حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام کے چند واقعات

  • 3 months ago
اسلامک معلومات اسلامک وظائف اسلامک احادیث


00:00Surah Al-Anbiya, Ayat 87
00:06And remember David and Solomon,
00:09when they were deciding about the field,
00:12that some people's goats had been grazed in it.
00:15And we were present in their decision.
00:18It happened that two men were neighbors.
00:21There was a quarrel among them.
00:23One of them had a field.
00:25He had grown crops in it.
00:27The other had some goats.
00:29The shepherd of the goats used to close the door of the wall at night
00:33so that the goats do not come out and harm the crops.
00:37One day he forgot to close the door.
00:40The goats came to the field and started grazing.
00:42The crops were spoiled.
00:44Both came to David.
00:46They presented their case.
00:48David was also a judge.
00:50At that time, Solomon had gone somewhere.
00:53David heard the case and said,
00:56This is the result of the laziness of the shepherd of the goats.
00:58The solution to this is that he takes your goats in his possession.
01:02When both teams came out,
01:04they met Solomon.
01:06He listened to the details and said,
01:08Come with me.
01:10He brought them to David.
01:13And said,
01:14The better decision of this case is that
01:17these goats should be given to the landowner.
01:19And the land to the shepherd of the goats.
01:21When the shepherd of the goats will grow the land in the first condition,
01:24then you return both their things to him.
01:26During this time, the landowner will continue to benefit from the milk of the goats.
01:31This decision is much better.
01:33So the shepherd of the goats was not deprived of his goats at all.
01:36And the loss of the landowner was completed.
01:39This decision was explained to you by Allah.
01:42Allah Almighty says in Surah Al-Anbiya, verse 89,
01:46We explained to Solomon his right decision.
01:50Yes, we gave everyone knowledge and wisdom.
02:20So he gave the decision in his favor.
02:22Solomon asked permission from David.
02:26He said,
02:27Can I decide on this case?
02:29He gave permission.
02:31Solomon said to the woman,
02:33Give me the child.
02:35He took the child in his hand and drew a sword.
02:38And said to both women,
02:40I will cut it into two pieces and divide it equally between you both.
02:45Hearing this, the older woman said,
02:48While the younger woman shouted because of her motherhood,
02:51You let him live and give him.
02:54Hearing this, Solomon said,
02:57You are his mother.
02:59Because of which he could not bear to see the pieces of his child.
03:02Then the child was given to him.
03:04The third incident of Solomon is as follows in the Qur'an.
03:08Surah An-Naml, verses 17 and 18.
03:12And before Solomon were gathered all his army of jinn, man, and birds.
03:18Every kind was set up separately.
03:21When they reached the field of the ants,
03:23An ant said,
03:25O ants, go into your own houses.
03:28So that Solomon and his army do not kill you unknowingly.
03:33All those armies were gathered.
03:36Allah Almighty made Solomon hear this from the ant.
03:41Surah An-Naml, verses 19.
03:44Upon hearing this, Solomon smiled and laughed.
03:47And he began to pray,
03:49O Lord,
03:50Give me the ability to thank You for those blessings
03:54which You have bestowed upon me.
03:56And I will do such good deeds
03:59which will make You happy.
04:00And include me among Your pious servants with Your mercy.
