Out of the abyss, ready to strike Part 2 of 3

  • 2 months ago
00:00If anything goes wrong, I'll be your bodyguard.
00:05You're taking advantage of the situation.
00:07So what?
00:09Okay, I promise you.
00:33What did I say?
00:35Don't believe him! Don't believe him!
00:36You won't listen!
00:38Good thing I kept my word.
00:40Lu Haoxuan.
00:42You're no longer a member of the Lu family.
00:44Pack up and leave.
00:46Get the hell out of the Lu family!
00:49I haven't said it yet.
00:51Big Brother.
00:53Master Lu is just spitting out the blood from his chest.
00:58The chest is fine now.
01:00He'll get better soon.
01:06She's the eldest daughter of the Ye family.
01:08Ye Xingyao.
01:10Ye Xingyao.
01:12Hello, Uncle Lu.
01:14You're my son's daughter.
01:17You look so much like him.
01:21So you're the eldest daughter of the Ye family.
01:24You're a scourge.
01:26He broke into the Ye family's wedding.
01:28The Ye family is in a state of panic.
01:30The Lu family can't stand someone like him.
01:33Why are you still here?
01:35I'm so angry.
01:37Big Brother!
01:38Get lost!
01:40Before I leave,
01:42leave me your bloody clothes.
01:47Uncle Ye.
01:49Are you close to my mother?
01:51More than that.
01:53We grew up together.
01:59Don't worry.
02:01I'll find the murderer
02:04and avenge your mother.
02:07What murderer?
02:14I suspect
02:16it was Ye Sanghua who killed your mother.
02:20My father?
02:22Your mother and I grew up together.
02:25We had a good relationship.
02:28we were poor when we were young.
02:31Your uncle was in debt
02:35and ran away at night.
02:37In order to pay off the debt,
02:39the Lin family married your mother
02:41to the Ye family,
02:43the head of the four families.
02:47But even so,
02:49my father had no reason to kill my mother.
02:52I suspect he was the murderer
02:56because my son saw me
02:59a few months before he died.
03:01You had an affair with my mother?
03:06That was the first time he saw me
03:09after he got married.
03:11It was also the last time.
03:13It was such a coincidence
03:16that your father ran into me.
03:18But even so,
03:20it doesn't mean anything
03:24That's right.
03:26He found out
03:28about me and your mother.
03:31He locked Wan'er up.
03:34I wanted to see her,
03:37but she broke my leg.
03:40When I was discharged,
03:43I heard Wan'er's death.
03:49My father, Ye Shaohua,
03:51did it?
03:54I thought
03:56Ye Shaohua was the murderer.
04:00So I asked my good friend,
04:02Master Ku,
04:03to hold an autopsy.
04:08there was no result.
04:10Master checked my mother's body?
04:13Why didn't he tell me?
04:16After all, Ye Shaohua is your father.
04:20I thought
04:23it was because of my father's affair
04:26that my mother became so depressed
04:28and had a serious illness.
04:31Now I know
04:34it was him who caused her death.
04:36Don't think that way.
04:38My father didn't find any evidence.
04:40It may be a misunderstanding.
04:42I will ask Master
04:43about it.
04:44By the way, uncle,
04:46how are you going to deal with Pei Tianfeng?
04:58Pei Tianfeng,
05:00you must have heard
05:03that Master's sutra is wrong.
05:08do you want to hear it in person?
05:10Sister, I'm sorry.
05:12Please forgive me.
05:14It's the second son of the Lu family.
05:16He paid a lot of money
05:17to kill my parents.
05:19It has nothing to do with me.
05:26Pei Tianfeng,
05:27are you telling the truth?
05:29Keep your mouth shut.
05:31Second son.
05:33What else do you have to say?
05:39You useless bastard.
05:41I'm sorry.
05:44That's right.
05:46I did it.
05:51We are brothers.
05:56You brought me here as your brother.
05:59The Lu family is a big business.
06:01If you don't give me a brother,
06:03you give me an outsider,
06:05a foreign son.
06:07I don't accept it.
06:08Keep your mouth shut.
06:10you sent people to assassinate Hao Xuan
06:13and let Pei Tianfeng kill me.
06:17I'm going to let you
06:19hypocrites die.
06:30Forget it.
06:31Hao Xuan,
06:33give your second uncle to the police.
06:36Take him away.
06:38Lu Liqun,
06:39I curse you two.
06:41You will die.
06:48Uncle Lu.
06:51Can you let me go?
06:53As for you,
06:54leave it to Miss Ye.
06:59Uncle Lu.
07:01Uncle Lu.
07:05Junior sister.
07:06Junior sister.
07:07Please let me go.
07:09A traitor like you
07:13will have to give up your whole body
07:15and hand it over to me.
07:30Thank you for helping me again.
07:31You gave Pei Tianfeng to me
07:33and helped me.
07:35We are even now.
07:40Not bad.
07:44Did you forget?
