The Double Life Of A Billionaire Heiress P3

  • 2 months ago
The Double Life Of A Billionaire Heiress P3
00:00Working with your ex-husband.
00:02I've always admired Wes's ferocity when it comes to business.
00:06I think you two would be a great fit for Blancourt.
00:08I really don't think that that's necessary.
00:10I'll do just fine on my own.
00:12Will you?
00:12Because all I see is you getting into trouble everywhere you go.
00:14And all I see is you embarrassing yourself and bringing someone like Eve around.
00:17Okay, okay, okay.
00:20Clearly there's still something brewing between you two,
00:23but I'll let you settle that on your own time.
00:26Here's my stance.
00:28Either we work together in a three-way partnership,
00:32or we don't work together at all.
00:36If I don't pay this client, my father will waste no time marrying me off again.
00:47Now, I think we ought to celebrate our new partnership and your blossoming friendship.
00:54But first, I've got a little idea in mind.
01:00And now, to kick off our party,
01:03a dance from my newest business partners,
01:07Wes Sterling and Kyra Mitchell.
01:17That's okay.
01:18If you must.
01:21So, you gonna tell me what else you've been keeping from me?
01:28I'm gonna assume that you learned all this from Micah.
01:31Car, job, investments.
01:34Is that what you think of me? That I would dishonor our marriage?
01:38You're with him all the time, Kyra. What the hell else am I supposed to think?
01:41If I didn't know any better, I'd say you might be jealous.
01:46You know, I think you're the jealous one.
01:48Showing up everywhere I go, getting into business deals with me.
01:56If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're still in love with me.
01:59I can't do this.
02:21Kyra, Kyra, wait.
02:23I hope you're happy playing with my feelings and embarrassing me in front of everyone.
02:26Look, I wasn't playing with your feelings and I didn't mean to embarrass you.
02:29What then? You kissed me, Wes.
02:31Yeah, I did. So what? Why is that embarrassing?
02:33Because you're with someone else. You left me.
02:36I didn't leave you. You left me.
02:38For someone richer and younger and...
02:40No, I didn't. It is not what you think.
02:42Then tell me what it is. Just explain it.
02:44I can't.
02:46I can't. Not to you. You just, you don't understand.
02:49You're right. I don't.
02:54I still don't understand why I want to do this.
03:07God, I miss you, honey.
03:08I miss you, too.
03:09Kyra, I never stopped seeing you.
03:11Shut up.
03:18Wes, babe, where are you?
03:22You should go back to your girlfriend, Wes.
03:25This was a mistake.
03:27Kyra, come on.
03:31So, that's why you're always turning me down. I knew it.
03:35I'm not in the mood, Mr. Banks.
03:37I saw you kiss Wes. Everyone did.
03:40Look, I don't want to talk about it.
03:42You're still in love with him?
03:44That's really unfortunate, since he's moved on.
03:47And what? You're just playing pretend with your brother?
03:51It's Kyra and Glenn.
03:53I forget. Who are you with these days?
03:56Just leave me alone, Eve.
03:58Well, I would have. I mean, date around and sleep around all you want.
04:02Are you done?
04:13Wes, I'm just worried about you.
04:16No, you're not. You're trying to embarrass Kyra, and I'm not going to let you do that.
04:20Why? She cheated on you and then left you.
04:23I'm the only one who's ever loved just you.
04:26That doesn't change the fact that she's the only person that I've ever loved.
04:30Even if she doesn't love me anymore.
04:34Wes? Wes, wait!
04:37It's not what you think.
04:39Look, a cure got in my head.
04:41You're turning me against Kyra this whole time to try and break up our marriage?
04:45No! No, that's crazy.
04:47I don't want any more of your lies, Eve.
04:49Look, Kyra never loved you, okay? She married you for the money, but I...
04:52I don't know how much you mean to me, Eve, but I am done listening to you.
05:03I'm just worried about you.
05:05No, you're not. You're trying to embarrass Kyra, and I'm not going to let you do that.
05:09Why? She cheated on you and then left you.
05:12I'm the only one who's ever loved just you.
05:15That doesn't change the fact that she's the only person that I've ever loved.
05:18Even if she doesn't love me anymore.
