to the body.
01:08:20And then what does the body do?
01:08:22It has a very strong pro-inflammatory response, which is problematic.
01:08:26Again, I think, Senator, what you're getting at, which I'm 100% agreeing with you, is I
01:08:31think there was not appropriate transparency from the beginning about the potential side
01:08:37effects of these vaccines.
01:08:39And I do think there was inappropriate decisions by some to try to under-report any side effects
01:08:48because they argued that would make the public less likely to get vaccinated.
01:08:53I do think one of the greatest mistakes that was made, of course, was mandating these vaccines.
01:08:58They should have never been mandated.
01:08:59It should have been open to personal choice.
01:09:01They don't prevent infection.
01:09:03They do have side effects.
01:09:04COVID is vaccine AIDS.
01:09:07And the point of the deadliest shot and everything that was done in the vaccine AIDS was to murder,
01:09:15premeditated murder of the autistic community, myalgic encephalomyelitis.
01:09:24That's what Tony Fauci, 40 years ago, marginalized to chronic fatigue syndrome, said women couldn't
01:09:30get AIDS because women couldn't get HIV, which is ridiculous.
01:09:36Viruses don't know your politics, your sex, even your location most of the time.
01:09:44Viruses are viruses and it's a dysregulation of our innate immune system.
01:09:48This is my entire life's work.
01:09:50We aren't our infections.
01:09:52We aren't monkeypox.
01:09:53We aren't SARS-CoV-2.
01:09:57And SARS-CoV-2, the monkey virus, injected in every polio vaccine among many other viruses.
01:10:06And this is the point.
01:10:08We've been injecting animal tissue, animal RNA, DNA, and protein.
01:10:13And we're thinking about mRNA vaccines.
01:10:16We've been injecting animal mRNA, DNA, and protein in every single shot.
01:10:24And I mean cow, pig, bird, monkey, that's the Vero monkey kidney cell line, is the cell
01:10:34line that it's literally the storage, the stock solution of shipping those viruses around
01:10:43the world.
01:10:44And there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of viruses in every vaccine.
01:10:50And I don't mean virus particles that are actually infectious virus.
01:10:56I mean the sequences, the proviruses, the RNA, if it's an RNA virus, the DNA, our genome
01:11:03is DNA.
01:11:05And then when that genome is expressed, according to God, then you respond or you make a protein,
01:11:13you do something, your body does something enzymatically with the expression of genes
01:11:19in response to environmental stimuli, whether it's a poison as aluminum or glyphosate or
01:11:27it's a poison, a virus.
01:11:30But at any rate, we're dysregulating primarily our innate immune response, our skin, our
01:11:36gut, our mouth, our nasal pharyngeal cavities.
01:11:40SARS-CoV-2 is not a coronavirus.
01:11:42It's a retrovirus.
01:11:43It's part HIV, part XMRV.
01:11:46That's the syncytin, that snake venom, SYNCYNCYTIN, cytocell, synthesis, SYN, synthesized cells.
01:12:00Fuse them together.
01:12:02You fuse them together so the virus passes through the cell membranes without being seen
01:12:09by the innate immune system, injecting it directly in the blood.
01:12:14You want it on your skin where the immune system of your skin responds.
01:12:21You have tons of enzymes in microbes in your mouth that degrade viruses and other toxins
01:12:29that enter through food all the way down your gut at every level from your mouth to your
01:12:36You have a different ecosystem, a different microbiome and microvirome.
01:12:42Those microbes are metabolizing amino acids.
01:12:46So in fact, all of these diseases are nutritional deficiencies.
01:12:51We poisoned our key immune responses, like vitamin C. You don't take vitamin C. You make
01:13:00vitamin C.
01:13:02This is what Stephanie Seneff was talking about.
01:13:05Glyphosate, the big problem, is you don't sulfate your branch chain amino acids, the
01:13:14phenolic compounds.
01:13:15So when you don't put the sulfur group on some of these compounds, they can't pass through
01:13:21the cell membranes, the gates which let amino acids and minerals in and out of cells.
01:13:28Every single vaccine on the schedule, number one, is not a single entity like we think
01:13:36a weakened or attenuated virus.
01:13:39One thing in saline that we simply inject or in the case of the recombinant bacterial
01:13:47vaccines like hepatitis B now or Prevnar for pneumonia or Gardasil, we take the recombinant
01:13:58viruses and we take only the pathogenic piece.
