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00:00Some breaking news to bring you now and it's been confirmed by the Spanish Civil Guard that the search
00:06has been called off to find the missing British teenager Jay Slater. That news that's just come in.
00:12Well let's go straight to our correspondent Nick Garnett who is in Tenerife and who has been
00:17following this story. Nick just bring us up today on what exactly the Civil Guard has told us.
00:25Well yesterday they carried out a large search of the area. They wanted to create as many people as
00:31they possibly could. They brought in voluntary fire service from nearby towns, civil guards,
00:37national police. They had a helicopter flying and they also had other equipment in the area.
00:44However nothing was found in that search and now the decision's been taken to step down the search.
00:49The Civil Guards say that if new information comes to light and is brought to their attention
00:54that they will investigate that as a matter of course. They also say that the family have been
00:59informed of the position. Now Jay's father was at the search yesterday along with Jay's older
01:06brother. They will have probably been informed at that point that this was happening. It had been
01:11suggested that this might be the point at which the search is stepped back. That they had done
01:16everything they possibly could. This is like searching for a needle in a haystack. It is
01:22incredibly difficult. It's a very rough and rural terrain with huge amounts of problems for getting
01:30around and actually searching. And the situation is that despite two weeks of searching nothing
01:36has been found which points to where Jay actually is.