05:22Wes? Wes, wait!
05:25It's not what you think.
05:27Look, a cure got in my head.
05:29Were you turning me against Kyra this whole time to try and break up our marriage?
05:33No! No, that's crazy.
05:35I don't want any more of your lies, Eve.
05:37Look, Kyra never loved you, okay? She married you for the money, but I...
05:40I don't know how much you mean to me, Eve, but I am done listening to you.
05:49I am done listening to you.
06:01Why did you divorce me?
06:03That's a ridiculous question, Wes.
06:05Just tell me.
06:07You know why. You stopped paying attention to me.
06:09You believed every stupid lie that Eve told you, and you let your family treat me like shit.
06:13Who wouldn't want a divorce?
06:15The family thing, it's complicated, alright?
06:17There are reasons why things are the way they are.
06:19And you know that Eve was never more than a sister to me.
06:22And I'm the one who stopped paying attention.
06:24You're still seeing the guy that you cheated on me with, and apparently he's just one of many.
06:28I told you it's not like that!
06:30Then tell me what it's like!
06:33Tonight was a mistake.
06:35Just like our marriage.
06:38God damn it!
06:40What the hell does Kyra want?
06:42Man, I don't get it.
06:44I can't believe you don't see it.
06:46She still loves you, bro.
06:47But she cheated on me.
06:49I saw it with my own eyes.
06:51And the way Micah treats her, and she loves him, he loves her.
06:57I don't know, I always thought she was a sweet woman and a good wife, but...
07:01She makes you feel this sad, you...
07:03You just gotta get over her.
07:05Trust me, I've tried.
07:07Well, you gotta try harder.
07:08Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.
07:09Hey, look at this girl.
07:12Guess you don't have to try that hard.
07:15I'm not interested.
07:16Yeah, you are.
07:18I said I'm...
07:19Excuse me.
07:22Uh, do you see my handsome friend at the bar over there?
07:25He would love to buy you a drink.
07:29Ah, sorry about my friend.
07:31He gets a little drunk sometimes, and he...
07:34I'm Amy.
07:36I'm a writer, and you look like quite the character.
07:41Do I?
07:45What are you drinking, Amy?
07:47A mojito.
07:51You're right, Amy.
07:52I'm a writer.
07:53I'm a writer.
07:54I'm a writer.
07:56Can I get a mojito for my friend and another brandy for me?
08:02I'm Wes.
08:03So, Wes.
08:06Who hurt you?
08:09Hey, whoever it is, I can help you forget her.
08:15Look, I can't do this.
08:17I'm sorry.
08:18No matter what she thinks, I still...
08:20I still feel like her husband.
08:22I still feel like her husband.
08:27I'm sorry.
08:30What are you doing?
08:33Jeez, man.
08:36I have to say, I am more than a little wary of your collaboration with Wes Sterling.
08:41I don't want you to get close with him again, especially after that scene you caused last night.
08:45When is my baby sister not causing a scene?
08:47Baby sister?
08:49Believe me, I'm not a fan of Wes myself.
08:52But, I mean, if we want Voracorp, I have to put my preferences aside.
08:57I always thought you would be my little spoiled daughter who got everything she wanted,
09:02but I see you've learned and you've grown.
09:07Had to at some point.
09:11Oh, I knew she had it in her.
09:14Do I have it in me?
09:15I'm not sure what you're talking about.
09:24What are you doing?
09:26When were you going to tell me that you're a Murphy?
09:32When were you going to tell me that you're a Murphy?
09:34I wasn't planning on ever telling you.
09:37So you're just going to let me think that you cheated on me?
09:40What's a marriage without trust?
09:41Okay, don't talk about trust when you've been lying to me since the day that we met.
09:45What are you doing in here anyway?
09:47I was coming to talk to you before the board meeting.
09:49To apologize.
09:50To talk about us, but there is no us, is there?
09:53That's not true.
09:54You wouldn't even tell me who you really are, Kira.
09:56Why would you lie about being the heiress to the richest family in the city?
10:00All this time, all these years, I thought that you needed me.
10:03I thought that I gave you the world, and it turns out this whole goddamn time you were a billionaire.
10:07Was I just some kind of joke to you?
