Biden Asked Point Blank How He Can Reassure Americans That He Is 'Up To The Task' Of Being President

  • 2 months ago
At a press briefing on Thursday, President Biden was asked about his ability to be president.

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00:00I'm sorry.
00:06Zeke Miller, Associated Press.
00:07Thank you, Mr. President.
00:10Two questions for you first.
00:13On the NATO summit, President Zelensky, in your meeting with him, he pressed you to lift
00:18your limitations on the Ukrainian use of American weapons, saying that – in his public remarks
00:22afterwards saying that Ukraine cannot win the war unless those limitations are lifted.
00:27How are you reconsidering your position on that?
00:30And then secondly, following up on Felicia's question there, leaders of your own party
00:33have said that they're not worried about that debate.
00:38They're worried about the next bad night and the bad night after that.
00:41How can you reassure the American people that you are up to the task and that there won't
00:46be more bad nights at a debate stage or somewhere else?
00:51First thing about Zelensky asking for the ability to strike deep into Russia, we have
01:01allowed Zelensky to use American weapons in the near term, in the near abroad, into Russia.
01:10Whether or not he has, he should be attacked – for example, should Zelensky – he's
01:16not – if he had the capacity to strike Moscow, strike the Kremlin, would that make
01:23It wouldn't.
01:24The question is, what's the best use of the weaponry he has and the weaponry we're
01:30getting to him?
01:31I've gotten a more high – I got a more long-range capacity as well as defensive capacity.
01:38And so our military is – I'm following the advice of my commander-in-chief, my – the
01:46chief of staff of the military, as well as the Secretary of Defense and our intelligence
01:52And we're making a day-to-day basis on what they should and shouldn't – how far they
01:56should go in.
01:57That's a logical thing to do.
01:59Second question related to – Bad nights, sir, how can you reassure the American people
02:05that you won't have more bad nights, whether they be on a debate stage or it's a matter
02:09of foreign policy?
02:10Well, I tell you what, the best way to assure them is the way I assure myself, and that
02:17is, am I getting the job done?
02:19Am I getting the job done?
02:22Can you name me somebody who's got more major piece of legislation passed in three
02:26and a half years?
02:27I got – created 2,000 jobs just last week.
02:31So if I slow down, I can't get the job done, that's a sign that I shouldn't be doing
02:38No indication of that yet.
02:41Um, what do I got here?
