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Love Never Fails
by Trey Knowles
Truth & Knowledge Episode 70

Love changes things. Love makes things better. Where there is Love bad stuff will disappear. Why did I say that learn more in this episode of Truth & Knowledge Love Never Fails.
00:00Love changes things.
00:05Love makes things better.
00:06Where there is love, bad stuff will disappear.
00:10And you're probably like, yeah, right.
00:12Bad stuff will disappear, yep.
00:15Because love is a two-way street, receiving and giving.
00:19Lots of people don't receive the gift of love because they are distracted by something
00:24that grabs their attention.
00:27When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a
00:33Reasoned like a child, yes, meaning I wanted my own way.
00:37Nothing, nobody can tell me anything.
00:40I wanted to do my own thing.
00:41I wanted my own way.
00:43I wouldn't listen.
00:44I was hard-headed.
00:46When I was a young man, I was an immature man.
00:48In my 20s, in my 30s, I was an immature man, not fully developed.
00:54And when I decided to receive love, my childish and immature ways came to an end.
01:01When I mean I decided to receive love, I mean I came to a resolution in my mind as a result
01:09of consideration, meaning that I need to receive God's love.
01:15I need to listen.
01:17And how did I do that?
01:19The beginning of knowledge is to fear God.
01:23When you fear God, all the bad stuff comes to an end because love never fails.
01:30Love never fails.
01:31It didn't leave me in my sin.
01:34It brought change.
01:36Love changes things and love makes things better.
01:40So when I say love makes all the bad stuff disappear, it makes all the bad stuff disappear.
01:49Love never fails.
01:50I'm Trey Knowles, and welcome to Truth in Knowledge.
01:54Transformation, reborn again, brand new in Christ.
02:01Recognition, Jesus is Lord.
02:03The joy of the Lord is my salvation.
02:06The righteousness of the Lord is my substance.
02:09Truth in Knowledge.
02:12Truth in Knowledge.
02:15Transformation, reborn again, brand new in Christ.
02:20Recognition, Jesus is Lord.
02:22The joy of the Lord is my salvation.
02:25The righteousness of the Lord is my substance.
02:28Truth in Knowledge.
02:31Truth in Knowledge.
02:41Am I perfect?
02:44Depending on what you call perfect, by what standards and whose perfection.
02:50If I fear the Lord, which I do, my love never fails because I love God.
02:59So in my period of living, I worship in part, waiting for completeness in Jesus Christ.
03:06Because Jesus Christ haven't came yet, so I'm not complete.
03:10But I worship in part because I fear the Lord, I love God.
03:15And I know that God loves me, but if I love the God and I fear the Lord,
03:19it changes me and it makes me brand new.
03:24It changes me and it makes me brand new.
03:28So love never fails.
03:30His love never fails for me, and my love never fails for Him because it changes me.
03:36So I worship in part, waiting to be complete in Jesus Christ.
03:42So am I perfect?
03:44I am perfect in the Lord.
03:47See, when the disciples walk with Jesus, and it is written in Mark 2, 22,
03:54when Jesus was on earth, Jesus said, he said to the Pharisees,
03:58and no one pours new wine into old wine skin.
04:02Otherwise, the wine will burst.
04:06The wine skins and both the wine, and the wine skins will be ruined.
04:11No, they pour new wine into new wine skins.
04:16So he was saying his disciples are walking with God and he has made them new.
04:23He has made them complete.
04:27So we have not, I have not seen God, I have not seen Jesus Christ,
04:32but when he comes, he makes us complete.
04:35Now I'm in part, waiting for the completeness, which is in Jesus Christ.
04:40So am I perfect?
04:42I am perfect in God's sight.
04:46I'm in perfect in God's perfection, in part.
04:53God love never fails.
04:55And it's our fear of the Lord, he makes me new.
05:00Everything comes to an end.
05:02Everything comes to an end.
05:04When there is, when there is, there is love, bad things will disappear.
05:10When there is love, when I'm receiving love, bad things disappear.
05:15When I say receive love, it means I'm listening and I'm paying attention.
05:20I start to love what I'm listening to.
05:23I'm start to love, I start to receive it and I start to be obedient.
05:28So bad things will disappear.
05:31My sinful life will disappear.
05:33My sinful ways will disappear.
05:35Love never fails.
05:37And love changes things.
05:39When you walk with God face to face, we are complete.
05:43So when God comes, and when every eyes will see him, we will be complete.
05:49Everyone who loves him will be complete, will be complete, holy, will be complete.
05:57Because when we, with God, we are complete.
06:00There's no thought of sin, there's no doing of sin.
06:03For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror.
06:07We only see a reflection as in a mirror.
06:10Then we shall see face to face the glory of God, which is Jesus Christ.
06:15When we see the glory of Jesus Christ, we will be complete.
06:19No more sinfulness, no more seeing bad things, no more hearing bad things.
06:25We are complete.
06:27I worship in part waiting for the completeness, which is in Jesus Christ.
06:33And he will come and he will make us complete.
06:36And he promises that.
06:38He promised that to us.
06:41Am I perfect?
06:43Depending on what you call perfect.
06:45By whose standards?
06:47Of perfection.
06:49If I fear the Lord, which I do, my love never fails.
06:54In my period of living, I love the Lord.
06:58I worship in part.
07:00Which remains in my life is faith, hope, and love.
07:06But the greatest of this is love.
07:10So because love never fails, and I love God, and I fear God, I worship in part.
07:19And what remains in my life is faith, faith in God, hope in God, and love.
07:27But the greatest of these is love.
07:31Because when you love, love never fails.
07:35And it makes you complete.
07:37And it makes you perfect in God's eyesight.
07:41And love changes.
07:44Love changes.
07:47Today's episode comes from 1 Corinthians 8-13.
07:52Love never fails.
07:54But where there are prophecies, they will siege.
07:58And where there are tongues, they will be still.
08:01And where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
08:04For we know in part.
08:06And we prophesize in part.
08:09But when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.
08:13When I was a child, I talked like a child.
08:16I thought like a child.
08:17I reasoned like a child.
08:19When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.
08:23For now, we see only a reflection as in a mirror.
08:27Then we shall see face to face.
08:30Now I know in part that I shall know fully.
08:34Even as I am fully known.
08:37And now these three remain.
08:39Faith, hope, and love.
08:42But the greatest of these is love.
08:451 Corinthians 13, 8-13.
08:48Love never fails.
08:50I'm Trey Knowles and thank you for watching Truth and Knowledge.
08:55Grace and Peace.
08:58Until next time.