10:10I never wanted your money.
10:11That's not the point, Kira.
10:13I feel like...
10:14God, I feel like a goddamn fool.
10:16I feel like I married a stranger.
10:18I mean, I thought that you needed me, but...
10:20I did need you, Wes.
10:22And I loved you.
10:23I gave this all up because I loved you.
10:25That's who you married.
10:27What do you mean?
10:29I gave up my family, my fortune, everything to be with you instead of someone my father wanted me to marry.
10:36How could I tell you that?
10:38How could I let you carry that burden?
10:47How could I tell you that?
10:49How could I let you carry that burden?
10:54Do you regret it?
10:57Regret what?
10:59Sacrificing it all to be with me.
11:03Do you regret it, marrying me?
11:07I don't know.
11:08Then why did you give it up so easily?
11:10I thought that you were cheating on me with Micah.
11:13And even when I did, divorce never once crossed my mind.
11:16You wanted that, not me.
11:18He is my brother, Wes.
11:20And no matter what you say, Eve is not your sister.
11:23How many times do I have to tell you I didn't cheat with her?
11:26Okay, I have to go.
11:29I'll tell the board we can't work together.
11:31Who says that we can't?
11:34Kira, I'm not going anywhere.
11:37And I'm not letting you get away from me again.
11:40We can do this.
11:52Didn't they kiss?
11:54Kira, I was there, so unprofessional.
11:56This should be illegal.
11:59This is how much Daniel Prescott agreed to pay us as soon as I signed him as a client.
12:03The only catch is he would like a three-way partnership with Wes and the Sterling Corporation.
12:08Really? Why do I feel like you just want a chance to get back with your rich ex-husband?
12:13You did kiss him at a professional function.
12:15Those were Daniel's terms.
12:17It's got nothing to do with us.
12:19This is ridiculous.
12:21All you know how to do is look pretty and sleep with executives.
12:24Look, I'm not letting some random nobody turn this company into a soap opera.
12:28Hey, I don't have to sleep with anybody in my own company.
12:31My name is Kira Murphy, and I know what the hell I'm doing.
12:35My name is Kira Murphy, and I know what the hell I'm doing.
12:37Oh, Kira Mitchell.
12:40You seem to have forgotten your own name.
12:42You are a Mitchell, not a Murphy.
12:45I wouldn't be so sure if I were you.
12:47I don't like it when people disrespect my baby sister.
12:49Baby sister?
12:50Murphy Enterprises was always a family affair.
12:53You think we put a random nobody in charge of our most profitable subsidiary?
12:58Well, in that case, Ms. Murphy, about everything you said...
13:02Two options here.
13:04One, you agreed to the terms of the partnership, and you help this company grow.
13:07Or two, you keep talking trash about me and take this company down with you.
13:10I'm so sorry, Ms. Murphy. I had no idea.
13:13These terms sound acceptable.
13:16Oh, one last thing.
13:18All in favor of removing these two from the board?
13:30You can't do that!
13:31Oh, she just did.
13:33No way.
13:42God, I am so screwed.
13:44Kira, what do you mean? That was extremely badass.
13:46No, I promised my dad I wouldn't reveal my identity, prove that I can do this on my own, but now I just...
13:53You know what? Never mind.
13:55It's not important.
13:56Hey, whatever happens with your father, we're gonna deal with it together.
14:12You're gonna break my heart if you call this a mistake after.
14:25Ms. Mitchell?
14:36Ms. Mitchell?
14:37Wow, wow, what do we have here?
14:44Ms. Mitchell?
14:45Wow, wow, what do we have here?
14:49Uh, Wes and I were just talking business. You know, we landed the Voracorp account today.
14:53What are you doing here?
14:54Oh, I was just coming to invite dear Kira out for dinner, but it seems she's occupied.
14:59Yeah, yeah, she will be. I don't want you coming anywhere near her or the Murphy family.
15:03Oh, you found out, did you? Is that why you're clinging to her again instead of throwing her off away?
15:09Hey, my relationship with Wes is none of your business. My relationships in general, in fact, are none of your business.
15:16If the door is that way, do not make me call security.
15:19We'll see what your father has to say about that. I never liked Wes Sterling, and I was always a fan of his.