PBS Nature_Bears_2of2

  • 2 months ago
00:00This is the grizzly, fierce, aggressive, powerful.
00:21A little bear has a lot to learn about growing up with her own kind.
00:27At McNeil River in Alaska, these great bears come together in a unique society.
00:33A bear's place at the river is often its place on a very tricky social ladder.
00:39Even for a top predator, it's a struggle to measure up.
00:50This is Tuffy's second summer at the river, and this year, things are heating up already.
00:58The salmon run is late, and the big grizzlies arriving at McNeil are heading for a showdown.
01:20An Alaskan grizzly, particular, cantankerous, a loner.
01:46But in one special place, a window opens on a surprising scene.
01:51Grizzlies coming together in a society of their own making.
01:56These are the famous falls of the McNeil River State Game Sanctuary.
02:08Biologist Larry Aumiller has had a front row seat to the daily life of these bears for
02:1425 years.
02:16Long enough for him and his fellow scientists to give each bear a name.
02:23This is Teddy, an old and wise female.
02:26She's been around people for most of her life.
02:33She knows humans are restricted to this viewing pad, whereas she is free to come and go as
02:37she pleases.
02:41From this vantage point, Larry and his colleagues have been allowed a privileged glimpse of
02:46the bear's world, and can bring us their story.
03:06In the heart of the Alaskan wilderness runs a great river.
03:16And the river runs with a feast of salmon.
03:24Grizzlies know this river well, and fight for its spoils.
03:34Whether it's an old male or a female with cubs, they all find their place in this land
03:40of bears.
03:56This is the story of one summer in the life of Tuffy, an 18-month-old cub.
04:03She's a curious, bold little bear, but she still depends on her mother for everything.
04:09Lucky for Tuffy, her mother is Teddy, one of the most experienced bears around.
04:15They've just emerged from their six-month-long winter hibernation.
04:35Tuffy now faces the most important summer of her life.
04:40In just a few short months, she will have to learn from her mother all the skills of
04:45survival, because this time next year, Tuffy will be out on her own in the world.
04:54The tide rises, bringing with it the first salmon run of the summer.
05:10The water churns with sockeye salmon in a tributary of McNeil River called McVick Creek.
05:16Although the bears are the biggest predators going after this bounty, there are other hungry
05:20mouths looking to feed here, too.
05:34As Teddy ambles toward McVick Creek on this beautiful summer's day, Tuffy sticks close
05:43Her mother always seems to know when and where to find food, but she's not alone.
06:00Two older males have reached the river before them.
06:04The darker bear on the left is Woofie.
06:08He's the big bear of the valley and constantly throws his weight around with the other bears.
06:19Tuffy watches from a safe place, behind her mother.
06:25The other male is Creek Bear, who looks big enough to take Woofie on, but Woofie swaggers
06:30away using what's called the cowboy walk.
06:34It's a bear's way of letting another bear know who's boss.
06:43Teddy and Tuffy continue their trip down to McVick Creek.
06:54The falls slow down the salmon, making these the best places to catch them.
07:01Teddy keeps Tuffy away from the water as she goes down to fish.
07:05The important thing for Tuffy is to stay out of the way of any aggressive males.
07:16Teddy is very hungry by now and needs to concentrate.
07:22The fish are squirmy and slippery, not all that easy to catch, but when Teddy pounces
07:27with all of her 450 pounds, her skills at fishing triumph.
07:42Teddy is hungry enough to devour every scrap of salmon.
07:47Meanwhile, up on the bank, Tuffy's got company.
07:56Another mother bear has arrived, bringing her two rowdy cubs.
08:07Just in time, Teddy decides to show up with a fish.
08:29This young bear is named Jewel.
08:32She'd like to go fishing, but she's not willing to leave her cubs behind, not with another
08:36adult bear around.
08:55Teddy on the other hand goes to reclaim her fishing spot, leaving Tuffy to fend for herself.
09:00When Jewel and her cubs advance, Tuffy tries to live up to her name.
09:29Teddy's not a neglectful mother, she just knows she carries a lot of clout among bears.
09:34Should Jewel get out of line, Teddy would be up the hill in no time.
09:44Touched to Tuffy's relief, mother comes to the rescue, forcing Jewel and her cubs to
09:49back off.
10:00Teddy stands protectively by Tuffy as they share the fish.
10:08For good measure, Teddy gives Jewel a sharp message.
10:14Agitation shows in the way she works her jaw.
10:17But with things under control, she returns to her fishing hole, leaving Tuffy to defend
10:21what's left of their meal.