01:14:03And we formulate that with a boatload of aluminum, which destroys your brain.
01:14:08And so we put in Prevnar for either 13 or 23 of the deadliest pneumonia bacterial antigens,
01:14:1723 different antigens in the same shot.
01:14:21Now why do you think your immune system... and then we inject them.
01:14:25We don't inhale them the way you would if you responded to a virus or one hit your skin
01:14:32or a respiratory virus.
01:14:34You know, these aren't respiratory viruses.
01:14:36SARS-CoV-2 is a pararetrovirus.
01:14:39It's HIV spike protein.
01:14:41It's XMRV spike protein called syncytin.
01:14:45Every cell of the body has a response.
01:14:50Human endogenous retrovirus W is your gamma retrovirus.
01:14:56It's your syncytin.
01:14:58And it's on every chromosome, at least once.
01:15:01I think the lowest number is the Y chromosome where there's only two copies of the gene
01:15:06herb W, but the protein made or the peptide made, it's not even a full protein, is just
01:15:15And that syncytin tells us the difference between self and non-self.
01:15:21What's my snake venom?
01:15:23What's snake venom?
01:15:24What's poison and what's not?
01:15:26When you inject this explosion of toxins, and we showed...
01:15:30I showed yesterday the GOTI paper from 2017, which I often use in Vaccine Corps.
01:15:37Over the five years, I gave expert opinion as to how certain shots were injuring certain
01:15:46kids and certain people, and it was the old and the young.
01:15:50And you're seeing the very things that are what is so-called COVID.
01:15:56And so now we've got doctors, criminal doctors, who are injecting something they have absolutely
01:16:03no idea what's in it into the most vulnerable people.
01:16:06Oh, you have to have this shot because you already have COPD, you already have cancer,
01:16:13you already have an autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease.
01:16:18Absolutely not.
01:16:19We knew from HIV AIDS, people with HIV, you would spread the virus and destroy those parts
01:16:28of their immune system.
01:16:30If they already had an antibody like Magic Johnson on November 7th, 1991, his courage
01:16:37at that time was he had to change everything.
01:16:41He was seropositive.
01:16:43He was immune.
01:16:44That's what we say immunity is for a vaccine.
01:16:48You make an antibody, and that's the end of the spectrum.
01:16:52The beginning of the spectrum is your innate immune response.
01:16:57Those children, the reason why our children are our boosters every year for chickenpox,
01:17:05for measles, the elderly, the grandparents used to take care of the kids.
01:17:09We get exposed in a natural way to chickenpox, to those things, and that's a natural booster
01:17:16for us because we had a natural immune response.
01:17:20They're pattern recognition receptors.
01:17:23It's pathogen-associated molecular patterns, which are naked CPGs, which humans don't have.
01:17:29That's our methylation, our DNA methylation, on-off switch of viruses.
01:17:34This is my life's work, epigenetics.
01:17:37These are not genetic diseases.
01:17:41They're absolutely not.
01:17:42They're epigenetic diseases.
01:17:44They're the total dysregulated response of our innate immune system, not only to the
01:17:50injections, but as Dr. Klinghart shows, to the sprays, to the heavy amount of aluminum
01:17:57that they've been spraying in our skies every day, chemtrails.
01:18:01They're not contrails.
01:18:02They don't disappear, look up, and watch, and examine.
01:18:07Even doctors ignore the poisons and directly inject the poisons.
01:18:15The Gotti paper showed you, with a scanning electron micrograph and then instruments like
01:18:23mass spec that'll show you the difference of the metals in the shots.
01:18:28It'll show you the globs of things that never go in the cells.
01:18:33It'll show you those tree-like things that literally look like they're moving.
01:18:38Those are the things Dr. Carrie Madej and others have been showing us in the COVID shots.
01:18:44But what that 2017 Gotti paper showed you is it's all the shots.
01:18:50Every one of them are so loaded with toxins.
01:18:54And what Del Bigtree and the Informed Consent Action Network did over the last, I would
01:18:59say since 2014, since the film Vax, since the world started waking up here at Autism
01:19:08For me in 2010, it only started in 2006 and 2007 out of Loyal in Chicago, when you started
01:19:16seeing those canaries in the coal mine, the injured kids.
01:19:20You're seeing the same thing.
