نیک اعمال ضائع کیو ھوتے ہیں؟

  • 2 months ago

اسلامک معلومات اسلامک وظائف اسلامک احادیث


00:00There was a man in Israel who was a very pious man and everyone respected him.
00:13There was a lot of talk about his piety and piousness.
00:17There was another man in the same area and people considered him to be a very bad person.
00:22He was so bad that no one considered him to be good.
00:28One day, this sinful man saw that this pious man was sitting in a field.
00:33The sun was shining brightly everywhere.
00:36But a piece of cloud had cast a shadow on this pious man of Allah.
00:41When the sinner saw this scene, he felt very ashamed in his heart.
00:46And this thought was born that in this scorching sun, where there is no shadow far away,
00:52A piece of cloud has cast a shadow on him because he is a pious man of Allah.
00:58Why don't I sit with him?
01:00May Allah forgive me and forgive me for my sins.
01:06This sinful man went to Abad and Zahid and sat in the shade with him.
01:11As soon as he sat down, this sinful man thought that this man was the worst sinner of his time.
01:18There is a bad person in the whole world and the whole nation.
01:21No one likes to sit with him.
01:24Where did he come to me and sit?
01:27As soon as he thought this, he picked up this pious man from his feet.
01:31That sinful man got up and left.
01:34But that piece of cloud left with him and cast a shadow on his head.
01:41The Prophet of this time was told to tell both of them to start their deeds from scratch.
01:48Because whatever this sinful man did, we forgave him for his sincerity, good intentions and feelings of shame.
01:57And forgave all his previous mistakes.
02:00While all the virtues of this Abad and good deeds were taken away from him because of his arrogance.
02:06Astaghfirullah, Respected Viewers
02:09Arrogance and pride waste our good deeds and good deeds.
02:15Instead of being proud of our worship, we should pay attention to the rights of worship.
02:21Our deeds should not be humiliated by our tongue or our hands by any Muslim.
02:28No one should be worried about our deeds.
02:31May Allah enable us to fulfill the rights of Allah and the rights of mankind.
02:39Al Fatiha.