07:46He hurt my father,
07:48so he is also my enemy.
07:50I gave him to you
07:51because I wanted to punish him by your hand.
07:53In this way,
07:55I owe you two people.
07:57I don't owe you in this life.
07:59Why don't you marry me?
08:03I suddenly thought of it.
08:05I heard that
08:07your Lu family is starting
08:09a new development plan in the city.
08:12If possible,
08:14our family also wants to participate.
08:17A new development plan in the city?
08:21No problem.
08:22What about the next one?
08:24I haven't thought of it yet.
08:26I owe him first.
08:27You really don't consider my health.
08:34I'm sorry.
08:36I'm not interested in cooking.
08:39Wait a minute.
08:40Who are you talking about?
08:42I have eight abs under my shirt,
08:43do you believe it?
08:48Lu Haoxuan asked us to visit Yukexuan tomorrow noon
08:51to discuss the development plan of the new city.
08:56You are really my good daughter.
08:59You took such a big project
09:00for the night market.
09:02I don't know how to thank you.
09:06we are father and daughter.
09:07There is no need to thank me.
09:09After the project is discussed,
09:10you just need to give me the share
09:12according to the agreement.
09:15I will be satisfied.
09:16Don't worry.
09:17I will.
09:19how long has he been back?
09:20He hasn't even been to the company.
09:22He doesn't know anything.
09:23Why does he have a share?
09:24If you can get the project
09:26in one day like him,
09:28I will give you more than him.
09:31I want to talk to you in private.
09:39No problem.
09:40Come with me to the study.
09:56don't worry.
09:57The development of the new city
09:58is definitely a big project.
10:00As long as you get it,
10:02the share of the night market
10:04will be yours.
10:06I believe you won't treat me unfairly.
10:09But I didn't come here
10:11to talk about this.
10:14What is it?
10:16I saw the owner of the Lu family today.
10:18He told me something about the past.
10:21The Ye family and the Lu family
10:22have nothing to do with each other.
10:25the Lu family wouldn't be so ungrateful
10:27that we can't meet several times.
10:29What about mom?
10:31Does she have anything to do with the Lu family?
10:35Your mother used to know the Lu family.
10:39Lu Liqin was still a poor man at that time.
10:42What family?
10:43He doesn't deserve it.
10:44They are the first-generation Qin people.
10:46Who told you that?
10:47They are just young.
10:50Lu Liqin is sick.
10:52He is going to die soon.
10:53And he wants to tear the family apart.
10:55It's hateful.
10:56This is the reason
10:58why Lu Liqin does business with us.
11:01What do you want to say?
11:04I just want to know
11:07how my mom died.
11:16What did you say?
11:19My mom died when I was very young.
11:21Qin Qingzhi.
11:22The next day,
11:23you brought the two beautiful women home.
11:25Ye Xinyue is only two years younger than me.
11:27So what?
11:29Which family doesn't have a few women around?
11:32It's been so many years.
11:34Are you still not used to it?
11:36I used to think
11:38my mom died because she knew you had a woman outside.
11:44I didn't expect
11:46it was because you suspected she had an affair with Lu Liqin
11:48that you killed her.
11:51Who told you that?
11:52Is it Lu Liqin?
11:54Lu Liqin is a bastard.
11:56He not only gave me a green hat,
11:58but also blackened me everywhere.
12:01Admit it.
12:03You admit that you suspected they had an affair.
12:06I admit I suspected her.
12:08But I didn't kill her.
12:10Your mom is my wife.
12:12Why would I kill her?
12:15But Lu Liqin
12:17found a bitter master
12:18from nowhere.
12:20A gangster.
12:22He wants to kill her in front of everyone.
12:25It's a disgrace to our family.
12:29What evidence do you have to prove you didn't do it?
12:32What evidence do they have to prove I did it?
12:36all these years,
12:38you know how I treated you after your mom's death.
12:40I've never been angry with you because of your mom.
12:44You did treat me well.
12:47You found me a stepmother
12:49and gave me a sister.
12:51I've been missing for three years.
12:53I never thought it had anything to do with my sister.
12:56Your missing has something to do with Xin Yue?
13:08there's something I've always wanted to tell you.
13:11Since Yun Chuan and Xin Yue are married,
13:14even if you don't want to,
13:16you have to accept the reality.
13:18You haven't been home all these years.
13:20Xin Yue is my only daughter.
13:22I admit I spoiled her.
13:24She's a little stubborn,
13:26but she's not bad at all.
13:29You're still trying to persuade me.
13:32You don't care at all why I'm missing.
13:36Isn't it because you know
13:38Yun Chuan and Xin Yue are together
13:40and you can't accept it, so you ran away?
13:45So you already knew
13:48Xin Yue and Yun Chuan had an affair.
13:50You knew it three days ago!
13:52I tried to persuade her, but she wouldn't listen.
13:55You can't make a choice.
