Argo, You Lucky Dog

  • 2 months ago
by Maggie Smith
00:00For Stephen Argo, you lucky dog!
00:09By Maggie Smith It was just another Monday.
00:13Argo was making his downtown rounds to see what people might have dropped in the early
00:18morning bustle.
00:20Nothing much he thought as she picked up a shiny red bottle cap a sugar packet and an
00:25old lottery ticket.
00:28When he got home, Bob and Glynis were packing up the car.
00:32Sorry pal, it's a business trip said Bob.
00:36Can't take you with us this time.
00:39There's five days worth of food said Glynis.
00:43Don't eat it all at once.
00:45You be a good dog.
00:47We'll see you Friday night.
00:50What am I going to do by myself for five whole days?
00:55Argo wondered as he watched the car disappear.
00:58He decided to read the paper.
01:01On page three he read this notice.
01:04Winning Lotto Ticket Still Missing.
01:07Officials Seek The Jackpot Winner.
01:10Argo remembered the ticket he'd found earlier.
01:14He picked it up and trotted down to Mimi's.
01:17The woman behind the counter looked at the ticket and fed it through the lottery machine.
01:23She made a quiet phone call, then she turned back to Argo.
01:28Well she said.
01:30This is a most unusual situation, but you certainly do have the winning ticket.
01:36The money will be delivered to your house this afternoon.
01:40Argo went home to wait.
01:42A few hours later, Argo's fortune arrived in seventeen ten-pound sacks.
01:49He stored them as quickly as possible.
01:52But it took the rest of the day.
01:54By evening he was hungrier than usual, so he ate one-and-a-half suppers.
02:00Then he went to bed and dreamed of how he'd spent his fortune.
02:05The next morning Argo was horrified to see the mess he'd made of the yard.
02:10I'll have to do something about this he thought.
02:14It's a good thing I won the lottery.
02:17It was a full day's work.
02:19But Argo was pleaded with the results.
02:22Glynnis will love it.
02:24He thought as he sniffed the red roses.
02:28He ate another one-and-a-half suppers and went to bed.
02:32Wednesday was bright and sunny.
02:35As Argo admired the new yard.
02:38He couldn't help but notice how drab the house looked in comparison.
02:43Im going to fix that he decided.
02:46It took all day.
02:48By dinner time Argo was so hungry he ate the two remaining suppers.
02:53Then he went to bed.
02:55When Argo got up on Thursday morning he didn't recognize himself.
03:00Boy, do I need a bath, he thought.
03:04He'd always found Bob and Glynnis's bathtub a bit small for an enjoyable wash, but he
03:10had an idea.
03:12Bob will love it, he thought as he took the first plunge.
03:16After his long swim Argo was famished.
03:20But his food bowls were all empty.
03:23He decided to order out.
03:25Oh my thought Argo when the food arrived.
03:29It's more than I expected.
03:31I think I'll need some help.
03:34He called over a few friends.
03:37Friday morning Argo awoke with a start.
03:41Look at this mess he thought.
03:43I've got to get it cleaned up before Bob and Glynnis get home.
03:48Easy come easy go Argo thought as he spent his last dollar.
03:52The sun was just setting when Bob and Glynnis came home.
03:56Hello, my sweet Argo said Glynnis.
04:00We missed you so much.
04:02I see you kept yourself busy while we were away Bob added.
04:07And they all went inside for their supper.