01:19:22So in Children's Health Defense, a team at the beginning of this COVID, all the way back
01:19:27in 2020, long before I taught, well, I'd already talked to Mickey Willis in 2019.
01:19:34How did I know?
01:19:35How did our book Plague of Corruption know exactly what they were going to do?
01:19:40Oh, because as David Barton showed you in Plandemic Indoctrination, August 18th, 2020,
01:19:51and then Bobby Kennedy's book that just came out this year on Robert F. Kennedy Jr., heavily,
01:19:58heavily, heavily censored.
01:20:00You know, this tells you they've been planning this for a really long time, and they've been
01:20:04experimenting on the most vulnerable.
01:20:06The Canadian government is still compensating the victims of the disturbing thalidomide
01:20:10safe and effective fallout, which leads some to wonder, will the COVID-19 vaccine injury
01:20:15support program be ongoing for decades to come?
01:20:22Thalidomide was a drug introduced to the Canadian market as both safe and effective on April 1st, 1961.
01:20:27It was used in the market of origin Germany and more than 40 other countries since 1958.
01:20:34It was available on global markets for a little over two years as safe for pregnant women
01:20:38and effective at quelling morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.
01:20:43The Canadian government is said to have authorized the marketing of the drug based on the same
01:20:47information that the Americans did not find sufficient to prove safety.
01:20:52In fact, in 1962, FDA reviewer Frances Kelsey was awarded the President's Award for Distinguished
01:20:58Federal Civilian Service by President John F. Kennedy for her refusal to authorize thalidomide
01:21:04on the U.S. market.
01:21:06As a result of her unwavering commitment to safety, thalidomide was never distributed
01:21:10for use in the United States.
01:21:12Frances Kelsey, a Canadian doctor who had become a drug official in the United States.
01:21:18It was the early 60s and Dr. Frances Kelsey was under fire, branded a bureaucratic whiner
01:21:24by drug makers for blocking thalidomide from American drugstore shelves.
01:21:29The problem is some drugs may not show a toxicity until they've been used for several years.
01:21:36Her unflinching courage spared the United States from one of the worst drug disasters
01:21:40in medical history.
01:21:42The bottom part of the arm was missing and she had four fingers and no legs.
01:21:48Thalidomide was given to pregnant women as a cure for morning sickness and insomnia.
01:21:53Thousands of babies died.
01:21:55Many more were born severely deformed.
01:21:57Now, by December 2nd, 1961, the drug had already been pulled from the German and British markets
01:22:03after several doctors expressed concern that the drug was causing severe birth defects
01:22:08in babies born to mothers who had taken the anti-nausea sedative.
01:22:13These are known as teratogenic effects that cause abnormal fetal development.
01:22:16In the case of thalidomide, this resulted in visible malformation of things like limbs,
01:22:21including missing arms and ears, deafness, defects in the face and the palate, and malformations
01:22:26of the gastrointestinal system, deformities of the eyes and hearts.
01:22:30Because the drug also caused miscarriage, it's unknown how many deaths it caused, but
01:22:35it's said that less than 40% of the babies affected by this disturbing tragedy survived
01:22:41into adulthood.
01:22:42The government of Canada was well aware of these safety concerns about the possible teratogenic
01:22:47effects of thalidomide, but it wasn't until March 2nd, 1962, that the Canadian authorities
01:22:53decided to finally withdraw thalidomide from the market.
01:22:56As unbelievable as it seems, thalidomide was legally available in Canada for three months
01:23:02after it was withdrawn from Germany.
01:23:04Canada's health minister, Monteith, in 1963 acknowledged the duty of the government to
01:23:07support victims of thalidomide.
01:23:09While class actions and other litigation was pursued globally, here in Canada, victims
01:23:14were forced to settle out of court with gag orders, resulting in vast differences in compensation
01:23:20Since Canada brought thalidomide to market despite warnings and delayed its withdrawal,
01:23:25many argued that the authorities had a moral duty to adequately compensate victims.
01:23:30The government of Canada then introduced the Extraordinary Assistance Plan, or EAP,
01:23:35in 1991.
01:23:36It gave a one-time payment ranging between $56,000 and $83,000 to 109 thalidomide survivors
01:23:42who fulfilled their eligibility criteria.