14:01Didn't you already make a choice?
14:03It's late. Go to bed.
14:06You have to talk to Lu Jia tomorrow.
14:19I'm completely disappointed in my father.
14:22From now on,
14:24I won't have any feelings for this family.
14:38Don't shout! It's me.
14:41Don't worry.
14:43This is a dead end. You can't see me.
14:45That doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
14:48Xin Yao, listen to me.
14:51What else is there to say?
14:53Mr. Nie, you're already married.
14:56That's because you're missing.
14:58I can't find you.
15:00So you married my sister.
15:02I'll give you a hard time for this reason.
15:05Do you know why I'm missing?
15:10Because your good wife, my good sister,
15:13Ye Xin Yue, killed her.
15:15Xin Yue?
15:17Why would she do that?
15:19Because she told me
15:21you and her were already in love.
15:23Even the poison she fed me, you gave it to her.
15:26She's lying. I didn't.
15:28Xin Yao, believe me.
15:30I wanted to marry you.
15:32Other than you,
15:34I wouldn't even look at other women.
15:36Why would I have anything to do with Ye Xin Yue?
15:41It's true. I can swear.
15:44Okay. I believe you.
15:48Thank you for your trust.
15:51I knew Ye Xin Yue wasn't up to no good.
15:54After you went missing,
15:56she told me you didn't love me.
15:58That's why you wanted a divorce.
16:00That's why I...
16:02Would you divorce her?
16:10Would you divorce her?
16:14Give me some time.
16:18Okay. I'll give you three days.
16:20Just three days.
16:22After three days,
16:30She wants you to divorce Xin Yue?
16:34Because she's Ye Shaohua's lover.
16:36But the project hasn't been completed yet.
16:38There's not even a plan.
16:42Ye Xin Yue just got back.
16:44Don't be fooled by her.
16:46She lost a watermelon.
16:48What do you know?
16:50Ye Xin Yue has a young wife.
16:52When did she become a watermelon?
16:54So what if she's a young wife?
16:56Everyone in Fan City knows
16:58Ye Xin Yue is Ye Shaohua's favorite daughter.
17:02why would our son have a secret relationship with her?
17:04It's all for the sake of the Ye family.
17:06Why would he go back
17:08and look for
17:10Ye Xin Yao?
17:12That's right.
17:14Ye Xin Yao is now
17:16in the hands of the Lu family.
17:18The Lu family is a group of people
17:20who can make Fan City fall apart.
17:22Then you can't divorce her.
17:24If Ye Xin Yao and Lu Haoxuan
17:26get back together,
17:28will she look for our son?
17:30If you and Xin Yue get divorced,
17:32you'll be in big trouble.
17:34Dad is right.
17:40I'm so confused.
17:42I was almost bewitched
17:44by Ye Xin Yao.
17:48you should be on the same side
17:50as Xin Yue now.
17:52Pull Ye Xin Yao down
17:54from the position of project manager.
17:56See if she can turn over in the future.
18:00it's easy to pull her down.
18:02Didn't she ask you to get a divorce?
18:04It means she still has illusions about you.
18:06You can take advantage of this.
18:08Don't try to get rid of her.
18:10Try as long as you can.
18:12Then find an opportunity
18:14to let Lu Haoxuan know about it.
18:16Then the relationship
18:18between her and the Lu family
18:20will be disintegrated.
18:22That's right.
18:24Your dad is right.
18:26We are still the same.
18:28We have to find a backup.
18:30In this world,
18:32only our son can
18:34play with the two daughters of the Ye family.
18:38Master Ye,
18:40is the Ye family really going to
18:42split up in the Star Region project?
18:44Our Ye family has always paid
18:46great attention to urban development.
18:48This time, we know that the Lu family
18:50intends to improve the area
18:52north of Fancheng.
18:54As one of the four families in Fancheng,
18:56of course, we hope to do our best.
18:58That's right.
19:00If you have any request,
19:02we will try our best to meet it.
19:04What are you doing here?
19:08Master Ye,
19:10the north of Fancheng
19:12is the territory of my mother's family.
19:14I came to hear
19:16how my mother's family was changed.
19:18Is there any problem?
19:20It's just a discussion now.
19:22I'm not sure
19:24if Lu Shao will let us participate
19:26or how to participate.
19:28There is no harm in knowing in advance.
19:30Lu Shao, let me introduce you.
19:32This is my daughter.
19:34No need to introduce.
19:36This is my sister.
19:38I've been to your wedding.
19:40Have you forgotten?
19:42It was a little unpleasant that day.
19:44But that's a misunderstanding.
19:46We are a family with Xinyao.
19:48A family can't be separated overnight.
19:50Right, Xinyao?
19:52Since we are a family,
19:54I won't beat around the bush.
19:56I don't need your family
19:58to invest a dime in the Star Region project.
20:00Lu Shao,
20:02no matter what,
20:04is it appropriate for you
20:06to play with us like this?