10:36Tuffy shows a lot of spirit, then realizes she's all alone.
10:53Poor Tuffy, without her mother she feels defenseless, a little cub who just lost her fish.
11:06And now, real trouble.
11:22Woofie has arrived.
11:24That's enough to send mother and cubs scampering away to a safe distance.
11:34Tuffy is the ruling male here, and all bears steer clear of him.
11:46Although he's an impressive 1,300 pounds and 10 feet tall, he's not the biggest bear in
11:51the valley, but he is the fiercest.
11:56Teddy quickly leads Tuffy away.
12:03Tuffy could easily be Tuffy's father, but large male grizzlies are unpredictable around
12:09Teddy's taking no chances.
12:15Finally, the coast is clear for Jewel and her cubs to go fishing.
12:31Jewel had to endure intimidation from Teddy, then wait for her turn at the river before
12:37she could finally catch her first fish of the season.
12:44Now all that trouble seems worth it.
12:52But her joy is short-lived.
12:56Here comes Larry.
13:00Larry is fishing too, for a mate.
13:03He sniffs the air for available females.
13:07Jewel really doesn't want to leave so soon.
13:13In his mid-twenties, Larry's an old-timer here.
13:16All the other bears know him well.
13:19Compared to Woofie, he's an old softie.
13:23Nevertheless, his appearance is enough to make Jewel and her cubs disappear.
13:53Once in the water, Larry's hunting instincts take over.
14:05In one stroke, he skins the fish, then savors every bite.
14:14All too soon, Jewel and her family must leave the river to Larry.
14:37Out across the sanctuary, the river calls to all who live here.
15:07On this lazy morning, Teddy nurses Tuffy.
15:28Only 18 months old, Tuffy still needs her mother's milk.
15:45Many mothers with cubs travel along this ridge where they can keep an eye out for other bears.
15:51This is Kootzie, one of Teddy's daughters, taking her first litter of cubs down to fish.
16:06Whether it's inexperience or just plain bad luck, Kootzie and her cubs have ended up in
16:11quite a spot.
16:16In order to avoid Teddy and Tuffy, they've become stranded on a tiny ledge.
16:23And it's a long way down.
16:33Season B means getting by Tuffy, and she's not about to make it easy for them.
16:51And Tuffy is only tough when Teddy's right behind her.
17:18Defeated, Kootzie is forced into a dangerous descent, hard for her and even harder for
17:44her cubs.
17:53She's immensely strong, and her claws give her a good grip on the loose sandstone.
18:11But the cubs could easily fall to their deaths.
18:18Luckily, they all make it down safely.
18:28But Tuffy isn't through with them yet.
18:36Accidentally on purpose, Tuffy sends down a few parting shots.
19:01Kootzie and her cubs finally arrive at the river, joining the other bears who've gathered.
19:09There's Creek Bear, the one on the left.
19:14He got his name because he's always the first to arrive at McVick Creek.
19:18He attempts to claim the females before other males show up.
19:27Checking by scent, he determines that this female is willing.
19:36He advances, prepared to mate.
19:57Grizzlies can mate for up to 45 minutes, if they're not disturbed.
20:19Creek Bear isn't so lucky.
20:41Another bear arrives on the scene and spoils the mood.
20:52Annoyed, Creek Bear swaggers over to the intruder.
21:05Anticipating trouble, Kootzie gets her cubs out of the way.
21:12But the intruder is another female, an estrus.
21:28Now real competition arrives.
21:46It's Larry.
21:47He too is looking for females.
22:00These two know each other well.
22:02They've been rivals for years.
22:04Creek Bear is younger, stronger, and bigger, but Larry has experience.
22:19Creek Bear rolls toward the challenge with the cowboy walk.
22:25Larry stands his ground.
22:30These bears don't really want to fight.
22:33They don't want to get hurt.
22:34But tension rises as each waits for the other to back down.
22:41Neither does.
23:03A little more aggressive posturing and it's over.
23:12Kootzie has seen enough and decides to leave.
23:22And the winner is Creek Bear.
23:24His strength gave him the edge.
23:28Now he resumes his search for females.
23:46Having guided her cubs out of danger, Kootzie teaches them another lesson.
23:51This time it's about what to eat.
23:58Birch grass is a favorite among bears, and they munch on it like it was a garden salad.
24:04Grizzlies have a healthy appetite for all kinds of plants and fruits to supplement their
24:14It's afternoon.
24:34Time for a siesta.
24:36Kootzie's cubs are eager to nurse.
