Biden: "Ich bin gut in Form"

  • vor 3 Monaten
US-Präsident Joe Biden hat beteuert, in "guter gesundheitlicher Verfassung" zu sein. Er habe nur ein kleines Problem mit seinem linken Fuß, erklärt Biden bei einer Pressekonferenz am Rande des Nato-Gipfels in Washington.


00:00I've taken three significant and intense neurological exams by a neurologist.
00:12In each case, as recently as February.
00:15And they say I'm in good shape.
00:18Although I do have a little problem with my left foot because it's not as sensitive because I broke my foot and didn't wear the boot.
00:25But I'm good.
00:29I'm tested every single day about my neurological capacity.
00:33The decisions I make every day.