20:08I told you it's not that easy.
20:10Every time Xin Yue
20:12goes to Lu Shi to talk about the project,
20:14she always loses.
20:16You, Ye Xinyao, went twice and succeeded.
20:18In my opinion,
20:20it must be my sister who offended Lu Shao.
20:22Lu Shao took the whole Ye family into account.
20:24Ye Xinyao, apologize to Lu Shao.
20:34This is too serious.
20:36Actually, I haven't discussed this matter
20:38with Yao yet.
20:40It's a little abrupt.
20:42I don't want people to think
20:44that I, Lu Haoxuan,
20:46have a lot of money.
20:48So the final decision
20:50still has to be handed over to Yao.
20:54This is a little too sudden.
20:56Let me think about it.
20:58What are you thinking about?
21:00Many women can't ask for a rich family like the Lu family.
21:02Don't be ungrateful.
21:04Lu Shao, I have the final say on my daughter.
21:06I agreed to this marriage.
21:10my sister is your daughter.
21:12How can you sell her
21:14to the Lu family like a commodity?
21:16Sister, you can't
21:18agree to this marriage.
21:20As the saying goes,
21:22a rich family is like a deep sea.
21:24What's more, it's the top family of the Lu family.
21:26You said you couldn't swim.
21:28If you fell into the sea,
21:30no one could save you.
21:32My good sister,
21:34you know I can't swim.
21:36It was you
21:38who put me
21:40in the fish tank.
21:42Now you care about me.
21:44What Miss Lu said
21:46makes sense.
21:48Marriage is a big thing.
21:50It doesn't matter.
21:52I have plenty of time.
21:54I'll tell you clearly.
21:56I'm leaving.
21:58Take care, Lu Shao.
22:00What does he want?
22:08Lu Hao Xuan,
22:10what do you mean?
22:12Sister, how could you
22:14talk to Lu Shao like that?
22:16You were too arrogant
22:18and offended Lu Shao.
22:20Don't forget that
22:22we are begging him
22:24to let go of your temper.
22:26Luo Wen,
22:28I won't ask
22:30a penny from the Ye family
22:32for the development of the new city.
22:34On the contrary,
22:36I'll give you 20% of the shares.
22:40To marry your daughter.
22:48This is my proposal to Miss Ye.
22:50If you're not satisfied,
22:52just tell me.
22:56The development of the new city
22:58with a value of 1 billion yuan
23:00is worth 10 billion yuan.
23:02100 Dream Star Pearls
23:04for each of them.
23:06A mansion with a good roof
23:08is worth
23:10500 million yuan.
23:26Contract marriage?
23:28Lu family's ancestor is a carpenter.
23:30Lu, Lu.
23:32I guess
23:34Lu family should be the descendants of Lu Gang.
23:36And Qianji River was originally Lu family's property.
23:38It was just a gift from Lu family
23:40to my mother.
23:42The person who can solve
23:44Qianji River in this world
23:46must be your father, right?
23:48You're right.
23:50But what does it have to do
23:52with me marrying you?
23:54Contract marriage?
23:56What do you mean?
23:58You marry me
24:00because you want me to be your dowry.
24:02You can give it to your father.
24:04You have both talent and virtue.
24:06Lu Haoxuan, you're really good at it.
24:08I can't deny
24:10that this is a good way.
24:12Isn't it?
24:14This girl is amazing.
24:16She even guessed the excuse I found.
24:18No problem.
24:20But I have a condition.
24:22I, Lu Haoxuan, have been in the business for so many years.
24:24I've never done a loss business.
24:26This is a contract.
24:28How do I feel like I'm losing a lot?
24:32If the two parties are a contract couple
24:34and there is no physical relationship,
24:36and there is no interference in each other's privacy,
24:38the two parties can propose a divorce at any time
24:40in case of unconditional cooperation.
24:42I will take Qianji River
24:44and the betrothal gifts you sent to our family
24:46as a dowry and take it to Lu family.
24:48As for the shares of the project plan
24:50I will buy it at the market price
24:52after I become the owner of the Ye family.
24:54I won't take a dime from you.
24:56I spent a hundred million yuan
24:58to buy that box.
25:00Don't make it sound like I'm giving it to you.
25:02Well, I saved you
25:04and you gave it back to me.
25:06We've already cleared this point,
25:08haven't we?
25:10Well, you're right.
25:12The two parties in the contract
25:14will meet each other and keep in touch.
25:16The contract will take effect immediately
25:18from the day of the wedding.
25:20It will last for two years.
25:22It's funny.
25:24I like it.
25:42Ha, ha, ha.
25:44Yao, you are the lucky star of our family.
25:46Not only did you get the New City Development Plan
25:48without any effort,
25:50you also found a capable son-in-law like Lu Haoxuan
25:52for our Ye family.
25:54Come on, let's have a drink.
25:56I can't eat. I'm tired.
25:58I'm leaving.
