At a press briefing on Thursday, President Biden was asked about the Democratic convention.
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00:00Then you're making decisions on a day-to-day basis when it comes to support for Ukraine.
00:04Does that mean you have not closed the door on further considering lifting restrictions for
00:10U.S.-made weapons inside Russia? And if I may, your convention is coming up where your delegates
00:15are pledged to make you the official nominee. If they have second thoughts, are they free to
00:20vote their conscience? Obviously, they're free to do whatever they want, but I get overwhelming
00:26support. Overwhelming support. I forget how many votes I won in the primary.
00:34Overwhelming. And so tomorrow, if all of a sudden I show up at the convention,
00:38everybody says we want somebody else, that's a democratic process. It's not going to happen.
00:45Even if that means they vote for someone else?
00:48Sure. Look, I'll end this with this. I served in the Senate a long time.
00:59I understand the impetus of candidates running for local office and whether they think
01:07the topic can help them or not. In my state of Delaware, which was a very,
01:16at least a purple, it was a red state when I started, in terms of where you now talk red and
01:21blue. I don't recall most of the democratic presidents winning my state when I was a
01:32candidate. The truth of the matter is I understand the self-interest of a candidate.
01:37If they think that, you know, running with Biden at the top is going to hurt them,
01:42then they're going to run away. I get it. But so far, go and look at the polling data
01:49in their states. Look at the, and by the way,
01:55I think you'd all acknowledge, and you're all experts, I'm not being solicitous about the
01:58president, you're experts on this stuff. How accurate does anybody think the polls are these
02:05days? I can give you a series of polls where you have likely voters, me versus Trump, where I win
02:12all the time. When the unlikely voters vote, he wins sometimes. The bottom line is all the polling
02:19data right now, which I think is premature because the campaign really hasn't even started.
02:24I mean, it hadn't started in earnest yet. Most of the time it doesn't start until after September,
02:30after Labor Day. So a lot can happen. But I think I'm the best, I know, I believe I'm the
02:39best qualified to govern. And I think I'm the best qualified to win. But there are other people who
02:45could be Trump too. But it's awful to start from scratch. And, you know, we talk about,
02:53you know, money raised. We're not doing bad. We got about $220 million in the bank.
03:00We're doing well. So with that, you have any want to follow up?