KYGO_ Sundae Conversation with Caleb Pressley

  • 3 months ago


00:00International DJ and incredible pianist, Kygo.
00:06That's right.
00:07Where in Norway are you from?
00:09It's Bergen, on the west coast.
00:11Does that bother you, that Americans try to claim burgers as American cuisine?
00:17I don't think burgers are from Bergen, but if they was...
00:21Where do you think they're from?
00:22Hamburg, maybe?
00:24Hamburgers are from Hamburg.
00:27Where are hot dogs from?
00:29I have no clue, man. No clue.
00:31Is it true that in Norway, in the summer sometimes, there's only one hour of darkness?
00:37It's true, yeah.
00:38Northern Norway, there's basically no darkness.
00:40The sun never goes down.
00:42Do you feel like you have enough time to rob?
00:44If that was what I was doing...
00:46Hands up!
00:48You say that a lot, don't you?
00:50I say it all the time.
00:51How do you say it?
00:52Put your fucking hands up!
00:53Maybe, like, louder.
00:55I was screaming more from stage.
00:56How do you think you'd do in jail?
00:58Not good.
00:59You think there's a lot of penis in jail?
01:05That can get tricky, can't it?
01:06It can be pretty tricky, I think, yeah.
01:09You guys like to be in the sauna. Is that true?
01:12We do. I think it's more Finland that loves saunas.
01:15Finnish saunas.
01:16Finnish saunas.
01:17Swedish massage.
01:18Swedish massage.
01:19So you guys don't even have anything cool.
01:20We have, you know, just nature.
01:22Is saying that you have a lot of nature another way of saying you don't have any buildings?
01:26We have some old, like...
01:28There's some, like, wooden churches.
01:30There's some nice stuff you can see.
01:33Trolls. Have you heard about them?
01:36Sometimes people say Gleeball's a troll.
01:40Maybe a descendant of some...
01:43A descendant of a troll?
01:44That's the meanest thing anyone's ever said to me.
01:47I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
01:50Were your ancestors Vikings?
01:52I haven't checked my family tree. I don't think it goes back that far, as I know.
01:57Do you think the Vikings would do anything without cousins?
01:59With your cousins?
02:02I have no clue.
02:03Is it true that you not only celebrate, but you throw a party every September 11th?
02:13Well, it is my birthday, so...
02:14Is it true or not?
02:15Not for, you know, other reasons.
02:17What other reasons?
02:18Uh, you know, stuff that's going on in the world.
02:21But you party every day. Every day of the calendar year, you party. That's your lifestyle.
02:25Because I've got to look at it as a job as well. I can't really...
02:28You know who else's job it is to perform at parties?
02:34What's worse for you to play, funerals or circumcisions?
02:39I haven't played neither of those, so...
02:41Oh, you don't believe in circumcision?
02:43I'm not saying I don't believe...
02:44Is that just a religious thing, or that's just a personal preference?
02:46I don't care.
02:47I'm not saying I don't believe it. I'm just saying, do you have like a...
02:50Is there like a party for that?
02:52That's a good question.
02:53If you were going to play one song for a circumcision, what would it be?
02:59It's way too hot and you need to cut it.
03:01I like that one. That one. That one.
03:04Sometimes Glitter Balls impresses me.
03:07Do you mind if we do a new segment presented by Pink Whitney?
03:11Let's go.
03:12Do you like to read?
03:13I read from time to time.
03:17How do you deal with disobedient fans?
03:20I don't necessarily...
03:21No, but fans, if you say, 3, 2, 1, everybody jump, and they don't jump, how do you beat their ass?
03:27I get pissed off.
03:28You get pissed off?
03:30That piss you off?
03:31I look at their face, I recognize their face, and I find them on social media and I send them like a hate message.