26:00Sit down.
26:02Sit down and finish your meal.
26:04I won't let you go.
26:06No one is allowed to leave.
26:10Yao, eat lotus root.
26:12You loved it when you were a kid.
26:16this is my father.
26:18Not only does he want to do business with Jingjing's son,
26:20but he also respects the dignity of a family.
26:22He is so capable.
26:24But I feel disgusted.
26:34Are you really going to marry him?
26:38I can't think of any reason to refuse.
26:44The wedding of the Ye family will be held on the 8th of next month.
26:46You give me five million yuan from the account.
26:48Be quick.
26:50Five million yuan?
26:52Dad, you are too partial.
26:54When I got married,
26:56you didn't spend so much money.
26:58It depends on how much money
27:00the Nie family spent on you.
27:02It can't be that much different.
27:04It's all the same.
27:06It's all the same.
27:08It's all the same.
27:10It's all the same.
27:12It can't be that much different.
27:14They are all the daughters of the Ye family.
27:16I can't compare with Ye Xinyao.
27:18All right, Xin Yue.
27:24Go, go, go.
27:32I was blind to marry such a useless thing like you.
27:34But you were crying and shouting
27:36to marry me.
27:38In order to be with me,
27:40you had to marry your own sister.
27:44Now you regret it?
27:46Ye Yunchuan.
27:48Do you think you are clean?
27:50Don't forget
27:52you brought Ming Shesan back.
28:00Ye Xinyue.
28:02You crazy woman.
28:04I will kill you.
28:06Kill me if you can.
28:08I am the second daughter of the Ye family.
28:10If you dare to touch me,
28:12the whole family will not let you go.
28:14The second daughter of the Ye family.
28:16You are just a little girl.
28:18I, Nie Yunchuan, am the head of the family.
28:20I was blind to marry such a useless thing like you.
28:22Nie Yunchuan.
28:24You thought I was easier to control than Ye Xinyao.
28:26That's why you killed me in secret.
28:28Then you used our family
28:30to deal with your uncle.
28:32So that you can inherit the position of the head of the family.
28:34I don't know who you are.
28:36You are nothing.
28:38You are just a playboy.
28:40You think you are better than me?
28:42What did you say?
28:44Nie Yunchuan, let me tell you.
28:46No matter how much I can't compare with Ye Xinyao,
28:48I am also the second daughter of the Ye family.
28:50No matter what,
28:52my family is also one of the four great families.
28:54You are just a useless thing.
28:56So you'd better serve me well.
29:00I will let my father
29:02destroy your whole family.
29:06Nie Yunchuan.
29:26Xinyao, I was wrong.
29:28Come with me.
29:30Let's leave here together, okay?
29:32Yunchuan, calm down.
29:34You barged into my room in such a hurry.
29:36If they find out,
29:38none of us can leave.
29:40It's okay.
29:42Ye Xinyue and her mother
29:44have all left.
29:46Now it's just the two of us.
29:50promise me.
29:52Don't go anywhere.
29:54I love you.
29:56I really love you.
29:58Yunchuan, don't be like this.
30:00Don't be like this, Yunchuan.
30:04Liu Haoxuan?
30:06Why are you here?
30:08Xinyao, you promised me to leave with me.
30:10I'm not your servant.
30:12Xinyao is my fiancée.
30:14What's wrong with me being here?
30:16But you, Nie Yunchuan,
30:18as the second son-in-law of the Ye family,
30:20came here instead of sleeping at night.
30:22Even if I beat you to death today,
30:24no one dares to say no.
30:26I'm drunk.
30:28I barged into the room.
30:30I'm sorry.
30:32He is the man you used to like.
30:40Who hasn't fallen in love
30:42with a few scumbags when they were young?
30:44A few?
30:46Except for Nie Yunchuan, there are others.
30:48It's a pity. Just him.
30:50That's right.
30:52In this way,
30:54you have only loved one scumbag in your life.
30:56Where did the others come from?
30:58We are just partners.
31:00Will you meet other scumbags in the future?
31:02Even if we are partners,
31:04we have to cooperate seriously.
31:06Look at me. Look into my eyes.
31:08I have something to say.
31:10What is it?
31:12You really let him go?
31:24Miss Ye, when you see this video,
31:26you won't look good.
31:28He doesn't just look bad.
31:30He wants to kill him.
31:32But I still don't want you to use yourself
31:34as bait to do this kind of thing.
31:40Are you jealous?
31:42Shouldn't I?
31:44My fiancee.
31:48Mr. Lu,
31:50I think I need to remind you.
31:52You hug my waist like this now.
31:54If I don't push you away,
31:56I will really become
31:58the bait in your mouth.
32:06Come and bait me.
32:16Don't worry.
32:18I, Lu Haoxuan, never force others
32:20to do things they don't want to do.
32:22Good night.
32:24Good night.
32:34I'm sorry.
32:36I drank too much medicine.