24:39Just like Tuffy, they're 18 months old and still depend on their mother's milk.
25:09Now it's early July, and a change comes over the valley.
25:31It's time for the most exciting and important event of the summer, one that will affect
25:35each and every grizzly.
25:42This is the calm before the storm.
25:44The showdown is about to begin.
25:53Great schools of chum salmon are making their way to McNeil River.
25:57Most years they arrive in the tens of thousands.
26:04This is what the grizzlies have been waiting for, the banquet that brings them all together.
26:23Their arrival triggers great excitement.
26:43Teddy and Tuffy now make their way to the big river.
26:46Teddy knows through years of experience that the salmon are on their way.
26:57It's the beginning of their most important time together, for this is the summer that
27:02Tuffy will learn to fish on her own.
27:15Fishers are gathering from miles around, anticipating a never-ending feast.
27:45Driven by ageless instinct, the salmon must conquer the falls to reach their spawning
28:28When so many bears get together in one place, a showdown is in the making.
28:43These two, however, are not fighting.
28:46The falls is also a place for reunions.
28:49These bears are brothers who meet here year after year.
28:56But here comes Woofie.
28:58His arrival is bad news for the other bears.
29:01He never fishes for his supper.
29:04Woofie is a full-time thief.
29:11This bear has made a great catch, but as soon as he reaches the banks, Woofie is waiting
29:16for him.
29:27And one fish is never enough.
29:31Woofie is a fierce fighter and has the scars to prove it.
29:35Most bears back down and simply give him their fish.
29:38He's been getting away with it for years.
29:51So far, the salmon run has been disappointingly slow.
30:03Even some of the best fishermen are coming up empty-handed.
30:09But the bears aren't about to quit.
30:12This is still the best place for grizzlies.
30:22This extraordinary sight occurs only at McNeil River.
30:34Early in the season, the big dominant bears control the river and all the best fishing
30:40A mother with a cub is usually out of luck, unless she's Teddy.
30:51Teddy steers clear of the males and Tuffy sticks close to her side.
31:02The salmon are slow in coming.
31:04When Woofie steals another fish, tensions mount.
31:07Fights are breaking out all over the river.
31:37These fights are for more than food.
31:55They're for authority, status, and the rights to the best fishing spots.
32:01Every bear fights for dominance.
32:18The aftermath of a showdown.
32:21Most bears carry scars from battles at the falls.
32:28Ironically, catching a fish means giving up your hard-won spot, in order to eat in
33:01This three-year-old cub has come to the falls, too.
33:05It's her first summer alone, and she'll have no chance fishing with big bears around.
33:10This will be Tuffy's predicament next year.
33:22But for now, Tuffy basks in the comforting presence of her mother.
33:27Teddy, meanwhile, is waiting for just the right moment.
33:32Finally, Teddy makes her move.
33:42This is one of the worst positions at the falls.
33:44All the others are taken by males.
33:46But Teddy is very good at fishing.
33:49She's the only female with a cub to challenge the old boy network.
34:00Later in the season, when the males have had their fill and leave the falls, other mothers
34:04will come here to fish.
34:05But today, only Teddy dares to join the belligerent males.
34:21Poor Tuffy, skittish without her mother.
34:23The sight of a large male bear sends her scampering away.
34:37Always the good mother, Teddy goes to cajole her nervous daughter back down to the riverbank,
34:41where she can keep an eye on her.
34:55By this time of year, the bears are normally fat and relaxed, full to the brim with fresh
35:01But this season, the bears are edgy.
35:04The salmon haven't arrived as expected.
35:10Out in the open waters of Alaska, other predators are taking their fill, salmon sharks.
35:23At 12 feet and weighing 700 pounds, salmon sharks can decimate the salmon run.
35:38Some years, only a fraction of the salmon survive to find their way to McNeil River.
36:01All the bears can do is wait.
36:31Suddenly, Teddy spots something in the water.
36:56A small school of chum salmon have finally made it up the falls.
37:10By now, Teddy is desperate to catch a fish.
37:13She could eat 15 a day easily, but she's been here for hours and hasn't caught a single
37:21Teddy's yawn is a sign that she's stressed, too.
37:34And there's more bad news for Teddy.
37:37A hulking male named White Claws has just come from a fight.
37:42He's 15 years old and in his prime.
37:45His white claws are fearsome weapons.
37:48But the fight didn't go his way, and he's in a terrible mood.
38:00As Teddy fishes, she keeps a wary eye on White Claws.
38:08He obviously means her no good.
38:20If that wasn't enough, Earl muscles in on her fishing spot.
