• vor 3 Monaten
Im Jahre 2034 grassiert ein tödliches Virus, dass die Weltbevölkerung auszulöschen droht. Doch Dr. John Fig erfindet rechtzeitig eine Impfung dagegen, die sofort in jedem Land der Welt zur Pflicht wird. Die Sache hat nur einen Haken: Ist man geimpft, verliert man sofort die Fähigkeit zu surfen und mehr noch: jegliche Erinnerung an Surfen an sich. Profisurfer werden zu arbeitslosen Landstreichern. Kann der Surf-Gott Hughie den Sport in The Greatest Surf Movie in the Universe retten?
00:00What's going down here? I am making the sickest cones on the planet, but we're all the surfers gone. It's a disaster mate.
00:12Oh, they're still around. They just don't remember their surfers anymore. Fuck sticks.
00:18We need a hero. You mean someone like him?
00:22Mick Fanning!
00:24Tell him to get his crew together to make the greatest surf movie in the universe.
00:28If he fails, I'm gonna melt his fucking face off.
00:34Mick, I've been sent here to give you a mission to save surfing.
00:38Let's do this. Get fucked!
00:41Away, hot unicorn.
00:44Mason! Wilco!
00:45Ando! Do you remember me?
00:48Oh, yes.
00:50Okay guys, so...
00:53What are you on, Aunt Mick?
00:56I got this.
00:58Hey, stop ruining my horse.
01:02Oh shit.
01:03Come at me, bro.
01:07You failed, boys.
01:09Unless you've got a time machine, surfing is lost.
01:15Time to end this shit.
01:22This is the best.
01:24Are you kidding me?
01:26Remember, the future of surfing is depending on us.
01:41That is dead set. The worst movie I've ever seen in my life.