32:38It's okay, Uncle Lu.
32:40You still call me Uncle Lu?
32:48Why don't you take the girl to wash up
32:50and change your clothes?
32:52Silly boy.
32:56Ask Lu Shan to pretend to be white
32:58at the mall.
33:00He won't come if he sees this.
33:02Hurry up.
33:12Xu Xinyao,
33:14I hate you.
33:16Go to hell.
33:18Haoxuan, help me.
33:24Haoxuan, don't leave me.
33:48That I'm right here to treat you right
33:52Let me kiss you with a pen
33:56And you'll be home at last
34:00I'll never look at you
34:02Should never look at you
34:07It's ridiculous.
34:10For the past three years,
34:12I've never used a bathtub.
34:19Because of Ye Xinyue.
34:21Three years ago,
34:23he put me in the bathtub
34:25and told me
34:27he was with Nie Yunchang.
34:34He deserves to die.
34:38He deserves to die.
34:44Assistant Chen.
34:46In order to pursue a girl,
34:48you killed your enemy for her.
34:50Will she be happy?
34:54It's hard to say.
34:56Say it.
34:58I mean
35:00if this girl is a cat
35:02and her enemy is a mouse,
35:04she'll probably think
35:06you stole her toy.
35:10When did I say that person was me?
35:12I misjudged you.
35:16I misjudged you.
35:38She's pretty.
35:40Assistant Chen,
35:41do you think she's pretty?
35:42Assistant Chen left a long time ago.
35:44She's dead.
35:54I have a lot of clothes.
35:56I can't wear them all
35:57when it's dark.
35:59So I found a shirt to wear.
36:02What do you think?
36:04It's okay.
36:05You can wear it
36:06when it's dark.
36:10The Ye family is still at war.
36:14Cat and mouse?
36:18It's okay.
36:19As long as you're happy.
36:21By the way,
36:23these clothes fit you well.
36:25How do you know my size?
36:29I can tell.
36:31You have the ability
36:32to keep your eyes on the road.
36:34I'm afraid you can't train
36:36without 17 or 18 girlfriends.
36:37I'm wrong.
36:39I know you.
36:41I don't know anything else.
36:45I'll see you off.
37:01Ye Xinyang,
37:02what are you doing?
37:04The taste of the water is different.
37:06I can't stand it.
37:14Ye Xinyang,
37:15what are you doing?
37:17They're not at home.
37:19Qin Lizhu and dad
37:20went to the party.
37:22Nie Yunchuan
37:23went to Nie's house.
37:26drank my medicine
37:28and went to bed early.
37:30Now I'm the only one
37:31in the whole family.
37:32Even if you can't make it,
37:34you have to know
37:37what I'm going to do.
37:40What am I going to do?
37:42From the day I came back,
37:43you should know
37:44what I'm going to do.
37:49Ye Xinyang,
37:53I'm sorry.
37:54I shouldn't have
37:55betrayed you for Yunchuan.
37:57It's my fault.
37:58Please forgive me.
38:00I didn't mean to kill you.
38:02I was impulsive.
38:06Then I'll
38:07cut your throat
38:09and put you in the iron
38:11and lock you up
38:13and throw you into the sea.
38:15It's a piece of cake.
38:27Come in.
38:30I beg you to let me go.
38:32As long as you spare my life,
38:33I'll give you everything.
38:35Including Nian Yunchuan?
38:38I'll give you Yunchuan, too.
38:39I'll give you Yunchuan, too.
38:40Shi Zhixin,
38:41do you think I still need you
38:42to give me Nian Yunchuan?
38:47You have Luo Haoxuan.
38:48You can't see Yunchuan anymore.
38:50Sister, think about it.
38:52If I didn't take Yunchuan away,
38:54how could you know
38:55Luo Haoxuan?
38:57How could you
38:58become the young mistress of the Lu family?
39:00For this,
39:02please let me go.
39:03That's not what I mean.
39:05Nian Yunchuan is mine.
39:08He used to be.
39:09He is now.
39:10He will be in the future.
39:15He will be in the future.
39:17Open your eyes and see clearly.
39:21Nian Yunchuan.
39:23Nian Yunchuan.
39:25My dear sister,
39:27do you see it?
39:29This is the man you chose.
39:31Do you see it?
39:34I'm leaving.
39:40If you really love me,
39:42come out with Nian Yunchuan.
39:44Give him back to me.
39:49I will take him away
39:51like I did three years ago.
39:57Don't leave me.
39:59Don't leave me.
40:11Yue Xinyang.
40:12I'm not done with you yet.
40:20Nian Yunchuan.
40:21You are such a troublemaker.
40:23How dare you
40:24treat my sister like this?
40:25You deserve to die.
40:28Yue Xinyang.
40:29How dare you stab me?
40:33Let me explain.
40:35I was drunk that day.
40:36You shameless bastard.
40:39Xinyue is so devoted to you.