38:25He's an old male and has probably known Teddy all her life.
38:30He should know better than to challenge her.
38:54But White Claws is younger, less easily intimidated.
38:58She's also much bigger than Teddy.
39:04When she finally does catch a fish, she faces her biggest challenge.
39:10White Claws is waiting for her.
39:30Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
40:00no, no, no, no.
40:13Teddy's precious catch escapes downstream with white claws fumbling after it.
40:41With white claws preoccupied, Teddy makes another amazing catch.
40:45She races away with it before white claws can react.
40:55Tuffy runs to greet her, but the cub can see what her mother can't.
41:02When Teddy realizes white claws is still on her trail, she bolts down her fish.
41:31By the time he arrives, it's too late.
41:34But there's nothing left for Tuffy either.
41:37Teddy returns to the river once more.
41:40She's nothing if not tenacious.
41:57Tuffy watches her mother fish.
41:59What she learns now will help her survive in summers to come.
42:03This time next year, she'll have to find her own food.
42:14Teddy makes another spectacular catch.
42:26Finally, mother and daughter can share a meal together in safety.
42:56Another mother bear, Raleigh, shows up with her three first-year cubs.
43:18But she's out of luck.
43:20By now the males are usually long gone, but since there's been a drastic shortage of salmon
43:24this summer, the males are still at the falls, and they're all in a bad mood.
43:32Disappointed, Raleigh leads her cubs away.
43:45There is a place, however, for mothers like Raleigh.
43:48Below the falls, the fishing isn't as good, but there aren't big males around either to
43:52bully a mother and her cubs.
44:11These exhausted chum salmon are spawning at the end of their life's journey.
44:21Their muscles are breaking down, and they spend the last of their energy laying eggs.
44:27Once this is done, they will die.
44:40Two-year-old cubs can practice their fishing skills on these slow-moving salmon.
44:51Fish kills from upstream also provide them with much-needed calories.
44:55The summer is ending soon, and no bear can afford to be picky.
45:09With a beginner's luck, this two-year-old cub manages a catch, even if it's only a fishhead.
45:26A bonus find, a whole dead fish.
45:35Cubs fishing here are far from the stresses of the falls and the big males.
45:58Cubs even get a chance to play.
46:07Raleigh has made it here, too.
46:09She shares the last bits of fish with her family as the season slowly comes to an end.
46:36It's now late August, autumn in Alaska.
46:50The grass and flowers have gone to seed, and there's a chill in the air that speaks of
46:55the coming winter.
46:59The sedge grass lacks the proteins that were so important to the bears earlier in the season.
47:20At the end of a disappointing season, time is running out.
47:24There are still a few males at the best fishing spots, but they're not catching much.
47:34Tuffy tries her hand at fishing, but there aren't enough fish to make it worthwhile.
47:38All the same, she's privileged to have the chance.
47:44Teddy's presence on the bank keeps her cubs safe among the big males who would otherwise
47:48attack her.
47:54But it's difficult for the cub to concentrate while other bears constantly keep up the pressure
47:58on her and her mother.
48:05Faced with the threat of aggression, Tuffy goes to her mother for comfort.
48:24Woofie is still here.
48:26He's reduced to fishing for himself since there are a few bears left to steal from.
48:36And Larry lingers behind to practice his own style of submarine fishing.
49:06When Woofie sees that he's been successful, he moves in for the umpteenth time this summer
49:11and casually relieves Larry of the remains of his meal.
49:26Despite his scars, Woofie is in good condition.
49:29But as the years go by, he will inevitably begin to fail.
49:34Sooner rather than later, one of the other males will take over as top bear.
49:41Meanwhile, Teddy and Tuffy share the last of the season's fishing.
49:47They'll den together through the long months of the coming winter, and their bond is as
49:52strong as it will ever be.
49:59Then, like a gift from the river, a fish nearly lands in their laps.
50:21It's their last fish before hibernation, and they savor every mouthful.
50:26In times of plenty, they'd eat just the choicest parts, but this summer's been hard.
50:31They eat the whole fish, fins and all.
50:46One last remaining male arrives on the scene.
51:11It's old Earl, and although she fought him off earlier in the season, Teddy has no desire
51:16to go another round.
51:41This season was the turning point in Tuffy's life.
51:48Her survival will depend on everything she's learned here at McNeil River.
51:54Everything Teddy has taught her.
51:56Next summer, mother and daughter will go their separate ways, and Tuffy will be all alone.
52:11To learn more about what you've seen on this nature program, visit PBS online at PBS.org,
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