حضرت عیسی علیہ السلام اور تین روٹیوں کا واقعہ

  • 2 months ago
اسلامک معلومات اسلامک وظائف اسلامک احادیث
00:00Hazrat Isa A.S. took one of his disciples with him and set out on a journey.
00:09On the way, he stopped at a place and asked the disciple,
00:13Do you have anything in your pocket?
00:15The disciple said, I have two Dirhams.
00:19Hazrat Isa A.S. took out a Dirham from his pocket and gave it to him and said,
00:26These will become three Dirhams.
00:28The population is nearby.
00:30You bring three Dirhams from there.
00:33He went and took three Dirhams.
00:36On the way, he started thinking,
00:39Hazrat Isa A.S. had given one Dirham and two Dirhams were mine,
00:45while there are three Rotis.
00:47Hazrat Isa A.S. will eat half of these Rotis and I will get half of the Rotis.
00:53Therefore, it is better that I eat one Roti first.
00:58So, he ate one Roti on the way and took two Rotis and went to Hazrat Isa A.S.
01:05Hazrat Isa A.S. ate one Roti and asked him,
01:10How many Rotis did you get for three Dirhams?
01:13He said, O Prophet of Allah, I got two Rotis.
01:18One you ate and one I ate.
01:22Hazrat Isa A.S. left from there.
01:25On the way, a river came.
01:28The disciple was surprised and asked,
01:30O Prophet of Allah, how will we cross the river when there is no boat here?
01:38Hazrat Isa A.S. said,
01:41Don't worry, I will go ahead.
01:44You hold my shoulder and follow me.
01:47If God wills, we will cross the river.
01:52Therefore, Hazrat Isa A.S. stepped into the river
01:57and the disciple also held his shoulder.
02:01By the command of Allah,
02:03you crossed the river in such a way that your feet did not get wet.
02:08Seeing this, the disciple said,
02:12My thousands of lives are sacrificed for you.
02:15A man like you has never been seen before.
02:20Hazrat Isa A.S. said,
02:23Seeing this miracle, did your faith increase?
02:27He said, Yes, my heart is filled with light.
02:31Then Hazrat Isa A.S. said,
02:34If your heart is filled with light, then tell me how many Rotis were there?
02:40He said, O Prophet of Allah, there were only two Rotis.
02:46Then Hazrat Isa A.S. went ahead.
02:50On the way, a herd of deer was passing by.
02:54Hazrat Isa A.S. pointed at a deer.
02:57It came to you.
02:59You slaughtered it and ate its meat and also fed the disciple.
03:05After eating both the meat,
03:07Hazrat Isa A.S. knocked on its skin and said,
03:12Be alive by the command of Allah.
03:15The deer came back to life,
03:17and went to meet the other deer again.
03:22The disciple was amazed to see this miracle and said,
03:27It is Allah's grace that He gave me a Prophet and a teacher like you.
03:34Hazrat Isa A.S. said,
03:38Seeing this miracle, your faith increased a little.
03:42The disciple said, O Prophet of Allah,
03:46My faith has already doubled.
03:49Hazrat Isa A.S. said,
03:52Then tell me how many Rotis were there?
03:56The disciple said, O Prophet of Allah, there were only two Rotis.
04:01Both went on their way.
04:04What do you see?
04:06There are three golden bricks on the side of a mountain.
04:10The Prophet said,
04:12O disciple, one brick is mine and one brick is yours.
04:17And the third brick belongs to the man who ate the third Roti.
04:22Hearing this, the disciple said with shame,
04:25Hazrat, I ate the third Roti.
04:29Hazrat Isa A.S. left the greedy disciple and said,
04:35You take the three bricks.
04:38Saying this, Hazrat Isa A.S. left from there.
04:42And the greedy disciple sat near the bricks and thought,
04:46How to take them home?
04:49Meanwhile, three robbers passed by.
04:53They saw that a man had three golden bricks.
04:57They killed him and said to each other,
05:01There are three bricks and there are three of us.
05:04Therefore, each person will get one brick.
05:08Coincidentally, the three robbers were hungry.
05:12They gave money to a man and said,
05:15The city is near.
05:17You get Rotis from there.
05:19After that, we will divide our share.
05:23That man went to get Rotis.
05:26And started thinking in his heart,
05:29If I mix poison in the Rotis,
05:31Then both the companions will die.
05:33And all three bricks will be mine.
05:36There, his two companions consulted each other,
05:41That if we kill our companion,
05:44Then we will get one and a half bricks.
05:48When his third companion came with poisoned Rotis,
05:52They attacked him according to the plan and killed him.
05:57Then when they ate Rotis,
06:00They both died of poison.
06:03On the way back,
06:05When Jesus passed by,
06:08He saw that the bricks were kept as they were,
06:11While he had four dead bodies.
06:14Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said,
06:20This is how the world treats its lovers.
06:27My dear friends,
06:29The one who loves the world,
06:32The one who loves the world,
06:34The one who considers this temporary world as his own,
06:38This is the result of that.