40:41She even made your dad
40:42the head of the Nian family.
40:44How could you treat her like this?
40:47It's Yue Xinyang.
40:49She seduced me.
40:50Nian Yunchuan.
40:52I have never invited you
40:54to my bed.
40:55You are a bitch.
40:57You saved your brother-in-law
40:58to seduce your brother-in-law.
41:00Now you can't hide it anymore, can you?
41:02You just want to
41:03ruin our family.
41:07Are you done?
41:08Are you still not ashamed?
41:13Come here.
41:19Don't call me dad.
41:21Get out of here right now.
41:22Go back to your Nian family.
41:24Tell those two bastards
41:25to see me right now.
41:27Get out.
41:39I warn you.
41:40Don't make trouble here.
41:42Don't forget.
41:43You are a member of the Ye family.
41:45You still have the Ye family's blood on you.
41:56My dear brother-in-law.
41:57There is one thing
41:58I need to remind you.
42:01you may regret it for the rest of your life.
42:03What's the matter?
42:06You are wearing a green hat.
42:10I knew it.
42:12I was in the car.
42:13You knew it?
42:15I kicked your husband out.
42:17In my opinion,
42:18your husband is too disciplined.
42:20He drinks all day
42:21and pretends to be another woman.
42:23If I didn't know
42:24Yao's character,
42:25I might have been angry.
42:37Come out.
42:38I'm not done with you.
42:39Xing Yue.
42:40Calm down.
42:41Calm down.
42:42He'll be out soon.
42:53I was wrong.
42:54Please forgive me this time.
42:57What are you doing?
42:58Get up.
43:00If Xing Yue doesn't forgive me,
43:01I won't get up.
43:04You are a man with a golden heart.
43:05How can you kneel down?
43:06Get up.
43:09Li Yunchuan.
43:10Aren't you still in love
43:11with Ye Xinyang?
43:12What are you doing?
43:15I did it on purpose.
43:17I wanted to help you.
43:18On purpose?
43:20I, Ye Xinyang,
43:21have grown up.
43:22It's the first time I've heard
43:23someone talk about cheating
43:24in such a ridiculous way.
43:25Li Yunchuan.
43:26Why are you so thick-skinned?
43:29Xing Yue.
43:30Don't you feel
43:31that Ye Xinyang
43:32is different this time?
43:34You did that to him last time.
43:36I was worried that he would take revenge on you.
43:38That's why I approached him on purpose.
43:40I didn't expect
43:41that he would expose me.
43:43You were beaten by his fiancée, right?
43:48Now that Ye Xinyang
43:49has helped the Lu family,
43:51it will only be more and more difficult to deal with.
43:53Your future situation
43:55will only be more and more difficult.
43:57In the future, I won't be by your side.
43:59You have to take care of yourself.
44:01Just bear it.
44:03Don't pretend to be strong.
44:05The Lu family is powerful.
44:07You can't beat them.
44:09Do you still want to divorce me?
44:10Make it clear to me.
44:14In a few days,
44:15the Hua family of the four families
44:17will hold a business summit in the mortal city.
44:19The son of the Hua family
44:20is a famous man.
44:22I have an idea.
44:29Ye Xinyang.
44:30I don't believe that I can't beat him.
44:40You are so beautiful tonight.
44:44My good brother-in-law.
44:46You have the same old problem again.
44:50Why do you always speak with a gun in your mouth?
44:52Can't we sit down and have a good chat?
44:57I'm afraid I can't do it again.
44:59I can't do it again.
45:00I can't do it again.
45:01I can't do it again.
45:02I can't do it again.
45:03I can't do it again.
45:04I can't do it again.
45:05I can't do it again.
45:06I can't do it again.
45:07I can't do it again.
45:08I'm afraid I'll be rumored again
45:10that I deliberately seduced him.
45:21Thank you for your wine.
45:32You are in the wine.
45:37You are in the wine.
45:47The seller said
45:49this kind of Cuiqin incense is the most effective.
45:52When they have an attack,
45:54even the little bees can't separate.
45:56My wife is so smart.
45:58All right.
45:59You go out first.
46:00In ten minutes,
46:01put on the headscarf.
46:03Yes, my wife.
46:05Ye Xinyang.
46:06The show is about to start.
46:16Dear guests.
46:17Good evening, everyone.
46:18It's an honor to stand here
46:20and join you in this
46:21Chamber of Commerce Tour.
46:23Thank you all.
46:24Who is it?
46:27It's me.
46:31Ye Xinyang.
46:32The show is about to start.
46:36The show is about to start.
46:54You'll wake up in five minutes.
46:57Cuiqin incense is about to attack.
46:59I have a good card.
47:07I forgot to tell you.
47:09I'm a disciple of Master Yixian Ku.
47:12You little tricks
47:14still want to cheat me.
47:37I can't.
47:38I can't.
48:05Is it wonderful?
48:18Shameless woman.
48:28You did it?