01:23:45Faced with debilitating disability and increased financial burden, the program pivoted after
01:23:49advocacy efforts by the group called Right the Wrong, where the Thalidomide Survivors
01:23:54Contribution Program, TSCP, was developed in 2015.
01:23:58It further compensated survivors through annual pension and other settlement money.
01:24:02Then, in 2019, the Canadian Thalidomide Survivors Support Program, CTSSP, was developed, which
01:24:07is ongoing, automatic compensation for those left with the debilitating fallout of this
01:24:12once-touted as safe and effective drug.
01:24:14It provides annual payouts geared toward disability levels of up to $100,000 a year.
01:24:19Sadly, it appears that the government, and specifically Health Canada, did not learn
01:24:23anything from this horrific tragedy or the fallout of it that continues to plague nearly
01:24:27100 Canadians 70 years later.
01:24:30They shamelessly promoted and continue to promote novel, still-in-clinical-trial modified
01:24:33RNA drugs referred to as vaccines as safe and effective, including for pregnant and
01:24:38breastfeeding women, based on misrepresented data and severely underrepresented clinical
01:24:43trials that were ongoing when the shots were authorized and then unblinded a mere two months
01:24:47into the experiment.
01:24:49According to the last update by the Government of Canada, COVID-19 vaccine adverse events
01:24:52have been reported by 58,712 people, up to and including January 5th, 2024, and that's
01:24:59the date that they just magically stopped reporting.
01:25:01The government decided that they will no longer be updating this online report, so how's
01:25:06that for transparency?
01:25:07Meanwhile, the pandemic-borne vaccine injury support program, known as VISP, coincided
01:25:11with the rollout of these injections, which were authorized through an interim order that
01:25:15waived liability for the rushed-to-market product.
01:25:18As of its last reporting date at the beginning of June, it received 2,628 of those nearly
01:25:2359,000 adverse events claims, and only 183 of them were approved by the elusive Medical
01:25:29Review Board.
01:25:30That's if those suffering injuries can navigate the extensive paperwork, multi-level filtering,
01:25:35and bloated bureaucracy to get their injury recognized and diagnosed.
01:25:40So why am I sharing all this?
01:25:42Because I think there's very real potential that vaccine injuries could mirror the thalidomide
01:25:47Throughout my years of reporting on this subject, beginning with a gentleman named Kevin Street
01:25:51in June 2021, it's become increasingly clear that vaccine injuries are not only severely
01:25:56underreported but misdiagnosed as other conditions, treated as psychological ailments, or attributed
01:26:02to this new phenomenon called long COVID.
01:26:05And the potential intergenerational fallout of these products casts a shadow of destruction
01:26:09and long-term harm for generations to come.
01:26:11So when the liberals quietly extended the VISP program in budget 2024, I wonder, is
01:26:16this a hint of what's to come?
01:26:18The federal budget now allocates $19 million to VISP in 2024-25, and an additional $17
01:26:25million in 2025-26, of which nearly 60% goes to program administration rather than the
01:26:31victims of the safe and effective vaccine campaign.
01:26:34Will this evolve into a permanent fixture in the federal budget as the fallout of the
01:26:38destructive PSYOP continues to unravel?
01:26:42Only time will tell.
01:26:43For Rebel News, I'm Tamara Iubilini.
01:26:48We're calling on Federal Minister of Health Mark Holland to revoke market authorization
01:26:52for these injections at nomoreshots.ca.
01:26:55There you can sign our petition, you can also send that form email to Minister Holland,
01:26:59and you can continue to support our work if you find value in it.
01:27:03That's nomoreshots.ca.
01:27:13Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, lovely humans, depending on where you are
01:27:23on this beautiful Eden Plain.
01:27:25Peace, love, hug, support, and all that wonderful, natural, and divine, and godly stuff.
01:27:30Open eyes, ears, and most importantly, an open mind in your search for truth and knowledge,
01:27:35health and wellness.
01:27:36Are they ever one and the same?
01:27:39Okay, there's a lot of talk going on about borax right now as something that can eliminate
01:27:49or detox one's self from the jab.
01:27:54That I cannot verify, but I have first-hand knowledge of this gift from God.
01:28:02About eight years ago, maybe nine, I was diagnosed with arthritis, and I was told there
01:28:10is nothing that can be done.
01:28:13This diagnosis came from my old football coach at Ottawa University, and I was almost in
01:28:23tears because I have played sports all my life, and it helped me keep my life on the
01:28:29train tracks or get it back on the tracks.
