Tywyn Hospital is subject of Senedd Petition Committee discussion

  • 2 months ago
00:004.1 which is now updates to previous petitions and the reopening of Duffy
00:07Ward at Toyne Hospital now. The submitter is Jane Eleanor Seddon Baraclow and
00:14there are 1,314 signatures online and 4,214 signatures on paper, a total of
00:225,528 signatures. The constituency is Merionwyth in North Wales
00:30and in terms of where we are at with that I would like to ask Rhys to discuss
00:38further the petition and any actions you wish the committee to take, Rhys.
00:47This is the fourth time we've considered this petition, this very important
00:54petition. We've had response from the Health Board saying that some further
00:59appointments of medical staff have been made but there's no date yet for when
01:06they can start and subsequently there's no date for when the ward can reopen.
01:14Naturally the petitioner is very frustrated with the response received
01:20by the Health Board and very critical of actions taken by the Health Board. Can I
01:26suggest that we shouldn't close this petition? I know we've discussed it on
01:31four occasions but until we have a firm date with regards to reopening the ward
01:37I don't think we should close the petition. Can I suggest that we write
01:44again to the Health Board asking when can we receive a firm date for the
01:52reopening of the ward and can we thank the petitioner for her engagement with
02:03us as a committee and for raising this very important issue with us.
02:07Diolch yn fawr.
02:08Diolch yn fawr Rhys, thank you very much. Any other members wish to comment?
02:14Yes, thank you very much. So we're going to write again to clarify where
02:21exactly the recruitment process is as has been said by Rhys and we will keep
02:27that petition open and again I would like to thank the petitioner for the
02:32resilience and persistence in this matter so thank you for that.
02:36I'm going to move to item 4.2 PO61365 to reopen railway lines to connect the
02:42north and south of Wales. Submitter Elfedwynn Ap Elwynn.