48:29I didn't do it.
48:31She did it on her own.
48:34I can't.
48:37I don't mean you.
48:38You're good at business.
48:39But you're too indulgent
48:40in educating your children.
48:42You did such a shameless thing
48:43in public.
48:45I'm like this.
48:46I'm like this, too.
48:48You're really shameless.
48:49It's not me.
48:50I didn't do it.
48:51My sister set me up.
48:53I knew it.
48:54It must be you, bitch.
48:57I can't stand this guy anymore.
49:01What's going on?
49:03It's really funny.
49:05Why did you ask me
49:07about you two?
49:09It's you.
49:10You're jealous that I made up with Yinchuan
49:12and wanted to break us up in this way.
49:14You're so mean.
49:15If I did it,
49:17why didn't Nie Yinchuan ask me?
49:19He just knew
49:20which room you and Mr. Hua were in.
49:26Forget it.
49:29Let's get a divorce.
49:31What did you say?
49:40I don't want to be used by you
49:41to do that stupid thing again.
49:43Take care of yourself.
49:56The loss of our family's reputation
49:57must be compensated to us.
50:01I'll fight with you.
50:02Stop it.
50:04It's good that I divorced you.
50:12Take your time.
50:18I'll kill that bitch.
50:27Take the medicine.
50:28It's cold.
50:31Is it cold?
50:33It's warm.
50:43Who did it?
50:51In the middle of the night,
50:52someone sneaked in and burnt it.
50:58Tell me.
50:59Except for you and me,
51:00who else has the key to your room?
51:02Steward Wen.
51:07You've wronged me.
51:08I'm the steward of the Ye Mansion.
51:10I don't have the key to any room.
51:12You can't do what I did
51:13just because I have the key.
51:16if I did it,
51:17it would be too unreasonable.
51:20Steward Wen is right.
51:22You're just a steward.
51:24You have no grudge against Mr. Hua.
51:26How could you hurt him?
51:28That's right.
51:31Steward Wen.
51:33Are you still
51:37because of what I did to you?
51:39I dare not.
51:40I don't have that kind of mind.
51:44Why does Steward Wen
51:46smell like jasmine?
51:52I just slept in the yard
51:54with a pot of jasmine.
51:55I cleaned it up
51:56and put it in the pot.
51:59If you like it,
52:00I'll send it to the hospital.
52:03You suspect Steward Wen has a problem.
52:05It's just a suspicion.
52:06I don't have any evidence.
52:10It's too dangerous for you to stay here.
52:12Your enemies are all here.
52:13Move to my place first.
52:14Problems can't be solved.
52:15What's the use of running away?
52:17And I have to take care of Grandpa.
52:19His illness
52:20is much more difficult than I thought.
52:22I've been treating him for a long time,
52:24but it's still not good.
52:26Aren't you Master Ku's apprentice?
52:28Is there anything you can't cure?
52:31Actually, I'm allergic to cream.
52:33I can't cure this.
52:37I got it.
52:46Your breakfast.
52:48Who made the eggs for me?
52:50Don't you know I'm allergic to eggs?
52:52Take it away.
53:08Why are there eggs here?
53:24It's not eggs.
53:25It's not eggs.
53:26It's not eggs.
53:27It's not eggs.
53:29It's not eggs.
53:34What are these?
53:35Someone at home wanted to prank me recently.
53:37I found it.
53:38But there's no evidence.
53:40So I deliberately released the news
53:42that I was allergic to eggs.
53:44The result is the same as expected.
53:46I was attacked by eggs every day.
53:50Who is allergic to eggs?
53:53The person who believes this is really stupid.
53:56But there is such a stupid person who believes this.
53:59He was caught by our Tian Luo Emperor.
54:01Steward Wen.
54:02Get out of here.
54:16Steward Wen knows he was wrong.
54:18He won't do it again.
54:19There is no next time.
54:21Pack up right now.
54:22Get out of here.
54:24Steward Wen is just angry.
54:26Ye Qing Yao made Xin Yue so miserable.
54:29It's just to vent her anger.
54:32Xin Yue became like this today.
54:34It's all her fault.
54:35Can you blame Yao?
54:37You can't speak for them anymore.
54:40Qian Lizhu.
54:41You used to protect Steward Wen.
54:44I thought you were a good servant.
54:46Now it seems that this matter is not that simple.
54:48Tell me.
54:49What's going on with you two?
54:51What's going on between me and Steward Wen?
54:54I just don't want to see the only one in the family
54:58who helped me and Xin Yue
54:59was kicked out of the Ye family.
55:01Is it the only one?
55:02What about Xiao Jiu?
55:03What about other servants?
55:05They all relied on your Qian Lizhu
55:07to die in the Ye family.
55:09Don't think I don't know.
55:11Our whole Ye family
55:12was ruined by you three years ago.
55:14Steward Wen must get out of here.
55:17If you say another word,
55:19I'll fire them all.