01:28:33I have nothing but admiration for what it has done for me, and in essence, it has helped
01:28:38save my life a few times.
01:28:42That being said, he told me that, I left his office, again I was in tears, but I am someone
01:28:51who fights and does not accept what is told to me, especially by the mainstream medicine,
01:29:01Rockefeller, cut, burn, poison medicine.
01:29:04So I had a pity party for about two weeks, and then I started researching, and I came
01:29:10across Dr. Walter Last.
01:29:16These are the salt beds for borax, it's just a salt mineral folks, nothing more, nothing
01:29:25It's an absolute gift from God.
01:29:27So this is the 20 mule team that would hook up to this and take it to the refinery.
01:29:31This is in the United States.
01:29:34So I came across this article, The Borax Conspiracy, by Dr. Walter Last.
01:29:45He has recently passed away, and I believe the Illuminati, our controllers, have taken
01:29:55over his site, so I don't trust it as much anymore.
01:30:01This is the site, Health Sciences Spirit.
01:30:03It always said Dr. Walter Last, I don't know why it says Walter Last now, maybe because
01:30:09they're maligning and trying to ban borax worldwide.
01:30:16It is already banned in many countries, and you can read about it in this article, which
01:30:22is absolutely brilliant, it is detailed, it is scientific, not easy to read, you might
01:30:32have to read it many times, but borax does many things.
01:30:37The root nutrient is boron, that's one of the 12 cell salts that our body needs to function
01:30:48So for me, I started taking this product, and of course they tell you that it kills
01:30:55termites and kills this, and that's what they did in Canada, because they don't want
01:31:03people taking it, because what's the arthritis industry worth a year, a trillion?
01:31:10So I started taking it, and within a week or two, my arthritis was gone.
01:31:17That's it, that's all.
01:31:19I started taking it in my early 40s, and again, I have played sports all my life, and at the
01:31:26time of my arthritic diagnosis, I was taping my ankles, taping my wrists, using braces,
01:31:33you know, almost in tears after playing golf, and you know, being the active person that
01:31:37I always was.
01:31:42And that's it, and what is it, 8, 9 years later, I have been inflammation free, I feel
01:31:50better than I did in high school, 100% absolutely true, I will put my hand on a bible and attest
01:31:57to all of this.
01:31:59First I started taking it in water, and now I just sprinkle it on my food, and I also
01:32:06live a completely healthy lifestyle as well, right nutrients and stuff, but borax absolutely
01:32:14rid myself of all inflammation, and I take it almost every day, and have for 8 or 9 years,
01:32:24and I feel great, and so all of the bullshit that they're telling you, you know, the new
01:32:31world order about this stuff, is complete bullshit, it's bullshit, okay?
01:32:39So and I have told people, you know, I've recently purchased in the last year, 16 boxes
01:32:45of this stuff, because I believe that they're going to try and ban it worldwide, or you
01:32:52know, in Canada or Ontario, anyway, and it looks like I'm coming true, it's coming true,
01:32:58and they're using this, you know, vaccine, pandemic, bullshit, to paint it in a negative
01:33:06light, and turn people against it, and this is what they always do, when they want to
01:33:12start, you know, ban stuff, they start the propaganda, and away we go.
01:33:18So I want you folks to read this article, and start a campaign, that will prevent this
01:33:29from being banned. It is, again, the greatest gift, one of the greatest gifts from our creator,
01:33:37you know, it's multi-purposed, I use it for my laundry, I use it for cleaning, it gets
01:33:42blood out of a white shirt in seconds, I've made a small video on that, but I'm just going
01:33:48to leave it here folks, so please subscribe, I would really appreciate that, like, share,
01:33:55and comment, and have yourselves a lovely day, peace, love, hug, support, and all that
01:34:01wonderful natural stuff, and oh, and also, there are a lot of natural healers that are,
01:34:10you know, creating borax products, right, just take it right out of the box, that's
01:34:18just money making crap, you know, just take it out of the box like me, contact me, and
01:34:24I'll tell you, you know, how I do it, more specifically, and yeah, so take care of yourselves,
01:34:32we'll see you in the next video, and have a lovely weekend.
01:34:40As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:34:52As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:34:55As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
01:34:58As God is my witness, I will never be censored again.
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